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[drama 2007] I Hate You, But It's Fine 미우나 고우나

Guest shorty_babygurl03

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Guest allydean

and I do *heart* SIG,but while there's the resemblance between them when KJS is with glasses..methinks KJS in glasses not only looks younger,but cuter as well. :lol:

he looks like a geek, but a very cute geek,.. :D thanks bm for the video and translation,..

btw,ally..turns out what we talked about previously,and what you said about DanBaek going to school for some sort of a Bonjour promo and then wearing school uniforms is absolutely TRUE after all!! :lol:See,I told ya before that you could be one of those MiGo writers,honey.^^ They weren't received very warmly at the school,and as only DanBaek could (and would) do..decide to wear school uniforms and BH does one of his crazy antic(dancing etc) to attract the attention of the students!! :lol:

omg,.. I just saw the clip,.. they are so cute,.. they are probably trying to get some feedback on their new product

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I don't even care that SA is SJ's wife; she had absoultely no business going into his personal box! That's just too much! Woah! that crosses the line big time! :crazy:

I wouldn't give her an inch; no not even a centimeter in the whinning area in fact I would threaten to divorce her!!!!! :ph34r:

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hi :rolleyes:

Today drama finshed 1hours My clubbbox in E125 HQ file quickly update. :rolleyes:

Wow..that is quick. :)

I wouldn't give her an inch; no not even a centimeter in the whinning area in fact I would threaten to divorce her!!!!!

gerryg..it seems like tomorrow she's the one who might be threatening SJ for a divorce...and could SA possibly be involved in an accident by the end of tomorrows ep? :huh:

Btw,DanBaek's cute today..lol..everybody's saying BH's a big perv now for smelling DP's hair like that..omg "DP-ssi what shampoo do you use?!" that totally cracked me up :lol: ,and the way he was just staring at her talking and I'm doubtful he even heard anything she was saying.. :lol: and he was so touched at all DP's gestures he wanted to remember what date and day it was..Aww. :wub: BH got all bothered by DP tonight,but I think DP is slowly getting more flustered by him too..as it should be. :P

And DP feels the jealousy.. :rolleyes:



The sweet smelling temptation of Na DanPoong's hair.. :lol:



:sweatingbullets: :blush: :lol:



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Guest kauaisurfer

I don't even care that SA is SJ's wife; she had absoultely no business going into his personal box! That's just too much! Woah! that crosses the line big time! :crazy:

I wouldn't give her an inch; no not even a centimeter in the whinning area in fact I would threaten to divorce her!!!!! :ph34r:


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Wow..that is quick. :)

gerryg..it seems like tomorrow she's the one who might be threatening SJ for a divorce...and could SA possibly be involved in an accident by the end of tomorrows ep? :huh:

He should gladly give her a divorce! and as far as the accident goes..... Who Cares!

It's one thing to confront your spouse on opening issues but it's another thing to go into their closed box and invade his/her privacy that's the key to deteriorate ANY RELATIONSHIP. My goodness people go to jail for invasion of privacy! Her partner will never feel save and thus become sneaky(ier) and communication will be hindered big time!

Some of the Korean dramas try to pass of the concept of a clean break which may be very possible but what is not possible is the short time frame they present it in. There is no way a 5 year relationship will completely dissolve in a few months!

What that dim-wit (SA the zero) should be doing is trying to build up their relationship. She should be trying to win him over but she keeps bouldering him over and thus their relationship is taken a back.

SA is really stupid and the grandmother ought to be shame of her self for having all that money and time and rearing such a stupid grand-daughter! Dang! she could have brought a decent nanny with all that money! Exactly what was the grandmother doing with the child while she was growing????

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He should gladly give her a divorce! and as far as the accident goes..... Who Cares!


Her partner will never feel save and thus become sneaky(ier) and communication will be hindered big time!

Do you know...I really was thinking(and hoping) that the S♥J sweater appearance would be the final straw for the sham of a thing that SJ and SA calls a marriage,but if indeed SA gets into some sort of an accident..what are the possible outcomes of that? <_< SA's family will put the blame on SJ,or is the incident going to make SJ guilty enough to stick through with SA till the very end.Tsk,and there I was thinking.."huh!this is it!".. :phew: But again,the previews have always been misleading most of the time..so..hmm..



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Guest dramaok


thank you for your speedy upload!

appreciate it very much. hope you continue to upload at your CB.


EP. 125 [Tue. Feb 26, 08]:


SJ: what are you doing here?

MA: funny! how does it concern you?

SJ: are you here because of me?

MA: why, did you do something wrong again? move aside.

SJ: (blocks her) did something happen at home?

MA: aren't you a funny guy. so what if something happened at our home? what are you going to do?

SJ: i didn't hear the exact details but it seems you were talking about money.

MA: why? are you gonna give some money to us if that's the case? i guess you have some left over after marrying to money like that?

SJ: --

MA: hey you! even if we end up on the streets we won't use your money, okay? gee where is he being bratty... (leaves)


"what will we do now.. should i have asked for his help.. no brother and Jiyeong will never have it... father mother help us.. "



SA: hehehe granny says we should go to Hawaii. what do you think dad?

MS: oh Hawaii sounds good.. (looks at Dongji) but we should go after they come back too since we postponed ours too.

witch: (dirty look)

DJ: no.. i don't particularly like to travel it's tiring.


SJ keeps getting distracted thinking about JY's family and goes upstairs to call someone to find out more about what's happened. SA comes and asks what he's doing and SJ lies saying he's got some last minute details to take care of at work before they leave this wkend.


at Bonjour...


DP: then you don't have any objections to using 'Danbaek Black Bean Porridge' as the slogan, right?

Ko: oh it's so nice.

Seo: yup it's really great! (extends thumb out to BH)

BH: yup (stamps Seo's thumb w/ his)

Yoon: gee what are you two doing..


DP: (upset) let's end our meeting here today then.. everyone pray that tomorrow the bean porridge sample will come out great.


BH: what should we do today? (from: Dol-Soe)

DP: (dirty look) everyone go home safely (leaves)

BH: i'm leaving too..


BH: Danpoong ssi.. Danpoong ssi.. ack.. Danpoong ssi!! (grabs her) how can you leave like that when someone's calling you!

DP: (throws his grip off) let go. and forget it.

BH: why are you like this all day long? did i do something wrong?

DP: i'm tired today so i'm leaving first. bye.

BH: (grabs her again) wait tell me why you're like this i'm suffocating tell me what's going on.

DP: i can't bring it up w/ my own mouth so just know it as that!

BH: but we were fine until you dropped me off.. but after we arrive at the company it's when.. ah.. are you like this because you saw me come out from senior Seo's car? is that why?

DP: --


BH: hahahahah

DP: omo why are you laughing right now? and is this funny?

BH: ahaha Danpoong ssi you are so adorable.

DP: what?

BH: gee why do you get jealoused over something like that? do you worry that me and senior Seo might have something going on? you know that's so not it!

DP: omomo i'm speechless. do you think i'm like this right now because i'm jealoused?

BH: (leans in) then what?

DP: i'm like this right now because of your careless and thoughtless behavior. i said, don't keep smiling at others!


BH: (grabs her hand and starts running)

DP: what are you doing right now!!

BH: don't say anything just run!

DP: but where are we going?

BH: oh i don't know!

[they eat spicy rice cake and fish tempura]


DP: ummmm

BH: hehehe

DP: we ran so hard and this is all i get?

BH: gee but you're enjoying this why are you nagging again.

DP: (eats more)

BH: i think this is even better than the steak we had yesterday and the price suits me just fine.

DP: (smiles)

BH: (stares at her lips)

DP: omo why are you staring at my lips right now?

BH: but you're the one making me do that.

DP: omomo Kang Baekho ssi when did you become so player-like?


BH: oh look at you with chili paste all over.. (wipes her mouth w/ his fingers)

DP: hm.. then you should've just said that.


BH: since it's wasteful.. i'm just gonna eat all this (licks finger)

DP: (looks away quietly and drinks from cup) ack. hot!

BH: hehe.. you are so careless..

DP: what did you say? huhuhu gee...

BH: hehe..


[WJ finds out from ES about the pet clinic and Hwang house about to be turned over for auction]


JY: why did you ask to see me at this hour at the coffee shop?

WJ: why didn't you tell me about it? that father signed a guarantee wrong and now your house is about to be turned over!

JY: how did you know?

WJ: that's not the issue right now. we should think how we can gather our strengths together.. why didn't you tell me?

JY: senior..

WJ: i'm so disappointed that my existence means so little to you.

JY: it's true that things are difficult right now, but i didn't want to burden you too.

WJ: i'm really gonna get mad.. how can that be a burden? when will you share your heart with me?

JY: --

WJ: so, how much is needed? how much is needed to save the house?

JY: senior.

WJ: i know it's urgent, so tell me how much you need.


WJ tries to retrieve the guarantee money from his flat and increase his monthly payment.



DJ goes up to talk to DH and BH about the crisis that's happening at the Hwang household.

DH and BH get up immediately to go over to the Hwang's to find out more...

DJ: tell Chanee's mother i will do my best too, and tell her not to come look for me infront of this house anymore if at all possible and meet me instead elsewhere.

DH: i'm sorry.. i will.



DH runs into Ssonia who got her job at the resturant back..

MA: oh honey! i thought i heard your voice..


Ssonia leaves and feels leftout..



dad: oh sour!

mom: this is sour? Danpoong your father's come to his end. hehe

dad: gee what nonsense.

mom: but about Baekho.

DP: oh. wh-what about him?

mom: is he dating someone?

DP: oh.. why.. do you ask?

mom: the way i see it he must have a woman..

DP: well. i.. i wouldnt' know.

mom: did you see him busy w/ the phone and textmessage a lot at work?

DP: um...

mom: i mean it's strange that he didn't go to the matchdate with such a great girl. if he passed on such a great opportunity then he must already have someone.

DP: well that.. it may not be the only plausible reason.

mom: but you know when a person doesn't have their match they'd go to a matchdate.

DP: --

mom: but whoever the woman that he's dating is.. she's such an unfortunate one.

DP: mother!

mom: oh gee.. why are you startling me like that? you're becoming more like your father.. why did you do that!

DP: um. oh. i didn't.

dad: you guys are so loud i can't watch the tv!


SA and SJ come back and SA tells them they're going to Hawaii for their honeymoon makeup. Jongsoon looks envious.

SA and SJ agree they should send Mr. and Mrs. Na to Hawaii too in the future.

and SJ still can't get JY's family issue out of his mind..


next morning...


DP: get in. i'll take you to your English class.

BH: what the. am i dreaming?



BH: pinch me. i think this is a dream.

DP: but there's even a bonus.

BH: oh my what is it?

DP: here (milk)

BH: but what's the date today?

DP: why?

BH: i gotta remember the event that i was moved by Na Danpoong.

DP: oh i have something else for you too (reaches to backseat to get a box)


BH: (sniffs DP's hair as it brushes his face in passing and really enjoys the fragrance)

DP: hello? are you sleeping?

BH: oh, no.

DP: this is English for finances, and this is English for economic, management and marketing terms.

BH: (mesmorized)

DP: if you start too hard it'll get too difficult so start on it slowly.

BH: (staring w/ dreamy look)

DP: wh-what?

BH: um.. Danpoong ssi.. what shampoo do you use..?


DP: hm.. you need to take exams soon so work hard and don't get distracted.

BH: (smiles and sniffs the air more)



SJ finds out from Mr. Park about Hwang's troubles and SJ tells Mr. Park to keep their finding a secret.

SJ then calls his friend/accountant to pull out all his money from his stocks and bonds.


WJ also gets the green light about getting the money out of his rent agreement.

BH passes by and overhears. BH asks about it and WJ says it's to help JY's family.

BH: are you gonna be alright to take out your flat guarantee money?

WJ: well first thing first is to help solve Ji-Yeong's problem.



JY tries to plead w/ the bank again for more time... and is shocked to find out their debt is all paid off.

JY asks who paid it and the banker tells her the name of the person who paid is Park In-Seok.



WJ comes by and gives everything he has to Mr. Hwang.

but then JY comes w/ news that the debt is paid off and auction is off.

JY: who is Park In-Seok? do you know him?

dad: Park In-Seok? no..


MA then calls DJ and tells her the money crisis is resolved.

MA: but could you still help me with my problem with Chanee's dad? i will really live earnestly once he and i get back together.

so DJ calls Ssonia to meet...


DJ: our Dal-Hyeon is very fond of you and loves you a lot, but from my stance i'm sorry but i can't agree to him choosing you.

SN: ---

DJ: for Chanee's sake, as well as for many other reasons..

SN: ---

DJ: seeing you here all the way, your parents back at home must be really heart-ached.

SN: ---

DJ: miss. i'm sorry. i know this is hurting you, but i am here to tell you these hurtful words. I am like a mother to Dal-Hyeon, thus i only want Dal-Hyeon to be happier than now, and right now Chanee's mother has gotten her acts together and wishes to get back together with Chanee's dad, thus i am giving you these extreme words.

SN: no. i'm sorry, to worry you.


SA buys a lotta stuff to prepare for her trip.



JS: ya.. have a good time.

SA: we agreed to send you and father to trip too after we get back! heheh.

JS: omo! really!!!

SA: yup Seonjae ssi and i talked about it yesterday. hehe.

JS: omo!! yay! oh.. but couldn't you send us to Hawaii too since you're sending us anyway?

SA: of course! it's done! heheh

JS: (claps) hehehe.. but your father in law won't agree. it's no use.

SA: heehee dont' worry mother. i'll be responsible for father.

JS: oh right! he's the weakest when it comes to you! omo hehehe so exciting!

SA goes to room and gets ready to pack, but gets distracted by SJ's box.



SA: Ji-Yeong!? what? S loves J?!!!


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Guest butteredtoast

Oh hi butteredtoast,no..that isnt my Clubbox actually..so you mean you downloaded it and you cant play it?Maybe you need to get some codec pack and install it first before viewing,or do you mean you cant download it at all?You'll have to be a member of that Clubbox if you want to DL the file.

But unfortunately,about your request..I don't think I'm gonna be uploading the file onto other hosts,and thats why I'm just uploading them onto YouTube so it's gonna be available as online streaming for everybody.I sure hope somebody else can help re-upload it somewhere though,mianhae butteredtoast. :(

hi bm... ok thanks, didn't mean to pester you :) i downloaded it but the real player wouldn't play it and said i needed to download something but it wouldn't download...

does anyone happen to have this file they can upload somewhere else? kinda new to this downloading stuff ;)

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Guest aznlafinbananaxp

thansk dramaok. the episode was hecka cute ^_^ .. but I'ms o worried about DP's mom

true that. so cuute. it's good to see DP and BH slowly getting more in the hang of things.

I think DP needed to see BH get out of the car with SK (as well as the thumb thing.)

see. she came to his house the next day and brought him some milk. slowly learning...

with hyeonwu she never did that.

BH was so sketchy at times though. haha. but it was still kinda cute. the writers are really pushing

the limit on how "girly" (?) BH can get.

SJ on the other hand needs to get off the fence. one side or the other.

SA or JY. yeah it's mad hard but he can't keep leading both of them on.

thanks for all the updates and posts. without you guys, i'd still be on ep90 without this danbaek happiness. 8)

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mom: but about Baekho.

DP: oh. wh-what about him?

mom: is he dating someone?

DP: oh.. why.. do you ask?

mom: the way i see it he must have a woman..

DP: well. i.. i wouldnt' know.

mom: did you see him busy w/ the phone and textmessage a lot at work?

DP: um...

mom: i mean it's strange that he didn't go to the matchdate with such a great girl. if he passed on such a great opportunity then he must already have someone.

DP: well that.. it may not be the only plausible reason.

mom: but you know when a person doesn't have their match they'd go to a matchdate.

DP: --

mom: but whoever the woman that he's dating is.. she's such an unfortunate one.

DP: mother!

when i read this, i went mwahahahaha

we're still on 95 here in indonesia through KBSWorld

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Do you know...I really was thinking(and hoping) that the S♥J sweater appearance would be the final straw for the sham of a thing that SJ and SA calls a marriage,but if indeed SA gets into some sort of an accident..what are the possible outcomes of that? SA's family will put the blame on SJ,or is the incident going to make SJ guilty enough to stick through with SA till the very end.Tsk,and there I was thinking.."huh!this is it!".. But again,the previews have always been misleading most of the time..so..hmm..

bm, I don't think SA'll have an accident. Like you said, previews have always been misleading. Maybe just a shock coz she has to stop the car so sudden.

But if SA has an accident, hope SA's family especially that old witch nagging, complaining, scolding, yelling everytime every minute to SJ. Hope he never get one peace moment in his life afterwards. Seems cruel? B)

Btw,DanBaek's cute today..lol..everybody's saying BH's a big perv now for smelling DP's hair like that..omg "DP-ssi what shampoo do you use?!" that totally cracked me up ,and the way he was just staring at her talking and I'm doubtful he even heard anything she was saying..

Both of them always have their pervert looks and moments :lol:

mom: but whoever the woman that he's dating is.. she's such an unfortunate one.

DP: mother!

when i read this, i went mwahahahaha

Never cross into mom's mind that "unfortunate woman" is her lovely daughter. :lol::lol: She'd rather kill herself than facing this reality ;)

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SJ on the other hand needs to get off the fence. one side or the other.

SA or JY. yeah it's mad hard but he can't keep leading both of them on.

SJ gave up his freedom when he decided to marry SA ... he can't even be himself now. He is struggling to be someone he is not in order to live up to the expectations of his in-laws and avoid troubles his wife might create. What a pathetic life! :mellow: No wonder he looks haggard & exhausted.

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Carmina that was one good synopsis. that's why we get along we think alike and you know what they say about great minds!!!

Zaeya, I'm humbled ... you have a creative mind & do better analysis than me. :o

This thread is one good venue for polishing our writing skills. But what is more valuable to me is that I get to interact, share insights & similar interests with people I have not met, and altho' disagreements arise, a great deal of respect for dissenting opinions is easy to come by.

Thanks for being a friend ... let's meet more often to dissect SJ's erratic behavior, SA's below-average IQ & EQ and Mrs. Na's superficialities. .

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Guest SillyYun

this thread indeed growing..

i remembered coming here from page 18 haha!

until now BH being DJ and Pong's son guessing i think its not gonna happen...

since we're close to end of drama soon...its kinda fast isnt it?

anyway yea so i guess that is not gonna happen

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