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Posts posted by cloudsailing

  1. @Sommelier

    So maybe it was all a mistake for me to have approached her? Maybe this whole endeavor is futile and nothing will come out of it. 


    In your personal opinion, how high is your standard in terms of whether or not to give a guy your number? Would you give any guy (as long as he's not creepy/stalkerish) your number if he were to ask or would you have to be somewhat mildly attracted to him physically?


    Do pretty girls actually get hurt that deeply? I realize this is a stupid question because anything can happen in this world but just generally speaking, say she was hurt by a guy, it's relatively easy enough for her to find someone else. Yah she may have had her heart broken but she also has other guys interested in her. It's a lot better than other average looking people's situations where after they lose someone they had strong feelings for, it's going to take a long time (or never) find that feeling in someone else again. 


  2. @frenchtutor

    OK she replied. Yah she was busy. So I asked her out for coffee this weekend but she said her weekend is packed so we're going to meet next week on a weekday. 

    I dunno. I feel like maybe she didn't smile at me that many months ago and that it was all in my imagination. If she were interested in me, she'd be more enthusiastic. 

  3. @severus @rosierosie

    So I went for it. It was pretty nerve-wracking. One of the toughest things I've ever had to do. I was inspired by that saying about all you need is 20 seconds of insane courage or something like that.

    So I got her number and I'm going to ask her out for a coffee date. 

    If things don't work out, whatever, at least I won't be living with regret. Regret is worse than being rejected. 

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  4. Ladies, please help me with this. I need some very specific advice for a situation I'm in. 
    Just some background. I wouldn't say I'm a totally shy/nerdy/awkward kinda guy but I do have trouble approaching a girl cold. As in, I don't know the girl and we don't know anyone in common and I'm not in any kinda social situation with her. Once I get past this, I'm generally OK.
    So here's the situation. And I might have messed it up already but I want your opinion. So there's this girl at my local gym. Around 8 months ago, I was going through a pretty bad breakup and I was in no mood to date and generally just wasn't interested in getting to know women. I started going to classes at my local gym quite often and this girl is a personal trainer who works there. I noticed her obviously because I'm attracted to her but due to my frame of mind at the time, I wasn't planning on doing anything about it. One time, as I was leaving the gym, I think she smiled at me. Like it was very brief. I didn't really catch on at the time because this kinda thing NEVER happens to me. I thought she was smiling at someone behind me or something. So I just walked away and did nothing. This other time, when I arrived at the gym and I went to get a towel, she was working at the desk and she handed me a towel but she just handed me the towel with her eyes downcast. I've observed her at the gym and she's a very friendly, warm kinda girl with people and so doing something like that means she must have felt that I rejected her or something. It's an unfortunate misunderstanding because I am interested but just at the time, I was going through a bad situation.
    We've passed each other in the hallways a couple times and again, I couldn't work up the courage to chat with her. Plus, she's always usually busy with her clients or doing something so I don't feel comfortable interrupting her. So as a result, just nothing ever happened.
    Also, I stopped going to the gym for a couple months now because my work got super busy and I've been out of town quite often. But I've been thinking about her a lot and also I want to start dating again.
    Do you think it's too late for me to approach her now? Assuming I'm not too late and she's already dating someone.
    I don't really have a choice except to approach her cold. My plan is just to go to the gym and do my workout and if I see her on break or she's not working with a client, I will just go for it.
    But did I already mess it up by not making a move that many months ago?
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