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Nina Matti

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Posts posted by Nina Matti

  1. 2 hours ago, alou said:

    ..what's with the gloomy post berries~!! ..why are you practicing your graduation speech..


    haha, yes, it kind of felt like a graduation speech :P But I just had to write it all down... I feel much better now :)

    By the way, I am in age band 2 ^^

    And welcome to all new unlurking berries!!! please share your thoughts with us!

    My favourite moment... huh, difficult... can't we make it top 3 instead of just one?? XD Mine would probably be


    1 the kisses on the cheek after the baseball match, both of them so nervous...

    2 si yang crying after seeing so yeon's proposal video at their wedding, so emotional...

    3 the whole scene where so yeon is waiting for si yang at her birthday, then running out to hug him, and then the whole window cleaning :wub: they're just sooo happy to see each other 


    aah, i take it back, it needs to be at least a top 10 list... :rolleyes:


    • Like 12
  2. oh my gosh... I've been so busy lately that I barely managed to catch up with this thread and vote for the contest... and now this?

    Well... It hasn't been confirmed yet, right? I was kind of picking up strange vibes from si yang's sad expression in the last episode, but thought that it couldn't be...

    I'm torn...if this does turn out to be true, first and foremost, I am very sad to not be able to witness these two together anymore. Yes, that definitely makes me very sad. It feels very selfish, but there it is. Of course there might be the possibility that they decide to give dating a try after WGM, but that's... uncertain. I do hope for that, wholeheartedly, they just seem so incredibly happy together... though of course, after wgm they will probably never be able to actually go on dates like they did now, because there will be no camera crew to protect them. So yeon was so happy about being able to go out freely, too, without having to wear a disguise... :'( I am very sorry for her that that would be over. 

    On the other hand, I am glad that they would finally actually be able to give a real relationship a chance, that will not be possible as long as they are on wgm. Of course, I have no idea if si yang's agency would actually keep him from being in a relationship...? I sincerely hope not. It makes me glad to know that they might be able to give it a try... but since there is so much uncertainty, somehow my overall feeling is sadness and regret. So many things they did not get to do yet...

    If they end up together in real life, I will be overjoyed, and my regrets will completely vanish, of course - for them to be able to be happy together is much more important than me or anyone else being able to watch them every week! :) Should that not be the case, though, I will probably feel regret that their stay on wgm didn't last longer, and they didn't have more chances to make each other smile... hah. My emotions are clouded right now... but all the same, I am trying to think positively. I am absolutely sure that they did form a bond over these 7 or so months, I can see it in the natural way they talk and act - my only wish is for them to stay in close contact and continue to be there for each other, be that in a romantic way or as very good friends (although my heart wishes for the former, of course). I don't think that's an unrealistic wish, seeing how they seem to be in frequent contact off set even now, and both expressing so much affection for each other... so that's what I will wish for. Yes. 

    I would also like to say that I am very grateful to have stumbled upon this couple, and through them, to get to know about soompi and you guys - our lovely siso couple and all of you lovely berries have given me so many countless hours of heart fluttering, enjoyment and happiness, and I am so very grateful to them, to mbc for letting them meet, and to all of you guys - thank you!! :)

    • Like 15
  3. 7 hours ago, studentkkk said:

    Berries - dont scold me, okay? But after watching 2 episodes of Happy Home, I felt so sad... typical family drama of quarrels, fights, affairs, corporate war, etc and our So Yeon is so sad all the time - I know its a new role which she wanted, break out of her box and all that... but after all the happiness of WGM, I felt sad after seeing her in HH... am sure as with dramas, all come to good ending, but thats like 48 episodes away... I need a Berry fix now... :dissapointed_relieved:


    Don't feel sad, don't give up! It gets better for her! I was very frustrated as well for the first five episodes, but now - now we've reached a turning point for so yeon, I believe! She is starting to change now, and I believe she will be very happy at the end of that drama! :D 

    The drama is very good actually, the actors are superb and it really made me care about each of the storylines even though I usually don't watch family dramas and only started this one because of so yeon. Maybe you should wait for a bit, until there's a couple more episodes, and a few more are subtitled, and then give it another try...? 

    I don't mind seeing her in a love triangle there at all, since her dampyon has made such a clear statement at the press conference, and she didn't mind at all :rolleyes: 

    @studentkkk I was just about to post a link to my own little playlist that I've made of these two episodes :) we think alike, berry! I've been replaying it in the background since the clips were uploaded, but the view count doesn't seem to go up that much. Berries, fighting!!

    Looking forward to the start of round two voting!!! :wub:


    • Like 11
  4. 5 hours ago, Summer Ryn said:

    @alou@kappy Thanks for the poem too:)

    Hmm.just a small survey of our berries fans, as all berries i know of @studentkkk@LeeK@seesaw_love & me from Singapore, just a curiosity, may i know which country berries come from? :rolleyes:


    I'm from Switzerland, are there any other european berries on here...? :)

    But before that:

    :heart:  I wish you all a wonderful sunday, celebrating uri Siso couple's 200 days of happiness :heart:

    May there be many more to come!!! :D

    • Like 12
  5. 6 minutes ago, co4city said:

    Come to think of it, wasn't it after his BD party that he started using "sexy" in the conversations?  Right before they played the spicy food game... He was full of next door boyish charms until then. Now our manjjinnam is expressing his feelings like a man looking at a woman (HIS woman as he stated)..... Yes!  


    Or maybe after the cosmo fotoshoot...? that was pretty sexy XD

    • Like 9
  6. the masks are so cuuuute :wub:

    ah, i can't wait to see tomorrow's episode XD I'm also really excited to start voting for the shipper's contest!

    by the way, i'm still pretty new here and I haven't figured out yet how to correctly embed gifs in a post...? or even pictures? can anyone help me? ^^' simply copying a pic and then pasting it in the post doesn't seem to work, do I need a special kind of account for this...?

    • Like 10
  7. 4 hours ago, Summer Ryn said:



    Yes, I can already see that the view count of these two clips has increased a lot :wub:

    Again, does anybody know how to create a playlist with only siso clips on naver...? It would be much easier to be able to just play a playlist that only has siso clips, instead of having to scroll down after a siso clip is finished to find other siso clips, and having to pay attention each time that none of the other couple's clips are played... ^^'


    • Like 12
  8. 7 minutes ago, mizzem said:

    Female lead in Si Yang's new drama is very young Kim Sae Ron only 15 years old..  :blink:.. and they will involve in love triangle.. will So Yeon get jealous.. heheh


    Yes, I also looked up si yangs co-stars... both male leads are around 30, and the female lead is 15...? they're both double her age, and she is a minor... ? ^^' Eh, I guess we'll see how it works out... but so yeon will definitely be jealous :)

    • Like 8
  9. 14 hours ago, seesaw_love said:


    I have created some screenshots for setting up new NAVER Account and to play video in NAVER TV.    Link to my Facebook 

    It is straight forward because you are able to choose English language to setup your account details.  The only difficult part is sometime you do not get verification code SMS on your cell phone.   

    Please continue to help to replay these two clips on NAVER TV.  Thanks  

    http://tvcast.naver.com/v/774960/list/67515 view count 20160308 1PM KST-  74k 
    http://tvcast.naver.com/v/774961/list/67515 view count 20160308 1PM KST - 28k 

    => Just to share... .New couple clip view count  is 200k vs Siso clip of 28k 



    I successfully registered at naver and have watched the two clips several times - has anyone done a playlist with all the siso clips on naver...? Like on youtube? Like that I could just keep the playlist on in the background... :)  I can't read korean, so I have no idea what I would have to do to create a playlist ^^' any korean-savvy berries here?

    Oh, and... a very warm welcome to all new berries!!! Have fun here, and don't hesitate to participate - you don't need perfect english, and everyone is welcome! I'm very happy to see so many new people come out of lurkdom! Let's all spazz and share to our heart's content! :wub:

    • Like 11
  10. I just voted for the fanart - thanks to everyone who submitted an entry, they're all great!! :D

    Oooh, they're wearing couple items AGAIN! X'D Yes, I also had to think back to both of them writing NO! to couple things on their list...lol.

    I think there are many international siso fans, and those (including me) watch their siso footage on youtube or dailymotion or other sites, whereas Naver is a korean site that not many non-koreans would use as first choice... so that might explain the low view count on naver, maybe...?

    Anyways, we might have to be careful about not spamming view counts too much by just repeatedly refreshing but not watching the video, I think - firstly, if it works like it does on youtube, there might be a maximum number of views for one single user, and after that it doesn't count any additional views from the same person, and secondly, if a video gains a lot of views in a short time, there might be a check-up as to why the numbers increased drastically, and if it is recognised as spam and not a 'real' view at all, these views might not be counted... but maybe I'm worrying for nothing, this is just a guess after all ^^' If anyone knows more about the way view count works on naver, please share!

    • Like 12
  11. On 7.3.2016 at 8:24 AM, alou said:

    ..good news berries~~!!! here's the final result for the first poll.. announcement made by moderator akinahana89

    A N N O U N C E M E N T

    Wow, Shippers. Wow! The voting for Round One has come to a close and we gathered over 24,000 votes! Now, I bet you're wondering what the results are, aren't you?

    Ranking from first place to last place, here are the results:

    1. Kwak Si Yang & Kim So Yeon (SiSo Couple)
    2. Lee Jong Hyun & Gong Seung Yeon (GongLee Couple)
    3. Park Bo Gum & Lee Hyeri (SunTaek Couple)
    4. Kim Jong Kook & Song Ji Hyo (Spartace Couple)
    5. Kim Jung Hwan & Sung Deok Sun (Gaeddeok Couple)
    6. Hong Seol & Yoo Jung (Cheesy Couple)
    7. Ji Chang Wook & Park Min Young (ChangMin Couple)
    8. Jang Wooyoung & Park Se Young (YY Couple)
    9. Oh Min Suk & Kang Ye Won (OhYe Couple)
    10. Ryu Jun Yeol & Park Bo Gum (YeolGum Couple)

      Hide contents



    WHAT!!! Wow, incredible!!! :heart:

    That's a really nice surprise - I'd expected other couples (like gaeddeok which has quite a fierce following) to do better! I'm glad that we can all work together and organise something like this, I really think we managed to gather so many votes because so many berries were actively reminding everyone to vote, and everyone was doing their best!! A huge thank you to everyone who contributed, you're the best!!! Well done, berries! I look forward to the next round! :wub:

    • Like 12
  12. aah, i'm getting excited - not long now until saturday, berries!! Diligently voting three times a day :heart:

    I'm actually glad si yang cut his hair, it was getting a bit long in my opinion... but I don't think so yeon would mind either way :-P 

    About a possible kiss on wgm, I really think it will have to be si yang initiating - so yeon has been really brave at the award ceremony, it's definitely his turn now! He's been teasing her about wanting to kiss all the time, too, so that made it pretty much impossible for her to do it again, sadly. No, it has to be him. She may have stepped back at the wedding, but she also clearly said she really regrets that, so I think all they need is the right situation... ah, the wedding would have been perfect indeed :wub: definitely when there's only cameras and no film crew, but they would probably need some kind of pretense, like a bet or something similar... where si yang can be sure she won't back out :) Another wish for the magic lamp... 



    • Like 15
  13. I always enjoy the mc reactions - I especially loved the reaction of the panelists at the end of episode... nine, I think? When our siso couple was awkwardly resting next to each other in the trailer - so much tension... everybody was disappointed when the episode suddenly stopped at that point - "why now??The fire was just about to start", haha XD Or in the very first episode, where so yeon was being overly polite and very nervous... their reactions were hilarious as well!

    I think those reactions add another layer of entertainment to this show ^^

    • Like 9
  14. 15 minutes ago, LeeK said:

    Wondered if the wedding hall is filmed with unmanned camera or the staff...think the latter. Since soyeon did looked at camera /staff when siyang's eyes "sweat".


    I wonder about that everytime I watch that episode - were there 10 people in the room with them? :) I think at least part of the crew was with them because si yang waves at the end, when they leave... at first I thought he was just waving at the empty room, but it makes more sense if some of the crew are there. Plus, the front left corner of the room is never really shown, so that's probably where everybody is hiding :-P 

    As for their progress, there's two things I'm waiting for: for si yang to initiate a kiss (it's his turn now), and for so yeon to say 'saranghe', although she might actually never say it on camera, maybe for her that is something too personal to share it with everyone...? When si yang said it the first time, he was pressured to do it because of the game, so that kind of doesn't count, and the second time he said it while whispering, and afterwards he said 'nobody else is allowed to hear it', plus the candles on her birthay cake of course, maybe so yeon will find a way to say it without actually saying it out loud...? Something other than writing his initials on a t-shirt would be nice :-P When they were riding the tandem bike, it would have been the perfect opportunity when she was writing on his back XD I'm excited so see how this develops :D 

    • Like 14
  15. Thank you so much @seesaw_love !! And thanks to @thesuitelife547 for the recap!! You guys are awesome!! :wub:

    After watching the episode again, and having recap and subs, and after reading all you berries' lovely posts, I feel very positive again - I will make a magic lamp wish as well: I hope they will get to go on a long overseas honeymoon trip, preferably somewhere far away (still dreaming of paris XD but anywhere is ok, really) during their time on wgm!!! I also wish that they can continue to support each other on and off camera!!

    • Like 13
  16. 4 hours ago, thesuitelife547 said:


    As far as captions for the other episodes go, I could work on them, probably, if people wanted to rewatch the episodes with captions, but I'm not sure when I would be able to do that, it'd be in my spare time and then would be released sporadically. The only one that I did actually do with the captions was like the 3rd episode I think, or maybe it was their 2nd?? I think it was the 3rd and then the other one that I did didn't have captions cause I never finished it haha. But I mean, it's always something I could do in my spare time if some of you guys want to see it with the captions.


    Thank you so much for the translation of si yang's proposal video - so cute!! :wub: 

    I would be really, really happy if you actually did translate some of the captions for earlier siso episodes (I rewatch them all the time anyways) - though of course I don't want this to stand in the way of your schoolwork! Please don't feel pressured and only do it if you have time and actually want to! :D

    • Like 7
  17. 1 hour ago, catgoh92 said:


    Is anyone watching the live broadcast? Soyeon so pretty!

    Its so sad to see how the husband treat Hae Ryung. She brought him food but he didnt even touched a bit. She had to lower herself and fake out that she is okay. Luckily this is only a drama. Kind Soyeon needs to have Siyang to treat her 100x better!


    I tried watching the live broadcast, but it kept buffering so I didn't see everything, plus I don't speak korean, so there was a lot of stuff I didn't quite get...:bawling:  But the hotel scene was really hard to watch for me, poor hae ryung... I'm glad so yeon is such a happy person in real life! I wonder if her happy home husband will actually stop being cold and start to fight for her at one point...? I just want to throw her mom-in-law out of the window or something... aah, hard to watch... I'm looking forward to the subtitels for this as well...

    Gah, I really need to start studying korean! 

    On another note, I've seen a subtitled version of one of the siso segments that was much more detailed than any of the others, with even the small comments on the screen being translated...  but only for one episode, I think...do you guys know if detailed subtitled versions (in english) for all the episodes exist? I always feel like I'm missing out on stuff if the reactions of the panelists aren't translated or because I can't actually read the captions on screen.


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  18. 38 minutes ago, studentkkk said:

    Siso dangjin trip was mid Jan and so yeon press conf was just yday right? So they didngt meet for filming for >1 month?


    I was wondering about that as well... in the beginning they met more or less frequently, even though si yang was really busy... so it seems a bit strange to me... maybe there is footage from in between which they will only show after the cupcakes, because the start of so yeon's new drama is a current topic right now...? Or maybe the cupcake baking was only a recipie test run, and they were filming that two weeks ago or something...?

    I would be very disappointed if they didn't have any contact at all on valentine's day though, after si yang saying that he wants to share many memories that she couldn't experience before... in this case, nr 1 on the list of any couple would be valentine's day, right?...right? A girl can dream, I guess...

    They are comfortable around each other now, which is good of course, but it also means that there is less tension than before, which also means less excitement... I don't really think si yang being able to sleep well in soyeon's presence has anything to do with being close or comfortable though - he slept just fine on their very first night, even though they barely knew each other back then, and they were both very nervous... But I was glad to see that he does listen to her attentively when they are talking.

    Regarding what other berries said about si yang not expressing himself so much anymore, I think that unfortunately, this will not change... the more so yeon is forward and expressive, the less obvious si yang will be, I think. Somewhere around the wedding ceremony they had a turning point, and now their dynamics have changed... which makes me a little worried everytime I watch wgm now, watching the direction this is going in... haah. Luckily, there's unni's new drama to look forward to.

    Until then, I'll go make myself feel better by rewatching the cosmo shoot (T_T)

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  19. 12 hours ago, studentkkk said:


    I also noticed Si Yang laughed alot during the Dangjin trip - and So Yeon was so positive about everything - from taking public bus to defending Jin Young's choice of food to Si Yang's abstract drawing skills... how can any man not like her??? :)


    Yes, I really can't imagine why anyone wouldn't like her, she's so incredibly optimistic and upbeat, and even though I tried I cannot remember her nagging even once... the most she does it pout cutely, and even if she's angry, in the end she can't help but laugh... she has such a sweet disposition, it makes even me as a woman feel protective of her, I don't want anything bad to happen to her, I just want to see her be happy... she deserves it so much! So yeon unni, saranghe! :wub:

    Aah, not long now until the new episode! I need to see that hug!!!

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  20. Can't wait until saturday... X) Is it gonna be the last part of the dangjin trip, or are there gonna be more? What do you guys think will come next? Is there gonna be a valentine episode? :heart:

    ah, and when I listed my favourite moments of course I completely forgot the photoshoot for cosmopolitan... which might actually be my most favourite moment so far - they had such amazing chemistry, and the pictures turned out so beautiful... (*_*) I'm sure they serve as screensavers or wallpapers for quite a few, including me :wub:

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  21. 3 hours ago, studentkkk said:


    I just wanna take an informal poll from you - which episode or episodes are your most most fav?


    I was thinking about asking this question as well - it's so difficult to answer, though... I guess it would have to be the second wedding episode because you could really see their honest feelings shining through, with so yeon proposing and si yang crying... but apart from that my favourite is the manga cafe episode, they're just so sweet there, and the idea of a menu board where you have to pay with hugs and kisses is just so... gwah! *cuteness overload* XD

    When it comes to choosing favourite moments instead of episodes, though, I really can't decide, there's too many :-P aah, the pecks on the cheek after the baseball match... or the seaweed soup... or the karaoke singing... or shopping for couple hoodies... or cleaning windows together... or the hand bite in the bus... or practising for the award ceremony... or the acting bit at the housewarming... and... okay that's it, I'm gonna rewatch everything (for the hundreth time).

    • Like 13
  22. 45 minutes ago, LeeK said:

    Just wondering,  is siso the couple with the largeat age gap in wgm? With a older lady? I only recall go junhee and jinwoon with 6. 


    I don't know about ALL the couples, but Lee Teuk and Kang Sora also had a 7 year difference, but since it was the man who was older there, people weren't actually making that many jokes about it - though his super junior members would jokingly call him "old" now and then :) those two were also a very cute couple! You couldn't actually tell that he was older than her, they seemed the same age to me from the way they behaved.

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  23. 2 hours ago, crybabyme said:


    Just a quickie, how come there aren't recent photos of our couple filming for upcoming episodes. Must be they're filming inside their house or somewhere indoors. It's just that I miss seeing recent pictures of both of them together.


    Yes, I was wondering about that as well, actually... my overactive imagination is kinda hoping they might have really gone on an overseas trip, and that there weren't any pictures floating around because nobody actually knew them at that destination XD 

    How awesome would it be if they actually went to... PARIS? X'D

    I'm also quite surpised that the dangjin trip takes up three episodes... and they were talking about a game to decide their accomodation, so... maybe even four episodes..? O_O

    • Like 9
  24. 1 hour ago, ElaineL said:

    Chinese sub is out at v.qq.com.  ENJOY!  


    aaah so jealous >_< I have to wait for the english subs...

    I liked the episode, but I kind of feel bad for so yeon that everyone's always making fun of her age, like at the housewarming... especially because she seems to have a soft spot there :( 

    argh the episode is too short...!! I want to watch the whole trip in one go XD


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