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B O A (보아) * Official Thread

Guest jnnfr

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AH~! i saw something on a blog where fans translate BoA's blog entries into chinese! i don't know how true it is but...

6th ALBUM 2007.08.25 RELEASE!!

Title:<currently unnamed>

Release Date : August 25, 2007

Language: Korean

credit : soulboa

AH~! i don't know whether or not its true! but finally there's some news about it!

*big eyes and getting giddy*

whoah, if that's true then i'm definitely looking forward!!

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Guest hanabi ;

the 6th album releasing in august?!?

is it really true?

why do they keep pushing the date back..

hmm..i hope its true

cnt wait ^_^

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Guest V-ni@star

collab with suju member


maber shin dong is doing the rap thing....

i love his rap

so cute..

how lucky he is..

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Guest -x.smile.31

yay, her album release date is out~

can't wait for 08/25!!

her duet with Shin Dong was very random

but either way, can't wait for it!!

plus her duet with Wheesung should be coming out soon, right?

anyways, can't wait for new BoA things

I also really wanna listen to 'Smile Again'

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Guest Alexiel

The duet with Shindong and BoA was not official news, but it has been spreading around a lot. The original post listed that CSJH would sing Uhm Junghwa's "Festival", Super Junior would be singing HOT's "Haengbok" and that BoA and Shindong would be singing "이브의경고" by Park Mikyung. Since there is evidence that CSJH recorded "Festival" and Suju recording the HOT song was already announced, it's likely that the duet is true too.

You can listen to the original song here-


or here-


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^ wow!

that look soo good

look real!

^ OMG.

thanks for the youtube link i just saw it today


these people needs to get a life.

thanks for everythin you all!

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Guest suejinners

i don't think its true...

theres nothing out at bestiz.

and you know how quick they are with their news.

but wow if its true she recorded everything so fast 0______0

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Guest xyunaxfantasiesx

Wasn't Girls on Top recorded in like a month though? So maybe it's the same with her 6th Korean album but I'm still skeptical about the release date.

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Guest LazyAzian

I just hope BoA's new 6th Korean album will be full of new and edgy beats with awesome meaningful ballads ^^. BoA's recent Japanese releases has been quite bland, but I still listen to it no matter what ^w^, so I hope that this Korean album and her new Japanese singles will be of better quality than her previous ^D^.

BoAjjang~!!! Can't wait for album and Japanese singles ^___^v.

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Oh Im so late! BoA and Shindong? That will be the best duet EVER! I am wondering about the Wheesung duet also, when is that planning to release? I also cant wait for her 6th korean album. August seems a bit far, but doesnt LSM usually make his artists come back during September? I cant wait to see or here -] Please no more Japanese stuff BoA =[ Well yes more, but no more of information about them..

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Guest eusung


august seems so farrrr.

haha, and isn't wheesung's album out yet?

this woman is torturing us, i swear!


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Guest astarael

thanx Mae for the pic (i hope it's okay to call ur name ^)

Yes, of course you can call me by my name. <3

Thank you to the people who shared the videos and the new information. I searched on Naver and there hasn't been official news on the BoA-Shindong duet (only little mentions in blogs and such), but yeah, the Suju remake of "Happiness" is real, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed (those songs are perfect for summer, so happy). I was really hoping that maybe her 6th album would be released sooner, but it might be more meaningful if it was released in August. I wonder where they got that info from?

I also heard that the SM Town Summer album will be released July 2nd, and I also really want BoA to be in the music video with the other SMers so she should be back in Korea now because she said she finished recording that Japanese song already. And geez, where is Wheesung's album? I'm sure a lot of people have been waiting for it.

New article on bestiz. Is there anything new for BoA's acting career or are they just stating information we already know?

마이데일리 = 이경호 기자] 국내는 물론 일본과 중국에서 인기가 높은 보아의 영화배우 변신이 점점 구체화되고 있다.

영화계 한 관계자는 최근 “자금력을 갖춘 SM엔터테인먼트가 영화산업에 진출해 여기저기서 기대가 높다. 특히 투자사, 감독 등이 보아가 주인공으로 등장하는 영화에 대한 제작을 계속 SM측에 제안하고 있다”고 밝혔다.

보아가 영화에 출연하면 국내 투자 배급은 물론 해외 수출에 경쟁력 향상을 기대할 수 있다. 보아의 소속사 SM엔터테인먼트는 최근 종합영상회사 SM픽쳐스를 창립했다.

SM픽쳐스는 ‘여고괴담’, ‘미술관 옆 동물원’ 등에 프로듀서를 담당했던 안여진씨, ‘미스터 로빈 꼬시기’의 프로듀서 임지영씨 등이 이끌고 있는 필름메이커즈 폴룩스사와 손잡고 그룹 슈퍼주니어 주연의 창립작 ‘꽃미남 연쇄 테러사건’의 촬영을 최근 끝냈다.

이수만 이사가 영화산업에 대한 관심이 높아 ‘꽃미남 연쇄 테러사건’ 이후 적극적으로 영화제작에 뛰어들 가능성이 높고 그만큼 회사의 간판 보아가 주연을 맡은 영화역시 기대를 받고 있다.

보아는 노래실력과 함께 연기 트레이닝을 이미 수차례 받은 것으로 알려졌고 대만에서 제작되는 영화 ‘슬램덩크’ 여주인공에 캐스팅 제의를 받기도 했다.

[소속사 SM엔터테인먼트가 영화제작에 진출한 보아. 사진=마이데일리 사진DB]

(이경호 기자 rush@mydaily.co.kr)

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Guest V-ni@star

i'm waiting for her korean album.

i hope her song would be more upbeat such as got n kick the artist butt that realese the new song n album on the sma e time a sher


we pray for u.

i like to see her dance

i think her japanese single will score n on the top chart of oricon.


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