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So Ji Sub 소지섭 - Best Korean Actor & Rapper -


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In an interview recently, his brother SSH said he thinks Jisub likes girls who are more of obedient type :sweatingbullets: and him and Jisub are best friends forever :)

(From Sojisubar and Sojisubfanatics)

Obedient type ???  I can understand, at his age, Jisub won't  be looking for woman who have to be served, he is too busy and tired for that. Mature woman who can calmed down his heart and share his burden of life, it is more appropriate. I think he has to be married with  fans ( except me...:lol: I'm a rebel type...who asked me ? No one :lol: ) fans always support him in any condition. Obedient type,  similar with Tae Gong Sil in drama. But it's hard to imagine there are types like that among celebrities. 



Love me with the whole of your heart

Edited by sojisubaddicted
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My heart will go on!





A girl can dream.

Yes! Most of girls' dreams are beautiful and private. However, when millions girls are dreaming about the same man, he must be very special. He is So Jisub, the gorgeous, talented actor and awesome rapper.

Working nearly 20 years in Korean entertainment industry, he is one of the Champions in capture women's hearts. Though many people said that he was recognised after What happened in Bali drama in 2004, but his earlier works never went waste. All of his roles made him the excellent actor today. He's matured as time passed by, like the fruit was ripe and dedicated beautiful juice that seems never sooth our thirst of him.




We love you, Man, to max!

I'm going to talk how girls dream of you. Some part of me wish that you would never get to read this piece, because unfolding girls' secrets might make you shy. However I wish fans' obsession would not make you uncomfortable, but touching only, as the way love always be...


A reminder

My ladies,

It's been more than 10 years since the day I fall for him. Life sometimes has its twists and turns. I guess things would apply the same to a fan girl with many up and down.

Some of you might be confused: Hey, what's so hard to be a fan?

Well, being a So Jisub's fan means you're living in emotions, means putting your hands up in the air amazed by his works and spending a great deal of your free time "dating" with him. This dreamy look is on your face and love blossoms in your heart. Maybe you don't recognize you're that great fan my dear friends. Since we all have a fair share here, I'll be a honest reminder to you. Promise!


You've got mail

Okay, girls, it's time to face ourselves honestly.

Let me confess to you first my dears: one fine day in Summer 2014, right after his album 18 Years was released, I did Email to  my dream man SJS a... love letter. Are you startle much? I guess you do...




It's my first and only one letter to him in my fan life, before I signed in here as this little Mathi. Express my love to the real man SJS was kind of excited and nervous at the same time. Don't know from where I'd gathered enough courage to do so. Guess he's also nervous reading the letter of a crazy fan like me, if he happened to check mails that day by himself, keke...

One dearest friend of mine who come from Romania, after excitedly fangirling hundreds things over Mr Gorgeous SJS, confessed that she would be scared if stays alone with him - the man with overwhelmed masculinity, tattoos and all.




At that moment my silly reaction was like: Huh? That's one chance of a life time. Girl, I would be thrill to the bones. The one who is scared here should be Mr SJS for crying out loud. Why? If he stays anywhere near a quiet girl (me) who keeps staring at him by these gleaming crazy eyes, he might be afraid some "horror" scenes are about to happen...

Now that I'm calm enough to think about it, my cute shy friend was right. I'm sure I couldn't handle the strong emotions at his present. Besides, he's deserved better than a hug attack from fans, right? Talking of love and respect!

Jisub ah, as much as I wish to hug you tight and much more (hic, so sorry for telling the truth!), I limit myself to a hand shake, only if you please, babe!



So love

There is one fact: SJS's appearance is perfect!




@mirika02, review The Master's Sun, wrote on her blog:

"I have made a stunning discovery. So JiSub is one of the rare actors who I could stare at all day and never get tired of looking at."





Most of fan girls admitted they couldn't get over how handsome and sexy he is.




** You are just too dreamy, Oppa. Not just hot but seriously awesome .... makes me dizzy! (@KristinL, one year ago)

**  shocks you r so gorgeous! you really took my breath away! (@kitkat ,2007)

** Sex appeal came to life (Eyef, 4 months two weeks ago)




He's dashing beautiful! Couldn't hold her feelings, @P_lily uttered: "You're the man I'm looking for" (23/03/2014)

My friends, if in term of look only, fans would not give him their hearts that easily.




His outstanding acting, his real life magnetic personalities and how humble he is... have made him The One. Thanks @baran who gave the best define of him since May,2010: So Jisub is love


Three examples of fans' feelings toward actor SJS at different timeline

1/ Tiana Mai  
    May 17th, 2007 at 8:36 am

Dear world,

When I’m so crazy over someone, what am I to do? Can I just go crazy and go find him? I have spent hours and hours looking at his pictures and I never get tire of it.




I watched every move he make. When he smiles, I smile. When he laughs, I laugh with him. When he’s sad and depress, I felt tears stream down my face.

He taught me what true love is about.

Is this love or is it just an obsession??

But he’s SOOOOOOOOOOOOO cute! and and and and and ….soooo adorable! There’s something about his eyes, and his lips that is so different from any other guy.



2/ AmariaEllone 
    June 7th, 2009 at 12:34 am

When I saw you for the first time, I knew you were the one.



You didn’t say a word to me, but your eyes pulled me into your world. From then my life has change for good... Now I’ll never feel lonely again, coz you are in my life, even though I only just seen you in your dramas or movies... how can I explain to you the way I feel inside when I think of you.
I thank you for everything that you showed me.
Don't you ever forget that we always cheer and support you...


3/ A small article

My Laptop is called So Ji Sub

by zellie15, three months ago.




Dating guys has been an issue for me ever since I got into kpop when, which being 15 at the time didn't seem like a big deal. But now that I'm 21, I kind of feel like I should be less picky. I have dated but every single time I just end up comparing them to GD or Lee Min Ho, and I just end it. How shallow of me...

Maybe I just haven't found The One.. lol ..or maybe my One and Only is still waiting for me (in Korea), So Ji Sub I'm talking to you...



On nairaland.com, Mr Omar Borkan Al Gala is on the top 10 Most Handsome Men in the world in 2015. I did give it a try, I mean I searched for his images. And then? So sorry to his fans ( wonder if he has a lot of fans?), he sure owns certain charms but I only stick to my man SJS who made me laughed, cried and missed him in my daily basic.

These nice fan girls seemed agree with me:

** hi so ji sub
i love you very muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuch
you are my hero, my life and my looooooooooove
(A girl from Iran)

** can’t live without you!!!!!
i miss you so much…love you love you love you!!!!!!!!!

** Or more impressive:

So Jjsub i love u to death u are so hot!!! (alien, 2008)


The journey of love is different from each fan but the effect is always the same: we're spell bound by him.

Let's see how this nice fan spoke our mind:

June 13th, 2012 at 2:03 am

... I just discovered I have been loving you for so long. Those eyes of yours…




Subconsciously I have given you my heart.

I thought there is something wrong with me since i cannot commit myself wholeheartedly to anybody else, thus ruining my relationships. But then when I’ve seen you again, I’ve realized all these years I have been deceiving myself. I have been loving you all along even without knowing you… Crazy, isn’t it?
I’ll always watch you from afar, praying and loving you so be safe always. God bless and more success!!!


Crazy over you


Love has a special shadow that is jealousy. This adds some spices to fan daily life. I've prepared two examples for you my dears. Thanks all funny girls on Turkish Fan-page (yeppudaa.com) who express their feelings by many cute emoticons:

1/ First, please have a look at the poster




then enjoy the 30" clip Doori Hair Care CF 2011



Our SJS here was so adorable! The gift from it::


Fans: c1%20(16).gifc1%20(9).gifWhat would I do to be that girl?!!


2/ Actor So Jisub is the first Korean celebrity has endorsed Archimedes luxury watch. The CF started by a series of beautiful pictures on High Cut Magazine VOL 123 in 2014





Watching the handsome man and the model, in their ... small pieces of clothes, hugging each other, Turkish fans were like:

Hey, d1%20(27).gif054.gif and then  d1%20(1).gif




Hugging beautiful girl was just a part of his job, our man SJS had been an excellent model here - A desirable, manly, super- handsome model, much for our swooning, my dear friends!

Since I'm on crazy mood, ladies, please allow me to talk a bit of overprotection! I'm not here to criticized anyone though. But in fans' world, things sometimes were out of control, right?

Some of us, out of love for the man, was a bit more obsessed than the others. Maybe this special fan was so worry of bad influents to SJS's fame, sometimes she kind of scared the other members from speaking their true (crazy) feelings, kkk, or joking round the man SJS. And these polite "victims" silently left the thread for "good"...

My dears, are you worry for those fans who'd left? Well, I believe they probably celebrate the same SJS moments with us. Whatever people do, to him, they would keep singing "unchanged melody"... because SJS is innocent here after all.





Some weeks ago, dear Sojisubaddicted asked me for 51K office address. She wants to send birthday gift to SJS. Her recent work is the series of SJS's interview on pictures. Totally awesome! Dear Jisub-aholic, one of SJS "experts", also started to think of creating a new clip to celebrate his birthday since... August. Oh my dearest friends, you are such the nice fans!

Actor So Jisub keeps working hard, dedicates his best to fans. In the mean time, fans also watch his every move, making thousands works from screen caps, fan arts, gifts, MVs... with love.

People can't just ask any of SJS's dear fans: "How deep is your love?" They should search for fans' works to see deeper into their mind. There are so many SJS fan-pages in different languages. And there are countless SJS - MVs on YouTube and other webs, present him to the world.

I remember watching this awesome MV which was created for MISA 10th anniversary. The great fan Yoshikitty shared to me she had slept 3-4 hours a day only during making the clip with double screen, the real SJS- Cha Moo-hyuk and the animated one.



Our dear Olang said she had to learn Facebook and Twitter in order to post SJS's updates here. She was indeed a super-nice fan who always kept our hearts fluttered by good news from Mr handsome SJS.

My friends, dear Sara62 was a very active fan here with more than 3000 posts. She also published this nice MV "So Jisub-nim, The actor we love" on YouTube one year ago. Would you like to enjoy it once again?



Internet seems shorten the space between us fans and brings SJS closer to us. I'd like to repost here a fan's message. She'd lived a hard time for 12 years. Thanks to the huge SJS source online, she has kept up with him and found life meaningful.

This is her message:

May 25th, 2009 at 8:42 am

hi JiSub,

an acquaintance recommended ‘Cain & Abel’. then i got hooked on you



stunned by your amazing energy in acting – like chameleon: your expressive eyes/the back of your body, of course, also your voice. you mesmerize me.

therefore, i started to look back of the dramas you were in. you’re really something, a great actor for a longest time – the different layers of your subtlety thru your eyes, facial expression, and body languages have been long shown since ‘we are dating now'[that’s the earliest i was able to locate][i’d like to watch glass slippers, but i can’t seem to find any good online source ;-( ]. of course, you are a wonderful model, as everyone knows, it’s so enjoyable to see your presentation of those merchandises.
as i don’t have a tv for 12 years, tho i know Korean dramas/movies are popular around the world, yet i wasn’t paying any attention, as a result of that, i have no idea who you are, which dramas you were in,
i want to thank for all your faithful fans who posted/edited so many of your info/videos on the web to feed my curiosity and gave me great pleasure. their efforts and passions are incredible. i am grateful to all of them.
just finished ‘rough cut’, you are so0000 great there. you have my respect!!

watching your performing helped me going thru the very rough/tough/hard moments of these days. Thank YOU.

keep up your work, and wishing you all the best to your new career.
looking forward to seeing more of your performance, whether on stage, in movie, or tv drama or even singing

have a good one!




All love stories are good whereas one way love seems on the dramatic side. This story telling how a Korean lady fall for SJS. She talk of love, she talk of eternity and touch my heart! Please enjoy my dears!


Sep 09 2012 10:41 pm

When I first saw So Ji Sub, it was back then in 2008, when he played as a gangster lead in 'Rough Cut'.




I wasn't stunned of his looks when I first saw him, I just thought he was a qualified actor by how he played his roles.




 Then after 3 years passed by, I saw so ji sub again in 'Ojik geudaeman: Always'... It wasn't on any purpose but just I thought the movie seems interesting because I really like korean romance film ~ It's heartwarming. So.. I when I started to watch the first scenes, I did not recognise in a sudden when I saw So Ji sub that he was the same guy I saw back then in 2008. So, there's no old images of him in my thoughts while watching him in this movie.




My first thoughts of him when I saw the first scenes, still, I wasn't stunned of his face, but there's starting to be something about him that kind of grabs my focus on him. His character seems charming in a way, by his quiet and still looks.




After I finished watching this movie for the first time, I felt so in love with the movie and starting to feel something special about this actor, so ji sub.




As I re-watched this movie for another time, I felt that So ji sub really has something special that perfectly matches my heart. I can tell that he's the first and might be the only guy I could ever fall for in this life. Since then, I knew at first there was some signal that kind of tells me that this guy has something truly special. Then I suddenly felt familiar with his face as I watched the movie for the second time that he was the same guy who played in Rough cut 2008. I knew straight away that my first instinct is correct. So ji sub really is the only guy who could possibly rob my entire heart completely like no other.




I liked him without caring to search for his name at first, until I fell completely for him. When I searched for his name and profile, I knew that 'Mo Hok' was played by So ji sub in 'I'm sorry I love you" in 2004. That drama was very popular in my childhood days.




I could still remember the feelings back then when I actually love it's OST song 'Nun eh Got - Park Hyo Shin'... it was back then on my elementary years. So after I realised my deepest feelings for this actor, I went back to find this old drama, and watched it again. Then, I knew exactly he is the right one for my real type. His features and character type is exactly what truly matches my heart. I could not explain in exact words, but So ji sub is the guy whom I saw at first and wasn't stunned exactly, but as I saw him later on... I felt a charm that sparks right into my heart... and once I knew I've fallen for this person... when I see him more and more I fall in deeper for him...




I have a feeling that he is the type of person who has a really nice heart which is the main point of his attractiveness. However, I actually liked him starting from his eye sights, smile, voice, his long body figure, and his character which is extremely charming.




No matter how old he gets as each year passes by... I knew he would be the only guy I would never regret falling for.... although age might cause some hearts to fade away... but I know for myself, so ji sub would be the only guy who i'll still fall for in eternity.

오빠를정말좋아해요 ^^ ㅋㅋ



My ladies,

After a short adventure into fans’ world, should we get back to the reality? This is the last topic:




Fans sincerely care for his lonely status. We all wish him a happy life, right? There are many exciting discussions on who would be the best partner for SJS?

We know, Man, this is your choice. But somehow we keep dreams and hopes because having your love in return is the best gift a fan girl wish for.

Many fans proposed him online in despair: "Marry me, pleaseeeeee!!!!" 

If the world put no limit on how many wives a man could have then SJS fan girls would take the best advantage of it.


Irene said:
June 20th, 2012 at 9:50 am

I don’t know why you are still single.

You should be one of those men that have many wives. They probably don’t even care.

What’s the point of getting jealous when you are this hot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I bet every girl looks at you and is breathless.

love love love love you.


Hope he doesn't have any headache!




One honest young fan said:

August 8th, 2011 at 9:50 pm

Dear So Jisub oppa… You are my fantasy wild in my imagination, you’re as a lead man in my dream, I really really love all about you...


Excuse me, girl, if I'm not wrong here, you probably also take a very important role in that special dream of yours, such as a lead lady, right? If it's the case maybe you don't have to tell me all details, honey, because I guess they are similar to mine...


Jisub ah, please take my heart!!!!





** All photos, gifts and clips credit to owners

** HD laptop wallpapers credit to:


** Thank you all SJS's fans who's ever presented their love to him on these websites:





Edited by mathi
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Male and Female Stars Koreans Most Want to Bring Home on Chuseok


It’s the quintessential holiday poll. Who would you want to spend (insert holiday here) with? Who would you want to take home to show your parents? With it being Chuseok, one of Korea’s biggest holidays of the year, the time has come again.

Korean lock screen app Cash Slide recently conducted a poll with 1,057 of its users ranging from ages 20 to 40, asking them which celebrities they would most want to bring home and introduce to their parents as a potential son-in-law or daughter-in-law, respectively. Of course the likelihood of this ever happening is slim to none, but, for fun.

Here are the top 9 male celebrities:


(skipped unrelated.....)


3. So Ji Sub (4.2)

so ji sub


By voter age groups, the top-voted male celebrities are as follows:

20s – Kim Soo Hyun (7.4 percent)

30s – Kim Soo Hyun, Joo Won (6.9)

40s – So Ji Sub (7.8)

With food and cooking variety shows like “Please Take Care of My Refrigerator” being all the rage nowadays, the polls also included a vote for the chef people most want to have over to cook, and to no surprise, chef Baek Jong Won came out on top with 36 percent of the voters’ support.

Which celebrities would you want to bring home for the holidays?


Source (1) / soompi news

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*** Ahhh..............finally..............I was able to edit my post - which I can't yesterday. :P



Netizens discuss their favorite male leads


Fans fall in love with Korean dramas for the popular actors and the storylines of the dramas, but also because of their beloved characters. Although there have been a multitude of great dramas with wonderful characters in the past few years, a recent post on Instiz discussed several recent fan-favorite characters who are still in the hearts of fans long after the run of their respective dramas.


(skipped unrelated.....)


12. Master’s SunJoo Joong Won


source : koreaboo

Edited by willenette
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For fans who love large pictures :P let's zoom in my friends, and see SJS looks very close to you :wub:


** Marmot Spring 2015 (1114x779 pixels)




** q0 project for Leeum Museum 2014 (2000x1243 pixels)



(From popcornfor2.com via @Jum)


Willenette dear, thank you very much for the news!!!:wub:


Edited by mathi
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Fatherhood! :wub:

He's so ready to be a great (handsome) Daddy!

Note: The cute baby boy here belongs to ... someone else :sweatingbullets:

(credit via @‌LoveSJS on picbi.com)

Hi Mathi...love your post. It's looks like that we had almost same thought...yesterday I wrote about "Sojisub & Kids-Warmhearted ahjeossi" at my new blog https://sojisubworld.wordpress.com/2015/09/27/sojisub-kids-warmhearted-ahjeossi/

and today you just wrote the same topic. Here's another pics of SJS & kids :







And here's my favourite : 



About : "Fans World" ...Mathi, I was giggling read you wrote a love email to SJS, wait, don't get angry, it's happened because I was surprised & delighted knowing how fans love SJS. And I believe there are many girl fans did the same as you did.

Indeed that SJS induce a feeling like addiction. You just want more and more knowing about him. You got one pic of him, than you will wake up have sat for hours watching & searching about him. That's why I couldn't be active in SJS fanbase at my country, because must focused on study, work & relationship, and just active after life began organized. During to be his fans either active or not, I conclude that someone can relieve her love to Sojisub but can never change the love to him.  

@Willenette thank you so much for all the news. I'm so happy, although it has been 20 years carreer ,SJS remains to be loved by many people. Hope people will keep support him more and more.

Jisub ah...saranghaeyo !

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Fatherhood! :wub:

He's so ready to be a great (handsome) Daddy!

Note: The cute baby boy here belongs to ... someone else :sweatingbullets:

(credit via @‌LoveSJS on picbi.com)

Hi mathi, thanks for sharing his photos with a cute baby boy. Ye, sujisubaddicted SJS seems is fond of kids, huh? Also, thanks for sharing more photos with kids. I could just imagine how he will be being a Dad in the future. I wonder who's this kid, mathi. :P

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On my way back from NZ there was this guy on the plane next to me wearing a 'Marmot' jacket, so Im like staring at him, OMG!! where did you get that jacket dude...!!! LOL The Marmot compilation is absolutely amazing.....so sexy and so OMG!!...and agree @mathi, the way in which SJS 'clasped his hand over hers' and then just like randomly put her hand in his pocket, Im like ARGH!!!.....that model is so so soooooo lucky....YAH!!....sigh, anyway....

Thank you so much peeps for the many beautiful pics and tales this past week....So SJS went to Beijing to support his bestie eh....awww, such a great and loyal friend.... their bromance is so gorgeous and sincere..... I watched a recent interview of SSH where he was talking about SJS probably preferring to look at  a more 'wiser and obedient woman' now that he is getting older....I thought this was quite poignant and cute....All the best and congratulations to SSH for his debut movie in Beijing....SJS must be so proud as are his many fans worldwide....These two guys have done so well since their modeling days....'chuka haeyo' to both, absolutely...

Looking forward to SJS new drama and especially his birthday which is just around the corner....Why dont we all commemorate and celebrate SJS birthday with a 'sweet poem' or 'sweet love letter' - (like our gorgeous @mathi did....) and post/share it with all the beautiful ladies here in the house.....YAY!!...No Holding Back Ladies.....we can do this....@EVERYONE FIGHTING!!        

Keep up the great work peeps, and lets continue to keep this thread alive......Kamsamnida...Then to those celebrating special holidays and events, embrace and appreciate....to those living and enjoying life to the full.....blessings and happiness always....


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Mr.Kim Ye, acting teacher, interviewed by SBS. He mentioned about SJS. He said, when Jisub was preparing for TMS, he wanted to "go back to his original, and find passion for acting again". So he suggested Jisub to take class with rookies. Jisub accepted and said he learned a lot from them. The training class overlapped with his military training as reserved army, so sometimes he would go to class after training and still in his uniform, which surprised Mr Kim a lot. 

Note ( Google Translate ) :  Korea provisions retired after several years also need to accept a period of about five days of military training annually.  <<< It made me surprised...SJS said that after TMS he was sick for a couple months . I think this is why he was sick. 5-day military training, acting classes and drama making. Fatigue. 


Jisub in military training back in 2012

Source : Sojisubar FB


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Fatherhood! :wub:

He's so ready to be a great (handsome) Daddy!

Note: The cute baby boy here belongs to ... someone else :sweatingbullets:

(credit via @‌LoveSJS on picbi.com)

Hi Mathi...love your post. It's looks like that we had almost same thought...yesterday I wrote about "Sojisub & Kids-Warmhearted ahjeossi" at my new blog


and today you just wrote the same topic. Here's another pics of SJS & kids :

About : "Fans World" ...Mathi, I was giggling read you wrote a love email to SJS, wait, don't get angry, it's happened because I was surprised & delighted knowing how fans love SJS. And I believe there are many girl fans did the same as you did.

Indeed that SJS induce a feeling like addiction. You just want more and more knowing about him. You got one pic of him, than you will wake up have sat for hours watching & searching about him. That's why I couldn't be active in SJS fanbase at my country, because must focused on study, work & relationship, and just active after life began organized. During to be his fans either active or not, I conclude that someone can relieve her love to Sojisub but can never change the love to him.  

@Willenette thank you so much for all the news. I'm so happy, although it has been 20 years carreer ,SJS remains to be loved by many people. Hope people will keep support him more and more.

Jisub ah...saranghaeyo !

My dearest @sojisubaddicted, you made it! The new blog SO JISUB WORLD was presented to the world in your very own style! Thank you for your hard work! I love it my friend! Yay!!!m34.gif

Should I share here a very nice clip of yours to the rest of us?  I'm like this enjoying your MVc1%20(17).gif



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On my way back from NZ there was this guy on the plane next to me wearing a 'Marmot' jacket, so Im like staring at him, OMG!! where did you get that jacket dude...!!! LOL The Marmot compilation is absolutely amazing.....so sexy and so OMG!!...and agree @mathi, the way in which SJS 'clasped his hand over hers' and then just like randomly put her hand in his pocket, Im like ARGH!!!.....that model is so so soooooo lucky....YAH!!....sigh, anyway....

Thank you so much peeps for the many beautiful pics and tales this past week....So SJS went to Beijing to support his bestie eh....awww, such a great and loyal friend.... their bromance is so gorgeous and sincere..... I watched a recent interview of SSH where he was talking about SJS probably preferring to look at  a more 'wiser and obedient woman' now that he is getting older....I thought this was quite poignant and cute....All the best and congratulations to SSH for his debut movie in Beijing....SJS must be so proud as are his many fans worldwide....These two guys have done so well since their modeling days....'chuka haeyo' to both, absolutely...

Looking forward to SJS new drama and especially his birthday which is just around the corner....Why dont we all commemorate and celebrate SJS birthday with a 'sweet poem' or 'sweet love letter' - (like our gorgeous @mathi did....) and post/share it with all the beautiful ladies here in the house.....YAY!!...No Holding Back Ladies.....we can do this....@EVERYONE FIGHTING!!        

Keep up the great work peeps, and lets continue to keep this thread alive......Kamsamnida...Then to those celebrating special holidays and events, embrace and appreciate....to those living and enjoying life to the full.....blessings and happiness always....



My chingu, happy welcome back!!! Thank you for your great idea for SJS's birthday!!!! It would be very nice to read sweet poem or sweet love letter for SJS here :phew::lol:

I guess the Marmot guy on the airplane had been flatterred himself when there was this beautiful lady kept staring at him :D Unfortunately, he's not SJS! :lol:

To mark 20 years friendship between SJS and SSH, many thanks to dear So Ganji @SoJiSeob_World   who made this collection


So Jisub vs Song Seung Hun




Different projects but same clothes




Same photoshoot concept




Attended an event together




Buy some candies together with the same kind of candies in different size




Separated twin brother




Similar projects




Same hats, same clothes




It's the first time in my life I was recognized as "gorgeous @mathi"  hehe... (hey my chingu thank you!!!) One more reason to do my little dance today!


Edited by mathi
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Dramafever News


5 Reasons to be excited for So Ji Sub and Shin Min Ah's Oh My God

by Taleena Sinclair on Wed, Sep 30, 2015




Sometimes the universe rises up and presents you with an unexpected gift out of nowhere. You open it, heart filled with excited trepidation. Will it be good? Will it be bad? As an optimist my heart cries, "It will be awesome! Go, go, go!" So it is with Oh My God, the So Ji Sub/Shin Min Ah drama that popped up from nowhere and about which we know very little. Still, we have reason to hope it will be a wonderful little treat for drama fans, and here's why:


5.) It is only 16 episodes. 16 episodes equals lean and mean story telling in the wacky world of K-dramas. One cannot have too many car crashes, trips to the hospital, bouts of amnesia, or kidnapping plots in 16 episodes. A couple of relationship-driven twists, sure, but solemnly beeping hospital machines and gently weeping humidifiers will most likely be in the backstory.



We're so beautiful the universe would explode if we looked at each other.


4.) The only two big names attached are Shin Min Ah and So Ji Sub. I keep hoping to NOT see a news story attaching a K pop name to this project. K-pop name added means love triangle, and I don't want a love triangle, quadrangle, or any other geometric shape near this show. See above "lean and mean" storyline. So Ji Sub's last project, One Sunny Day, barely grazed the love triangle trope and was the stronger for it. If one is in a love triangle with So Ji Sub, one PICKS So Ji Sub.



Still not looking at each other. Still saving the universe.


3.) It's got a cuckoo premise — for those two. He's a personal trainer and she's overweight and "not so attractive"? Huh?! Shin Min Ah not attractive?!! Am I taking crazy pills? I can't wait to see how on earth they plan on pulling that off. (Side Note: Coming soon to K-dramas: Water not wet, Ice not cold, Fire not burning!) It will be amazing or mock worthy, but either way, highly entertaining.



This must be the point he was praying for the photo shoot to be over. Intensely. Being beautiful is really draining.


2.) So Ji Sub. Yeah, I can't believe it either but he's only number two on the list. Mark your diaries. The series description called his character someone who has overcome "devastating injury" with "patience and stubbornness". So Ji Sub brings a sense of wounded isolation to his hero roles, which makes you long for him to find happiness. Couple this with a character that has realized that persevering to health and wholeness worked for him, and you get an intense, driven hero. Intense, driven heroes who are as beautiful as "bright Apollo who Daphne he pursued"? Count me in! 



Yes, I DO want to be your friend. We are just alike! I love eating chicken too.

1.) Shin Min Ah. Shin Min Ah has an amazing smile. It's mischievous and dimpled and makes you feel like you are her friend right through the TV screen. What's more, her characters tend to be a little klutzy, endearing as heck, and kick a** all at once — like a fuzzy kitten suddenly putting a Kung Fu smackdown on something. She's never a prize to be won and she has agency of her own, but you still find yourself cheering for the hero to win her heart.

What do you think drama fans? Will you be watching Oh My God? Let me know in the comments! Oh My God will be premiering exclusively on DramaFever in November! Sign up for new episode alerts HERE.



Edited by mathi
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