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B O A (보아) * Official Thread

Guest jnnfr

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oh man.. no Boblo holding hands... they cut off one of the GREATEST AND MOST IMPORTANT PART IN THE SHOW!!...how can they..haha...jkjk.. at least they show all of her performance....

in a whole new world

i think she sang this part wrongly... correct me if i'm wrong

A hundred thousand things to see - junsu

Hold your breath - it gets better - BoA (but she seems to be singing the same verse as junsu instead)

ahh got to dwld the clearer version...

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Guest astarael

I don't know the exact age that BoA started dancing but it was probably very young. She started training with SM at, what, 10 years old? Before that, like Sue Jin said, she copied her brother, who was and is a breakdancer; I've seen clips of him and he's really good at it, he auditioned at SM as a dancer right?

Anyway, thank you so much for all the pictures and info! I wasn't able to watch the airing either, I have classes to get to this morning, but I can't wait to come back and watch it. tux1 at BJJ was so nice and shared BoA's performances.

I'm so looking forward to being able to watch the BoA-Junsu duet, it's ridiculous; I mean, yeah, their English wasn't all that good, but you really can't expect perfect pronunciation from them. I just love the fact they sang the song, and it seemed like they were so comfortable to be up on stage together; I think they even smiled at each other once! I listened to a fan recording of the performance, and I nearly had my ears blown off with the screaming, "ahhh~ otohge!". I feel like BoA is getting so much crap from this perf though. >__> On bestiz, the Korean fans LOVED their duet, but I've been seeing some really rude comments from people on youtube; "Junsu is SO awesome, but BoA sucks; she annoys me", lol.

I just don't like the fact that Mnet edited it. -___- It was apparently two hours long, but Mnet cut out performances and the BoBlo at the end. Yeah, it's definitely so much better to be at the concert in person, besides being able to see them in the flesh, you wouldn't miss out on stuff.

I'll check out the disccusion at the BoA fanclub, Sue Jin! Maybe we can have something new for when Christmas rolls around. I don't know, just a suggestion, lol.

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Guest anna_85

Anyband Interview

its an interview after the showcase

tablo tries to sing boa's solo in TPL... HILARIOUS!!!!!!! i laughed so hard when he tried to reach that note on "Lets go"

there's also a little boa and junsu moment at around 6:29. Boa said "Choahaeyo" to junsu. I'm not korean and i understand very little of it but thats means "To like" right? lol. junsu says something back to her, but i have no clue what LOL

i think she also tried to slap his leg or something, but she missed

but yea, its a must watch!!! =)

credits to the DBSK thread for the link ^^

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Guest jessiep

It's good to see BoA back in Korea and that BoA brought a blast to the stadium as well and so did the other 3.

Why didn't they show the Boblo moment? Gaaahzzzz... I want to see them running up to the other side while holding hands. It is one the sweet moments. Well, the good thing that MNET includes all of BoA's perfs.

Still downloading the files off at Boajjang and gonna run off to watch them soon :)

ps: some of the fan-cam photos are well-captured.

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Guest splendidlure

this is making me miss boa in korea. i hope she makes a comeback soon. lose your mind was okay but nothing compared to girls on top/moto.

i love boa best as a tomboy dancing all hip hop<3

i agree. the whole new world duet was bad. i remember hearing her sing LAST CHRISTMAS & it was fine =/ anyways, the duet could've been better if they both had contrasting voices. haha. i'm so used to hearing a whole new world w/ a deep manly voice.

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Guest godlovesBoA

Thanks for the interview clip anna_85.

I'm BoA's fan but I'm kinda unhappy how they don't give Bora chance to talk a bit more. The host just kept talking to BoA, Tablo and Junsu.

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i guess Korea e-news must have miss interviewing BoA a lot..they focus most of the questions on her..ahh that's so good!!!

ahh i know what u mean SwTaZnLayDee..cos peabo bryson voice is so deep..... if fany was the one singing with BoA.. it might be good...(not to say that junsu voice is not good..he has a good voice too)

ya.. i've seen those comments too astarael, i made the mistake of posting that BoA's english seems a bit better than junsu..and i got blasted..haha...

i guess now with anyband concert over.. BoA will have to go back to Japan to promote her latest single and upcoming concert...sigh...

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Guest suejinners

:ph34r: Warning super super long post. :ph34r:

Youtube isn't monitered like forums are so the immatureness level is way up there. they can't face the fact that BoA actually improved lol and shes standing up there with 3 other tremendously talented people. XD

haters will always be haters. but lots of people including NONFANS on korean sites are really impressed with her perfs .. like LYM and of course this concert. i hate saying this but i think a few people are just jealous of her.. they don't take the time nor even give her a chance.. they just have that one negative view on her and stick with it no matter how much she improved...So they just tend to block their eyes/ears because of that negative view ..Such close minded people..... Even though you don't like certain celebs it doesn't hurt to acknowledge their improvements rather than picking on the negative tidbits. Im not saying i don't do it lol cause im not perfect but some people are soo -__-....

I totally envy Bora's piano skills. shes soo soo daarn good. she makes it llook so easy. Honestly.. Xiah sounds better live. his voice on the recorded versions tend to sound.... ummm i can't describe it but hes a great live vocalist and thats what counts most to me! Tablo sounds good no matter what. lol. BoA.. well she just improved so much this past year and im really proud of her.. im super happy that people in korea are recognizing that as well

I really liked the Daydream performance. acutally i liked all of them.. XD



i Loveee that mnet anyband interview.

Xiah & Bora didn't really speak up like Tablo & BoA.

Okay here are some rough rough~~~~~~~ translations... -_-;;; some i kinda guessed on.


BoA said she really liked the opening of the concert.

She also said something like ,... that the audience took a lot of their energy/spirits.

So the reporter asked so right now do you think they have taken all of it.(somethin like that)

BoA replied "Now i have to take it back."

" Ahhh.. ohhh~" ...Reporter "From whom do you want to take it the most?"

B- "Bora is the youngest so i have to take hers~" (everyone laughs)

B- By the way i think the cheers/shouting for me was really the smallest

Tablo - No

Bora& Reporter - No~~!

Tablo adds- In our waiting room it was pure chaos~ [[^__^ lol]]


B- It was my first time doing a duet with Junsu, so it was really fun for me.


X- The day before the concertt was a first time singing together (the duet). Ah~before that it was solo practices.


T- we tried changing parts / R- who did the rapping part?// T- BoAsshi did the rapping better than i did

Bora gestures to tablo saying - BoA// T- I excuted BoA's part excellently./ B- You have to listen to his singing./ T- You'll die.. seriously.

R- sing for us.. tablo tablo~

T-(sings) Cha ga on do shi we~ after that part passes.. the ending. LET's GO!!!!!!

R- Aaaa~ your so cool~

T- Im Asia's Bal [[- Bal/ 발 is foot... LOL-]]


X- Im dbsg's xiah junsu when dbsg is on stage. and right now im anyband's xiah junsu.

B- your a migratory bird aren't you?

X- yea, what did you say? Ah~ oh.

The the R asked boa how does she feel about xiah going back and forth from dbsg and anyband.

B- he has a professional state of mind // turns to xiah and says Joahyo~ [[it means to like/favorable? etc]]

X- thank you~

R said slkjfalskjdflol something like you ended that nicely

B- Ah of course hes my hoobae.

X- because shes my sunbae. ( or something i couldnt hear what he said. he spoke softly. ^^)


R- theres 2 guys 2girls two pairs of couples

B- the couples match but the age doesn't

(everyone laughs)

B- there is one person who makes the average age go up abruptly. I won't say who.(everyone laughs)

T- I didn't know that JinBora was so old.(everyone laughs)

R says Unnie and hands the mic to Bora

Bora- Its only my voice. just my voice.

B- But really.. his personality is my ideal type

R- BoA's ideal personality type is Tablo

B- Just personality.

R- Uh. what about other things.

B- fft........what.... a....

(thy laugh)

T- im still fortunate. I can fix other parts but not my personality

(0ooh~Bora) (i think its boa that goes Waa~ )

R- Are you prepared to fix yourself then?

T- I need to fix things, pull/tear apart and fix things.

(they all laugh)


R-something about it might hard to get a scandal from them?????? [[im not sure lol]]

T- Junsu & me.

R-Tablo & Junsu?

T- yeah its been a long time.


X- yeah its been a really long time.

T- Just tell them truth.

B - Just do a press conf/interview right now

T- lets just end that there I dont really feel like saying anything more

R- then ill ask one thiing. Junsu is this to me..||Junsu means this to me. [[eitherone]] lol

T- Junsu is ... He is my heart!

(they laugh)

R- asks the same thing to Xiah Tablo means waht to u?

X- .. gallblader? (they laugh)

future anyband activity plans

T- theres still some songs that haven't been revealed yet. i think everyone will like them.

-blahblah lol sorry got lazy

B- Don't you get the feeling that well last for a while?


T- let's do a movie.


Wasn't that super cute<3

Omg and there are MORE SONGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! O____O!

Okay they really need to release a cd T__T


She was on a flight back to Japan in the morning on the 28th because of her busy schedule for her new single that was awaiting.

T__T i bet shes exhausted.


OMG in a LYM interview i skimmed it and one sentence stood out for me.

I recieved proposals for acting but the thought of "I need to concentrate on singing" is more stronger.


Oh and she performed at the Osaka Universal Studios 'BoA special live'

Sweet Impact & Merikuri


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Guest miracle;

ROFL JUNSU SAID TABLO IS MY GALLBLADDER ROFL ROFLROFL. he's an alien i swear, a hot and talented one.

im happy how the concert turned out, it's just simply AWESOME, boa gave me chills when she hit the high notes in TPL. Tablo's rapping awesome, junsu's vocal is undeniably awesome, bora's piano skill is TOO awesome for words, THEY'RE ALL SOOO AWESOME!!;~;

thanks for the interview trans suejinners, i had a good laugh from it and it totally made my day!

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Guest godlovesBoA

Oh it makes so much sense now that I've read the translations... a little bit of misunderstanding on my part but it's cleared now. Thanks very much for translating, suejinners.

Haha... Tablo's really funny. He's a fun person huh.. No wonder BoA says his personality is her type. <3

That hoobae sunbae thing again... but so glad to see BoA and Junsu have a good relationship.

LOL BORA mentioned that about her voice! I really really really really thought her voice was super mature too.. It's kinda sexy. I wonder if she can sing...

And for those who haven't watch yet:

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Guest astarael

I saw your comment, Bum! Don't listen to those other people though. >__> P.S. I'll try to find a link to that video of BoA and Yunho for you.

I always try to brush off people's mean comments about her, you know? Because I know better, people have their own opinions. Especially on youtube where things can get really ugly; just about every single video I've watched, the comments always bring up rumors about her and people always feel the need to trash her. Usually I'm good at just ignoring their words, but right now, it's like I can't handle any negativity about her or about the concert. I'm on this super high from watching it and then I have to read comments that just bring me down. And the jealousy issue. I think some people are jealous; I read that when BoA came out during "A Whole New World", some Korean fans said rude things, probably because the duet was with Junsu. People really don't give her a chance, even after all these years, after all of the hard work she's put into everything.

Thanks a bunch for the translation, Sue Jin! I went and rewatched the video, and of course, I understood everything better; it was SO funny. Tablo really does have a great personality, I feel like he breaks the ice and makes everyone comfortable. And Jin Bora seems so sweet, she's always laughing at people's jokes, and I see her being close with BoA, like a little sister; I wish they had focused on her a little more, she was saying things that were being overlooked. The nice thing about being in a band is that you have other people to support you, and not just on stage; when BoA said that she felt the cheers for her were the smallest, Tablo and Bora were quick to say "no" and they said it sincerely (with a little humor thrown in by Tablo, lol). BTW, when he says "waiting room", what does that mean? I guess I don't get the joke, but it was funny how he said it. xD Anyway, hopefully in the future, we'll see more of them, especially since Tablo said there would be more songs (!!!!!!); I'd really like to see them together again and see more of their personalities (I need behind-the-scenes videos T_T).

Oh yeah, I finally watched the AnyBand performances. Daydream was definitely a great one, I watched that more than twice already, and I liked when the audience sang along in TPL. I actually loved all of the performances they did; everything was so good, and you could see them looking at each other and encouraging each other, like when Tablo's rap part came along in Promise You or when BoA and Junsu sang a part together. And when Jin Bora was playing her solo in TPL, the crowd was cheering loudly for her; she looked happy. :]

I wonder what else they'll do in the future as AnyBand, besides releasing those other songs. BoA's already flown to Japan, I think she mentioned that during the concert.

Bum! :] I hope this works for you. It was really like... 1/2 a heart, lol, towards the end and you see Changmin smiling at them.


Tablo & BoA doing Beauty and the Beast? xD lol

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thanks Sue for the translation!! gonna save those translation..so i can read it next time..haha

oh thanks a lot astarael!!! ya.. u'r right.. i tried to ignore those bad comments about BoA in youtube.. sometimes it get so irritating that i feel like answering them back..but that will lead to another comment war (so take a deep brerath).... it sure brings u down when u enjoy her performance so much only to be bring down by these comments...

i wonder how will it be these 2 couples were to sing a duet each... BoA and Junsu - a whole new world, BoA and Tablo with errr Beauty and the Beast?..haha.. and maybe BoA and Bora... errr duet for merikuri (Bora playing piano) or Bora and BoA singing When You Believe..hehe

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Guest tortyserox

available in CB



Junsu, BoA, Tablo, Bora - DayDream, TPL, Promise You at AnyBand Concert (2007-11-29) [goodtimehosoo].avi [270 MB]

DBSK – Rising Sun, White Lies, I Wanna Hold You, Junsu’s Solo – Memories & A Whole New World(with BoA) at AnyBand Concert (2007-11-29) [goodtimehosoo].avi [449MB]

We got GOLD! :w00t: Thank you so much for all of your support!!

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Saw this on bestiz, it is said to be a pic from Lose your mind's interview release...so pretty!!


credit to: 아이럽뽀 @ bestiz

Not too sure is this beening shared be4...but i think 4 of them really enjoying...no idea what they talking abt...but i see BoA laugh i also followed :P..hahaha...enjoy


credit to: Boashouse

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