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[drama 2007] I Hate You, But It's Fine 미우나 고우나

Guest shorty_babygurl03

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Guest carleli

I've watched this show from the beginning and i've enjoyed it a lot. today is the last day of this drama in kbs world and based on what i've read here, it has a happy ending so i'm glad. i've enjoyed reading all the summaries, comments, remarks, reactions and anything and everything about this show. dramaok, loved and missed your summaries and am surely glad that your okay now. thanks for those detailed summaries i love reading them especially if i sometimes missed an episode or two. thanks guys for every thing. :D

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Seonjae doesn't have the standard prison haircut, sits around in his cell wearing a long-sleeved, very clean, well ironed white shirt. Then JS comes to visit and says that she arranged for him to have better meals. I think its more than just a box of apples, Dramaok .. more like a whole orchard :tongue2:

You're definitely right. :tongue2: He even doesn't seem suffer enough for what he did :crazy:

orangesmartie92, it's okay....we won't kill you :) You're alike with my friend. She likes SJ a lot in this drama.

I think DP later likes BH coz BH's hard-working, honest, kind-hearted and of course funny. DP once told BH's mom that BH always put others' interest first. It's hard to find this kind of man. Also DP's some kinda a career-minded woman, although BH doesn't have any educational background but he eager to learn. He's caring guy but the most...he loves her so much, he even let her be with HW as long as she's happy. Eventhough we all know...sometimes he can't hold himself and once told her not to leave him.

BH sometimes clumsy and stupid maybe...that's why he and DP are a good match :)

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Guest b00kw0rm

DP told Dongji that if a man lacks wealth and education, he can work at it to make up for what he is lacking. But a person with a good sincere heart who loves her deeply is hard to match.

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Guest pint0

I finally got to see the much-talked about, much-hated final episode on KBS World last evening. And I hated it!

BK rose to SJ's position in 2 years? It sounds like nepotism especially leaving his senior more abled colleagues, like his wife, in the dust! And when his wife phones him, he says "DP, I thought you're on leave? Why are you calling? What can I do for you?". Man, it sounds like he is talking to a biz acquaintance. Sounds like the only thing the couple have to talk about is Bonjour. BORING! Add that to him looking so stuffy in that office = double boring!

is it "cute" for DJ and MS to have a baby at their age? I feel really sorry for the baby to have parents old enough to be his/her grandparents. I have seen a cousin of mine grow up in that situation and its not cute at all for the poor baby.

I have never liked DJ from the start and ended the show without growing to like her at all. in fact, seeing granny fight her just to ensure SA's inheritance is safe versus DJ willing to abandon her son and his rights (if he didn't have his accident that's what would have happened), i think its better to have Granny in your corner than silly, weak DJ.

SJ looks good in jeans! What a delicious sight. Almost makes me like him :tongue2: And speaking of clothes, did you noticed that DP's dress was sooo short, that when she lifted up her arm to retrieve her mobile at the same time that DJ pulled her arm - moving it higher, she flashed her panties for that split second :tongue2: What a way to end the show, eh DP :) Sharon Stone has nothing on DP!

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Guest FTTS_Princess

Hello! My mother has been watching this drama

but she missed the last episode on TV

she wanted to know if Baekho is the son of Mansu (sp?)

thank you <3333

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Guest monoceros

Why is Baekho and Danpung reduced to being support actors for Seonjae and Sua?!

but you know, bh and dp stopped being main characters after they got together.. whereas sj and sa still had LOTS of problems

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Why is Baekho and Danpung reduced to being support actors for Seonjae and Sua?!

I think there are two reasons:

Korea Ajummas don't have time for a 'stupid star' like BH


They like spending their time looking at the smater, hotter and sexier SJ!!! :rolleyes:

(Dumb is never cute pass twenty :phew: )


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Guest b00kw0rm

Hello! My mother has been watching this drama

but she missed the last episode on TV

she wanted to know if Baekho is the son of Mansu (sp?)

thank you <3333

Yes he is. The mystery of why the silly woman married him and didn't tell him when their son was already grown and no danger of being taken from her, remains. In fact, as others have pointed out, the silly woman was willing to abandon her son to live with MS and Granny. Who can blame BH for being silly when he was raised by the stupidest woman in Korea!

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Yes he is. The mystery of why the silly woman married him and didn't tell him when their son was already grown and no danger of being taken from her, remains. In fact, as others have pointed out, the silly woman was willing to abandon her son to live with MS and Granny. Who can blame BH for being silly when he was raised by the stupidest woman in Korea!

:lol: You really hate DJ, don't you? I also hate seeing her so weak, that made BH suffer a lot and...she could only say "I'm sorry" :wacko:

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I Hope we can gather all the mv of DanBeak here in this thread

what do you think

it will be sooo nice as time passes we can remember then here again :D

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can someone upload(mp3 format) the song baekho sang when they were karaoke singing - the title is confession pppppppppplllllllllllllllllllllsssssssssssssssss

I'll try and see what happens. It's Truth in Drunken Confessions by Kim Dung Ryul. I have the CD. It depends on how well my Real Player decides to work

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Thanks elainecruz63! I'm so glad you are all still here :)

Yes he is. The mystery of why the silly woman married him and didn't tell him when their son was already grown and no danger of being taken from her, remains. In fact, as others have pointed out, the silly woman was willing to abandon her son to live with MS and Granny. Who can blame BH for being silly when he was raised by the stupidest woman in Korea!

Well put!! :w00t::w00t::w00t:

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Guest lucky_moon

Is there anyway to download The Final Ep ( Eng Subbed) DDL but not MU.. I want it for my mother cuz she missed the final..

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This Drama ended here in the US on Tuesday, July 2nd. (KBS) It ended with episode #171 and I thought, from following this forum, that this drama had 172 episodes. I was wondering if anyone else noticed this. Am I missing something here or was an episode skipped?

On another note, I am looking forward to the next drama and following it with all of you.

Thank You.

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Guest kdramafanusa

HIGHEST RATED TV DRAMAS OF FIRST HALF OF 2008 [2008.01.01 ~ 2008.06.30]

[From: AGB Nielsen Media Research]


1. I Hate You But It's Fine <미우나고우나> / Likable Or Not (E) (KBS1) - 39.7%

2. Yi San <이산> / Lee San, Wind Of The Palace (E) (MBC) - 30.4%

3. New Heart <뉴하트> / New Heart (E) (MBC) - 26.1%

4. Angry Mom <엄마가뿔났다> / Mom's Dead Upset (E) (KBS2) - 25.9%

5. First Wives Club <조강지처클럽> / The First Wives Club (E) (SBS) - 25.2%

Likable Or Not (KBS1)


Yi San (MBC) & New Heart (MBC)


Mom's Dead Upset (KBS 2TV) & First Wives Club (SBS)


Source: MyDaily


상반기 드라마 최대승자 남녀 스타는?

2008-06-21 09:39:09


[마이데일리 = 배국남 대중문화전문기자] 상반기에도 수많은 드라마가 시청자와 만났다. 시청자의 폭발적인 눈길을 끄는 드라마가 있는가 하면 시청자의 싸늘한 외면을 받은 작품도 있다. 미니시리즈, 일일 드라마, 주말 드라마, 대하사극 중 상반기 가장 사랑을 받은 드라마는 두 개로 압축된다. 시청률로 보면 최고의 시청률을 기록한 드라마는 일일 드라마 미우나 고우나로 30~40%대 인기고공 비행을 했다. 또한 화제면과 시청률면에서 높은 관심을 받은 작품이 바로 MBC월화사극 이산이다.

수많은 스타들이 드라마로 시청자와 만났지만 상당수가 스타의 명성에 흠집을 남기며 시청자의 외면을 받았다. 하지만이산과 미우나 고우나는 올 상반기중 시청자의 사랑을 가장 많이 받는 드라마로 꼽히고 이 드라마를 이끈 스타들이 올 상반기 브라운관에서 드라마 대전의 최대 승자로 기록되는 스타들이다.

특히이산의 이서진과 미우나 고우나의 한지혜가 상반기 브라운관에서 최대 승자 스타로 꼽힌다.

이서진은 이산의 타이틀롤을 맡아 방송전 우려를 불식시키며 새로운 정조상을 구축했다. 다모이후 오랜만에 정통사극 이산으로 사극연기를 한 이서진은 9개월여 동안 시청자의 사랑을 받았다. 가장 어려운 시기와 적대세력 속에서 개혁적 성군으로 부상했던 정조의 파란만장한 일대기를 잘 표출해 20~30%대의 시청률을 기록했다.

이서진은 사극 연기에 어색함도 드러냈으나 일관된 스타일과 분위기로 이산을 연기해 시청자들의 박수를 받았다.

이서진은 이산은 너무 힘든 작품이었다. 하지만 연기 인생에 하나의 이정표로 남을 사극이기도 하다. 많은 것을 배웠다고 의미부여했다.

이서진이 상반기 드라마중 최대 승리를 거둔 남자 스타라면 한지혜는 여자 스타중 최대 승리를 거둔 스타다.

시청률은 만족하지 않을 수 없다. 이것보다 어떻게 더 많이 나오나. 내가 촬영장에서 더욱 성숙해 졌다. 촬영 도중 어떤 사건이 있어도 힘들다는 생각하지 않고 연기하게 됐다. 내 연기도 (드라마)처음 시작할 때 연기와 끝날 때 연기가 많이 달라져 있다는 말을 많이 들었다상반기 드라마중 최고 시청률을 기록한미우나 고우나종방연에서 한지혜가 한 말이다.

한지혜는 일일 드라마미우나 고우나로 거듭난 스타다. 30~40%대의 엄청난 시청률을 기록한 드라마의 성공뿐만 아니라 연기자 한지혜의 한단계 발전된 모습을 보였기 때문이다.

한지혜는 미우나 고우나를 통해 연기력면에서 자연스러움을 배가시켰다. 일상성이 배어든 연기가 돋보일 정도로 그녀의 연기력은 미우나 고우나를 통해 발전했다.

또한 한지혜는 미우나 고우나출연중 연인이었던 이동건과의 결별이라는 아픔을 겪었지만 이 어려움을 극복하고 연기에 전념하는 모습을 보여 시청자로 박수를 받았다.

[상반기 드라마중 최고의 시청률을 기록하며 사랑받은 스타, 이서진과 한지혜. 사진=마이데일리 사진DB]

배국남 대중문화전문기자 knbae@mydaily.co.kr

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