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Posts posted by yumix






    i think i saw this in the guy's hair thread and i really liked it.


























    makes me want to thin my hair cuz its getting thicker. but i can't cuz im in the process of growing it







    haha I think you should happy you have thick hair. When I used to have thick hair, I always wanted having thin hair cause I thought it looked better, but after having it for awhile I kinda regret ever saying it.




    I think with thick hair you can style it more compared to thin hair.












    Hahaha thank you :) my mom is always telling me guys never find girls with guys hairstyle attractive lol.








    So...here is my new hair guys. I already posted this on my lj, but yeah haha.




    Bleh, so plain at the moment. It's really hard to create those big spikes with this type of hairstyle because my hair got so much thinner and my layers are too short. I think I have to wait for them to grow out alittle longer.




    More photos later when I get the chance to style it much better :/ I still prefer my old hair when I had more lol. I swear all this hair dying in the past and other things are gonna make me end up going bald sooner or later.




















    Oh shhiii--




    I don't remember my hair looking that less the last time I got it cut :( i think my hair fell ALOT when I had long hair this whole time...it looks really thin even with layers now when it didn't used to. I want it naturally more poofy how it used to be, but it's not anymore T__T gotta style it harder now sigh




    photos soon! Err...if I like how my hair turns out lol.










    yumix: Haha. I thought I was the only one here having a hard time styling the back. Someday I'll achieve the back of Noctis's hair. Darn, whenever I use hairspray to add volume to the top layers, it goes flat within an hour or two. It sucks. Maybe I move around too much.


    Thank you and woot. Haha.




    `Bou: Thanks. Haha. You too? I have this weird habit of fixing my sides whenever I pass by a mirror.




    Rai-Rai: :) I feel like dying it back to jet black already. Haha. Yeah, I'm going to let it grow out this time. I wanna see how long I can let it grow without cutting it. Maybe I'll have long girl hair again.




    This is pretty cool. Sucks that your mom doesn't approve of asymmetrical cuts though. Try to convince her. Have you considered dying your hair?




    DEEJAY*KAT: Dude. That's how my hair looks like every morning. Haha. What did you use?




    xoicxyuu: Stuff like this should work.




    Alexxiel: Ooh. Nice hair. I approve.







    ROFL OH GOD. Don't remind me how much trouble it was to style noctis's wig omg. The back is always the hardest to style for some darn reason and sometimes it doesn't even stay properly.









    woahhh yumix your short hair looks amazing! of course you look fantastic with your long hair too, but I don't know if you're in the whole androdynous look, but I love it :) When you cut it again, post it and give us lots of styling tutorials if you can! ^W^

    This past October, I cut 15+ inches of my hair off to have a really short/messy hairstyle. I don't have straight hair, so it's naturally messy and curly and I never style it because I don't have to ^^; Everyone's hair is so straight! Where are the curly short haired people? xD




    I'll post pics soon.







    haha yeah im still into the whole androgynous look :) which is why i still love cosplaying male characters at the moment despite my current feminine style lol! I just get lazy now to dress up and im just blah.




    and sure i will.

    wow.. i love your hair

    it a boyish cut yet it still has a feminine flare on you ^^




    and with long hair you look really pretty/cute =]




    -- i personaly like boyish cuts because it's less of a hassle to deal with..




    even though my parents don't seem to agree ><




    so i secretly cut my hair when they're not home.. (shhh XP)




    if it was up to me.. i'd have my hair shorter and much more styled haha =]







    aw thank you <3















    aha, i try to dress like a guy, but i don't want to freak my parents out..



































    how do you style your hair?







    do you bring your back layers to the front?







    'cause i try to do that, my hair becomes messy and flat,







    which i don't mind, but i like experimenting..







    ^ - ^;;







    I just mainly use a comb and hairspray to style my hair.




    I get my layers and sometimes backcomb it after hairspraying that area to get that spiky look. I use hair spray on it again afterwards to make it stay and i just keep doing that to my other layers :)









    i like =D looks hot




    aw thank you :)

    I hate it how people the use "lesbian" or "gay" as an insult.

    Also, yumix, your hair is amazing!









    yumix, ur hair is amazing!! I love it, and u can totally pull it off so well!!


    I've always wanted to cut my hair really short, kind of like a boy cut, expect not spikey or extreme or anything like that... more like the feminine version of a boy hairstyle... o_O am I confusing ppl??!! that made no sense at all....T_T :sweatingbullets:




    @ super cool snail: I once heard my hairstylist say that short hair actually makes ppl appear slimmer :blink: , so I think "chubbier" girls could pull off short hair quite well too, as long as they're confident and comfortable in their new hairstyle :D







    Thanks alot for the compliment! haha, I love short hair personally because of my face shape XD too oval rofl.

    ^ ignore and move on





    yumix: yur hair is freakin amazaing!!!!!!!!




    Even if it was taken a 1-2 years ago xD







    Thank you~

    ^ your pretty even with long hair awww!

    this kind of proves my theory that only really beautiful girls can pull of both femme and male hairstyles.




    (this is kind of stalker-ish, but can i add you on livejournal? haha ^^)







    Sure sure :) i dont mind.

    @ yumix - i love the haircut and color~ but your recent hairstyle looks good too~

    i've seen alot of nice haircuts here~ =)







    Haha! My recent one (not styled) is so plain and i always have my hair up in a ponytail now.

    yumix: you're so hawt. seriously oo; and i don't mean 'you look like a hawt guy' kinda thing hahaah you're cool =) love the 2nd style. do my hair for me plz D=




    Gahaha! Thanks for the compliment. You make me flattered<3

    Oh god. Off-topic but yumix from DeviantArt yumix? o.o If so I love you so much.

    eddiititttfgbhidgnjfk: LOL NVM. xD Im stupid.




    Anyway, nice hair ladies~ :D There's something about short hair that I like a whole lot.







    Yup, I'm the same yumix :D lolol.

    @yumix: ur hair is soo sexy...:w00t:.....and ur cosplayer pics are wonderful....

    umm...can someone tell me what face shape matches boy cut hair, because i have a ugly square face...-_-....and i don think imma look right if i cut my hair boy short.....









    yumix: PLEASE CUT/STYLE MY HAIR!~~~~~


    ^damn, i wish though.... kuku :P




    everybody's hair looks great!




    damn i'm so jealous of those who can style their hair so well




    my hair is bleh...and i'm too lazy to flip it out~




    i need to get it recut/more layered...







    Sure, if you pay me lol jk.









    Ahaha. Do update when you plan on cutting it again. You're welcome.

    Messy FTW for me. I can't pull off spikes so yeah.




    Haha. Nah, that doesn't sound weird.








    No products used that's why it looks so plain. I can't do anything much to it since the length uber short.




    Before I had it cut, the back looked more like this. Yeah, pretty messy. Oh well. That's how I like it. I actually have a hard time styling the back. I only cared on how the sides and fringe looked.







    dude I know that feeling LOL. I have a hard time styling the back as well :( I only mostly care about the sides and the front, but the back is alittle plain compared to the front gah. And since I dont have much hair i always have to use stupid volumizer hairspray to add more volume to it.




    But your back hair looks so nice! I love the layers.




    And woot! I will :D









    ^ on a side note - your cosplay looks awesome! [assuming it is you in the avatar] :P




    lol what! XD




    Don't you remember me? You commented on my cosplay on the cosplayer thread when I posted those photos? roflll. I thought you would recognize me here by my avatar.









    wow yumix, you cut your own hair? that's really cool. you look really awesome with short hair. i can't quite picture you with long hair haha








    Here, what my hair looks like now lol.




    I honestly prefer the boyish style look on myself personally :/




















    (cut and styled by me )




    anyways guys :D i know I already posted my pics here before awhile back, but here's some more pics of my old hair!




    These were taken almost 1-2 years ago rofl. So old, but I'm going to get my hair cut short again soon so yayyy (will post more photos then). I'm tired of having long hair now.




    sorry for the random file names /shot




    wtf, a person can change alot in just 2 years. My face was chubbier back then -__- nooo









    ew, i don't understand why a girl would want to cut their hair short like a guy...unless your a lesbian. unless your a lesbian and you want to attract girls, i think it's DISGUSTING when a girl has a short hairstyle




    Then why the hell did you bother coming into this thread in the first place may I ask? This thread is only for those who enjoy boy haircuts on girls, and obviously you're not one of those people who are interested, so why did you even bother? Just to bring us all down? You're pretty immature for someone who has nothing better to do than to just offend people with the whole "JUST BECAUSE you have SHORT hair automatically makes you lesbian" Right. We're all lesbians.




    Please keep your opinions to your self before saying something like that from your mouth again. Kthxbai. :)

    gosh you guys are so annoying; you need to chill out. i'm simply expressing my opinion cause i thought that was the point of this thread and i think some of you guys that posted pictures should NOT have cut your hair short cause it doesn't look attractive at all.

    do you guys not WANT to have guys hit on you? you want girls to drool over you rather than guys? again, lesbians :w00t:







    How old are you? 13? 15? I assume you're some juvenile who hasn't matured yet. I mean, even the way you talk is childish with the whole "lesssbiansss!" comment.




    " do you guys not WANT to have guys hit on you? you want girls to drool over you rather than guys? again, lesbians "




    Please grow up. When did having short hair on girls mean anything about a man not liking her? You're just assuming things with your own opinions because you FAIL to see everyone else's own opinions in this whole world. The world doesn't revolve around you.




    " i thought that was the point of this thread and i think some of you guys that posted pictures should NOT have cut your hair short cause it doesn't look attractive at all. "




    Again, your own opinion. There are different ways of expressing your opinion more respectfully here instead of calling people lesbian, which was unnecessary and resulted in people getting angry at you. Make sense now? Now please gtfo.





































































































































































































































































    Wow, that's awesome! I want to cut my hair myself, but I'm afraid of messing it up. Do you have any tips for cutting bangs? :sweatingbullets:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Cutting bangs are most challenging for me, but it actually depends on how you style it yourself in the end. (meaning if you cut your hair or bangs super good without styling it at all, it's still gonna look plain and boring) you have to use hairspray + volume hairspray to get it the way you want (ie: spiky, etc)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    But I just cut my front bangs from the bottom of my hairtips with scissors and cut them "upward" for a more spikier look I guess. Don't ever cut your bangs across, then it will look just weird o_o

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    yumix, your hair looks amazing! I'm so jealous!! >_<
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    And this is coming from a guy? LOL. I feel so honored. You guys seem to take care of your own "already cool hair" just fine without any problems :( boo

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    WOW. I absolutely love your pictures. Those make me want to cut my hair.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    haha i look like that too! all flat in the back and a huge chunk of my hair at the top sticks out.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    yumix nice look!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Thank you :)

    wooow! love your hair! you're also really pretty :3

    this makes me want to cut my hair like this.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    aw thanks so much <3

    you look soo pretty. i'm so jealouss. hahahaha.

    i'd love to have that hair, but my face isn't up for it... and i have NO idea how to style hair T.T































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Just practice! I didn't know anything about hair styling either until I got inspiration from looking up pictures on magazines and internet photos :) usually I just looked at something and tried doing it exactly like in the picture, but soon after I got the hang of my own style and went from there. (but it DOES take like an hour to do my hair)

    you are so john teshing hot with short hair!!!

    O.O!!!! kekeke































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    your comment encourages me to want to get short hair again hehe

    yumii-oppa ~

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I loved your haircut then haha <333
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    but you still look so gorgeous now bby!! both girly and tomboy looks work very well for you ( TT^TT )o































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    LOL you called me oppa.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Thank you baby~ but do you honestly really think so? And all this time I've been wanting to go back to my old style haha.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    some old pics of my hair and my style i used to always dress :) I kinda miss my old style bleh...I was more of a tomboy back then. Now I dress so much girlier -__-
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Well I still like to dress tomboyish sometimes too...just depends on my mood and I don't like sticking to one style all the time. I don't know if its just me...but I think my face suits short haircuts better for some reason, but then my mom tells my girly style suits me better o_o when I used to have boyish hair, it was a lot more harder to take care of though.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I always cut my own hair and re-style them :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    talk about over-abuse of photoshop...they don't even look real at all. Yuck. :/

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    you really need to do a tutorial!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    oh really? :D I'll think about it haha

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    How thick is the eyeliner?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    It's not too thick, just a little thicker than what most double eyelided people would probably wear...it looks fine when my eyes are open, but when it's closed it's a little dark o_O if I put a lot more thinner then it won't be noticeable lol.

    Wow you look gorgeous! :D

    Your eye makeup makes you look like you have double eyelids anyway.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Is the eyeliner liquid?































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Thank you ! *3* ah really? I didn't know haha. The eyeliner isn't liquid...it's waterproof Revlon (black brown color) my favorite eyeliner so far.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I dislike liquids because they seem harder to put on lol

    ^:o sorry but i really took notice of your arm! keke i'm just as hairy :P

    Omg she looks different! (Ah.. the eyebrows bother me a bit)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Her eyes were definitely tinier before. Maybe she did surgery to get rid of the excess fat (?) in her lids?































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    LOL i didn't know it would be that noticeable. : P but yes, I have hairy arms

































































































































































































































































  20. I'm one of those people with single eyelids too! I remember always wanting double eyelids back then, but I actually prefer single eyelids now more :) sure, it can be hard to put on make up and all, but with practice and patience you can make your own style sooner or later. It took me awhile to create my own style for a long time because I was always trying different ways to put on eyeliner, but I finally found a way that makes me satisfied with what I have now.

    Here are some pics:



    I just put eyeliner at the top, and for the bottom it's a alittle bit of mixture of brown eyeshadow with slight eyeliner.

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