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So Ji Sub 소지섭 - Best Korean Actor & Rapper -


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RmC POSTED @www.hotelier2002 on September 20th, 2005

dancing In Chul


In Chul off-cam



Thunderbolt posted:



(credit: cafe.daum.net/sojs; uploaded by thunder)

L4ura POSTED @www.hotelier2002 on September 21th, 2005


MISA is being made as animation film.


This is the story of 1 year from Moohyuk's death to Eunchai's suicide.

The scenario is already finished, which is made under the supervision of MISA writer Lee Kyung Hee.

Running time is 30 minutes, will be released at 2006/February.

Animation company is 'Penciled Meditation'


Thunderbolt POSTED @www.hotelier2002 on September 22th, 2005

An avalanche of pics!!



That profile... *faint*


(credit: cafe.daum.net/sojs; uploaded by thunder)







(credit: cafe.daum.net/sojs; uploaded by thunder)

Thunderbolt POSTED @www.hotelier2002 on September 22th, 2005

Caspi Cornus gif






(credit: cafe.daum.net/sojs and soompi; uploaded by thunder)

Boola POSTED @www.hotelier2002 on September 22th, 2005

More cute gifs of Jisub





credit to Jisubforever; posted by roundyao in sojisub.com.cn

Thunderbolt POSTED @www.hotelier2002 on September 23rd, 2005

If you want to see Jisub in a hilarious role, try his early drama Three Men, Three Women. Here are some caps:






(credit: posted by follin in Youngsosa Cafe; uploaded by thunder)

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Guest luckycarrienew

Priscilla POSTED @www.hotelier2002 on September 20th, 2005

I feel the air's clearing now? Phew!!! So you like this!

This drama was covered enough by the media, puzzled at its 'strange' popularity. And the princess' BAD ENTONATION became the talk of the town, becoming almost a fad back then.

I did read soooo many articles about this drama at Youngsosa, but they seem to be more focused on the Princess... or even the 'rising' new star KNI... I don't recall reading any exclusive interviews with SJS... remember back then, he still had 'allergy' for personal interviews, LOL. Of course I watched some behind the scenes Clips on this, but there was not much of new information there.

The following scenes made me sad.

It's painful to see In-chul getting hammered repeatedly. But what could he do? He genuinely felt sorry for the princess. He would protect her, albeit grudgingly, even if it meant becoming a punching bag for her pursuers.


"I need to think about making some money." So he trudged from nightclub to nightclub with his wares...


(credit: dcinside & saturn; uploaded by thunder)

Thunderbolt POSTED @www.hotelier2002 on September 20th, 2005


(credit: dcinside & saturn; uploaded by thunder)


credit to Youngsosa; posted by 小昕 in sojisub.com.cn

khwy^^thx for sharing~love his dress :rolleyes::)

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RmC POSTED @www.hotelier2002 on September 25th, 2005




Thunderbolt POSTED @www.hotelier2002 on September 25th, 2005

Goodies from Youngsosa Cafe:






(credit: cafe.daum.net/sojs; uploaded by thunder)

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Thunderbolt POSTED @www.hotelier2002 on September 25th, 2005

New wallies from Youngsosa Cafe:







(credit: cafe.daum.net/sojs; uploaded by thunder)

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Thunderbolt POSTED @www.hotelier2002 on September 27th, 2005

Calling JSAs, calling JSAs!


Want to go for a swim? Oops, it's 1.38 a.m. in Seoul. Too cold!


Do you like this new banner and wallie made by a Youngsosa member?



(credit: cafe.daum.net/sojs; uploaded by thunder)

Thunderbolt POSTED @www.hotelier2002 on September 27th, 2005

The pics are really big!









(credit: cafe.daum.net/sojs; uploaded by thunder)

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Thunderbolt POSTED @www.hotelier2002 on September 27th, 2005

I should post these caps in the WHIB thread but I'm sure they would be more appreciated here. They were posted in Youngosa Cafe by Follin.


(credit: cafe.daum.net/sojs; uploaded by thunder)

Priscilla POSTED @www.hotelier2002 on September 28th, 2005

INTERVIEW WITH SO JISUB by Japanese Press...

*translated by Priscilla

Q: Thank you for making time for us today among your busy schedule serving the country.

A: You’re welcome. I’m looking forward to this since I haven’t done interviews for a while.

Presently I’m able to relax more since I’m not active in the entertainment business.

Q: The work you’re doing right now, isn’t it hard?

A: Not at all. This is nothing compared to the regular military service.

The only thing is that too many fans are visiting me there I fear it’s bothering others so much I feel sorry.

Q: What type of work are you presently doing in Mapo District?

A: I’m in the Internet Team. We organize all the datas and information about the district, and we research for needed files or information.

Q: What do you normally do after work?

A: Nothing much.

If I have time, I exercise, or sometimes I meet my friends.

Also, lately my fans send me many books to read knowing I’ve lots of spare time, so I’m catching up with my reading.

Q: In a previous interview, we heard that you fell asleep while filming “Sorry I Love You” because of lack of sleep. Are you having enough sleep lately?

A: I actually don’t sleep much. I’m the type that feels great after a good 4-hour sleep.

So even now, I don’t sleep longer than 4 hours.

Q: What types of books do you usually read?

A: I read things that are non-fiction. I enjoy reading heavy volumes that many people may find boring.

Lately, I’m reading “9 Steps of Life” by Yang Soon Ja. ( http://www.aladdin.co.kr/shop/wproduct.aspx?isbn=8976772040 )

Working with prison inmates waiting on death roll since she was 37 years old, the writer records all the wisdom of her more than 60 years of life’s experience. It’s a very instructive and emotional book. I’m not sure if this book is available in Japan, but I’d like to introduce this book to my Japanese fans.

Q: “Sorry I Love You” was the work that exposed Mr. So Ji Sub’s charms the most. Through this work you received a “Baeksang Award” a few months ago. How did you feel back then?

A: I’ve been really coveting for the “Baeksang Award” for awhile.

But I could’t even dream of actually getting it.

I was really happy and thankful. At the same time, I felt the heavy responsibility.

Because of everyone’s encouragement and constant waiting, I want to respond to them with an improved acting two years from now.

I’ve decided to become an actor deserving of such prize.

Q: What is the one thing that worried you the most while acting as Cha Moo Hyuk?

A: What I worried the most was how to feel like Cha Moo Hyuk, since he is different than I.

The love he felt for his mother, the hatred, and the love towards his family, the pain of being abandoned, etc.

He lived the life of someone who fell into a slump, like that of a wild dog, so to portray him was not something you can do in words.

To play him, I had to find something deep inside me that could feel him and bring him to life.

It’s like I’d become the perfect Cha Moo Hyuk after bringing that something alive.

This is the reason that, in order to make myself and Cha Moo Hyuk one, I changed my hair style.

Many people were shocked to see me looking so different.

In this way, I was successful in changing myself as Cha Moo Hyuk.

Q: Cha Moo Hyuk Fashion became very popular. Who chose the style?

And which part did you pay most attention to?

A: My stylist who oversees my overall appearance, my hair stylist, my manager, among others.

We discussed everything together and came to a consensus.

We took more than a month to come up with the hair style and general appearance.

In “Sorry I Love You” there is the Cha Moo Hyuk grunge look in Australia, his new look in Seoul, his appearance while he worked as a manager, and in episode 4, he became “(Lee) Hyunwoo” in order to get even. Depending on the scene, I stressed different points.

It was important that I bring the strength of the character depending on the situation.

And I paid most attention to the image I had to portray in each scene.

Q: You spoke great words during “Sorry I Love You.” Which ones touched you most?

A: “Rock-head! Let’s play.”

And the words he spoke by himself while he was dying “Mother…” His final words “I love you, Mother…” They were ordinary words, but I still remember those words since they left a very deep impression.

Q: You spoke fluent English in both “Sorry I Love You” and “What Happened In Bali.” Did you take special courses?

A: I’m so embarrassed… I just practiced whatever was on the script. I never studied English before. I’ve been thinking of studying right now.

Q: I heard that during “What Happened In Bali” you didn’t have enough time to practice English at all. Is that true?

A: Yes, we didn’t have enough time to shoot the scenes, and the scripts would come to us in ‘memo notes.’ Which means that I’d hear the sentence once, and after repeating that sentence out-loud once, shooting would start.

But in “Sorry I Love You” I received the script beforehand, so I was able to correct my pronunciation with the help of a private tutor.

Q: You’re known to be a man with fashion sense. What style do you prefer?

A: I don’t have a specific style.

I wear like most people, jeans with T-shirt, and if I’d wear something else…

Maybe a belt, or some accessories to stress the look?

Q: There was so much conflict between the character of Audrey and Cha Moohyuk that the viewers felt sad. And till the end, Cha Moohyuk didn’t reveal that he is Audrey’s son. If you were him, what would you do?

A: I don’t think I could have told her.

Because, if Audrey finds out Moohyuk’s her son, I don’t think she could go on living... I think Audrey was a good hearted woman afterall…

Q: If we look at your previous dramas, you’re usually the one who loves first, and many times you sacrifice yourself for your loved one. How are you in real life?

If there is someone that interest you, are you the type that would actively approach her?

Or are you the type that hides his feelings inside?

A: Until now, I never approached the girl first. I don’t think I hid my feelings either, but I’m not the active type that pursues the girl.

I wouldn’t go so far as ‘sacrificial love,’ but I am like a “Sun-flower” type.

Once I start liking a woman, my life will revolve around her.

Q: I heard that after you were done with the drama, you had a hard time getting out of the character of Cha Moohyuk. What are the things in common between Cha Moohyuk and So Jisub, and what are the opposite characteristics?

A: I’m not sure… Like most people think, we’re not alike.

I’m very different to Cha Moohyuk.

I don’t think I can tell the woman I like “I like you” the way Moohyuk did.

I don’t think I could love people the way Moohyuk did, or express myself like he did.

About similarities… that we can both do everything for the person we love?

Q: In the movie “Love Story” they say that “if you love, the word ‘sorry’ is not necessary.” On the other hand, in “Sorry I Love You,” the word “sorry” was expressed first. What do you think about this?

A: I think that love is something we should 'love.' Of course the person receiving love must be happy too, but I think the person giving the love is the happier one.

The waterfall of love runs freely towards the current, and once there, they understand each other or they much continue struggling to understand. Don’t you think that’s how love is perfected? There is the type of love where “sorry” is not necessary, but I believe there are also the type where you can use the word ‘sorry’ to each other.

Q: There was a survey where it was asked which drama people wanted to see it remade into movies and “Sorry I Love You” was the strong winner. If a movie were to be made, would you like to play as Cha Moohyuk?

A: Cha Moohyuk from “Sorry I Love You” is such a charismatic character that any actor would love to play him. The Cha Moohyuk on the big screen could appear as even more charming but if I think of going through the same pain again, I honestly hesitate.

Besides, I wonder if I could play as Cha Moohyuk again.

I’m satisfied with be Cha Moohyuk from the small screen.

Q: Is it true that you enjoy hip-hop music? Who is your favorite musician or which is your favorite song?

A: I enjoy hip-hop, but I don’t have a specific singer I prefer. I listen to anything that makes me feel good. I don’t restrict myself to just hip-hop either, I enjoy listening to any kind of music.

Q: You have a great style. Now, what do you think about your physical appearance?

A: I never thought of myself as having a great body or amazing looks.

That’s because I’m surrounded by men with great body. Hmmm… I’m satisfied with the appearance above my neck.

I wouldn’t say I’m handsome but I think I look unique so that I could like myself.

Q: Recently, the number of Japanese fans increased. What do you think is the difference between your Japanese and your Korean fans?

A: Not too different. The only thing is that I feel Japanese fans are a little more aggressive.

Q: You spoke Japanese in both “Sorry I Love You” and in Jo-Song-Mo’s MV. Do you speak Japanese?

A: Not at all. Just simple greetings. I’m studying Japanese now so that next time I meet my fans, I may be able to greet them in Japanese?

Q: You didn’t know any Japanese while filming “Sorry I Love You?”

A: Nothing. Actually, my manager wrote those words in Korean, and I just memorized them.

My manager is very interested in the Japanese culture, so she speaks a little Japanese.

There was no Japanese words in the script, but my manager came up with that during the shooting.

Q: What about your Chinese? I heard you spoke Chinese during the Chinese Press Conference, surprising the reporters.

A: That too… I just read the words written in Korean. I just spoke the things the reporters taught me.

The funny part is that the right intonation is very difficult in Chinese, but I didn’t care. However, I think I somehow spoke with the right intonation. I was just lucky.

Q: Your ideal woman?

A: My ideal woman changes all the time. Before, there were so many things I wanted, but now, maybe because I’m older, I like quiet women with common sense.

Q: What would you do if you learn that, just like Cha Moohyuk in “Sorry I Love You,” you don’t have much time to live?

A: (Let’s say I’ve 3 months to live) There is no one like Cha Moohyuk in real life, but if I were in his shoes, I’d spend 2 months with the person I love, and the rest with my family and friends, and people that know me.

Q: You have many nicknames. Which is your favorite and the one you dislike the most?

A: These are nicknames given me by my fans so there is none I dislike. My favorite would be… So Ganji?

Q: Is there any character you’d like to play on your return?

A: In a movie, I’d like to play a real evil character.

Someone who could give you the chills just by looking at him.

In dramas, I’d like to play some rich-guy character for a change.

Not for me, but more so because my fans want this.

Thunderbolt POSTED @www.hotelier2002 on September 28th, 2005

Quiz Time!

From which scene and drama were the following caps taken? State name of drama, episode number, and context.



(credit: cafe.daum.net/sojs; uploaded by thunder)

Next question!

Whose stare is likely to cause a JSA to go into a dead faint? Guy on left or guy on right?


(credit: official TYOL site; uploaded by thunder)

Another quiz question!

Guess when these pics were taken:






(credit: cafe.daum.net/sojs; uploaded by thunder)

Priscilla POSTED @www.hotelier2002 on September 29th, 2005

Thunder, the first two pics you posted were from WHIB. I think the first one's from episode twenty, and the second one's from episode eight. Am I right?

As for the TYOL picture - it's the guy on the right, of course!

The last pics are from one of the last scenes of "Can't Live Without Robbery".

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Thunderbolt POSTED @www.hotelier2002 on September 29th, 2005

Here's the "original" cap from which the Mr Flower pic was taken:


(credit: cafe.daum.net/sojs; uploaded by thunder)

Jisub fan Aswmi (Soompi) posted the following mv and caps that she made. They're very nice. Can anyone tell me if this is from a CF? I'm surprised to see Jisub with JDY. She's one of my favorite actresses! I first saw her in Harmonium in My Memory (with LBH) and liked her immediately. Since then I have watched most (or all) of her movies. I never knew she acted in anything with Jisub.


Lovejisub POSTED @www.hotelier2002 on September 30th, 2005


It's a short drama ( 1 episode drama ) " What you keep is unforgetable " and you can download from Saturn's Clubbox.

izzat POSTED @www.hotelier2002 on September 30th, 2005


Thunderbolt POSTED @www.hotelier2002 on September 30th, 2005

The "fiery" pic that izzat posted is from a Japanese mag. Here are more pics:









credit: cafe.daum.net/sojs; uploaded by thunder)

RmC POSTED @www.hotelier2002 on September 30th, 2005



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