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First Makeout Session -

Guest Elee

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not first kiss, i mean... makeout session
how was yours ?


i was on the bed laying down with him, we were playing a game :mellow:

then i stuck my tounge out pretending i was mad at him...

he went right for it...

then there goes my first makeout session :wacko:

i thought my first ever makeout session would be gross...

but it was fun actually :ph34r:

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Guest xLunacy

My first make out session was disgusting.

Wasn't exactly mutual, either.

All of a sudden he pinned me against the wall and jammed his tongue in my mouth.

Was fricken disgusting as hell, I couldn't escape ):

After HE was done, he asked "Did you like it?"

And I replied "I'm going home."


Close to a 'scarred for life' experience.

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Guest chenjoy

^ awww. :[

i had been attempting to do it for a while and never got a chance with him alone

and finally when i did, i leaned in for it and he thought it was just a peck

so he backed away then i leaned again and it happened...

it was pretty disgusting.

the whole time i kinda just stoof there like what the hell is he doing? >.>

lolol. ahaha.

noob one + noob two + making out = disasterrrr.

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Guest BebeSweet


Mine was so long ago, I don't really remember... oh right, now I remember...

It was nice. :mellow:

But I've kissed a guy who didn't know how to kiss at all, and it was not fun at all.

He so was sloppy I just backed off. :crazy:

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Guest xbomi

i hated my first kiss.

i hated my first french kiss.

to be honest with you, the only time where i got kissed thoroughly well

was when i was inebriated. ( which is the MOST pathetic thing EVER )

i'm seriously so happy for you. you don't have

to go through with what most people go through...

now though, it's going to be tough to compare that. for me, it can only get better.

it might go downhill for you since it was so awesome for you :D

good memory to have though :D im jealous!

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Guest grllprops

i was young & naive.

my friends forced me. i really didn't want to. they said "you can't leave till you do" =_=

and it was GROSS. i didn't know how, and it was really awkward.

right after i said "YOUVE GOT A BAD TASTE IN YOUR MOUTH" and left T.T

so the next day @ school, he told everyone he made out with me and told them how bad of a kisser i was.


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Guest randykiyoshi

Haha, seems like everyones first makeout sucked. xD

Right now, I haven't made out yet.. but I bet it's gonna suck.. I have no training. ~lol~

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Guest me.so.cool

it was w/ my current bf. i had no idea how to french kiss, he has experience and "taught" me how to do it. not bad. it was fun...but i still feel like idk what i'm doing sometimes. lol. :blush:

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Guest xtiinee

Lol umm for me, I thought it was just a regular kiss but then he put his tongue in his mouth. I was kinda like surprised but I got the hang of it. (: It was pretty good.

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Guest Ryskie

My first make out session with my husband was nice, but it got akward after we went out to eat with his mom.

I had worn a shirt that had glitter on it, and thruout dinner she kept commenting on how much of it had gotten on his face!

I was so embarrassed, but luckily she just laughed it off...

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Guest MaryMagdalin

um well does 2 seconds of it count?

b/c i don`t want it to

anyway it was with some guy i was having a fling with and he just dipped his head down cuz he`s almost 6 feet and i`m 5'2"

if i don`t count that mine with 3 days after going out with my ex.

it was sweet

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Guest x_wonton

Well my first make-out session was with my current boyfriend. He has experience, so it wasn't bad. Although, I started to laugh. I had no idea why. -_-

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Guest eelgnay

i think our first make out session. i was laying on top of him, no not having sex, just laying on top of him fully clothed on the couch and BAM his friend walks in the front door without knocking and the door wasn't locked. besides that, it was all good. *sigh*

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Guest lily-chan

First kiss + First making out session = smashed into 1

He kissed me. I kinda backed away because it felt weird. After a while, he leaned in, and we made out.

I look back, and I find that moment cute and innocent.

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Guest iEatPowder

What can I say? I was a natural-born kisser :rolleyes: .

It was awesome in every way. :lol:

We were on the bed playing Puzzle Fighter. So we would taunt each other when one or the other lost. And then one thing led to another and the rest is history. No drooling, all smiles.

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