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Guest Deziel

It's happen to me a few times, nothing as drastic as you but I black out and my body becomes really weak.

I feel dizzy. I fell when I was in the shower once. I stood up and fell on the floor. :x It hurt.

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Guest sentuhmentalfo0l

omgosh! how scary! i've never fainted before

but lately if i stand up too fast or something i'll get really light headed and dizzy

are those signs?

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erm, ive never fainted (i think), but do you think you are anemic or low in iron in your blood?

my friend is anemic, but it doctors ages to found out :mellow:

i hope you are okay! :)

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Guest prelude

Like the others said, maybe malnutrition. Make sure you eat nutritious foods and drink at least 15 cups of water each day. (Something like that.)

I blacked out once when I got hit in the head with a basketball. The only thing I remember was that when I woke up, I was like "Noo! My brain cells!" Haha.

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omgosh! how scary! i've never fainted before

but lately if i stand up too fast or something i'll get really light headed and dizzy

are those signs?

^acually that is normal if you stand up too quickly.... its just blood rushing to your brain...

since you have been sitting down that makes ur body more relaxed...

hence blood isn't pumped at the same rate as to when your standing up...

so when you suddenly get up the blood that is not there in the brain is pumped up really quickly making you have a woozy and sick feeling when you get up...

amazing what a course in med. class can do~

i almost fainted after i gave blood..... silly me....

i felt fine and they gave me juice and all but i still felt woozy~

i got up and fell on the floor....

they put my head in a trash can just in case i threw up.......

then.....2 male nurses... doctors i dunno who there were put me in a cot

and put a ton of freezing cold towels on me....well i was burning up...

but i still give blood~ lol

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Guest poopoo

once i took a hottttt bath without eating anything prior to it

and after, while i was showering, my body felt so heavy and i couldnt keep my eyes opened and i couldnt stand still

and i couldnt control my body i just sat down in the shower thinking i was gonna die

it was so scary coz i was home alone ..

omg same thing happened to me!

i started seeing like dots.

felt like i was gona die. so i went outside and ate something T_T

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Guest Sunshine 60

I've never fainted, but tend to get very light headed and dizzy quite a few times when I'm under the weather. The closest was when I was sick with the flu and was in bed for around 2 days. I got up to go to the bathroom, I was staggering there, blind for 5 minutes or something, and barely knew what was happening, but didn't faint. I didn't faint when i got drunk either.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Phoën¡x

well.. i had some fainting experience too..

that was after dinner and my bath.. i just went out to get sth.

at night.. about 9pm

then as i was walking ..i suddenly felt nause...but the worst was when i was walking at a road side..

then as i was walking ..i suddenly felt nause...

then..after that.. i tried to walk to nearby ditch..just in case i vomit.. but turns out no..

so i stand up ..and start walking...

then... suddenly.. everything seems to be spinning faster and faster..

i lost control of my body..

then i fell to the ground.

unconscious for a few second.. then discovered myself lying on the ground at the road alone.

so i slowly entered into my car.. rest a while.. to get myself composed...

as i was resting.. i wipped my face..then discovered my face was bleeding..

well.. what r u thinking... i got scared n cried...

so called my fren to drive me to the hospital..

they just did an x-ray for my head because i hit my head at the road...nothing bad..just concusion(sorry if wrong spelling)

i didnt get a tetanus injection due to suspicion of allergy(because previously I had a bad allergy to an injection that was given to me when i had accident..the hospital didn't tell me what drug was that--no record)

i injured my face and my chin..

i had 4-5 stiches at my chin..scar for life but not obvious

no scars at my face because i continuely put anticeptic and also vit. e and aloe vera gel.

well.. previously..just fainting symptom at home..

but this was the worst and scary.

now.. i think i don't experience it because I try to exercise every week.

i don't think i have diet problem..since i eat well..

i don't really stress myself.. if i'm stress.. i got ways to overcome it..

well.. i have slightly low blood pressure.. so i tried to exercise to make my heart pump better.

well that's all.. i know it's lengthy

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Guest lovablekrnstar63

wow.. your experience sounds scary

at least they found what's causing it

(low blood pressure, right?)

i actually faint a lot, actually

lately i've been blacking out once or twice every day

but i'm getting better, it's not as often as anymore

when it really started to get bad, i fainted like 5 times in one day and hit my head hard every time

but i'm getting in more sugar in my diet & i feel much better now.

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Guest jojo12144

ive fainted many times before too

sometimes even a few times in a day

my vision gets really blurry and it gets hard to walk and i just pass out

its usually cuz of low blood pressure or some of the sort

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Guest Lovelight

hmm. i feel like fainting sometimes. my vision kind of goes blurry then i kinda of lose control of my body but i catch myself before i faint. i think it's because i skip meals and i use the computer too much. -.-

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Guest icefrostedd

i've never really fainted before but i've got screwed up visions. like at some nights, flashes of lights will kinda appear in front of my eyes even though there's none in reality. and after lazing around a couch for too long, when i stand up i'll feel a black and dizzy =.=

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Guest simply__j

ohh this happened to my friend too in the shower.

she went to the doctors and they said its because low of iron?

idk. i forgot, but something about not having enough iron

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Guest suitcases

Fainting is so scary! I'm kind of used to it by now, unfortunately. I have a condition called postural orthostatic tachyardia/neurally mediated hypotension (aka: PTOS/NMH) that causes my blood pressure to drop very low when I stand up quickly after sitting/lying down for a while. It used to be really bad when I was younger, I once fainted at the doctor's office as I was leaving after an appointment! Pretty lucky, no? Hah. But honestly it can be even more frightening to "almost" faint: one night I woke up to get a glass of water and went completely blind for about 10 minutes. :tears:

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Guest xcLueLessx

wow! youre just like me!!! i faint all the time, like atleast 3 times a month, but now its getting a little better...i think. i still faint but i know why i faint though-i think.. i was in the showers once and i fainted for no reason, but i guess it was the gas from water that was making me black out.. but this other time i passed put and fell down a long flight of stairs and stayed there for half an hour till my dad came out - i didnt go to the hospital cuz i didnt think it mattered- i think i should though- i never care about myself- oh well! becareful! you should take vitamins! lol

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Guest xcLueLessx

It's happen to me a few times, nothing as drastic as you but I black out and my body becomes really weak.

I feel dizzy. I fell when I was in the shower once. I stood up and fell on the floor. :x It hurt.

no, the blood cant rush up to your head fast enough, so you just feel light headed:) get up slowly next time!

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Guest crystal_clover

That sounds pretty scary.

I fainted once, my vision became black and white, and than I blacked out.

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Guest ladee_bug

omgosh that sounded dramatic.

I hope you're ok and hopefully nothing is wrong.

I've never fainted before, but my older sister did.

She just got out of a HOT shower and fell down.

My dad heard her calling out and he went to go check up on her.

We found her leaning against the bathroom wall.

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