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I'll say yes. You don't even need a male to answer that. Why did you say "sure" anyway huh?

I'm not sure what the guy wants though.

He is a friend and I don't want to just put him down, and I always say "sure" to people when i don't want to say NO. (but doesn't SURE mean like Maybe, maybe not?)

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Guest x kisekiboshi

Here goes my attempt at answering..

I'm assuming this guy is single.

I would accept the offer. And there's nothing creepy about getting dinner or going to starbucks..

I think you're over-analyzing this. You don't have to be interested in someone to be curious of why they're leaving. He could be interested, but that question doesn't really mean much. (I ask female friends why they're leaving all the time.. even though I'm not "interested" in them"

ahh, i guess i did over analyze it a bit. so when he asked me if i wanted him to be my big (it's a big/little family thing for a club that we're in), the question was more of a ice breaker/small talk thing?

and thanks for answering my question. (:

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I think its quite obvious that he's trying to get to know her more. But this could be for many reasons. He could just be a very friendly person. If the girl was standing all alone, then he is probably trying to include her.

what if the girl was already talking to her guy-friend. when she saw the guy she hugged him but continued to talk to who she was talking to so he purposely sat beside her and tried to talk as well. haha but as you said he is a friendly person as well.

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Guest dragonninja598000


The way you used "sure" probably meant yes to him. No idea what he wants to do, but it sounds like he likes you.

@x kieskiboshi

Sound like it could be a possibility that he likes you. I mean joining that group means that he'll see you more often.


That I would consider is a good thing if you like him. Means he can't think straight around you cause he's got butterflies in his stomach. lol


Sounds like he wants to get to know her more.He could be interested. I mean what guy leaves a bunch of girls for one girl unless he likes her? Not to mention he sat next to her and hugged her, that's a lot of body language that should not be ignored.

@Jah Nice

No that is not a bad thing.

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Guest luxuriedoll..

long story short, i like a bad boy, he likes me back...

we're pretty opposite too.

i don't smoke or drink, he INFLUENCED most of his current group to do it and he drinks/smokes regularly or every couple days or so. just yesterday him and his friends got hammered D: .......

i focus on school, he focuses on hanging out and having fun. the class we're both in for A-block, the teacher hates him hahaha

i'm attracted to good-looking guys, but i also give it time so i can get to know him better... he's attracted to good-looking girls.

that's about it.

he even dated one of the biggest... tramps in our grade only because she was "hot."

i reaaaally like him though because he seems like a mystery to me. i especially lovemysterious guys. we don't talk in person, only on msn(not that much, though).. but he looks at me a lot, and i catch him, and so do the people i'm around with. a good friend of mine who hangs out with him told me he said he likes me because i was cute and i seemed nice. everyone also says his relationships don't last long, or they're like on and off. even when i hinted to one of his best friends one of the reasons why i don't think i should get involved with him is because of this, and he knew exactly what i was thinking of.

just wondering, should i go for this guy if we get any further into our friendship? should i trust him, even though he usually likes girls for their looks and doesn't really get to know them?

edit: oh and not to mention he gives me HEAPS butterflies. yesterday, after missing homecoming, i told him hours before i was going to come. when he found out i didn't, he said he was looking for me and i kind of died hahaha.... : D he's a nice guy too.

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Guest dragonninja598000


Really depends if you want to ignore his track record or not. I'd say give it some time before you go into a relationship with him to see if he's really into you. Pursue him if you want, I'd give him one chance just because he seems to only be infatuated with girls.

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Guest alucard454

My "friend" sent me a picture of him naked by txt message, he did this for TONS of other girls. He has a gf. What's his deal?

Is it like normal to send naked pictures of yourself to other girls?

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Guest dragonninja598000

My "friend" sent me a picture of him naked by txt message, he did this for TONS of other girls. He has a gf. What's his deal?

Is it like normal to send naked pictures of yourself to other girls?

No idea what his plan is, But that is hella not normal. I don't know of any guys who would take a picture naked and send it to a bunch of different girls.

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Guest IckyVicky<3dongbang

guys only call a girl cause they're interested right?

i met him when he was drunk.... is he just screwin?

Drunk guys are stupid.

When he calls me he says it's cause he wants to talk to me.

AND guys don't just want to talk right?

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Guest WallaceJiang

ok so i've know this guy for two years in high school (ever since sophomore year) and now we're seniors. he's starting to text me more this year and talk to me more. in the past we'd talk and stuff but when i'd text him he usually didn't text me back. this year, he texts me basically everyday. so i don know if he likes me or what? a little help?

Give him hints ;)

Sounds like something's happening goodluck!

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Guest dragonninja598000

guys only call a girl cause they're interested right?

i met him when he was drunk.... is he just screwin?

Drunk guys are stupid.

When he calls me he says it's cause he wants to talk to me.

AND guys don't just want to talk right?

Most of the time yeah. I sometime call cuz i just need someone to talk to or i'm hella bored.

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Hey, so it's been a little over a month since I've been out of a 2 year relationship. So i'm kind of out of loop when it comes to taking hints, LOL.

Anyways, this guy that I've known for awhile (I know him through another friend) has been giving me a lot more attention online. Like, I have this public ..channel (ventrillo) were all our irl&online friends just casually chat/play DOTA (yeah, girl playing dota go figure.) Anyways, long story short he usually comes visit the channel more often than he used too.

And it'll usually just be the both of us late at night doing homework. We don't talk much but we keep each other company. Also, he tells my guy friend (whom I met him through) that he's going to do "homework" but instead he comes on ventrilo and his friends caught him and tease him about liking me. All of the guys think he does, I didn't put much thought into it until a couple days ago.

We were both going to University fair and he asked me for my number and later on he asked me to go to Eaton Center with him (a mall in Toronto.) I didn't really take that much thought into it, but I ended up not going cause I was pretty tired.

So yeah, I don't know. I think he's just being nice but every night we kind of seem to get closer and more personal.

@_@ Sorry for the long post, just looking for some insight. And of course I'm wondering all of this cause I started to like him haha.

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Guest peaches*

would you break up with your girlfriend if you found out things about her that you didn't like? flaws in: personality, looks, family/relatives, etc.

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Guest dragonninja598000


Sound like me in high school. lol. Don't worry about it too much, you'll find someone. You're just pretty pure at the moment. That will change eventurally.


Iono doesnt seem to be enough to show that he does like you. But it is pointing kb that direction. Give him some signs and see how he reacts.

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Guest AMIbunny

do you guys think that If i start caring less about my bf (caring when he checks out another girl in front of me, Goes out w/ friends late at night, not calling me occasionally . . .)

If i dont show that I am mad at him or jealous....will he realize that I am someone that he needs in his life? lol.

will he stop taking me for granted? (he kinda does take me for granted now..... as if i'm always available to him when HE NEEDS me)

i <3 him so much and he does alot for me too..but sometimes he is just so darn rude

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Guest dragonninja598000

would you break up with your girlfriend if you found out things about her that you didn't like? flaws in: personality, looks, family/relatives, etc.

Depends on what i found out about her.


I think stop caring will mean to him that its ok for him to do it. I'd say get ready to leave cause it doesn't sound like he's a veryy good bf.

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Guest dunomunster

Ok so there's this guy that asked me out the last day of school, and i ended up saying no because I was still hung up on my crush - who I don't like anymore. But fortunately, we stayed close friends all summer and we're still close now, but since I'm over my crush, I've started to slowly fall him. Homecoming is coming up and I'm kinda hoping that he'll ask me, but I'm not sure if he still has feelings for me or not. He said a few times that he "gave up" after I rejected him, but he still flirts and compliments me on a daily basis.

So, if it were you who asked a girl, got rejected, but stayed friends, would you still have feelings for her or would they go away completely?

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