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[drama 2007] I Hate You, But It's Fine 미우나 고우나

Guest shorty_babygurl03

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Kim Ji Suk "gets married" with Han Ji Hye, rating reaches 40%


Daily drama “I Hate You But It's Fine” of KBS1 has developed to its climax. Main actor Kim Ki Suk and actress Han Ji Hye held a wedding but they still had a problem because Han Ji Hye's mother has not agreed. However, the wedding has made rating of this drama increased to 40.9% on more time while ratings of the previous episode broadcasted one day before decreased to 35.2%.

On the episode broadcasted on March 27, main characters worn wedding-suit. Han Ji Hye felt wretched because her mother didn’t accept this wedding. She said to Kim Ki Suk "If my mother doesn't come, we will absolutely not get married."

Looking back all the achievement board of “I Hate You But It's Fine”, the highest rating was 42.9% on February 11. Since then, ratings only reached 39%. However, this drama has been 14 weeks on the top list of drama’s ratings. This drama will definitely keep its first place in this week.

Source: http://krfilm.net/f/t-16024-1-1-kim-ji-suk...ting-reaches-40

Etrans: pooh9x@KST_CICHLID

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Guest miscac

Will there be a conflict of interest if BH still works for DP? Is spouces working so closely, reporting to one another, in Korea a common thing?

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Guest bm05om

thanks fiona628 for bringing the news over. :)

Yes, the kiss was such a surprise yet so natural and loving.... :wub:

I think the Migo team is makeing up for all the wrong they did to us! ;)

gerryg..I think so too! ;) Yeah the kiss looked really natural for BH to do and I totally wasn't expecting it..keke.If anybody wants to watch the quick kiss,click HERE.^^

Another DanBaek scene from 151:





Caps reworked by a fan..keke..it's still cute when you looked at them this way.. ^_^


can they get any cuter than this? :blush:

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The best is still to come for DanBaek whereas expect the worst for SA/SJ couple. DanBaek continue to grow in their love as they discover each other while SA & SJ are bored after they've known the kind of persons they are.

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Guest kauaisurfer

The best is still to come for DanBaek whereas expect the worst for SA/SJ couple. DanBaek continue to grow in their love as they discover each other while SA & SJ are bored after they've known the kind of persons they are.

...We Agree 110%!

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Guest Cerise

SA and SJ's pajamas are red heart shapes which is ironic... this is the one thing they're missing the most.

And our very cute couple DanBaek's pajamas are colorful faces of teady bears... I love it. :wub:

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thanks fiona628 for bringing the news over. :)

gerryg..I think so too! ;) Yeah the kiss looked really natural for BH to do and I totally wasn't expecting it..keke.If anybody wants to watch the quick kiss,click HERE.^^

i agree...so sweet for a quick kiss....so natural..and the way they talk during this scene ..even if i dont know translation yet...just the tone..so natural.

writers seems to know how to soothe

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Guest dramaok

Ep. 151 (Wed April 2, 08):


MS: (to SJ) is this true? son in law Na have you even gone to the site yet?

SJ: i know the situation at the site better than anyone. i think he was startled going there for the first time. it's not an easy situation, but it's not impossible. we can make it possible.

MS: then according to you despite the protest from the residents we can still get the land usage approved?

SJ: it is true that usage approval is delayed due to the protests, but i don't believe they will stop us just because of it, so please wait just a little bit i will take care of it.

BH: but isn't it important to persuade the residents first? then the land usage, then the first construction? i believe that is the proper order.

SJ: the promise w/ the investors is utmost important. if we delay construction then the investors might leave. what will you do then? it will endanger the company's reputation and future development.

BH: --

MS: huhuhuh.. you are both right. Baekho's proper order talk is meaningful, and son in law Na's talk of resolving facing realistic circumstance is also correct. but for me, i've always kept w/in principle in my work until now. even if it seems not the most efficient way, i'd like you to get the residents persuaded and the land usage modification approved before we start our first construction if at all possible. if not, later on it may not be the first construction date, but the land permit issue that will come back to haunt us. do you understand?

SJ: yes.

MS: but i feel so strengthened seeing you two. the two of you should join your strength to resolved this.

BH: yes.



SA: it's so much smaller than our room..

DP: please come in.

SA: i guess that's why the bed is smaller too. isn't it uncomfortable that the bed is small?

DP: no i don't feel it.

SA: Danpoong ssi you are kinda thick-skinned..

DP: what?

SA: how can a new bride say obviously that a small bed isn't uncomfortable? doesn't she know to be embarrassed..

DP: omo! i didn't mean it that way..

SA: but why did you insist on coming to live in this small room when your mother was so against it.. i mean for me it was because father-in-law insisted on it so hard..

DP: granny wanted it too.. and

SA: but my granny isn't even Baekho's real grandma why are you so concerned by it?

DP: but Baekho ssi thinks of granny a lot.

SA: well i guess if he thinks of my granny so much i'm grateful.


BH: how about a drink just between you and me?

SJ: i'll decline but let me give you an advice. i think you still don't know what work life is like.

BH: what?

SJ: why do you think it's organizational? why do you do something not told? why did you go to the site? did Park teamlead tell you to?

BH: isn't work something you look for to do?

SJ: that's that, but shouldn't you report to Park teamlead or me first? what's with talking to the president first? don't you even know the proper order of report? or is there another reason? i'm warning you, don't come forward presumptuously like that again. why does a team exist? if there's a problem you should go talk to your teamlead and teammembers and resolved things together. and if there's a report come to me or Park teamlead. got it?

BH: why are you so emotional about it toward me?

SJ: emotional? i don't care enough about you to be emotional.

BH: --


SA: are you two fighting?

DP: did something happen?

SJ: why would i fight w/ Baekho ssi.. let's go Sooah ssi..

SA: can't we sleep here tonight?

SJ: i don't have change of clothes here.

SA: oh. honey, aren't you gonna take a look at Danpoong ssi's newlywed room?

SJ: next time.


SA: what happend w/ Baekho and dad earlier?

SJ: why?

SA: you seem upset.

SJ: no... don't worry..

SA: i think Danpoong ssi is happy after getting married. her room is small, the closet is small, and the vanity is small too but she still likes it. but then.. i was like that too at first.. (looks down)

SJ: --



JS: how's Danpoong..

SA: she's good. she's totally an ajoomma now. the apron suits her well she cooked dinner and did all the dishes too.

JS: what? she made dinner? on her first night there?

SA: but i think she did it cuz she was happy to do it so don't worry. (goes up to room)

JS: (grabs back of her head) omo! did that girl go there to do that work!!


SA: aren't they cute?

SJ: yes.


SA: let's have a baby..

SJ: --

SA: you don't want to?

SJ: no. let's do that..



BH: what's that?

DP: water. in case we get thirsty while sleeping.

BH: (grabs her hands) you were a little upset weren't you?

DP: --

BH: your brother didn't even come in here..

DP: he can come visit lots of times in the future. we'll just show off our newlywed room next time.. but my Baekho is so adorable seeing how he works so hard too..

BH: Danpoong ssi you are really quite peculiar!

DP: why?


BH: other women would dislike and complain about their husband doing work at home and not spending time w/ them, but you don't.

DP: strangely.. i really love to see you working hard like this.. so manly..

BH: really? got it.. then i'm working even harder.

DJ textmessages DP: "if you're not asleep would you come down for a little.. so us women can have a cup of coffee together?"

BH: who is it? you had someone else you textmessage w/ this late at night?

DP: secret.

BH: what! are you really gonna be like this? huh!


DJ: this is a list of everyone's birthdays in the family and memorial rite dates. i think you should know since you are now a daughter-in-law here.

DP: yes.

DJ: soon it will be granny's birthday.. no matter how busy you are don't forget it.

DP: yes.

DJ: let's get along well. due to Baekho i have become a mother-in-law, and you became my daughter-in-law.. we are raised in different environments but we now become family like this.. and we will work hard to live well together but there will be times we might get upset at each other or have misunderstanding. at times like this let's talk it through and live well together.

DP: (teary) yes mother..

DJ: (grabs DP's hand) thank you.. for becoming my daughter-in-law.. i will be good..

DP: mother don't say that.. i will be the one who works hard and be good..

DP: okay then let's both do well.

DP: yes.


NEXT morning...


DP puts a pillow in BH's arms and slips out of the room to go to the kitchen, where DJ is already preparing breakfast.


DP: good morning mother.

DJ: oh why did you wake up so early.. go sleep more i'll make breakfast..

DP: no mother. i want to earn lots of pts from you.

DJ: you already have abundant pts from me w/out you doing this, dear daughter inlaw..

DP: hehe thank you mother. i don't know how to cook anything well so please teach me lots.

DJ: oh hehe..


BH comes..

DJ: why did you come too.

BH: (puts arms around both women) the two women i love the most in the world are making breakfast how can i sleep at ease.. i'm here to help.

DP: i'll be here w/ mother so you go up and sleep more..

BH: it's okay.. but you have to go to work too like me, so if i sleep alone, then it's not fair. let's see.. should i make a stew..

DP: then mother.. we'll make breakfast so you go in and rest more please.

BH: yeah mom.. do that.. (unties her apron) go in..

DJ: omo. look at those two..

BH: (pushes DJ away)


MS: hahaha.. isn't the atmosphere at home so bright w/ new child here mother?

G: yea.

MS: we were feeling empty here w/out Chanee and his dad but now it feels good at last.. but you don't have to wear Hanbok after today it must not be comfortable.

G: whose family rule is that? even if it's not comfortable wear it for a while longer.

DP: yes. granny try this mother's cooking skills must be so good it's so yummy.

G: it might be good to you but Mansoo has high blood pressure... Dongji didn't i tell you to make things less salty?

DJ: but i did...

MS: but i'm getting my blood pressure checked regularly i'm fine.

G: fine? don't you know blood pressure needs to be cautious by all the time? you can't let it go even for once.

DJ: i'll be more cautious..


BH: ah...

DP: hm.. why doesn't this look right.. hm.

BH: ach.. we're both gonna be late now..

DP: stop that.


BH: (kisses her)

DP: what! i can't concentrate..

BH: that's to cheer you up for more strength.



DP has the marketing team try the various pickled things they bought from the honeymoon, to be used for suggestive sell pairing w/ the porridges, and Mr. Yoon laughs about the two being such workholics who go to soybean paste farm on their honeymoon.

DP: but i guess this is catching two rabbits at once.

YS: there were rabits at the farm?

Yoon: aye.. really..



DP and Sonia return from the 'kazak' trip. they brought mr. boss a presnet of honey which is famous export of Kazakhstan.

Sonia suggest they should go visit Chanee and have dinner w/ him.


Sonia asks DH to go in the Hwang house alone to get Chanee..

but Mr. Hwang arrives and sees Sonia standing outside the house and asks why she doesn't go in..

dad: Geum-Ja.. sorry but could you take Chanee to go buy some snacks? i think we have some things to talk..


dad: congrats on you two getting married.

MA: (scoff)

dad: like Miae says, the three of you might be awkward and uncomfortable around each other. but you'll have to see each other a lot in the future because of Chanee, and that's why i called Sonia in here.. Sonia did not commit any crime so from now on Sonia don't stand outside like an offender when you two come to see Chanee. come inside like this.. so Chanee can accept the three of you naturally too.

MA: oppa. are you saying you want Chanee to take Sonia as his step-mom?

aunt: but she is.

MA: whatever i am Chanee's mother no matter what!


JS gets fertility tonics for SA and SJ..

JS: so is everything resolved with Seon-Jae now?

SA: you said when you have a baby couples can develop more affection.

JS: yeah.. you thought well. ppl can even develop affection that never existed after a baby.. i think i can stop worrying now.


SJ sees WJ wearing a ring.

WJ: wait. Ji-Yeong and i are getting married.

SJ: (!) so?

WJ: therefore i hope what happened at the musical will never happen again, and don't do anything that causes your wife to misunderstand.

SJ: Researcher Seo, don't worry about other ppl's wife, and just worry about the woman you're about to marry.. acham! and check again if she really wants to marry you.



JY: seonbae! you're so early today..

WJ: i felt like walking w/ you w/ arm in arm like this..

JY: did something happen today?

WJ: nope.. but i'm gonna give you a quiz see if you can answer it correctly.. a long time ago in some village, there lived a No-love-You and a I-Love-You. one day, the No-Love-You died so who's left?

JY: I-love-you. gee seonbae do you think i'm a little kid! (!) oh..


WJ: ya! i feel great! i finally hear from you the words "I love you"..

JY: --



Park: we have an appointment w/ district chief tonight.

SJ: are you certain this time?

Park: yes i just confirmed it..

SJ: okay..

then MS calls and wants to meet later but SJ says he's got an important appt.. MS says nevermind then.

then MS calls BH..

MS: after what you said i think i better go see the site myself.

BH: i think the situation could be worse than you expect..

MS: yes.. i'm prepared..

BH: um.. father.. to be honest.. i don't really know what is what yet.. i think Director Na was correct too about what he said for the best interest of the company..

MS: there's no right answer always.. when i think about the big organization i lead, at times there are difficult choices too w/out knowing the correct answer.. thus i think a company owner's conviction is most important so he doesn't waver when there's trouble. or else he will be short in decision making skills.. thus i wish for you Baekho to develop such unwavering conviction too..

BH: yes.


Mansoo and Baekho arrive at the site and witness severe protesting, including ppl who throw boxes of Bonjour products and bury in the ground with shovels..


MS almost faints..

meanwhile Mr. Park tells SJ the district chief cancelled his appointment with SJ last minute.

MS: where the heck are you!

SJ: outside..

MS: get back to the office immediately!


MS: (throws documents on the ground) how are you treating this work really!!!!!



WJ tries to kiss JY but JY evades.. and WJ overhears MA asking if JY if it's because she hasn't forgotten SJ yet. SJ asks his dad to take care of the permit issue. Danpoong forgot to turn the ricecooker and the rice isn't cooked at mealtime. SJ sees BH and MS leave work togehter and scoffs. SA asks SJ if he wants a baby girl or boy and SJ looks constipated.

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Guest dramaok

ya the surprise kiss was super hot.. wish it were longer though. huhuh.

so it looks like Mr. Bong might have to visit the hospital soon from all this trauma at work..

i guess the storyline of granny's conception dream is finally gonna pick up soon..

LMAO this was too funny :lol::lol: ..I thought maybe they should've just skipped showing the part where DH/Sonia's all prepared for their "wedding",and instead just show the scene of BH talking on the phone with DH's voiceover..that would've been sufficient..it looked too unreal that it became funny and it spoiled the whole thing.. :sweatingbullets:

ya i burst out laughing too. dal-hyeon looked like he should be selling cotton candy at the lotteworld amusement park or something.. :ph34r:

or they're at some cheap last vegas wedding chapel. and someone who looks like Eul-Soo ssi might come to bless their marriage on the strip.


:lol: ... since BH seems to be the hornier one ... no price for guessing eh? ;)

ha. BH might be hornier.. but he strikes me as um.. sloppy.. so my money is on Seon-Jae getting Soo-Ah pregnant first. :rolleyes:

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ha. BH might be hornier.. but he strikes me as um.. sloppy.. so my money is on Seon-Jae getting Soo-Ah pregnant first. :rolleyes:

Dramaok, you're so witty and funny... but this has got to be the funniest remark so far! :lol::lol::lol: !

Also, I'm with you. I'm putting my money on Seon-Jae

I saw Inimate Lovers


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Never underestimate the power of the "sloppy-man"... bwahahaha! As always, a big ThankS dramaok for the translations!

Now awaiting for the story line for the "race", if there's any that is. More HJH softcore cuteness!

if SJ and SA do bear children, I've to sympathize on the kid(s) in advance. wonder how emo they'd be. LOL at SA for using the preggy option as an excuse.

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Guest Cerise

Ep. 151 (Wed April 2, 08):


JY: seonbae! you're so early today..

WJ: i felt like walking w/ you w/ arm in arm like this..

JY: did something happen today?

WJ: nope.. but i'm gonna give you a quiz see if you can answer it correctly.. a long time ago in some village, there lived a No-love-You and a I-Love-You. one day, the No-Love-You died so who's left?

JY: I-love-you. gee seonbae do you think i'm a little kid! (!) oh..


WJ: ya! i feel great! i finally hear from you the words "I love you"..

JY: --



WJ tries to kiss JY but JY evades.. and WJ overhears MA asking if JY if it's because she hasn't forgotten SJ yet.

WJ is so full of cheesy talk.. so childish! I love him.

You know I hope he leaves JY. The girl obviously dosen't love him.

Maybe then she'll miss him or something. At least she'll know that she is the problem not the men she dates.

I don't want to see WJ getting drunk and crying...knowing that what SJ's said is true... :tears::tears: I see that coming.

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Guest bm05om

SA and SJ's pajamas are red heart shapes which is ironic... this is the one thing they're missing the most.

And our very cute couple DanBaek's pajamas are colorful faces of teady bears... I love it. :wub:

Hehe..yeah..I was thinking abt the teddy-bears pajamas too,it suits DanBaek very well..lol. :lol:

ya the surprise kiss was super hot.. wish it were longer though. huhuh.

so it looks like Mr. Bong might have to visit the hospital soon from all this trauma at work..

i guess the storyline of granny's conception dream is finally gonna pick up soon..

If the kiss was to be longer,maybe I'd forgive them writers for the lousy first kiss already..but then if it got longer the two probably wont even make it out of their room to go work, B) so...I'm hoping for another one soon..unexpected and much hotter,at the RIGHT time..heheh. ;)

hmmm,Witch's conception dream...MS having troubles caused by his high blood pressure, and somehow some way..it's Bong BaekHo to the rescue? :huh: If SA's pregnant,she'd be at a disadvantage to help with any unwanted situations right?

ya i burst out laughing too. dal-hyeon looked like he should be selling cotton candy at the lotteworld amusement park or something.. :ph34r:

or they're at some cheap last vegas wedding chapel. and someone who looks like Eul-Soo ssi might come to bless their marriage on the strip.

LMAO..your last line!omg... :lol::lol:

SA: i guess that's why the bed is smaller too. isn't it uncomfortable that the bed is small?

DP: no i don't feel it.

SA: Danpoong ssi you are kinda thick-skinned..

DP: what?

SA: how can a new bride say obviously that a small bed isn't uncomfortable? doesn't she know to be embarrassed..

DP: omo! i didn't mean it that way..

You know,I actually kinda feel sorry for SA while watching this part.Girl..you wont care about the size of the bed either if you get to sleep with your man the way DP does.. :rolleyes:


^It won't even matter if it was only a single bed for DanBaek..lols.

BH: who is it? you had someone else you textmessage w/ this late at night?

DP: secret.

BH: what! are you really gonna be like this? huh!

Jealous BH and mischievous DP after being married is fun to watch. :lol:

BH: (kisses her)

DP: what! i can't concentrate..

I <3 DP's response..nice line..kekeke. ^_^

WJ: ya! i feel great! i finally hear from you the words "I love you"..

JY: --

Man,I can't bear to watch nice WJ somehow making a fool out of himself in front of JY any longer, :( ..and as much as I wish that he won't have to suffer any pain,I'd rather see him be with somebody who really loves him than be with JY with all her perpetual unsure/uncomfortable expressions. <_<

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SJ: Researcher Seo, don't worry about other ppl's wife, and just worry about the woman you're about to marry.. acham! and check again if she really wants to marry you.

I think this is one of the meanest things SJ has said. Basicly he is saying that JY is a "One man's woman" who has become a "No man's woman".

SJ knew JY was "a one or none" before he messed over her and now he's indirectly bragging about her "one and only" to her fiancee. What a pig! oink! oink!

Poor WJ, hope he can see it to the end without getting too many scars

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Guest kauaisurfer

Just read dramaok's summary of episode 151...

We both think now that MS has finally seen the site and protesters...SJ "day of karma" is close!

It is nice to know that he can not blame BH since it was SJ's project with MS's approval.

We are wondering if SJ really wants to have a baby with SA or ...his he in a purely calculating move thinking a baby could shield him if things go wrong...

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Guest kauaisurfer

I think this is one of the meanest things SJ has said. Basicly he is saying that JY is a "One man's woman" who has become a "No man's woman".

SJ knew JY was "a one or none" before he messed over her and now he's indirectly bragging about her "one and only" to her fiancee. What a pig! oink! oink!

Poor WJ, hope he can see it to the end without getting too many scars

gerryg...Well Said!

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Just read dramaok's summary of episode 151...

We both think now that MS has finally seen the site and protesters...SJ "day of karma" is close!

It is nice to know that he can not blame BH since it was SJ's project with MS's approval.

We are wondering if SJ really wants to have a baby with SA or ...his he in a purely calculating move thinking a baby could shield him if things go wrong...

I was thinking the same thing. He did not want a baby before the problem at the site.

If Sua gets pregnant he still has an in with the family. Granny would not allow Mansu to get rid of him.

What a pig!!!!!!

I think this is one of the meanest things SJ has said. Basicly he is saying that JY is a "One man's woman" who has become a "No man's woman".

SJ knew JY was "a one or none" before he messed over her and now he's indirectly bragging about her "one and only" to her fiancee. What a pig! oink! oink!

Poor WJ, hope he can see it to the end without getting too many scars

SJ is a real piece of work. He has no conscience!!

JY seems to just be a posession to SJ. If he cared for her he would have never dropped her in the first place.

We all know karma will bit him in the bu** soon enough.

Could we hope that DP gets pregnant first???

That would tick off Sua to know end.

Sua has made her bed. I guess she was delusional when she married SJ.

Her karma has already bitten her. She is stuck with SJ.....

What a prize!!!! :tongue2:

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Guest merela

WJ is in big trouble. If he has to make a joke like that for JY to say "I LOVE YOU!", then they shouldn't be married. The symmetry between DP/Dr. Hwang and JY/WJ is not lost on me. DP also evaded Dr. Hwang's kiss and look at where they ended up?! WJ should take that kiss evasion as a hint!

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Guest alfredo

I also wish WJ leaves JY, it's clear she doesn't have any romantic feelings for him let alone love him. I also think he shouldn't be her friend inorder to heal his heart being friends will just remind him of what he wants from her, that is to love him.

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Guest professor97

Here's my take on the pregnancy thing--if the writer's hold true to the literary tradition of bad coupling equaling infertility, I would say there will be no baby at all for Sj and SA--usually pregnancy is given to those who deserve it because of their good relationship. Of course there are exceptions, but I think it is probably not going to happen for SJ and SA--he's probably infertile. HAHA--that would be Karma for both him and his mom.

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