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Posts posted by NaughtyDog

  1. Haha I have a question that's been on my mind for years...

    If a guy and a girl are dating and they decide to play a game (ie. basketball, volleyball, jitz, pool, etc), and both of them are athletic and competitive, would you want the girl to hold back and let the guy win? I know it would hurt the guy's ego if the girl won, but wouldn't it be a bigger burn if the guy found out the girl was holding back? lol :D

  2. MP100 ! i never really liked that racket. String tension is all about preference. I have my rackets strung at 29-30lbs.

    Haha yeah, it wasn't the best...I actually liked my old MP 27 better than the 100 =/

    and wow, 29-30lbs?

    My friend went up to 25lbs I think and he had to get it restrung about every few weeks because the strings would always snap!

    Hahaha I can't imagine 29-30lbs =x

  3. I had a Yonex Muscle Power 100, but I lost it. I don't know how...

    I just got it restrung too!! Urgh....I need a new racquet =(

    Was wondering what tension all your strings are at? I've gone up to 23lbs, and thought it was the best for me...

    (The strings broke more frequently though =P)

  4. Yup :) this series airs every Mon-Tues... so it should be in clubboxes by then ^_^

    you can check our clubbox, since I'm watching this one so I usually upload it in this clubbox: http://clubbox.co.kr/WITHS2CB

    Oh, thank you so much!!


    My computer won't let me download clubbox...Maybe it's the Vista thing =x

    Anyway, can someone please upload on Megaupload or Sendspace or does anyone have it on D-addicts as a torrent?

    Thanks, any help is appreciated :]

  5. Please do not self-medicate. You seriously don't know what would heal the wounds and what wouldn't. At this stage, the wound needs to be treated immediately by your vet. If your parents won't take your cat to the vet, you should do it. You don't want a dead cat on your hands just because your parents wouldn't help an injured animal.

    I'm sorry to be blunt, but I cannot believe a wound as serious as that has been left festering for two months and people actually thinking it'd heal on its own. Imagine the pain the poor cat is in. I'd have taken my cat to the vet immediately if he had been injured like that.

    I agree with you 100%...

  6. my bunny died this morning...TT__TT

    i don't even know why.. my grandma just woke me up a while ago and she said it died... T.T but last night, he was not his usual self.. i opened his cage and usually when i do that, he runs right outside. but last night he didn't run out until i called him. and he wasn't running around or eating his food like he used to... i was going to take him to the vet today, but.... he's gone...T.T i had him for a little over a year (1 year and 4 days to be exact) so i'm guessing he's almost 2 years old... but why'd he die? aren't rabbits supposed to live for 5 years or so? gah. i'm so depressed... no one would be chasing me around the house from now on...T.T

    Aww, my condolences go out to you...I don't know what I would do if my cat died...I'd be crushed...But anyway, don't dwell on how or why he died, just remember the good memories you had with him =)

  7. I have a question for cat owners!

    One of my cats has been acting really weirdly lately.

    This is how it usually goes: Usually he's in my bedroom hanging out. I'll just be laying on my bed petting him, and he'll be fine and purring and all. But sometimes, all of the sudden he'll just get up, stick his face near mine, and start meowing REALLY loudly and obnoxiously. And his pupils will get all wide. He just keeps meowing, you'd think he was dying or something.

    And sometimes he'll stop meowing and just do that "kneading dough" thing for a REALLY long time. Usually cats do it before they lie down so they can get comfy, but he just keeps going. Then when I try to touch him either to pet him or pick him up, he starts meowing again and tries to bite me.

    It's soooo weird. When I leave him alone for a while he'll go back to normal. I dunno why he does it~ :ph34r:

    Has your cat been neutered? My cat hasn't (he's an indoor cat and is afraid of outside :lol:) and he does that sometimes when he's in heat...Maybe he's in heat? lol I don't know

  8. Ok I don't think anyone answer this one, so i ask.com for some answers.

    (what does it mean if a cat wraps its tail around ur leg?)

    -Here is a para that may answer that.

    When kittens greet their mother, they run to her with their tails upright like small flag-poles. They droop, twine or rub their tails around their mother's rump or tail to solicit food from her. Adult cats also tail-twine. They entwine tails with friendly cats as they rub against each other (the tail has scent from the anal glands on it from where the cat has washed it). They also wrap their tails around human legs or objects. This both marks the leg or object and, if they are tail-wrapping part of the owner, is an attempt to get attention, fuss and food!

    (walks around leg?)

    Cats have scent glands on the chin, lips (in the corners), temples and at the base of the tail. Each cat has its own scent signature. When it washes, a cat transfers its scent from these glands to its fur. This scent is then transferred to objects the cat rubs against - a fencepost, twiggy plants, a doorway or a person's legs.

    ^so maybe your cat is marking what he/she thinks belongs to em....so he is marking you as his/her human. Or maybe he/she is just showing some love and affection...

    (here is the site i got it from below)


    Wow, that's really interesting information! Thanks for it!

    Does anyone know why cats scratch the floor before drinking water? Haha I've always wondered that :)

    - edit -

    Your post made me want to do some research, and here's an amazing website for explanations of cat behaviour...It's very interesting =)


  9. Anyway, once there was a little potato who was having an identity crisis. He went to his mom and asked her, "Umma, na gamjah ya?" to which she replied, "Dangun eejeeh!" Feeling a bit disheartened, he went to his grandma, and asked her, "Halmuneeh, na gamjah eyoh?" to which she replied, "Oyee ya." He actually began to shed tears at this point, and he went to his dad and asked... and I forgot what the dad said... haha sorry, it's been so many years since I saw this... and then at the end it showed the potato jumping off a cliff LOL

    Haha this one's hilarious! Omg, does anyone know what the dad said to him?

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