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Posts posted by eclipse

  1. In Shim`s Family, he express his love for that girl is so funny and weird, although he`s extremely mad at her but after that he told her that he forgives her, and it happen quite a few times...And also his his obsession with his past life.Too bad they didn`t show it clearly he as king, i wanna see him in that costume...

    In Chil Woo i like that his eyes and his voice really showing his emotion although he didn`t speak much, his acting is so good in here...

    Yap yap i also like scene where Heuk San puts his swords back. Also the fight scene when his sword almost cut Chil Woo face. Is there Special Episode of Chil Woo, with NG and BTS?? I soooo...want to see it.

    Ooo..so he also don`t really like exercise, hehe me too...and have the effect on the belly..

  2. Awww!!!! Finally there`s forum for him! I`ve been waiting it so long! Since i don`t understand korean so soompi is my only salvation,hehe...Thank you all! I`ve been a fans since i saw him in Chil Woo. In fact he`s the only reason i watch Chil Woo,since the story is not so good. But his character really is interesting, his acting is really good in there. From then i already watch his two movies, BOT and SF. Yeah..although BOF story is a bit weird,felt like there`s scene that`ve been cut, but it`s okay...Have been looking Sharp 1 vids in internet but with no luck,so thank you for the link,although don`t understand what they say,haha...

    The thing that i realllyyy love about him is his voice, it`s so cuuutee...especially when he laugh ^_^ And he sing too! In the ost.Shim`s Family. He`s quite good!

    Btw..the link for Shim`s movie seem gone. Don`t you know any other link beside CB?
















































































































































    Hi everyone! I`m just finish watching ep12. Wow imogene af, my thought exactly like yours..especially the part about melodramatic scene the two brothers have, geezz...get it over with already, so slow indeed, also the part when DC meet his mom after that, it`s too much...make me wonder if they deliberately do that to prolong the series...
















































































































    Mmhh the funny part is Dong Wook lovelife is the same as his father, he`s not even he`s real dad, two really good women, so it`ll be hard to choose between them.
















































































































































































































































































































    Hmm judging from ep7 when GunWoo tried to kiss her and Kang Mae walk by, she`s trying so hard to clarified it to Kang Mae, so I think she will be with Kang Mae in the end. So I`m not interested to see the love story development anymore, in fact I`m more curious about Kang Mae-Gun Woo relationships, it`ll be so interesting to see.

    And yes, I think he trusted DuRuMi. Remember when he tricked her into telling him the truth about the orchestra? You think he'd have tried that with Junior?
































































































































































































































    About that I think it`s more like Kang Mae know he can manipulate her rather than Junior/Gun Woo.
































































































































































































































    And finally I can see Kang Mae sense of humour (although kind of sarcasm, but he`s funny)
































































































































































































































































































































    Hmm i think i know the song you`re talking about, it played when Chilwoo searching for SoYoon in the forest,it has chinese music instrument in it, i think it`s the one and only nice song in OST..the rest kinda boring...
































































































































































































































    But not in eps.12!! it`s not boring at all! Heuk San (Yoo Ah In) showed really strong emotion here...i just love it! And also in the next eps..

































  6. Woaa I`m so happy that my gift already reach SillyYun aka mama Jang so fast, thanks so much to Maymay... Btw after saw the photo of the gifts, it seems gifts from Indonesia most of them are in boxes, judging from the batik motives on the giftwrap...is it sent by Maymay??If it is, so sorry it must be quite heavy, thanks so very much to our dear Maymay...love you...hehe...

  7. By the way Dongbangboys, maybe because the stamps that you use are not equal to the price to send mail to another country (you are from different country to SillyYun or not??). So it will reach SillyYun but maybe it will took longer time...

  8. Woahh..this thread is so quickly!!! I missed out a lot, and with this slow internet finally I`m on the last page (pheuhh...). Woww so many pictures already! Thank alot you guys!!

    So sorry for the phillipines eels, I hope things get fine very soon...

    Maymay thanks again for your help, hehe...I hope my present is not too heavy...

    Alilies, I`m so envy with people with skillhand...The beanie is so cute and nice color...

    By the way, is it just me, I think his face is too oily in the daejong awards pictures? Or maybe because he`s sweating or maybe the light from the camera or something?? I`m sad he`s not getting any awards, but there`ll be many many awards await him in the future, cause he`s such a talented actor!

    I don`t know, it`s just my opinion though, but the movies he choose to play didn`t have a deep storylines (or it does have but poorly executed like Doremifasolatido movie) not like the drama he played, the storylines in his dramas are so strong even if he`s not the main actor, his acting became so strong because of it. Or maybe because drama is long, so the impact are more powerful. It doesn`t mean that his acting is bad in movies, quite the opposite his acting is great, but I guess the genre of the movie maybe. I don`t know....please don`t hate me because of it....
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Did anybody know they gonna follow the story in manga or not?Because i read somewhere that baby is his not his brother, and that would be not good cause i really like the story in manga.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    A lot of kiss from me to people who subs this movie :wub: SillyYun,kje_chocolate and SE7ENsyuhja. Thank you very much for your hard work!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I think the movie is good on the actors and actress, but not in story. The transition is very fast, especially in the beginning. I think to put more logic to this story, they should develop more on the progress relationship between EunGyu and JungWon first before suddenly EunGyu willing to take JungWon side over HeeWon. The progress of their love happen too quickly.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    And they cut the Chicippi part! I saw on the making, there`s a scene where EunGyu crying in front of computer, saying "Chicippi...chicippi.." and JungWon on his back. I think that`s the part where JungWon realize who Chicippi is.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Did anybody know the meaning of the last song EunGyu sing in farewell concert where he stop in the middle of the song?In dvd in my country they didn`t translate that song, I`m so curious about the lyric because the song is significant in the plot.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Btw, shearqwyz, I only know places in Jakarta that is in Mangga Dua, Glodok, Mal Ambasador, and Kober Street in rail station University of Indonesia, hehe...I study here...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Maymay, Crazy Waiting and One Missed Call Final already out quite some time. There`s been one good news!!Finally Indosiar will soon showing Hwang Jin Yi!!!!! Aaargh...I can`t believe the finally gonna air it, it took 2 years huh! But because it will be aired soon so I don`t know exactly when they really gonna air it, you knowlah indosiar...But I`m so happy, and every time I watch tv I`m waiting the commercial showing Hwang Jin Yi in Indosiar, they put EunHo in it!! Oh I can`t wait, I hope the air time is the time I`m able to watch!!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    The movie finally here in Indonesia!! So fans from Indonesia, go grab this movie ASAP!!

































































































































  13. Maymay,you`re from Indonesia too?Good! Is there any other Indonesian fans here too?Let`s get in touch yaa...Mungkin banyak yang dari forum berbeda ya?

    SillyYun, maybe people is still looking for the special presents to give to him (I myself still in the quest for finding one) so that`s way there`s no letter yet. I`ll contact you for your address near the deadline so I would`nt loose it somewhere,because I tend to forget things... :sweatingbullets:

    For Laiyiwen and Tuchee, god bless you girl!! for spoiling us with his lovely pictures and vids...

    Oh,Baby and Me is a movie?And will be shown this summer?! Wow, it`s really no rest for him...

    In one of the interview (I think it`s arirang in Blacknjean Party) when he`s asked if he want to pursue career in singing, he said defenitely not, he want to focus in acting, because being an actor he can do many things including singing. Wow, not so many stars would say that, especially when there`s so much positive responds he had ( I also think his voice is good too). Also he said he doesn`t afraid of challenges, no matter the responds he will get. I think it`s quite brave, I myself sometimes affraid to try something because I `m afraid the outcome will turn bad...Hmm ^_^

  14. Woaa...there`s a lot going on already!! First,congrate for winning Best New Actor! He sure looks very happy :D In the youtube he`s like playing pick-a-bo there and jumping up&down, so cute....

    By the way in the picture that tuchee put in yesterday event, his shadow mustache a bit shown,hehe...

    About BOA, I wanna slap her manager for being so rude! So very cliche indeed!

    And about dramabean, I don`t see anything wrong with his outfit, I think it`s fit the occasion. And about his face, well blame his make up artist then, he`s a guy, sure don`t really know how to make up himself. Don`t make a fuss for something like this.

    Aahh...I can`t wait for his movie Doremi and Happy Life...It`s so loooong....And about Baby and Me, it`s a movie or series?I always like this manga, the relationship between the boy and his little brother is so sweet and cute. I can`t wait to see this too!

  15. Hallow..I`m new here...Nice to meet everyone who`s been so sweet to give any update on him and share the love :D

    I`m so really love this guy!!I first saw him in Hwang Jin Yi, up until now I still can`t rewatch the episod when

    EunHo died

    , it`s so depressingly sad, I cry my eyes out when I saw it. And in Hong Gil Dong, I think his character overshadowing the Hong Gil Dong character, especially in the end. His acting is very powerful, but maybe I`m bias here...

    I`m so looking forward to see his movie Doremifasolatido, ever since I read the fanfic. I think I maybe more like the changes they made in the movie,

    using Heewon to act as EunGyu because I kindna hate the ending in the story where Heewon seem happily when they`re not because all of that happen because of him!He should do something to fix it..

    I only able to see those two series, I`m trying to find and see his other work...Wish me luck!! And I want to partisipate as well to gift him birthday present, I`m trying to think what is it....Hmmmm....

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