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[drama 2007] I Hate You, But It's Fine 미우나 고우나

Guest shorty_babygurl03

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Guest elainecruz63

In my opinion, there so many weird reactions for so many episodes! I have been wondering if the writers are getting confused too bec. of the ratings!

Fist, the father of SJ should have been so mad. too! He should have thought right away that the money might have been used to settle the permit! He has been in the gov. for so long! He knows the tricks!

2nd, the aunt granny has no reactions with what is happening! She was there for so many episodes to knock the senses out of granny but she seems not in the picture for so many scenes!

3rd, why so many scenes today for SJ again, the " designated" lead actor of this drama!

4th, i don't understand why Baekho never told DP about the bribery and what is really happening in the business! Even though it is her brother, they are in the first place husband and wife. They seem to be " room mates" now!

5th, it would really be unrealistic if Mansu will reconsider his decision. If he do, it is like its okey for her daughter to get hooked on something evil, as long she won't get hurt! No wonder she became spoiled and rotten!

I have noticed even KJS acting became inferior..even DP..you don't see the passion they had before...

I saw again the scene about the fortune teller telling DP mother that SJ and SA will seperate! She was wondering why since they will get married... :unsure:

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Guest Animefanzgirl

Episode 166

SJ is tossing and turning in his bed and looks constipated.

:lol: 13damifino...doesn't he ALWAYS look that way? ;) Wait a min maybe thats why he is so angry and bitter! Someone get the man some Metamucil maybe THEN he will change his evil ways. ;):lol:

Yeah I don't know what the writers are thinking either...

Yeah Granny need to get pissed and Sua too...did they not realize that the problems with Mansu's health AND the current situation of their company (which could mean their livelihood and Sua's future inheritance that Granny is always sooooo worried about) are ALL SJ's fault...him and his out of control ambition.

I think the writers laid off of the "Danbaek" story line because they are together what more is there...I mean this is why I think alot of dramas keep them not being together to right at the end because most of the excitement is getting them together...once they are together its just not that exciting anymore unless they have some kind of "drama" interfering into their relationship. And at this point they are so lovey dovey and no issues...not exciting...even throwing in a baby or something gives some kind of excitement...

I also think they are concentrating on SJ because that was the part of the story that has yet to be finalized...we have ALL been waiting anxiously for him to get his and with so few eps left till the end they HAD to concentrate on his story in order to get a resolution for it.

As for WJ and JY...yeah I did not like the way that went...she just seemed to be resolved to go with WJ..it wasn't like she fell in love with him...very disappointing...after all the drama of her deep love for SJ that she could not get over we were hoping that she would finally get over him but after realizing she had SOME feelings for WJ...she needed to show SOME emotions and feelings to him and she never did...neither have I EVER seen her character grow as an individual...she should have turned into a strong character so that she will not be taken advantage of again...she should have been able to have told SJ and Sua off and not have stayed this weak lil person right to the end...even when she met WJ's mother she just seemed like if she told her no she would just accept it and go home...I got REALLY tired of her character quick...and to think I used to feel sorry for her. <_<

As for Sua...well I NEVER felt sorry for her. I think she deserves whatever she gets for 1 going after SJ the way she did and 2 stealing him from another woman. She knew that SJ had a woman and did not care. What I wish for both Sua and SJ is that they learn some REALLY tough lessons (SJ is beginning to learn them but I hope Mansu doesn't cave in)...what I wish for Sua is that she does go to the states, does something with her career and learns to appreciate her family so that she realizes there are things out there other than Sua's World and stop being a spoiled brat.

I do not wish for a happy ending together for Sua and SJ that will just be too disappointing...I think that they both need to deal with the consequences of how they both got into their relationship...SJ for money and Sua for pride...and I think SJ should have to regret till his dying day what he did to JY...

I hope that Mansu being the head of the family will stick to his guns and keep SJ fired. For 1 as SJ kept saying about Bacon when he fired him that it was business and not personal. Those words should come back and bite SJ in his pompous booty. And 2 that way Mansu shows that he is the head of the family and what decision he makes goes instead of always having to bow-down to Nasty-Granny. I mean he did it once and he was separated from the woman he loves...you would think by now he would learn not to listen to that Crazy ol' hag! :lol:

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Guest waterfall0004

Wait a min maybe thats why he is so angry and bitter! Someone get the man some Metamucil maybe THEN he will change his evil ways. ;):lol:

hahahahha can't stop ROFL :lol:

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Guest russkelp

It's very interesting that most of the discussion about the show is about the secondary characters and not the stars of the show.

There is nothing the writers of the show could do to redeem anyone or satisfactorily end the show in my opinion.

I haven't cared about SJ or SA since episode 30, if even then. But obviously the ratings and the feedback tell me that

SJ and SA are the people we love to hate.

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I don't think that Masu will give SJ the positin back. I remember the ep where he is in the car with BH, he told BH that even when a decision is hard he must be true to his convictions. To appease SA though, he may send SJ/SA to USA with the aunt and give SJ a low....level position. :crazy:

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Guest professor97

I don't really feel sorry for SA--she's doing the same thing as always--trying to manioulate everyone to do what she wants--obviously she thinks if she can save JS's hide again that she will make him be grateful and perhaps he'll love her--never would happen. She doesn't even know that he married her to have Bonjour foods. He really hates having to bow and scrape to her and the witch. I don't think the writers will have any forgiveness given to him.

Better not anyway. I hope Dramoak is okay--it's not like her to disappear.

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Guest kaedejun

I don't really feel sorry for SA--she's doing the same thing as always--trying to manioulate everyone to do what she wants--obviously she thinks if she can save JS's hide again that she will make him be grateful and perhaps he'll love her--never would happen. She doesn't even know that he married her to have Bonjour foods. He really hates having to bow and scrape to her and the witch. I don't think the writers will have any forgiveness given to him.

no, i'm pretty sure SA knows that he married her for bonjour foods. all the way in episode 130s when she was threatening divorce - she even told him that she knew he married her for money. what's just stupid about her is that she refuses to believe it. she knows it, but she would prefer to see his "good" side, that he couldn't have possibly married her for money.

and i think its too late - all the other characters except for MS and BH have just said "no, don't fire SJ because you have to think of SA" - that's basically like forgiving SJ's sins. They're already looking past his sins for SA's sake, which i think is retarded. i wish every one had been nitpicking at SJ for his crime - and bribery's a greater crime than just not being able to provide for SA for a couple of months.

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Guest monoceros

i don't think there's very much to feel sorry about SA for... exactly why would you like a man who doesn't want your father alive? <--.. that's like being in love with a murderer... and very disrespectful to your father.....

Plus, her evilness in the past doesn't make me feel obliged to forgive her

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i don't think there's very much to feel sorry about SA for... exactly why would you like a man who doesn't want your father alive? <--.. that's like being in love with a murderer... and very disrespectful to your father.....

Plus, her evilness in the past doesn't make me feel obliged to forgive her

Isn't it pitiful when one is 'sleeping with the enemy'? :ph34r:

But in honesty, does she know that he actually wished her father dead? Without the detail summary it's a little hard to know excatly what the characters know and don't know.

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Guest bulyongjun

SA and SJ must have punished. Specially SA!! in the past she do a terrible things to JY. she torn apart JY love. Because of SA too, SJ tempted to break up with JY. SA like devil who make a bid to lose someone ways from goodness and kindness. SJ after married with her, he began step to the way of darkness. SA is the most evil person and then second position will be SJ After all.

Here to watch ep 166: http://www.veoh.com/videos/v7054084gheJxAS...7632&rank=1

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Guest claireli

she doesn't know that he wished her father dead.

also i'll list some main points from todays episode since there's no detailed summary today. it won't be completely thourough and i skipped through sonia/DH scenes.

SJ is fired. Representative Yoon finds out and tells the marketing team. DP goes to ask SJ about it. He says to talk about it later and if she really wants to know to ask her husband.

Sua comes to her maiden home. MS comes home with BH and MS announces that he fired SJ.

Sua to MS: how could you do this to SJ? what did he do so wrong, do you know how hard he was working after you fell down?

Sua then storms out and calls SJ whose phone is turned off of course.

She leaves a message:

"chagi-ah where are you right now? i'm sorry, i was rude yesterday, i won't bring up JY again so just call me back. i'm really worried about you and want to see you, ok?"

SJ is meanwhile drowning his sorrows in soju next to the river.

The next morning MS asks BH to take responsibility for the construction site. Halmoni of course throws a fit and asks if DJ asked MS to do it

On their way into the office, DP asks BH if he's worried and he wonders if he'll be able to do it well. she says something about MS trusting him(?) not to worry about other things but just focus on the construction site.

SA leaves to go find SJ and runs into JS and GT on her way out. JS asks if SJ didn't come home last night and if anything is wrong at work. SA lies and says that he's just busy with work stuff and the company doesn't run well without SJ. JS asks if they know at SA's home how hard SJ was working recently and if her father understood about the slush fund how he didn't make it for personal use but for the sake of the company, then GT interrupts yelling that even if it's for the company SJ wrong in making a slush fund and he should beg for forgiveness and never do it again.

SJ packs up his things and as his assistant escorts him out he asks who was put in charge of the construction site. the assistant guy tells him Kang Baekho, and then SJ looks up to see BH on his way out looking not so charismatic and kinda goofy searching for his keys or something.

BH goes to see the residents and tells them that he's in charge of the site now and that he'll think of all of them like his own parents and his own grandparents and he and the company will do their best, and asks them to support him. they say they can trust BH and seem pretty convinced.

SJ is drinking with his assistant Pak and talks about how he abandoned the woman he loved for his ambition( i didn't understand all of it) and now he has nothing.

SA is meanwhile trying to call him and leaving messages on his phone.

"it's me. why aren't you answering your phone. i'm worried to death about you. i know it's hard, but what i'm supposed to do if you don't answer. i'm your wife. do i really mean nothing to you? i'm ok so just call back."

SJ then parts with assistant Pak to do his routine thing's aren't going well drunk JY stalking. (did anyone else think that the way the assistant guy looked at SJ when they were parting was really weird? this guy seems like he's in love with SJ or something :huh:

SJ sees JY coming back with WJ looking happy and hears them talking about whether his parents will like the presents she got them. SJ actually gives a little sad smile as the walk away laughing and then looked really lonely.( somehow this assured me that SJ and JY won't get back together. i don't think SJ's even going to try cuz it looks like he's accepted that JY is happy without him.)

WJ and JY are about to part near JY's house but WJ looks like he has something to say and JY asks what it is. He tells her that he's been scouted for a position in America.

JY: isn't that good news? why do you looked worried about it?

WJ: well i don't want to go by myself. if you don't go then i won't go.

JY: Ujin ssi, from now on wherever you go i'll follow you

SJ then gets a phone call from Halmoni who asks him to come over since she has something to say to him.

DJ asks Halmoni to come out because SA came and Halmoni comes into MS and DJ's room to see SA kneeling in front of MS begging him to forgive SJ. SH then arrives at the house and hears SA pleading for him.

MS: He didn't marry you because he loved you! then for what?

SA: i don't care because i love him. i can't see him suffer

This was basically it. this actually became a much more detailed summary then i had planned. my korean is not topnotch but i hope this is enough to hold people over while waiting for dramaok or other better summarizers.

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Guest Animefanzgirl

(did anyone else think that the way the assistant guy looked at SJ when they were parting was really weird? this guy seems like he's in love with SJ or something :huh:

Claireli thank you so much for the summary. :D

If THAT's the case maybe they should introduce assistant guy to Eulsu at the vet shop...that would be a match made in heaven. ;):lol:

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Guest merela

This was basically it. this actually became a much more detailed summary then i had planned. my korean is not topnotch but i hope this is enough to hold people over while waiting for dramaok or other better summarizers.

I think you did a super job translating ep. 166. Thank you very much. Many of us are waiting for this!

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Guest professor97

Thanks Clairei for the summary. I so hope that MS does not give into Sua--and Granny--what a loser she is.

And JS--you just had to know she would defend the slush fund--what an idiot. Maybe the writers could send Granny, Sa, SJ, and Js to some island to live together in their greed and selfishness.

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from jihyenara and jihyeifensi

link of vod of the interview in the party ....we will be happy if someone can translate :D


thanks clairei for the summary....getting so many helpful ppl in this thread. In end it seems SJ will not be alone as from SA dialogue proves she will love and stay with SJ no matter what. All fathers will want their daughter to end up with an upright man but we know SA to be a stubborn one, if she will stay with SJ no matter what , MS might l be forced NOT to give "maximum punishment for SJ"..and also MS will consider DP's feelings for her brother.

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she doesn't know that he wished her father dead.


i hope this is enough to hold people over while waiting for dramaok or other better summarizers.

Thanks! I can now enjoy the weekend knowing that MS told SA that SJ didn't marry her for love. So the cards are on the table and everyone knows what SJ is.

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Thanks claireli for the summary.

This time I don't have a pity for SA. She's a damn stupid woman...she's acting just like JY's before. If she could sensible enough, she should know that all this time her father always give in to her but now her father take an "extreme" action so it got come to her sense, something happened...more than "only" slush fund.

Only 5 episodes left but many things haven't been solved. I wonder how the writers wrap these up...Hope the ending will be the sweet one but...SJ ended in jail...just like our wish.

Btw...where's khai too? Long time no see...

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Guest elainecruz63

I still believe SA and SJ will seperate just like the fortune teller says.... unless the writers gets confused again.... :unsure:

One question though, there was a scene in the preview that the police was talking with SJ infront of SJ's place! was it still about the bribery?

I hope Danpung gets pregnant at the end of the show! That would be a perfect ending!

Thanks for the summary...... :D

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