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From Ugly Kids To Pretty Adults And From Pretty Kids To Ugly Adults

Guest bebe9wish

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Guest pinkpunch

I don't think it's true, it's too much of a generalization. I can't help picturing some of you having a really cute baby and thinking, 'Oh God, it's going to be so ugly'; kidding, but still. I think the fact that the child is just so pretty when its young, that it becomes hard for them to live up to that standard all their lives. Not that they become ugly, per se, but what they look like now pales in comparison to what they looked like before.

For ugly kids, maybe they become more aware of their... 'circumstances' from an early age. Thus, they start learning to take better care of themselves faster...from applying makeup, to staying fit, etc. And, most of the time, any sort of improvement for them will be a good improvement compared to what they used to look like. Or maybe they needed time to grow into their features from the get-go.

Ccconstant I think you'e summed it up perfectly. There's definitely an unreachable/unrealistic expectation for pretty children to grow up to become gorgeous adults and when they don't they cant live up to what they used to look like. No one expects ugly children to be beautiful, so when they grow into their features it becomes a pleasant surprise.

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Guest JWonNie

I was an ugly kid and I still am... and I see a lot of people who were cute and are still cute! Like... if you look at people's baby pictures, you can see the resemblence still... so I guess your parent's claim is not always true, but I'm sure sometimes it is! But, I don't think there's really a corelation between the two..

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I fall under this category somewhat. When I was a kid, my mother was so worried that I wouldn't grow up looking unattractive >.>''

I did feel quite ugly as a child. I felt jealous of all the pretty girls and no one ever liked me. But when I was about 14, something changed haha.

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Guest Liandon

Um.. what about all those kid stars that turns out to be pretty grown-up stars. <img src="http://cdn.vanillaforums.com/soompi.vanillaforums.com/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/blink.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":blink:" border="0" alt="blink.gif" />

They grow up around stylists and make-up artists who cater to their images :P

If everyone had one, they too wouldn't go through those awkward stages (in most cases), wearing great clothing, as well as having hair styles and make-up that enhances their beauty.

Nghnnn, I was a damn adorable baby, and then I went into my awkward pre-teen years, and now, I feel I'm pretty on my positive days, although I have times where I think I look like mini cooper >___<

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  • 2 years later...
Guest aforeverbegfan

I used to be really pretty. I always got praises from my parent's friends and relatives. But after 9, I started to gain weight and have acne problems. All because I didn't take care of my weight and skin. When I was 13, someone actually told me that with my looks no one would marry me. >.< I knew it wasn't true but it just made me realised how bad I looked for someone to say this to me. I went on a diet and took really good care of my skin and a year later, although I wasn't as pretty as before, many people still told me that I looked ok or even above average. Unfortunately, it was a yoyo diet I went through and very soon I gained back most of the weight that I lost. But what I'm saying is that it's just a matter of taking care of your appearance. Many of my friends who weren't pretty when they were kids grew up to be pretty. There were pretty kids growing to be not as beautiful as before. There are kids who grew up to be equally good looking or not. Just make sure you take care of your looks and you will look the best you can be^^

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Guest bigeyesmalleye

Don't think it's true. For me, it was an upward and downward trend. I was labelled a "cute" kid up until 11 or 12 when puberty hit me. I became an ugly kid for the severe acne, awkward hairstyles, lack of fashion sense and was oblivious to self appearance. As I grew older, the strength of puberty toned down a little, my cheekbones and jawline became more prominent, I was growing muscles, and finally figured out how to dress nicely and take care of my skin. Now people think I can become a model if only I was taller haha. 

So I think most of it is contributed to pubertal changes. 

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  • 2 months later...
Guest kellykim88

I think it SOMETIMES TRUE. I wasn't an ugly baby but my cousins were REALLY cute babies. But I am the most attractive one now. I used to have very small flat nose as a baby but my cousins had small but poninty nose so it made them more cute and like a doll. But as they got older, their nose grew bigger and now it kinda looks like a witch nose (i am not saying they are ugly now though). My nose got bigger but it's now feminine and pointy. Their forehead became a lot bigger and their face shape is not the prettiest. I have a small forehead that matches my overall face and I have a oval face. They ended up getting paper thin lips but I have a nice full lips. Their eyes became just ok but my eyes became more defined and have a sexy and mysterious look to them now. I used to have a lot of baby fat and my cousins didn't but as I got older all the baby fat went to my height and I am now 5'8" and lean but curvy at the same time but my cousins are super short and a stick.

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Guest I_play_with_dolls

I don't believe it's necessarily true, it just depends on your genetics, puberty, and if you're maintaining your looks to the current standard of beauty in your society. 

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Guest Inconnu

I was an ugly little boy when I was young. -_- Happens when you grow up with four
brothers, lol.

Probably half of my life back then I thought I was a guy so I always looked like
a weird-feminine-looking boy. I wouldn't say I was "ugly" as I really don't think
anyone is ugly. It's from perspective and even then, to me, I think everyone's
attractive in their own way. Anyways, the reason why I "evolved" into an actual
female is just because my mom forced me to take care of my appearances alot more.
That means no more boyish clothing, but lots of lace and dresses. I think rather
than saying someone is physically unappealing, it's more so of how they present
themselves. The most beautifully bone-structured individual who dresses like a slob
will look not so great in comparison to a "plain Jane" who is well-put together.

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Guest Hearted

How do people find such old threads to bump? We're taking a rewind here :P

On topic, to cut it short. Yes I feel it's true, but there are exceptions. 

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Guest evehelen

Some cute kids turn out not so cute, and some stay the same. Some not so cute babies turn out cute, and some don't. It's really just a matter of how well you take care of yourself coupled with your genetics I think. I've been about average my entire life other than my 7 year old missing front teeth phase.

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