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[drama 2007] I Hate You, But It's Fine 미우나 고우나

Guest shorty_babygurl03

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Guest damifino

Thank you!!! =D

I wonder if SA really called DJ "mom"... O_O

Based on the circumstances, I assumed she was crying about leaving her mom behind since she's leaving for Paris.

I'll see soon enough, thanks to 13damifino. =)

The way SA said it, I thought she was crying and calling out for HER mom, but DJ's reaction made it seem like she thought SA called her mom :unsure: Maybe DJ was just happy that SA could open up to her like this and talk to her about her mom, I don't know.

Later on SA did refer to DJ as "new mom" or "stepmom" to BH, but at this point in their relationship, I can't imagine SA calling DJ just "mom" or "our mom" (our is often used in Korean to say 'my') as the previous scene with DJ seemed to indicate.

I argree with you 100% you are wise beyond your years !

You don't know how old I am :)

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Guest kauaisurfer

.....is BH the real son or what! Who knows????? Maybe even the Presidents is trying to figure this one out! :rolleyes:

Or At Least ...Two Citizens of the Island of Kauai, Hawaii...

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Guest hsl521

SA DID call DJ "mom". And THEN she said "new mom / step mom". Later on when she was leaving she called her "new mom / step mom" to baek ho

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Guest elainecruz63

Is there a translation of the preview tom. ? .... just asking. :unsure: ... I hope we reach up to 200 pages of this forum. It was fun though reading diff. points of view... please don't hesitate to tell us which one is the next drama to watch... thanks :blush: :)

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Guest ChristyKim

Is there a translation of the preview tom. ? .... just asking. :unsure: ... I hope we reach up to 200 pages of this forum. It was fun though reading diff. points of view... please don't hesitate to tell us which one is the next drama to watch... thanks :blush: :)

See page 195, post #3896 ;)

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Guest uni33

Episode 171…please correct as needed.

Aunt says they should do a paternity test on BH and Mansu because they are so similar but secretly so no one knows. Granny says this is all useless. Aunt is insisting, they are so alike, if it were me I would do it. What’s the harm, she asks, if BH is Mansu’s son, great, otherwise they will continue to go on as they are. Granny says what if people find out and he’s not Mansu’s son, what would BH, DJ, and Mansu say. Granny says if they don’t do this right, the whole house will be in an uproar so Aunt says do it on the sly. She says now a days a piece of hair or a toothbrush will work and Granny says forget it. Granny tells her not to start anything, just be quiet until she goes back to the US. Granny says there is too much going on with SJ and his situation, doesn’t want anything else disturbing the peace. Aunt says fine, I’m going to wash my face. Granny says if BH is Mansu’s son, why wouldn’t DJ have said anything by now…of course, Aunt is just saying useless things and making a person crazy.

Mansu in room, DJ comes to give him medicine. Mansu eels bad about SJ’s situation while he’s at home taking medicine so he can live. Feels bad for making DJ suffer and DP as well. DJ says to stop but he says if he hadn’t fired SJ these things wouldn’t have happened. She tells him not to feel too badly, things will happen even without him. Mansu asks if she needs help with anything. He feels like everything is his fault.

Aunt steals Mansu’s toothbrush, says she will find out for Granny.

BH asks DP if she’s seen his toothbrush. She says look harder, it’s not like it has legs and went anywhere. BH says, No, I looked everywhere, I can’t find it. He says, do you think we have a ghost and DP scoffs at him and tells him he’s going overboard again. He wonders how a woman can have no fear. DP tells him to hurry up and go downstairs. BH leaves and DP gets freaked out.

Aunt helps Granny into the bathroom and tells her to be careful. Granny asks where the mat has come from, it’s not slippery at all. BH comes in (are there no boundaries in Korea????) and Aunt asks if he’s the one who put the mat down. He says he got it last night and it’s supposed to be slip proof but still be careful. Granny says alright, but how long are you going to stand there. How am I going to do my business with you there so he leaves and she stares in wonder at the mat. Granny says, who asked him to do this useless thing and Aunt says why can’t you just admit when someone’s done something nice for you.

BH gets a package. Protesters sent him fresh vegetables. Everyone shocked and awed. There’s a letter that thanks him for all his hard work. Granny wants to know what he did to receive such thanks. Mansu congratulates him. BH says they should share with co-workers. DJ agrees.

BH gives coworkers the vegetables and they try to decide what to make. Offers some to WJ. WJ tells them he resigned and came to say good-bye. Tells them he’s going to the US and thanks everyone for their hard work. BH is sad WJ is leaving and says don’t be sad they will see each other again. WJ says they are in a hurry to leave so will get married in the US and when things are settled they will get together with the parents and have a ceremony. BH wants to get together one last time to have a drink with JY and WJ. WJ agrees and asks about SJ. Asks which police station SJ is being held.

JY thinks about what MA told her about SJ being in jail. Eulso asks if JY is ready to leave for the US and that he will miss her a lot. JY’s father says don’t make her feel bad before she leaves. JY says she will visit often and asks Eulso to take care of her father and aunts for her. Eulso says that’s a good idea, why didn’t I think of that. JY’s father tells her not to think about work since she’s leaving and to do what she wants before she goes. WJ comes to pick up JY.

WJ tells JY they’re all ready to go. He tells her even though they will visit often, he wants her to get everything she needs settled before they leave. WJ asks her if she knows SJ is in jail and tells her to go visit him before they leave if she wants.

JY goes to visit SJ in jail. SJ asks her why she came and she said she wanted to see him before she left. She tells him she’s going to the US with WJ and thought about just leaving but thought it would be good for the two of them to meet one last time before she left. She says be well and she’ll be leaving. He apologizes for everything and asks for forgiveness. He tells her to go safely and be well and she asks him to be well also. JY runs to WJ and cries.

BH comes in with a walker for Mansu to practice walking bit by bit. DP says she’ll go up and change. Aunt remarks how good BH is to Mansu and how great it would be if BH was Mansu’s real son.

BH tells Mansu to take it slow and Mansu says, thank you son. Everyone congratulates Mansu on how well he is walking. DJ tells him to rest. Granny is happy that Mansu is able to walk again. She says he’ll be running soon. Aunt remarks on BH’s thoughtfulness. She wonders aloud how he could have thought of getting a walker for Mansu. BH says of course he should. Granny wants to know where SA is because she wants SA to see Mansu walking. DJ tells her SA went to her in-laws to say good-bye.

GT is making kim-chi pancakes for JS because he was worried she didn’t have an appetite and he knows how much she likes kim-chi pancakes. JS tells him to take off the apron. SA comes in and tells them she’s leaving.

SA goes to GT and JS to say good-bye. She thanks them for treating her like a part of the family and for loving her and she’s sorry for not getting along with SJ, getting divorced, and causing them heartache. GT says tells her there is no reason to apologize and they are the ones that are sorry. SA goes to leave and JS asks if she can stay and wondering what they are going to do now. GT tells JS to stop or else SA will be sad and to let SA go. SA runs out crying. JS hysterical crying.

SA comes home crying and runs upstairs so DJ goes after her. She asks SA what has happened and SA tells her she just came back from the Na’s. She tells DJ she feels bad for causing them heartache after they have shown her so much love. DJ tells her not to worry and to think about herself. SA wonders if she is doing the right thing by leaving. She wonders if she will be alright by herself in Paris and DJ tells her not to go if she doesn’t want to and just stay there with them. SA says she wants to stay as well but she thinks it will be too hard and DJ says what will our SA do and hugs her. SA calls her mother and DJ starts crying and tells her it will all be okay. Granny comes and sees them together.

Granny goes to her room and takes out the contract to look at it. She looks torn as to what she should do.

SA comes down with her luggage and everyone is there to greet her. SA tells her dad she is leaving and he tells her to be well and if it gets hard for her to come back whenever. Mansu says he is sorry for so many things and SA hugs him and says she is not her mother and this isn’t his fault. SA asks DJ to take care of Mansu and DJ tells SA to call and come home often. SA asks for Granny but Aunt says she doesn’t want to come out because she doesn’t want to see SA leave.

SA goes to see her Granny who of course is laying down facing the wall. SA asks if she is sleeping and says how can she leave if she is going to be like this. SA asks Granny to send her off with laughter as she is leaving to find her happiness. Granny agrees but says only if she comes home quickly. SA says she will as long as Granny stays well and happy. Aunt comes in tells them to hurry or she will miss her plane. SA tells Granny not to come out and Granny tells her to call.

BH tells her to call often and to do well. SA asks BH to take care of Granny, her dad, and her “mother.” BH shows surprise and says did you call my mom "mother" and SA says why do you call her “your mother.”

WJ and JY leave and the family comes out to say good-bye. JY’s dad tells WJ to take care of JY and tells JY to live well and be happy. JY promises she will live well. Aunt says to have a good trip and tells her she will send her kim-chi, soybean paste and red pepper paste. WJ says thank you, eating her food is the best. JY asks GJ to take care of her dad and GJ says not to worry she will take care of him for her. DH and Sonia come running in to say good-bye.

SA sees JY and WJ at the airport.

SA tells her that she divorced SJ. She apologizes to JY for stealing her boyfriend and telling her about the divorce. SA tells her she’s sorry for being mean to her and even though that won’t change anything, she’s really sorry. JY says she is sorry for causing SA any kind of heartache and asks her to forget any bad feelings she may have caused SA.

JS goes to visit SJ in jail. He asks her why she came alone. She brought clothes for him and he tells her not to worry. He asks for GT and she says that he’s hiking and had no idea how much he enjoyed it. She tells SJ that SA has left for Paris.

SJ in prison crying.

Aunt putting on make-up complaining about getting old. Granny wonders if she will see SA again and Aunt says let’s go out. Says she’s meeting a friend (a boy) and Granny says are you crazy, I’ve just sent SA off, why would I go to meet your friend? Aunt says fine and takes out the contract and asks if why is she still holding on to it. Granny asks why she’s touching other people’s things. Aunt says tells her to rip it up, SA has gone and now she only has BH and DJ left. Granny tells her to get out so Aunt leaves. DJ comes in and says she came in at a bad time and turns to leave but Granny tells her to hold on

Thanks hsl521, that's true about the mother remarks that SA made. I have it a little differently in my translation.

SA did call DJ "mother" when she was crying on the bed, having just come back from the Na's and then immediately after called her "new mother."

She also asks BH to take care of "new mother" before she leaves. Then the banter with BH when he says, "when you say 'new mother' are you talking about my mother" and she replies "do you have to keep saying 'your mother'?" and he says, "oh, sorry, sorry" then she leaves.

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Guest yc630621

You don't know how old I am :)

Oh, we know. :)

Your name and signature gave it out.


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Guest uni33

Thanks hsl521. That's true, my translation wasn't exact.

SA calls DJ 'mother' when shen she comes back from the Na's and then immediately after calls her 'new mother'

Also, right before SA gets in the cab, she asks BH to take care of 'new mother' and he in shock replies, "when you say 'new mother' are you talking about my mother?" and she says, "Why do you have to keep saying 'your mother'?" and he says, "sorry, sorry" and then she leaves.

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Guest Bijan630

Thanks everyone for the wonderful posts. Even though this drama is ending for all of you, I just watched the episode with DP, BH, DJ, and YS with her handbag hitting BH in the head. This will be interesting to watch the rest of the program and thinking about all of the comments that people had made on this board about the different scenes.

Am I right in guessing that even though Mr. Na resigned from his position, he was at an age to be able to retire and lived comfortably?

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Guest damifino

Oh, we know. :)

Your name and signature gave it out.


:lol: That's a stance (along with the latin phrase below it), not my age... as if I'd be advertising the fact that I'm 13 years old if I were 13 years old :lol: What do you think I'm trying to do, go around enticing pedophiles??? :blink:

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Guest yc630621

SJ divorced SA after telling her that he never loved her and only married her for her family fortune... what self-respecting woman is going to "stand by her man" under the circumstances? Only doormats like JY would cling on and continue to go to a man who treated them with such disrespect. What JY has isn't dignity, what JY has is a missing brain and lack of self-worth. JY's issues with SJ should have been resolved the moment she saw her father on his knees begging SJ to take her back.

Judging from the fact that they got back together in later episodes, I think it is safe to assume SA had grown on SJ and SJ do care about SA now.

Now, consider this, what if this happened between a couple really cared about each other and they both knew it.

The girl will never give up her man no matter what he tries to do and she will see though his attempt to get her to leave for her own good.

Now, we all know SA had been truthful to SJ (even though her ways were not respectable) from the start.

If she could sense SJ was doing this for her own good (meaning he cares about her), what do you think she would/should/could do?

I have no desire to comment on JY, this may be the weakest written character in this series.

The actress has more minutes this time but she did better in War of Money and Full House.

Don't be upset with me in my last post saying you are 13.

I am sure you are 13 in some ways, but may not be your age.

And you know what, I would not mind to be 13 again.

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Guest Ming65sia

The writers could've done a better job handling characters. I love the series in general but I was disappointed many times through the series. JY could have at least moved on around episode 100. SJ have never showed a good side that we might sympathy with, so why expect us to buy that the world has granted him forgiveness. SA was a brat but I can't blame her. gerryg once said that DJ brings out the worst in Granny witch and JS, and I think JY is like that to SA. SA stole the jerk alright but JY was stupid worshiping him.

My sentiment indeed. However I think the writer might want us to see that if we have " people like SJ, SA, or JY" in our family, we have no choice but to live with them as they are and treat them as part of the family because we can't change them / they can't be a better person for us.

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Guest lastmfirst
:blink: Really? DJ pregant at the same time as DP?- Father of the Bride Part II anyone? Aigoo!
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Guest ChristyKim

JY says she will visit often and asks Eulso to take care of her father and aunts for her. Eulso says that’s a good idea, why didn’t I think of that.

Minor addition: JY said she'll blog and include a lot of photos frequently, so she asked Eulso to show her dad and aunts often, and he said that's a good idea.

Mansu says he is sorry for so many things and SA hugs him and says she is not her mother and this isn’t his fault.

Hehe... SA didn't say she's not her mother. She said she doesn't harbor any grudge against him, and that it's not like he did anything wrong.

I can see how you misheard "won mang ahn hae yo" as "umma ah ni ae yo" though. =)

The way SA said it, I thought she was crying and calling out for HER mom, but DJ's reaction made it seem like she thought SA called her mom :unsure: Maybe DJ was just happy that SA could open up to her like this and talk to her about her mom, I don't know.

Later on SA did refer to DJ as "new mom" or "stepmom" to BH, but at this point in their relationship, I can't imagine SA calling DJ just "mom" or "our mom" (our is often used in Korean to say 'my') as the previous scene with DJ seemed to indicate.

My thoughts exactly. The way she said "mom... my mom" didn't feel like she was referring to DJ, but maybe I just felt that way because it's odd/akward to see SA be like that to DJ. =P

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Guest damifino

I'm a little curious, what is Sonia's role in this drama?


Honestly, they totally could have done without her character in the whole drama. She didn't provide any insight characterwise, and also didn't provide any entertainment from this viewer's perspective. And that's sad to say because I've liked Eva ever since Super Junior Full House :(

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Guest Cerise

SA exact words to DJ (while hugging her)

수아: ..엄마 .. 새엄마.

SA: omma... new omma..

I think SA felt the sincerity of DJ's heart. That's why she called her mother.

Thank you uni33 for the detailed summary.

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