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Everything posted by chicha

  1. wow that is alot of Spring cleaning to do! Thanks so much! I finished LDT novel a while ago... its a fun and simple story plot but I enjoyed it very much! However I think the drama changed somethings, so hopefully its not too drastic! Tattoos: many of them have tattoos yes lol My one and only concern is we won't be able to get brooding shower scenes from Dengwei ever unless they find a way to paint it out... its a topic we discussed very very seriously hahahahaha And when will we ever see his abs in a photoshoot? *cries* Yeah some who tried super hard to get 'seen' at the Fashion week events failed to do so in spite of alot of money and effort, so its to be expected. I dislike DW smoking more for his own health. Vaping is also bad actually, even though it tries to market itself as harmless... sigh... but that is his own freedom... some Kpop singers I love smoke alot too, and those people use their voices for their work... Now I am just waiting for LDT to air! LOL
  2. Deng wei just looks sooo amazing.... what a shame that Rosy Clouds didn't get to air yet, because I definitely see our 'Uncle Cha' / Zheng Shi in his eyes in some of the photos!!
  3. "Now I understand why TJC sued Deng Wei's Fans. But fortunately, nothing happens. Not enough evidence. I have never like TJC and Xiang Liu even before I know about all these. Seems like my "Instinct" is correct." ( sorry I am not sure how to quote only a portion on soompi ) Actually TJC had not officially sued Deng Wei's fans. It was more like a warning letter, not official submission of a lawsuit. And yes on suppression of Tushan Jing on LYF S2! They removed so much of TSJ's meaningful scenes and redistributed his scenes and lines to other characters. But nobody can stop Deng wei's TSJ from shining brightly! On weibo's summer drama chart for discussion volume, Tushan Jing won out the number 2 spot of Xiangliu by nearly double of his total! 1.5亿 vs 7414万! After spending all that money and effort, I guess thats why some people can't 'stay still' and are shaking in rage... We have to protect our Deng wei!
  4. OH NO..... did they remove Ranran's parents?? I loved her mother!! She was such an amazing force! WHY????
  5. I think the problem why the drama made people feel Xiaoyao was naïve might be because Cangxuan wasn't acting drunk enough LOL In the novel he was pretty out of it... but Cangxuan was supposed to hide his feelings from Xiaoyao really well too...I remember that he hid it so well, that when Xinyue called him out on it, he actually felt relieved, that at least one person in the world noticed. In the drama, he was being really very obvious I still can't blame Xiaoyao for not seeing his 'obvious' feelings when the two of them are always saying how they would live or die together because they are family... to her, never in her wildest dreams would CX be romantically interested in her. Yes from just drama fans to novel fans everyone could feel whiplash from how the scenes jump to the other... without clear markers of passing time... The Haoling war took about 27 years I think... but we couldn't tell... Jing was missing for 6 years in the novel but in the drama... was he even gone for 6 months? He couldn't have just been trapped in that cave for years or floated out at sea for that long right? Anyway its fair to say the production team absolutely butchered S2. Its like they ran out of creative juice and just stopped caring at all. Even the CGI shots was halfhearted except for Xiangliu's scenes. As for the reputation of the Tushan Chief... the clan's dignity is more important than his individual reputation. Hence whatever scandal that can be covered up, would be covered up. Isn't that pretty much true in our modern day world with royals lol I am glad Xiaoyao doesn't care either. As long as she and Jing knows the truth, that is good enough for them. What the rest of the world thought does not matter to either of them.
  6. No its not because of censors... in fact what they did was so weird and liable to get into trouble with censors lol Its just a matter of a fight of capitalists.. See whose backer has more money and say in the project. They then can decide how to butcher the story to suit their own needs... like more screen time and better CG for the ones who brought money to the production... C ent is so different from how the western countries do their projects... they will plan everything, balance the budget so that it serves the overall drama, not just a few people.. How are you dealing with the past few eps? I could barely watch it... It was so awful what they did...
  7. By the way saw this on weibo but they could not show Xiaoyao self medicating for sensitive reasons so someone found out they mentioned the name of this medicine and apparently it is for treating insomnia... When I read it in the novel before I thought it was only some incense lol
  8. Sorry I would like to check with this point "d) Xuan wants to prove that he has No Blood-Relations to Xiao Yao. And therefore he can marry her." This is not logical right? The King of Haoling and Chichen are both not related by blood to Cangxuan in the first place. The shared bloodline is his father's side, and Xiaoyao's mother is his father's younger sister. That will not change whether he revealed the truth about her father or not? In any case, Cangxuan would have still been able to marry her because she is his cousin but is a 表 and not a 堂...given that her father is not related to his father at all. Thanks @hush puppy for all these recaps I can't believe we are almost halfway there for S2... sigh... This season is really just rushing through all the plot lines...
  9. I love how Xiaoyao is finally no longer waiting for destiny to happen for her and making things happen now!! Get your man back girl!!
  10. I have caught up to Ep4!! Everything is great just not enough Tushan Jing screen time sigh... I think we will get more tomorrow!! I am absolutely looking forward to tomorrow's eps! @hush puppy Thank you for sharing your recaps!!
  11. Hiiiiii welcome to the fans who just arrived! I haven't been to soompi forums in a long time myself... looking forward to fun chats with everyone here!
  12. Even though Tushan Jing is not the main male lead of Lost You Forever, but as the female lead's love interest, he seems to possess all the tropes of the Kdrama male leads. His character setting: Tushan Jing is a genius. He is gifted, talented, great at literally everything, except how to woo girls deal with women. He didn't know how to read Xiaoyao - but granted she is a hard book to read since she is always hiding her true feelings from him ; he didn't know how to get Fangfeng Yiying to break off the engagement from her side so he could take the blame and spare her reputation ; he didn't know have enough time to convince his grandmother that marrying the princess will not be detrimental for their clan because times are changing. The only problem with Tushan Jing: he is too successful at hiding himself in the background like how he casts his illusions. He pulls the strings so subtly that everyone forgets he is the one moving things along. Not only the characters in the story but even outside the drama, some of the audience tend to forget he was getting things done. His meet-cute with Xiaoyao: The female lead will rescue him in the 'poor (wo)man saves rich man in distress' trope. Thankfully Tushan Jing did not have the usual amnesia trope and he was also the first to realize Xiaoliu was in fact a woman, needing no episodes wasted on angst. The kdrama Ep10-14 arc We have the real identity reveals, which is epic because not only Tushan Jing is almost Dahuang royalty, his girl is actual royalty x2; then we get the jealous moments, the making-up, the sweet sweet kisses... Of course not forgetting this usually overlaps with the set-up arc, complete with unsupportive and disapproving family... And now we are in the inevitable breakup arc Set up by his own beloved family, besieged on all sides, plot twist when Tushan Jing looks to Xiaoyao she was outside the pit looking in rather than by his side... OUCH... Can't wait for S2, the get-back-together and let's-fight-for-our-love arc! Back to saving each others' lives
  13. OH wonderful a fellow diamond!! LOL I will surely visit that thread soon! well I actually love Ye Shiqi and Tushan Jing before I liked the actor Dengwei, so he is very special to me! As for why, there is so much to say... let me organize my thoughts... this forum is so quiet I am almost afraid to be like... talking to myself like Xiaoyao LOOOL What if I drive you all to hit your head on rocks!! Also I will fight anyone who try to slander such a wonderful character!
  14. What would you like to talk about? I love talking nonstop about LYF lol I just realized that apparently I still like this character build for nearly 10 years... ?! Taek - richest boy in Ssangmun-dong, Great in Baduk, Quiet and thoughtful, GREAT KISSER Tushan Jing - richest man in Dahuang, Great in deity's chess ( whatever that is ), Quiet and thoughtful, GREAT KISSER
  15. I get the feeling Soompi viewers maybe more into Kdramas? I myself have still been watching Kdramas but I eventually stopped coming to soompi forums to chat. I do miss everyone getting excited over new episodes... Hopefully we can have a nice time here!
  16. You made me lol with delight! Good taste is all I can say! I have waited one year for S2... I really can't wait!! Hope they drop more eps on the first day!
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