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Posts posted by NaughtyDog

  1. so after you upload songs/videos, you cant ever delete them from your zvm??? what if you want to make more space and add new stuff??

    Think of the ZVM just like a USB storage device, and if you use the ZVM explorer, it looks pretty much exactly like a 'My Documents' folder. Say if you have a movie on your computer and you put it on your player, you CAN delete if off your computer because if you run out of space on your player, you can drag the file back to your computer and watch it there. So you can keep adding and deleting files on your ZVM as much as you like =)

  2. sorry for asking so many questions about the ZVM, but can it read korean? -____-;;

    No, it can't, but on the Vision M forum they are taking requests for firmware updates, and hopefully when the newest firmware comes out, it'll be compatible with Korean font =)

  3. ^ *Well I guess it's not illegal unless they get married, but I think in most places it's illegal to marry a brother or sister in law. If you saw Heaven's Tree, they also say it's illegal to have relations with a brother or sister in law.*

    Regardless of that, I still liked the drama =)







    I watched this a while ago, and it was good =)





    -spoiler alert!-





    *But the only thing that bugged me was that that Mike and Rainie are still together and had sex when their parents got married and are having a child. That's illegal O_O Haha It's kinda like Heaven's Tree... hahaha*







    CHRISTINA AGUILERA?!!! are you serious? shes like the best singer/ has the best voice. shes a powerhoussee..





    well anyways i don't really think anyone has a really annoying voice because their voices are like that and what can you do? but like maybe cheyenne. and yeahh rock people.. i don't think thats even singing but just yellingg









    The topic is most annoying voice, not worst voice. I agree that Christina Aguilera has a great voice, but she's WAY too over-the-top; it's just too much and she trills WAY too much too...I like her voice in, for example, I Turn To You. It's very soft and is not too exaggerated, as for Lady Marmalade, oh gosh, I cringe when her part comes up.





    As for other annoying voices...Rihanna and Shakira. I also think Nelly has an annoying voice, but that's rapping, and I personally think he sings better than he raps.








    Thank, for you answers everyone =) It turns out that I had to use iTunes to add album art =) Anyway, I'm loving this player right now...Everything is great! The only con that I'd have is that a lot of my videos aren't supported by the player, and when it converts them, the audio dissappears...I'm still working on a solution to that =) But all in all, I give it a 4.5/5 I will upload pictures later =)













    Colin Firth + Renee Zellwegger - Bridget Jones' Diary 1&2





    Andrew McCarthy + Molly Ringwald - Pretty In Pink





    Patrick Dempsey + Amanda Peterson - Can't Buy Me Love














    Nikishido Ryo + Erika Sawajiri- 1 Litre Of Tears





    Matsumoto + Inoue Mao - Hana Yori Dango








    I like Straylight Run, Broken Social Scene, Stars, Amy Millan, Bloc Party, DCFC (I believe they're still with an Indie label...), Sufjan Stevens, The Arcade Fire, Thom Yorke, and a lot more.





    My friend showed me her friend's myspace, and she went to ESA (Etobicoke School of the Arts). She composes music, sings, plays trumpet, plays piano, and everything...I love her song Tigerlily =)





    Check her out at: http://www.myspace.com/sarahreidmusic








    Another question about the Creative Zen Vision:M =P





    1. How do you get cd covers to work? For some reason, it only works on some, and not others =S





    2. How long does it take to convert dramas or movies...(It works for me, but it takes REALLY long for a Korean drama to be converted...)





    3. If you don't use the Creative Video Converter, what program do you use?





    I really love this player though! =D







    hahha yea i been working on my clears and my drops with my friend althought she makes me feel bad since shes in varcity n shes helping me instead of herself T_T





    i been working on my foot work a lot thought ^_^ my coach says im gettin faster XP hehe





    me and my partner already know how to cummunicate with each other but right now im confused with the doubles and mix thing my guy friend says that in girls doubles we play side to side not front and back and you know how in mix you play front and back





    does that really matter or its just what way is easier for us?









    Knowing your positioning has a lot to do with knowledge of the sport and being aware of where your partner is not.





    So, in girls' doubles if you serve short, and your opponent drops it, THAT IS ALWAYS THE SERVER's SHOT TO GET, even though it is on your partner's side of the court...





    That's your shot. (And mind you, you and your partner should never stand side by side in girls' doubles when you serve cause if your opponent clears the bird, both of you will have to run backwards to get the bird) If you serve a long shot, that's when you play side by side...





    You also have to watch where your partner is...If your partner's all the way in the front court receiving a drop shot, there's no point in you being at the front either. Your opponents can just clear the bird, and end of rally. If you are both in the back court, your opponent can easily drop the bird, and once again, end of rally. I dunno, it sounds kinda confusing, but once you get the hang of it, it'll come naturally...Anyway, good luck on your badminton season next year! =D








    Ah, there are two Korean players in it I believe...Kevin Kim and Hyung Taik Lee They both played today and I hope they won =) Agassi and Roddick had to withdraw due to injuries, which is an upset because those are two great players that I would have loved to see play.





    Anyway, Roger Federer is the obvious front-runner, but I'm rooting for the underdog Rafael Nadal. He has so much talent and he's only 20. He's beaten Federer a couple of time I believe, and hopefully he can pull it off this year! You'll be sure to see this guy winning a crazy amount of tournaments in the future =)





    Yea, on another note, I HATE ROGERS! I hate basic cable up to channel 28, and Rogers Cable won't play the Rogers Cup on their own sports channel RSO! JEEBUS! Now I can only watch the last two days of the cup on CBC =( Ah well...I'm applying next year to volunteer at the next one, but I'm too old to be a ballgirl :( (you have to be 12-16) lol






    Are you in the US? If so, Dells can be very cheap and modern (unlike these other budget models that use older processors).




    I prefer not to generalize a brand if its bad or not, as some companys can build very good notebooks but have a few "lemon" models. You need to figure out what screen size you want.. however most budget models tend to be either 14 or 15". you could probably get a budget Inspiron E1505 for less than $700







    Well, I live in Toronto, Canada...I think I'm looking for something around 15", not 17" (too big)I think 15"4 is a good size..But yea, thanks for the recommendation..I'll look into it =) Thanks for your help ^^







    ^ Thanks for letting me know =) Yea, well money right now isn't a big issue, but I don't want to buy something TOO expensive at the same time..My dad said that HP/Toshiba have good laptops, and that the Sony Vaio isn't good (which I had my eye on for a bit)




    Which model is the best/most reliable right now from Toshiba? What I want is a laptop that's not too expensive, not too heavy, decent sized screen, be able to burn+watch DVDs, it's going to be used mostly for school and internet, and I'm not majoring in art, so I don't need amazing graphics/graphics programs. Any suggestions?







    Went to





    Death Cab For Cutie and Youth Group





    Wanna go to










    Franz Ferdinand





    The Strokes





    The Cribs










    and some others i can't think of right now. :P









    Lol I went to Death Cab's concert and they performed with Franz Ferdinand & The Cribs LOL =D I never knew The Cribs until that concert, and I liked them right away...Their song "Martell" was even in a Telus commercial and all my friends liked that song too!





    (8) Someone's got their eye on you now, don't you know? Whoa-oh-ohhhh!










    I LOVED The Chronicles Of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, & The Wardrobe..Harry Gregson Williams is by far my favourite contemporary composer! He's not very well know, but he has done A LOT of work in the past. He even did some stuff in Bridget Jones' Diary 2, Shrek 1 & 2, Metal Gear Solid 2 & 3, and Man On Fire...His composing is so mesmerizing, and it captivates you everytime you listen to it...A good soundtrack is one where it takes you back to the scenes of the movie it was in, and Harry Gregson Williams sure does that. He's WAY underrated IMO...John Williams and Danny Elfman are amazing composers, but they are WAY too overrated...I thought Narnia should've won best soundtrack instead of Brokeback Mountain, but Brokeback had to win SOMETHING right? Lol stupid rigged award shows...Anyway, other than that, I would say my other favourites would be:







    10 Things I Hate About You







    Remember The Titans







    Pretty In Pink







    The Wedding Singer







    That's all I can think of right now...










    I watched it when I was little, so I'm freaked out by that movie. Especially the girl's face when she's been taken over by the demon and does a 360.







    The way she got possessed is freaky cause I've heard stories about the same thing; that you have to ask permission to leave the conversation.







    But yea, I'm still scared of that movie. The new one sucked, and so did the Exorcism Of Emily Rose.



















    I think they did a really good job castin Tom Hanks for this movie. He seems to fit Langdon's character physically, and hopefully mentally =)






































































































































    These have been translated! Ty to all.
































































    사람과 사람 사이엔
































































    작은 문이 하나 있어요.
































































    감히 들어 갈 수도 없고
































































    잘 열리지도 않았어요.
































































    사랑을 알게 되면서
































































    조금씩 열려지는 마음의 문에
































































    당신이 차지 하고 있는
































































    공간은 전부가 되어 버렸어요.
































































    삶이 힘드신가요?
































































    살아가는 즐거움을 잊으셨나요?
































































    힘들어 하지 마세요.
































































    당신 손을 잡고 있는 내가 있잖아요.
































































































































    당신 곁엔 내가 있잖아요.
































































    힘을 내세요.
































































    잡은 손 절대로 놓지 않아요.
































































    쓸쓸해 하지 마세요.
































































    당신 안에 내가 있으니까요.
































































































































    언제나 행복하세요.
































































    행복해 하는 당신을 보면
































































    나 또한 행복해 질 수 있으니까요.
































































































































    좋은 옷 보면 생각나는 거, 그게 사랑이야.
































































    맛있는 거 보면 같이 먹고 싶고
































































    좋은 경치 보면 같이 보고 싶은 거
































































    나쁜게 아니라 좋은 거 있을 때
































































    여기 그 사람이 있었으면 좋겠다, 생각하는 거
































































    그게 사랑인 거야. 그건 누가 많이 가지고
































































    누가 적게 가지고 있어서
































































    그러는 게 아닌 거야.
































































    나쁜 게 아니라, 좋은 거 있을 때
































































    여기 그 사람이 있었으면 좋겠다, 생각하는 거
































































    그게 사랑인 거야.
































































































































    안녕, 언젠가
































































    인간은 늘 안녕을 준비하며
































































    살아가야 하는거야
































































    고독이란 절대로 배신하지 않는
































































    친구라고 생각하는게 좋아
































































    사랑 앞에서 몸을 떨기전에,
































































    우산을 사야 해
































































    아무리 뜨거운 사랑 앞이라도
































































    행복을 믿어서는 안돼
































































    죽을만큼 사랑해도 절대로
































































    너무 사랑한다고 해서는 안되는거야
































































    사랑이란 계절과도 같은 것
































































    그냥 찾아와서 인생을
































































    지겹지 않게 치장할 뿐인 것
































































    사랑이라고 부르는 순간,
































































    스르르 녹아버리는 얼음 조각
































































    안녕, 언젠가
































































    영원한 행복이 없듯이
































































    영원한 불행도 없는거야
































































    언젠가 안녕이 찾아오고,
































































    또 언젠가 만남이 찾아오느니
































































    인간은 죽을 때,
































































    사랑받은 기억을 떠올리는 사람과
































































    사랑한 기억을 떠올리는 사람이 있는거야
































































































































    누군가를 사랑한다 해도
































































    그가 떠나기를 원하면 손을 놓아주렴.
































































    떠났다가 다시 돌아오는 것.
































































    그것을 받아들여.
































































    돌아오지 않으면,,,,
































































    그건 처음부터 너의 것이 아니었다고,
































































    잊어버리며 살아.
































































































































    춤추라, 아무도 바라보고 있지 않은 것처럼.
































































    사랑하라, 한 번도 상처받지 않은 것처럼.
































































    노래하라, 아무도 듣고 있지 않은 것처럼.
































































    일하라, 돈이 필요하지 않은 것처럼.
































































    살라, 오늘이 마지막 날인 것처럼.
































































































































    내 다리가 후들거리고 있는데
































































    내 마음이 휘청거리고 있는데
































































    내 가슴이 엉켜져버렸는데
































































    내 눈물이 얼룩져버렸는데
































































    내 슬픔은 걷잡을 수도 없는데
































































    내 아픔은 치유될 수도 없는데
































































    이런 내 모습을 보고도
































































    넌 정말 행복해 ?
































































































































    사랑이 진해지면 집착이고
































































    사랑이 흐려지면 이별이다
































































    사랑이 적당하면 익숙이다
































































































































    도대체 어떤 수준이여야 좋은것인가
































































































































    "첫눈에 반하는것... 일분 걸린다.
































































    누군가를 좋아하게 되는것... 한시간.
































































    누군가를 사랑하게 되는 시간... 하루..
































































    누군가를 잊는것... 평생 걸린다.."
































































    -진주 목걸이
































































































































    너만 바라봐서 미안해
































































    ..사랑해서 미안해
































































































































    "내가 달이라면
































































    너와 함께 하고픈 난
































































    기꺼이 별이 될게"
































































































































    "사랑은 아껴두는게 아니야,
































































    사랑을 담아 두지마"
































































































































































































    무릎꿇어선 안된다
































































































































    사랑하는여자앞에서무릎 꿇는것은
































































    사랑하는여자를가진남자만의 특권이다"
































































    -김제동 명언
































































































































    내가 너에게 하고 싶은말 이양:
































































































































































































    -온통 니생각 뿐일걱
































































    -내맘을 왜 몰라줘잉?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    -난 니가 필요해
































































































































    -니가있어 너무 행복해
































































































































    -나많이 많이 사랑해줘잉
































































    -알라뿅 <3
































































































































    -너만을 바라볼래
































































    -너를 사랑해
































































    -잘자 하상 내꿈꿔 ㅎ
































































    -너와 나에겐 이별은 없는고야
































































    -뽀뽀 -3-
































































    -내가 사랑하눈 사람
































































    -나와의 있픈사랑중
































































    -나와의 사랑가득
































































































































    -세상에 단한사람 너
































































    -사랑에 빠진나
































































































































































































































































    -너에게 빠져버린 나
































































    -너의 곁엔 항상 내가 있을께
































































    -너없인 못살앙
































































    -너와의 달콤한사랑
































































    -나만의 인형이 되어줄께
































































    -나만 사랑할래
































































    -나와 함께이고 싶어
































































    -너만을 원해
































































































































    "내 마음속 깊숙하게 박혀 있던 사랑이라는 것을 빼고나니.. 아파서.. 죽을것 같네요.."
































































































































    "내가 '사랑한다' 말하며
































































    그댄 '미안하다' 하겟죠"
































































































































    "나라는년 잘난거하나없고, 싸가제에, 제멋대로지만..
































































    너한테마는 진심이었다.."
































































































































    "당신은 내게 허락된 최고의 산물입니다..."
































































































































































































    아려오는 가슴도..
































































































































































































































































    우리가 사랑했었다는
































































































































































































































































































































































































    "사랑이라는 마음만으로, 영원토록 기쁨 니끼고 싶어"



































































































































































































































































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