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Guest lightangel

So I met a guy recently

I'm not sure of his exact age. But he said he just recently graduated from college.

So I'm guessing he's 24 or 25. But I'm only 18. He doesn't know my age yet. I think he thinks I'm 21.

So my question is...

Does most guys around that age mind younger girls? Do they prefer girls in the 20's range?

For myself, I prefer older guys because they are much more mature and know how to treat a lady.

Another question

If you guys gave a girl your number on your first meeting, is your intention genuine? We met at a restaurant. He works at that restaurant and I was a customer.

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Guest I.is.Happy

@WeEzy - Thanks >.> I had a feeling that guys that haven't had sex was minority. I never knew marriage age was getting higher; that's actually good news for me >.>".

@MrPower - Thanks for the reply! Good thing I've never thought anyone is cute/hansome based on appearance yet. I guess if I were a guy I might be curious enough to experiment too ._. idk maybe

@Jyum- Thanks for replying. That's interesting how your area is the opposite. I thought girls would be more cautious but then again there is birth control pills. Yeah I don't think virginity should be viewed negatively and you should be rather proud of; it's not something the majority of the guys your age to have the patience/willingness to keep anymore *high fives guys in your city/you*

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Guest aznscrewball

Guys generally don't like being called 'cute' as a compliment right? Then what kind of compliments from a girl would you like to get? 'Sweet'? 'Gentleman'? etc?

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Guest gingerpeach

Here's my situation (sryy, I know the length is a bit intimidating):

He's my co-worker I see 2-3 times a week.. we always smile and say hi when we see each other, and we'll even actually talk when we have the chance (with either of us taking the initiative to start the convo). Sometimes he'll ask me about my schedule and if there's a day we have the same shift, he'll say things like "I get to see you that day" or "We get to spend more time together.." And sometimes he'll compliment me on my hair or outfit. We've never really had any physical contact (we are at work after all).. the most has been him putting his hand gently on my mid-back for like a second as he walked by, or me touching his shoulder as I walked by and said hi. I don't know if this is significant at all, but when we talk we look right into each others eyes, and I can feel this sort of spark. I don't know how to describe it, really. Basically we flirt with each other every now and then.

I never really paid much attention to him before, but lately I've been developing a crush on him. I've been trying to initiate more conversations, but I've noticed that his responses can go either way.. he's either really enthusiastic/interested or kind of just blah/indifferent. (Or like when we talk in person he'll have a lot to say, but say if I comment him on facebook, his response will be less than five words.) It's like he's got mood swings.. or on/off modes. Then at the end of the day I'll think back on things and feel like a fool for trying so hard. :[

I'm having such a hard time figuring him out. Sometimes I feel like he might be interested in me, but other times it's like I'm just another girl to flirt with. Here's an example-- so it's a day at work when we have the same shift. I run into him, and as usual I just say hi and keep walking. But then he goes "heyy" to call me back. So I turn back and I give him that look that sorta asks if he had something to say. He goes: "Sorry if I don't talk to you that much lately.." and goes on to explain how the managers told him that he wasn't supposed to talk that much. (So I guess this would be a good time to provide some info about my workplace-- it's a huge retail store with multiple floors. I'm a sales associate and he's on the stock team.. so technically we aren't really supposed to be talking if it's not necessary.. haha. But anyway..) I just responded by saying "Aww you got in trouble? It's okay" and such. Then I walked off. I didn't really show it, but I was happy that he had the thought to apologize about such a miniscule thing. (And actually, I didn't even feel or notice that we were talking to each other any less.. so he didn't really need to apologize hahah.) So I felt it was pretty thoughtful of him. After this I thought maybe he's a little interested in me too.. but like, since then, he hasn't really shown any more signs of being interested, aside from the usual (verbal) flirting (which I can't even tell are "signs" of interest at all.. sigh).

The thing is, I don't think he's the shy type. I feel like if there was a girl he liked (even as a friend), he wouldn't be afraid to take initiative. So multiple times I've sort of let him know that I'd like to hang out after (or outside of) work, but to no avail. Then I thought about asking him to hang out myself, but I've yet to do so because I want to have some sort of reassurance that he would actually want to spend time with me, you know? Man.

So my question is, should I continue to pursue (try to get him interested in me), or should I just give up while I haven't fallen that deep yet? Is there any chance at all that he'd be interested in me? Or is he just flirty and nothing more?

I'm sorry, this is probably one of those "Well it depends.." situations, but any input at all would be helpful. Thanks in advance!

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Guest yoon001

just wanted to ask my comrades here, how do you build (or what is your source of) inner game? ^_^



the example on urban dictionary isn't so good imo.

inner game is something you already have. you just have to realize that you have it. don't be outcome dependent.

read power of now by eckhart tolle, seven habits of highly successful people by steven covey, way of the superior man by david deida. those three books helped me A LOT.

if you have any specific questions, feel free to ask.

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i would really appreciate if i can get as many answers as possible ! (:

so my guy friend and i used to like each other. then he got a girlfriend and they've been dating a while now, so i'm guessing its serious.. we started talking recently (like 2 weeks) and now we text from morning to when we go to sleep. and he's always the first one to begin.

is it weird that we do this?

 i'd like to know from a guy's perspective of what this could mean. does he still have feelings for me at all? or we're just friends?

The possibility of him still having feelings for you would lie on the type of msgs he sends. Guys tend to just want to keep in touch with the girl they've once have feelings for to check up on them and see how things are going - sometimes they want to restrengthen that relationship in a friendly - friendship zone.

Guys generally don't like being called 'cute' as a compliment right?  Then what kind of compliments from a girl would you like to get? 'Sweet'? 'Gentleman'? etc?

We generally show that we get offended hearing such words.Tell him he looks good. I would say that's neutral and will get the point across 

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What does it mean when a guy says he misses you when you ask him what he's up to or just randomly when he's off in another place away from you and then laughs and says he's just joking around? Do guys really joke around like that? We're not even close friends.

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Guest lightangel

So I met a guy recently

I'm not sure of his exact age. But he said he just recently graduated from college.

So I'm guessing he's 24 or 25. But I'm only 18. He doesn't know my age yet. I think he thinks I'm 21.

So my question is...

Does most guys around that age mind younger girls? Do they prefer girls in the 20's range?

For myself, I prefer older guys because they are much more mature and know how to treat a lady.

Another question

If you guys gave a girl your number on your first meeting, is your intention genuine? We met at a restaurant. He works at that restaurant and I was a customer.

my question didnt get answer :(

can anyone help? :sweatingbullets:

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Guest sunstori


Would it be a rude to ask a guy friend whether he has romantic interest in my close friend? What would you think if I asked?

The reason I'm asking is because my friend thinks he likes me, while I think he likes her. We just want to know the truth.

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If you still had feelings for your ex and knew the feelings were mutual, would you do anything about it?

My ex and I recently got back to a "friend level" after ignoring each other for a while. I still have feelings for him but I don't know whether to directly say I still want to be with him or stick to the small things like just talking to him in class.

I have most of my classes with him and he's my partner for one of them so we eventually got over the awkwardness due to this. He normally asks me how I've been and what I'm going to do over weekends and winter break, tells me things that he never told me while we were dating like about his childhood, and says things like "You know why we were assigned together right?" "I drive past your house basically everyday." "I know you very well." I don't know if I'm paying too much attention to him but his interests are also starting to change and become more like mine (music, the way he talks, etc.). He even asked about this one time I broke down and messaged him wanting to tell him how I felt. I did but apparently he "didn't remember because he was drunk". I didn't want to tell him at the time so I told him I forgot and he said "Don't lie to me, you remember... but whatever, I don't care". Thats about it I think. We're able to joke around and study together too. The last time I saw him was last week when I sold him my gamecube. Should I try making a move or should I just see how it goes from here?

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Guest XangelXtranX

What does it means when a guy says that he's attracted to you but doesn't like you? Still think you're cute tho!

Thanks, happy new years fellows <3

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What does it means when a guy says that he's attracted to you but doesn't like you?  Still think you're cute tho!

Thanks, happy new years fellows <3

You're physically attractive, but there is something preventing him from "liking" you.

It could be that he doesn't know you well enough yet, or your personality turns him off or whatever.

It really depends on your relationship with this guy.

Happy new year to you too!

Edit: congrats on your 1337th post btw.

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So I met a guy recently

I'm not sure of his exact age. But he said he just recently graduated from college.

So I'm guessing he's 24 or 25. But I'm only 18. He doesn't know my age yet. I think he thinks I'm 21.

So my question is...

Does most guys around that age mind younger girls? Do they prefer girls in the 20's range?

For myself, I prefer older guys because they are much more mature and know how to treat a lady.

Another question

If you guys gave a girl your number on your first meeting, is your intention genuine? We met at a restaurant. He works at that restaurant and I was a customer.

Guys aren't a stickler to age too much, unless you're TOO young, like if he was 25+ and you were 16, he'd feel like a pedophile, no matter how old/mature you looked/acted. I don't see anything wrong with him being 24/25 and you being 18, although it seems like a big gap it's not really, the only restriction i'd see is if he would want to go to a place that's 21+ he'd have to sneak you in or you'd need a fake id or something or other, that's the only problem i see. And the number at the first meeting, really doesn't show if his intentions are genuine or not.. it's really hard to say, just because he gave his number doesn't mean his intentions aren't genuine, it just means he wants a means to stay in contact with you, considering you guys don't see each other on a daily basis, so whether they're good or bad intentions he just wants a chance to see you again.

Guys generally don't like being called 'cute' as a compliment right?  Then what kind of compliments from a girl would you like to get? 'Sweet'? 'Gentleman'? etc?

we tell you we hate it, but secretly we like it, any compliment is a confidence boost, it's better hearing cute than ugly, but from your examples i'm thinking you gave this compliment out as through an action that he did rather than his appearance, so yes that downgrades us, makes us feel inferior when you say "oh that's so cute of you", where as you can say "oh that was so nice of you", but generally any compliment from a girl is good, just like any compliment from a guy to a girl is good, as long as it's not out of line/dirty, it's an ego boost.

Here's my situation (sryy, I know the length is a bit intimidating):

He's my co-worker I see 2-3 times a week.. we always smile and say hi when we see each other, and we'll even actually talk when we have the chance (with either of us taking the initiative to start the convo). Sometimes he'll ask me about my schedule and if there's a day we have the same shift, he'll say things like "I get to see you that day" or "We get to spend more time together.." And sometimes he'll compliment me on my hair or outfit. We've never really had any physical contact (we are at work after all).. the most has been him putting his hand gently on my mid-back for like a second as he walked by, or me touching his shoulder as I walked by and said hi. I don't know if this is significant at all, but when we talk we look right into each others eyes, and I can feel this sort of spark. I don't know how to describe it, really. Basically we flirt with each other every now and then.

I never really paid much attention to him before, but lately I've been developing a crush on him. I've been trying to initiate more conversations, but I've noticed that his responses can go either way.. he's either really enthusiastic/interested or kind of just blah/indifferent. (Or like when we talk in person he'll have a lot to say, but say if I comment him on facebook, his response will be less than five words.) It's like he's got mood swings.. or on/off modes. Then at the end of the day I'll think back on things and feel like a fool for trying so hard. :[

I'm having such a hard time figuring him out. Sometimes I feel like he might be interested in me, but other times it's like I'm just another girl to flirt with. Here's an example-- so it's a day at work when we have the same shift. I run into him, and as usual I just say hi and keep walking. But then he goes "heyy" to call me back. So I turn back and I give him that look that sorta asks if he had something to say. He goes: "Sorry if I don't talk to you that much lately.." and goes on to explain how the managers told him that he wasn't supposed to talk that much. (So I guess this would be a good time to provide some info about my workplace-- it's a huge retail store with multiple floors. I'm a sales associate and he's on the stock team.. so technically we aren't really supposed to be talking if it's not necessary.. haha. But anyway..) I just responded by saying "Aww you got in trouble? It's okay" and such. Then I walked off. I didn't really show it, but I was happy that he had the thought to apologize about such a miniscule thing. (And actually, I didn't even feel or notice that we were talking to each other any less.. so he didn't really need to apologize hahah.) So I felt it was pretty thoughtful of him. After this I thought maybe he's a little interested in me too.. but like, since then, he hasn't really shown any more signs of being interested, aside from the usual (verbal) flirting (which I can't even tell are "signs" of interest at all.. sigh).

The thing is, I don't think he's the shy type. I feel like if there was a girl he liked (even as a friend), he wouldn't be afraid to take initiative. So multiple times I've sort of let him know that I'd like to hang out after (or outside of) work, but to no avail. Then I thought about asking him to hang out myself, but I've yet to do so because I want to have some sort of reassurance that he would actually want to spend time with me, you know? Man.

So my question is, should I continue to pursue (try to get him interested in me), or should I just give up while I haven't fallen that deep yet? Is there any chance at all that he'd be interested in me? Or is he just flirty and nothing more?

I'm sorry, this is probably one of those "Well it depends.." situations, but any input at all would be helpful. Thanks in advance!

I could be wrong.. but just the fact from your example that he apologized for not talking to you lately is a sign that he's interested. 1. he's paying attention to how often you guys talk 2. he's over-thinking things, thinking "maybe she's mad that i haven't talked to her in a while" and apologizes, and why he over thinks is because he might be interested. Also the ones that aren't shy, are shy with the ones they like

What does it mean when a guy says he misses you when you ask him what he's up to or just randomly when he's off in another place away from you and then laughs and says he's just joking around? Do guys really joke around like that? We're not even close friends.

I don't really know much from what you've written, but guys do generally joke around like that with close/not-so close friends, but it depends, because some play it off as a joke because they don't want to come on too strong, when in reality they do mean what they say and hold interest, but others are actually serious but in a playful manner, but this usually only occurs with close friends. So if you're not close friends with this guy.. i'm guessing he's interested?? but just played it off as a joke to not make it seem so forward.


Would it be a rude to ask a guy friend whether he has romantic interest in my close friend? What would you think if I asked?

The reason I'm asking is because my friend thinks he likes me, while I think he likes her. We just want to know the truth.

It wouldn't be rude, but it'd depend on how you bring the subject matter up, also it'll come with a price to ask such a personal question, most people don't give up information like that easily unless it's guy to guy or girl to girl, or the guy and girl are really close friends/no mutual attractions.

How do you guys feel when a girl tells you that you smell nice?

Honestly if i was interested/attracted, i'd try to smell the same way as the day she told me that, everyday lol

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Guest dot.1430279747

QUOTE(M0NiCAxBO0 @ May 16 2007, 07:15 PM) Do guys need the attention that they give us?


thats not true. When I dont give my boyfriend attention, he gets mad.  He likes my 100% attention when we are chatting on skype. lol

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Guest I.is.Happy

If you are friends with a girl you liked for a while and one day you decided to ask if she wants to be your gf but she rejects you. 

Would you still remain friends with her if she says she wants to remain friends? Would you even perhaps be mad/ resent her?

Answer Truthfully - maybe something like this has happened before and what did you do?

I do not intend to offend anyone or generalize guys but here is just some additional/ more personal info:

There are a few friends in the past who I sincerely/kindly told them I wanted to remain friends but all these friendships just crumble in a bad way. 

Some give me looks even after the event has passed for some time and some have done things a lot worse than just giving me glares

Basically no one just say "okay, it's understandable if you don't feel the same" or even attempt to keep things as normal as possible...instead they like to make a big deal out of it. Why?

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Guest loveholic486

Okay so me and this guy have been talking for a while and my friends told me that he sorta likes me but today we we're asking each other questions then he said " does your mom know your gay?" he was kinda joking but that totally turned me off!!!! WTF IS THAT SUPPOSE TO MEAN? im pretty sure he knows i like him to which makes me so confuse HELP ME PLEASE SOOMPIERS!! is he joking or what wtf?????????

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