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Posts posted by hailouyin17

  1. Hi everyone! Finally, I got the time to post. Been back to lurking mode since work has caught up with me. My summer vacation's nearly over. Reading all the posts on group project, JY fans irking some of us (me included), ZZ in Japan, I am just thankful that I am part of this forum. 

    Oh by the way, I was able to get a Weibo account even if I'm from the Philippines. I used my Facebook to create an account using my iPad Pro. I tried it in my iPhone for several times but it was always a failure. Then, the miracle happened. My iPhone has also recognised my weibo account since then. Pure luck? or the JYZZ gods and goddesses have answered my prayers.

    Hope to catch up. Thank you for those who regularly update the forum. 

    P.S.: For those who want to read the Addicted Novel in Chinese source text is here: http://addicted-novel.wikia.com/wiki/Addicted_Novel_Wikia

    It's in Chinese though, so what I did was to translate the whole document in Google Translate page and then open another tab with Google translate and then copy the chapters I wanted to read about. It hurt my head but I was able to get the gist of the chapters. So, if you want you may also do it. :)

    • Like 1
  2. 4 minutes ago, aeislaeigh said:


    Credit:  yatinn_



    I tried looking for the photo of @Ariodante's post but can't find it.. not sure if I was able to save but I've seen it before though... SIGH


     I was like! F***! My day is complete! 

    3 minutes ago, Addict_E said:

    No one seems to have mentioned here but I've read yesterday from Baidu's YuZhou Tieba (百度瑜洲贴吧) that the necklace Zhou started wearing after he visited Shanghai actually belongs to JY's. They even provided a pic of JY wearing it in the web series. Zhou's still wearing now in his Jap trip. People who are interested may go dig up more. Not convenient for me to post pics.

    Come on people! Let's dig for this! This is one hell of a shipping material!!! Sorry, too excited :( 

    • Like 5
  3. 45 minutes ago, fingersandpaws said:

    I've also translated chapter 3 of volume 2. BLY and GH met for the first time after eight years.

    Read the full chapter translation here: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1098227/24


    Policeman YM part 2: poor YM gets bullied by GH (again), BLY and his previous colleague. 

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    The two stared at each other’s eyes; anyone could tell from their eyes that their real emotions weren’t as friendly as the expressions shown on their face.

    YM couldn’t stand seeing them like this and said cynically at the side, “You two should go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to collect a wedding certificate; a couple just went there to file a divorce, you two are just in time to go there to 沾沾喜气 (“dip in the lucky atmosphere” meaning increase one’s luck).”

    GH maintained his composure and glared at YM, “A high altitude warfare is going on currently, it’s no use for you to join in.”

    At first YM didn’t understand, but after looking up at GH and seeing him looking down at him, he realised instantly. F***…… high altitude…… high altitude……


    “What about you? Are you still a bachelor now?” GH asked again.

    BLY admitted openly, “Yes.”

    “Nobody wants you?”

    BLY didn’t say anything but YM did, “How is it possible for nobody to not want our Yinzi? Now that he’s a  首(Maj)…… ah……”

    BLY clutched YM’s arm forcefully, making the rest of YM’s words disappear.


    “Mengzi, why are you here?”

    YM’s previous colleague was transferred to this branch to work; he was happy upon seeing YM now, he hadn’t trampled on him for a while. Hence he pulled YM away without any explanation, joking and laughing at the side.



     where did my previous long post go to? too lazy to type again so y'all just go to the link to read the full chapter.


    Thank you for translating this chapter. My heart cried when I read about the first time GH and BLY saw each other. The feels that I have since JY and ZZ are being separated right now. I know that your work is devoted for YQ and YM, but will you be translating volume 2? I have not read any complete translation for volume 2 yet, well at least the beginning. This could be a wonderful thing that you can do. :) 

    • Like 7
  4. 10 minutes ago, winterday said:

    Please check this out, I found it quite interesting. This is today's post.

    Several days ago I saw China Huace Film&TV posted the pictures of Johnny and Timmy, and today this channel page post this. I don't know why but I feel that it is a good sign for us.



    Anyone who can translate this? Hoping for a great news about them. :) 

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  5. 10 minutes ago, winterday said:

    Please check this out, I found it quite interesting. This is today's post.

    Several days ago I saw China Huace Film&TV posted the pictures of Johnny and Timmy, and today this channel page post this. I don't know why but I feel that it is a good sign for us.



    Anyone who can translate this? Hoping for a great news about them. :) 

  6. 28 minutes ago, akira1221oor said:

    @hailouyin17 and @fuyuko 

    I don't think it's a good idea to compare XWZ and HJY. And I don't think XWZ is in better situation than HJY either. 

    You guys seem to see less HJY now a day is only expected and it's not really a bad thing atm. He's going home, taking a break, spending time with his family and it's not the end of his career in anyway. Talking about scheduled shows cutting him off, besides shows that featuring both XWZ and HJY (HC, RFT - both just in rumors), any other cuts him off? If you say TAR then give me credible source that says his partner for this show isn't supposed to be XWZ and that makes 1, only 1. Is it that bad for a newbie? 

    I don't know if you're HJY's fan or HJY-bias or not, and don't take it personal when I say this, majority of HJY's fans is overprotective and likes to victimize him, don't know why. He's a grown up man who started working at a very young age, don't you think he'll be that vulnerable and fragile? What happens to him due to his role in Addicted is unfortunate, but it also brought him many opportunities in the industry, so don't complain. And he's not the only one who has to take that blow from the ban, why go blaming it on his colleagues? even bashing them? or saying bitter things? Many magazines featuring him still go on sale, many other jobs he got from his popularity from Addicted still hold,... why bitter?  

    Actually, XWZ has it worse. But well, shouldn't drag the mood down any further. Sorry for my long rant, but I checked info on XWZ&HJY and HJY's fandom (not here, I don't mean you guys) irked me and drowned me in so much negativity that I had to let it out of my system somehow. Then coming here, I saw some victimization in the making, I had to have a word. Thanks for bearing with me. 


    Hi @akira1221oor!

    Sorry if my posts sounded like that way you understood it but if you would hear me more about this, I would assure you that I have no biases since both JY and ZZ are wonderful, strong, and talented young men for me. I just can't help to feel bad for both. I'm neither complaining. I actually feel bad about the bashing that's happening and the I only care about HJY hashtag in Weibo has irked me until now.

    So I'm not sure how you were able to infer the victimization part in my posts. Just because I'm expressing sadness over someone's 'demise' does not mean that I am hinting victimization on the person's part. This is just plain sympathy and empathy like when I cried for the four of them when I was watching the BKK FM. 

    And for the record, everytime I post about these boys, I, most of the time, would end with a hopeful tone of supporting them. So that's how I am ending my post about your comment, with hope that the four young men succeed in their career. 

    • Like 7
  7. 5 minutes ago, rictorcroix said:


    Finally, I have been able to register successfully (with the help of soompi admins since I got some problems with my account). I've been a lurker since I discovered this forum (April 1) and this has been our number one source of anything related to S.S YuZhou.

    I know that I'm or rather WE, since I have friends here who lurk too but they're just bidding their time to post, are a little too late to join the chaos that we are now having. It has been 20 days since me and my friends started this addiction. I know it's not that much but believe me when I say we all share the same sentiments that we have been experiencing for the past few days regarding our fandom.

    To start off, we never had prior experience to any forms of fandom. Yes, we do shipping from time to time, but never in the same degree that we have now for S.S YuZhou. Wherein every single day since our discovery of Shangyin that we never miss a day talking about this. It started off as a tame admiration to the Addicted Web Series, it has its flaws but who cares? We thought this would be just a phase, but we accidentally delved deeper to the scenes behind. YES, it was the BTS Clips that sealed the deal that there's something more to this series. We started stalking, we started lurking, started having our own delulus (hey btw we learned this term here in soompi lmao and that richard simmons one). Oh dear until we got to this point.

    The point when we question ourselves, our sanity, and the Ship's bearing to our real life. We asked ourselves why we were so invested on this, silently reaching our support to our boys. We even joked that we would sell our kidneys and other illegal things just for us to have our means to visit them, or join a FM, or concert, or buy whatever YZ related. We're a bunch of fully grown men, with jobs and other things to do damn it, but why are we so affected?

    Is it because ZZ  and JY are both goodlooking? Is it because we're secretly hoping for the kind of relationship that BLY and GH have (minues the car crash and rape)? I don't knowwwwwww.

    After the events of Thai  FM, we decided to abandon ship. YES, we were so devastated that we decided to ragequit. But no, you just can't simply get away with the addiction. We shed some tears, we cursed China, we cursed FAME, we cursed the FANATICS for bringing our boys down to this situation.

    I guess you could say we are now experiencing withdrawals.

    But as for me, I will continue to support our boys. I'm JY bias but I'm starting to love ZZ more now. That kid is a strong kid.

    So that's it for now I guess.

    Yes, we are from the Philippines, and believe me the addiction is starting to rise here.



    Thank you for sharing your experiences with Shangyin and SS YuZhou. I'm from the Philippines, too! Welcome to the delulu land. We are a family here. :) We never leave our boys, Jing Yu and Zhou Zhou, Feng Song and Chen Wen. :) 

    • Like 13
  8. 13 minutes ago, savekaya said:

    Last part of the elope scene:

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    So the two reached Tibet with just a few minor issues along the way and also stopped at a few times to explore the areas. In which took them some time and they only reached Tibet around the start-April(New Year is around late Jan-start-Feb). This part is just how GH was taking care of BLY in fear of him not being able to adapt well to the climate there. It’s also the scene where the two went to pray(The voice audio which I uploaded some times back.) It’s also during this trip to Tibet where GWT’s decided to let the two go and ask GY to bring them back. (He probably saw how the people around him aren’t that worked up and pretty upset with their departure.) But he still doesn’t agree on their relationship.


    So the two of them happily returned, which their parents thought that they suffered outside all these while with their darkened skin tone from Tibet and when in actual fact this trip was like a honeymoon to them. So this is the end of the elope portion. 

    Note: There's nothing much about the tibet one it was like a documentary on what's good at tibet and it was like a travel guide with a plot.


    Here's the full trans of the BLY and BHQ(BLY's dad convo) during the coming out 

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    BHQ(BLY’s dad): Say, what happened?
    BLY : …
    BHQ : Why are you stuttering? Aren’t you usually pretty tough? Caught up with trouble? No worries dad’s here! Just tell me how much you need?
    BLY : It’s more serious than that, you need to be mentally prepared.
    BHQ: *Change of facial expression* You got someone’s daughter pregnant, then killed her?
    BLY: …
    GH who’s beside just wants to cry and laugh listening to his guesses.
    BLY: Dad, I’ll just get straight to the point. I fell in love with a guy.
    BHQ’s body stiffened and after some time..
    GH: The guy he’s talking about is me.
    Then BHQ brought BLY into his room. GH called out BHQ but he just told him to wait outside and that he wouldn’t explode at BLY, just wanna have a talk with him. And even BLY asked GH to stay outside. At this point BLY looks like a child who made a mistake and its a look BHQ has not seen on BLY for a long time given the type of person he is.
    BHQ: Alright already, don’t need to feel bad, I’ve actually noticed it already.
    BLY: You could tell?
    BHQ: I only suspected, that the relationship between the two of you was quite unusual. But I kept telling myself that you two are not like that. In the end, you still came out to me. At least, now I know.
    BLY: Dad, are you disappointed in me?
    BHQ: No! In my heart, you’re the most outstanding one! No others!
    GH tries to listen to what is happening inside, but there were no commotions. He just hopes that BHQ is not covering BLY’s mouth while beating him.
    BHQ: Yinzi, let me ask you. Is the reason why you got together with GH because you lack of a father’s love?
    BLY: …. *Inner thought: GH’s not that old right.*
    BHQ: Dad just wants to know how do you look at dad’s second marriage? Is it a big blow to you?
    BLY knows that there’s nothing to hide from his dad at this point thus spoke the truth.
    BLY:  When you first got married again, I felt like there’s a part of me missing. But because GH was there, he filled up the gap. Dad, he treats me really well. He never got me to do any work, and if you’ve eaten his meals, you’ll be able to see his sincerity, other than you, no one treats me better than him.
    BHQ: Dad knows, I see them. But if I get a divorce again for you this time, and promise to take goof care of you, will you two be able to go back to being just friends?
    BLY felt like a jerk. He wasn't able to look at BHQ with pride, and could see BHQ's slight hope in his eyes. He broke down and shouted dad. BHQ understood what's the answer.
    BLY: Dad, I really can’t leave him, please don’t be angry with me.
    BHQ: *Teary eyes* Son, don’t cry. Dad won’t blame you. You gave up so much for me, I should be understanding of you. I don’t wish for anything in this life, except that you’ll be well. If you really love me, treat yourself better.

    GH knocked on the door when he heard BLY’s shout, but then no one opened thus he broke in, And saw the father and son hugging each other while crying.
    GH: Uncle…
    BHQ stood up, walked towards GH, gave a pat on his shoulder then walked off.
    GH:Did he beat you? Where? Was it harsh?
    BLY: I really hoped that he would give me a beating.
    GH: Why are you crying then?
    BLY: I like it. *Cries harder*
    GH: *Wipes off tears gently.* Stop crying. Everything’s fine. I’m here.



    Thank you for summarizing their "honeymoon" phase. I know I'm right! How touching is BLY and his dad's conversation. Lao Bai is really the best dad! It was really touching. I cried again. Thank you so much!!! @savekaya 

    You are the best! I'm excited for the epilogue chapters! Hope you don't get tired translating or summarizing. 

    • Like 11
  9. 15 minutes ago, fuyuko said:

    Addicted/Shangyin brings into my life so much new things I’ve never done/experienced before. Feelings I thought I could never have for someone I don’t even know personally. And feeling of sadness and frustration for someone I’ve never met and seeing/watching only through my laptop/iphone screens. And this feeling of wanting to do something crazy to show my support for HJY and Zhouzhou.

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    Right now is Tuesday night (my time zone), almost 3 days have passed since Thailand fan meeting and news of the end of Shangyin and seeing with my own eyes how HJY and XWZ were literally pulled apart and couldn’t even stand next to each other on the same stage, and even that same stage was only the last few minutes of the fanmeeting. Thinking about them still bring tears to my eyes…especially HJY. He is on his own. He didn’t sign up with any company to assist him. He treasures his freedom and doesn’t want to be restricted. Shows that signed him on before have dropped him one by one. What does the future hold for him? 1 fan who went to fan meeting wrote she has asked XWZ at the hi-touch why he and HJY didn’t sing together. XWZ made a gesture with his finger to his lip as a sign to quiet and told her in English “I’m fine. You should believe in me.” I wonder what does this mean. Later he posted on instagram (?) “It’s only the beginning.”

    HJY and XWZ are officially separated in public eye. I believe they are still good friends through their behaviors. Like everyone believe, XWZ will become more popular. I also have that feeling too. He has big company backing him and he’s very talented, friendly, and his look attracts many people. I’m not as worried for him as I am for HJY. I am biased. I admit I’m more invested in my feelings for HJY. Even though he is younger than me (both are), I admire him a lot. I don’t think he’s perfect. I don’t think anyone is perfect. But his attitude in life, his love for taking long walk, the way he smiles and looks at XWZ, his narcissism but without being obstinate and condescending, his self confidence in his look, his “Am I handsome?” and “handsome, handsome, handsome” phrases/questions, his honesty, his tiger teeth, his smile, his laugh, his tears… all these attract me to him.

    Shangyin is the first (and for now only) boy-love theme drama I’ve watched. I got to know them through Shangyin, I like and enjoy Shangyin, I really like BLY and GH, but I really really really really like and care for HJY and XWZ, especially HJY. I can’t say I’ll be their fan forever because I don’t know how my heart changes in the future. I don’t want to make a promise to be their fan for life when I myself can’t even be sure of that. I remember reading somewhere a fan told HJY something along the line of “I am/want to be your fan” and he asked her “For how long?” I feel sad as I can’t even answer that question myself… I just know that I have faith in him, that he will make the right decisions and path for himself, whatever they may be. I wish all the best for both of them and hope one day in the near future they can once again stand on same stage, same screen, and show the world their friendship without all the stupid restrictions.


    And I’m very happy to have followed this thread and read many memorable writings here and all the pictures and videos shared here. Thank you very much everyone. This is also my first time writing something so long in a forum.


    I share the same sentiments with you regarding HJY. I very much like XWZ. I have no bias. But I have been seeing him lately busy with projects. As for HJY, I feel that he is alone. Shows being dropped one by one. I just feel really really bad for him. Honestly, I even want to seriously help him. But how? I'm just an ordinary fan in a distant nation. But I also feel that HJY had a lot of experiences of living alone and standing for himself. This is where I get my hope. I believe in him. But seeing how people treated both of them. That hope is seemingly hidden in the dark. 

    • Like 17
  10. 4 minutes ago, Ariodante said:

    CW & FS (exhausted much?)


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    (cr. on watermarks)

    too many laughs here. I am really looking forward to the FenWen cp in the series but their MV was enough for me. I found a deep admiration to both. While they are not the center of the controversy, they can still be sweet and be free with what they do. As I have said before, I fear for what's gonna happen to Dashu for giving us the 3-second miracle. 


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  11. @savekaya As always, thank you for the second part of the summary and translations. I am surely feeling better and reading about their eloping added some sweets in my heart. I am just curious on how BLY admitted their relationship to his father. Would it be possible if you can also translate their conversation. I believe that this is a touching part. Thank you and sorry for the many requests. :) 

    • Like 3
  12. 15 minutes ago, skeletonworks said:

    This is a super long post. About my experience attending my 1st fanmeeting ever.


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    I don't even know where to begin. I am still overwhelmed with emotion after I went through the clips that I recorded... them watching the fanvid/support project video particularly.

    First of all, I would like to thank @JTanis for helping me bought the FM tickets. I could have not gone to this FM without your help. She also helped me a lot by updating me about the FM. I'm sorry that we could only met for a short while. I regretted this a lot. I wanted to properly meet you and took pictures with you at the big Shangyin's wall outside the hall but because of the time constraint, I could not. I also felt sorry for her because she had to leave early around 7 pm because she had a flight to catch and she missed Johnny's appearance on stage, could not do the hi-touch and take group pictures. I feel you about this whole thing. I hope you'll be strong!

    Thailand is super hot. I couldn't stand it even though I'm from Malaysia. Maybe in Malaysia I don't spend so much time outside during this time of draught/lack of rain.

    I went to BKK with my friend, who's a Chinese, who's also a Shangyin's fan so we planned the itinerary trip not just for the FM, but for visiting BKK as well. If it were up to me, I'd just be stalking the places where the four of them were at but no, I couldn't do that to my friend. Besides my mum through out my entire trip, keep texting me to send her photos of BKK -_- I didn't tell her I was going to a FM. Otherwise she'd have not let me go!

    Anyway, after visiting the Chatuchak market, we were all sweaty and went to BCC Hall at Central Plaza Ladprao around 1.30 pm. I was stunned seeing so many fans!!! I was embarrassed as well *_* I saw fanboys wearing shirts with "Shangyin" on it, some fans painted/stamped their faces with "Jingyu❤", head band with Johnny & Zhouzhou face (like Mickey Mouse headband or something), cosplaying the Shangyin's uniforms, a lot of people making money with merchandises using Johnny, Zhouzhou, DaShu & Fengwen's photos >_< (they even dared to include Song Joongki amidst the Shangyin's merchandises! >_<;;). There's no official merchandise from the Shangyin's franchise though T_T22Yh7bI.jpg



    I collected my tickets & Shangyin's posters. Then when it came to register for hi-touch (only one of us won the hi-touch), my friend discouraged me. She didn't want to do it so I said I'd do it. At that time I was "high"/too excited or something... She was worried for me as well. I'm worried too but I told her I'd wear a facemask (and I ended up wearing a face mask the entire FM >_<). Even though @JTanis repeatedly told me that there's nothing to worry about, I was still paranoid. I won't divulge the reasons for this though.

    Then we went back to our hostel to get our stuffs (gifts for YuZhou and made my friend wrote the card for Johnny). Here's the thing. I regretted doing everything last minute. I bought their gifts on last Friday after work. I wrote a fan letter to Johnny on Sunday morning and asked my friend to translate it for me so that I can copied it to the card. The problem is she handwritten it >_< and I had a hard time copying it!!!! So in the end, after got back to our hostel, I begged her to write it on the card instead. As for Zhouzhou, I wrote in English >_< I hope he understands! See my ugly Chinese handwriting. It's incomprehensible!!!! Sorry no pic for Johnny's card because at that time she was still writing it and we were rushing because it's already 4 pm. We took an Uber and reached there around 4:30 pm >_<

    Here's my 2nd regret. I regretted that I didn't check the schedule of giving gifts properly T_____T You can drop your gifts from 1pm - 4pm and when I asked the staff there where should I put the gifts, she said it's already closed!!!!! I was devastated and begged her to give them to Johnny & Zhouzhou... She told me she couldn't guarantee whether they will get them or not... There goes everything down the drain because of my carelessness... TT_______TT The most important things are not the gifts but the FANLETTERSSSS!!!!! At that time, I can already felt some kind of bad omen looming....


    See that long queue (is that even a queue???!). Everyone is queueing up to enter the hall. Super long queue. I regretted that I didn't come earlier! The lines are confusing! There's only signs at the front of the hall but the queue was super long and no one controlling the lines... When I asked the person in front of me & showed her my tickets, she simply shrugged me off.. And I'm like -_- okaaaay.. Maybe she didn't understand me or what but I could already feel the language barrier here.

    Before getting in the lines, I noticed there were several Johnny's banners outside the hall (there was none when I went to collect the tickets). I thought it was setup by Johnny's team. Later I found out from Vivy (Johnny's manager) that it was setup by Johnny's fansites. So I thanked all the fansites who spent the money and effort to setup these posters to support Johnny! I was excited when I saw a Men's Uno's banner as I took the escalator to the venue! They really tried hard to promote Johnny. There were Johnny's social media's infos (instagram link, weibo link etc) at the bottom of the poster. Such dedication! Truly proud! My friend asked me why I didn't pose like hugging him or touching him -_- lol I took a few pics with other posters as well but seriously it was too crowded >_>


    (paranoia -_- )

    It was already 10 past 5pm when I got into the venue... They checked the bag before going in.. Inside my bag, I brought camera (totally forgot to remove it from my bag), binoculars, Johnny's plate but they didn't catch me lol. But I didn't use my camera anyway... Because when we got to our seat, it wasn't as far as we thought it was! The view is quite clear and they were three big screens. I didn't even use my binoculars -_- or the zoom lens that I bought for iPhone....

    The FM hasn't started yet and I need to go see @JTanis because she's giving me back the balance of the money that I transferred to her. Because she had to leave early so it'd be difficult if we met later.. Her sit was at A1 section, 2nd row (lucky her!) while mine is at C2. As I was about to get to her, the national anthem was played. Although I didn't understand at first, but I saw everyone stood up and other people who were walking stopped and stood straight. I also stopped midway ^^;; When it was over, I quickly rushed to her and she handed me the money and the lights went off. It was dark and the MC came out and everyone was screaming. I felt sorry that I had to went in between the rows to get to my seats. While I was rushing, I could feel the butterflies in my stomach flying frantically like I couldn't believe this is happening!!!!

    I got to my seats just in time. The screen showed the Shangyin's cast one by one and my face... literally fell when they stopped at the 3rd one. No Johnny. My chest felt tight at that time. I brushed whatever mixed feelings that I had away when I saw the three of them coming to the stage and fans were screaming crazily. Literally screaming my heart out when Zhouzhou came up to the stage..

    The next segment was Zhouzhou singing "Dust". At this time, I was still clinging to that 1% hope that the four of them will play with the fans together. I even thought that Johnny probably came late but then I quickly dismissed the thought immediately because I saw fanphotos of him arriving at the venue... Then in the next segment of playing with fans, still no sign of Johnny, my heart beginning to break little by little... 

    I couldn't remember when was this. I need to rewatch the fancams. I didn't record this part. Only bits of when Zhouzhou started singing. I think it was before Zhouzhou singing "Dust". The MC created a suspenseful atmosphere and everyone was chanting #YuZhou.. In that pitch black hall, I saw two silhouettes and everyone is going crazy and chanting #YuZhou including me! When the light was switched on again, my friend told me there was like a 1-2 seconds silence in the hall.. I didn't really notice it because maybe I was too shock... I think everyone else was also stunned. And is it just me or Zhouzhou's face fell a bit... Like he felt like he had disappointed fans... T_T

    TBH, my friends and I believe that Zhouzhou wasn't very pleased or satisfied with what's going on. I actually noticed it during the first segment. Yes he's smiling but it's not "his usual" smile. It's a smile he put up when he tried to hide his real feelings or when he's angry (remember that BTS when Johnny annoyed him when they were choosing the arrangement of the song?). My friend said he looked like he spaced out... Maybe we imagined too much... And when he ate that Bai Luoyin's doll... Even though he smiled, I think he's just angry at the whole separation thing because it's ridiculous. My friend said she heard Johnny said jokingly "why are you so cruel?" in a soft voice when Zhouzhou ate that doll... I felt like he could sense that Zhouzhou is not happy and he ate that doll to show his dissatisfaction... Like "stupid restrictions so why are these Shangyin's cake here?! I'll just eat it since you all don't like me and Johnny to stand next to each other. Why should #HaiYin dolls be allowed to stand next to each other?" that's what's probably going on in his mind...


    I love Johnny's first segment "Remember Your Eyes". At first when "Remember Your Eyes" popped up in the screen I was like why is Zhouzhou's IRYE song randomly popped up in the screen???! But actually it was related to the staring game Johnny would be playing with fans ^^;; However, I like the subtle hints of #YuZhou that the EO has organised... Another subtle #YuZhou hints are Johnny and Zhouzhou wearing matching sleeveless black shirts and matching earrings. Right now I feel like anything related to #YuZhou must be subtle and cannot be too obvious. It's too risky. I pity them for having to go through this and my heart breaks because of this... So I feel like neither agency (CJD/Johnny's teams) wants this to happen but if they don't do this, I don't know what's gonna happen to their future careers...

    When Johnny finally came up to the stage, I felt like that was the loudest cheer ever!! My heart felt like it's gonna popped out from being too excited! Johnny did a cover of Jonathan Lee's "飘洋过海来看你" (I Crossed Over The Ocean And Sea To See You". I asked my friend what song he sang and googled translation of it. It was such a heartbreaking song. So fitting to the FM...


    The lyrics OMG... hits me right in the FEELS department!!!!!!!! Tell me if I'm wrong. But I cannot help but relate this to our #YuZhou situation. How he crossed the sea (go to Bangkok) just to meet him (because most of the time, they don't get to see each other). The lyrics goes on to say "we even comforted each other no matter what ending we have to face" and "how I wished I could be with you all my life". I can't... I have noticed this a lot about Johnny. He would never be obvious but he tried to convey it discreetly. This has happened a lot of time. Coincidence? I think not. After finished singing the song, I saw him got teared up :( He's such a sentimental person. 

    From these I conclude that Johnny, if there was no banning or whatever ridiculous thing that's trying to separate them, he'd never leave Shangyin. I don't think he minds being associated with Shangyin, LGBT or whatever but if these could jeopardise his career AND Zhouzhou's career, I think it's better this way... My friend told me that in Amei's concert, she invited a few transexuals to sing in her concert and Johnny singing "I Only Care About You" and posting on Weibo that "I'm serious when singing the song", I feel like a confession from him.... Amei is a big supporter of LGBT... So the fact that Johnny accepted this invitation means BIG. Other than spreading his fanbase, it means he's not scared to be associated with LGBT or whatever especially during this critical time...

    Johnny, Chenwen & Zhouzhou made an effort to speak in English <3 I love Johnny's English and I still cannot with Zhouzhou's "I love my love" antic XDDDDDD So cute! When the MC asked what he thought of Thailand and he said "HOT" and started to take off his coat, everyone was literally screaming including me!!!!!

    When the three of them came to the stage and the first thing I noticed was Zhouzhou wearing the black sleeveless top just like Johnny. My feels!!!! I was screaming so loudly!!! I thanked DaShu for making ways for Zhouzhou to stand besides Johnny. He made that 1-2 seconds of #YuZhou moment priceless!!! If not for him, there would be NO YUZHOU moment at all during the FM!!!!!!!!!! My friends said the fans now were sorry that they misunderstood DaShu. When he said "I hope bro Zhouzhou & bro Johnny will get better", I think he knows and he's being sincere about it. He's like Youqi in the novel... He can sense it #delulu

    Then came the fanvid/VTR/support project video... My feels... I was tearing up... Johnny sang along to the "Hai Ruo You Yin" song at the beginning. What gets me is the fans were singing along to the song too. I was singing along too from whatever lyrics that I remembered. I can feel the love for #Shangyin, for the actors in the hall. There's so much love and someone is trying to ruin it. I can't take it... When that song ends and all the fans were chanting "YuZhou" including me... My feels at that time... And the next song started.... I don't know what the song was but it sounds so sad :( My eyes were watery at this time.. So much emotion... Seeing DaShu controlling his tears... I just can't... I could feel like this is like an ending... (little did I know at that time..). The fans were singing to this song and I was like how did they know how to sing this song? This is not #YuZhou or #HaiYin song... Towards the end of a song, all of them raised up a paper. On the paper it was written "Forever Support #Addiction1stFanmeetingInBKK" and behind was instruction but it was written in Thai, how am I supposed to understand -_- I didn't know we're supposed to held this paper towards the end of the song >_> I was frantically searching for it only to realise that I sat on top of it lol. But I held it up just in time when they turned around to see a sea of fans holding this paper up as a sign of support T_____T I was teary, imagined them seeing so much love and support from their fans and know that this would be the END.



    This song is called "等待着你" (Waiting For You) and the info I got from google is that this song is an OST for Hormones (a Thai teen series) but how come it's in Chinese version? :-/ If anyone can translate this song, it'd be great.

    Anyway, forgot to mention this... At the very beginning of the fanvid, they showed clips of Johnny and Johnny was screaming like fanboys ROFL (love his sense of humour!) then when Zhouzhou clips came up, Zhouzhou copied him ;) #YuZhou moment ^_^ I also noticed that Chenwen was being closed to DaShu and he put his arms on his shoulder, then that guy (the same guy who pulled Zhouzhou away), went up to Chenwen and pulled him away from DaShu... then that guy said something to the MC (probably asking him to watch out their positions >_>)

    Well, after the fanvids end, my feeling is a mess... I'm grateful that I could attend this FM but at the same time I felt "exhausted" and dejected... I suddenly told my friend I didn't want to do the hi-touch... which is my biggest regret ever. What was I thinking?! I think I wasn't thinking straight at that time.. Because I was too overwhelmed with emotions... They announced that those who had the green bands should stay for hi-touch & group photo session. The staff went to check whether we had a green wristband or not. I showed him mine and my friend who didn't have was asked to leave the hall. As my friend started to leave, I was like hesitating a lot... My friend gave me the final word, "if you didn't want to do it, you can just come out with me" and so I left...... I thought that okay in the next FM, I'd definitely not miss this chance. Little did I know that this would be the last FM of Shangyin. When I knew about this at the airport, I regretted the decision I made terribly... I think if I were with someone who's more encouraging and a bit more supportive, I'd definitely do it. But my friend is totally against me doing the hi-touch.. My friend is rather a passive one -_- She didn't even shout, or chant during the FM at all. LOL. I'm like are you enjoying the FM or not... >_<

    Sorry that I disappoint you guys. Sorry that I didn't hi-touch with them and couldn't let you guys know how Johnny's or Zhouzhou's hands feels like TT______TT Sorry that my gifts and fanletters about us Soompier might not get to Johnny/Zhouzhou because of my recklessness. :tears::tears: 

    After leaving the hall, I took some pictures at the huge Shangyin's posters outside (the same poster that we got but a bigger version). Then we went to the airport. We waited and waited. No sign of any of them or the fans.. Around 10pm, I saw some fans gather near one of the entrance. We just followed them when they moved to another entrance ^^;; Then we heard a scream, and everyone was literally running towards that scream. I'm quite old (even though some said I look young :P ) already and I'm running around in the airport... So embarrassing. LOL. As you can see from the airport fancams, the Thai fans are pretty tame and they don't crowd the actors... 

    Then I read they were having supper at Waterside restaurant... but @JTanis told me that Johnny will be leaving tonight and I knew Johnny's flight was at 1 am so we waited. I felt bad for my friend actually. Because she's not as excited as me but she said let's wait until 1 am.. If they don't come, then we leave... When we got back to our hostel, around 2 am or so, Johnny arrived at the airport TT________TT I felt like crying because there would be no chance of seeing him anymore... Because this is the last FM... If it were up to me, I'd have waited until Johnny came but because I don't want to let my friend keeps on waiting..... 

    I have never been so invested in ANY thing before that I even go as far as to attend their FM... When I heard that Shangyin is officially over, my heart breaks into millions pieces... When I watched the Walk Slowly MV at the airport, I was teary and tried to control myself from crying... They looked genuinely happy in the MV and the thoughts of not being able to see them anymore as Guhai and Bai Luoyin, I still cannot digest it up til now...

    My friend asked me whether I'd continue following this fandom. I told her I'm not too sure myself. I said as for now, I'm unable to quit them..... After we left the venue, she told me she's not happy. She said that if she was not in the FM, she wouldn't have felt the impact so much. I felt the same way too and I felt guilty that I dragged her to the FM... I didn't even know that this would be a farewell meeting. And CJD chose this day to drop the bomb (the end of Shangyin) as well as candy (the MV). It was a very emotional day. We were at the airport and no one was feeling hungry. We were too dispirited to even eat dinner/supper. We ate "lunch" which was Thai snacks really (those sweet mango with sticky rice thingy) around 4 pm before going to the FM. The next morning we didn't even have breakfast before heading out to visit the Grand Palace.. More than 12 hours not eating.. LOL. I find it funny that my stomach wasn't hungry at all... On top of that, the day before that (Saturday) was my friend's birthday. I told her before going to the FM, this is gonna be your birthday present. After that FM, she said she would remember this birthday present for the rest of her life...lol..

    The next morning was very depressing. I went to the loo and sat there and started getting teary every time I remembered the painful reality.. After showering, I sat on my bed and started sobbing... Even today, when I watched the MV, I started bawling again... Sightseeing in BKK the next day was not very exciting as I was still hurt from the ending of Shangyin and on top of that, the weather was not helping at all. It was sultry. I was quiet most of the time and didn't have the mood to talk.. Every time I thought about all the bad things that has happened to the boys within a span of 3 months, and the banning, the end of Shangyin, I feel like choking....

    What Chai Jidan wrote about how she regretted not filming the car accident scene and implying that some scenes were shot, I think the scenes that were shot were the eloped scene for the MV. The season 1 of Shangyin ended around ch 100++ and the car accident happened at the end of volume 1. I don't think the remaining 100+ chapters can fit the 3 extra episodes which was originally intended for an 18 episodes web series.

    My friends and I discussed about this.. What if CJD persuade the boys to secretly film this, at least until that car accident then only release it when everything has die down (8 years later maybe?)... At least it'd be possible for them to act as the adult Guhai & Bai Luoyin 8 years later...maybe... 

    Here's a video that I took of the fanvid. I focused on the big screen which showed their face and reactions as they watched the fanvid on the stage screen. It was cut in the middle (and continued with the remaining of the video) because I can hear my voice as I was searching frantically for that piece of paper lol. I watched the stage screen while recording the other screen that showed their faces. Whenever fans wrote JingyuxZhouzhou, YuZhou, me and other fans screamed so loud!!! T_T My heart goes towards little DaShu for having it hard the most... 


    Sorry for this blog-alike post... This is the only place where I can pour my feelings...


    Oh my gosh! I cried Again while reading your posts. hugs everyone! We can do this together. 

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