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Guest oh so delicious

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Interesting read here - lots of questions and speculations

I love how the show isn't a linear time line, but told by jumping around in parts - bit confusing but keeps it interesting.

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Guest 143namil

isn't hurley carrying Charlie's guitar case?

i forgot what happened to that french woman from the beginning fo the season. did she die? i dont remember

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isn't hurley carrying Charlie's guitar case?

i forgot what happened to that french woman from the beginning fo the season. did she die? i dont remember

The French woman, Danielle Rousseau, ended up getting killed by Keamy and his men - mercenaries that were sent by Charles Widmore.

As for Hurley carrying the guitar case, I think it's too soon to tell what role it plays in the grand scheme of things. From what we do know, Hurley and the rest of the Oceanic 6 escaped the Island with nary a possession on them. So I don't think that is the Charlie Pace guitar that's in the case. (On the other hand, how do we know that there's actually a guitar in it to begin with? Haha.)

But bringing up Hurley and the guitar case brings up another hot topic of speculation and that's the observation that there are certain "role playing" that occurs on this second flight when compared to the first:

- Jack seems to be playing himself because he's re-enacting the check-in of the casket at the airport counter; from a different perspective, his carrying around of Locke's suicide letter could also be a subtle nod towards how Sawyer also boarded the plane with his own letter - the one he wrote as a child swearing vengeance on the con man responsible for his parents' deaths.

- Locke, as we know, is serving as the "proxy" for Christian Shephard and he's fulfilling that role as the body in the casket.

- Hurley, by bringing on board a guitar, could be construed as fulfilling the role of Charlie Pace, the rock star musician.

- Sun, who's on the Ajira flight because she is desperately in search of and hopeful that her husband Jin is alive, seems to be taking on the role of Sayid - who also was traveling around the world searching for his childhood love, Nadia, hoping that she was still alive somewhere. To a lesser degree, she could also be like Rose - who got separated from her husband Bernard during the flight and she too wondered where he ended up after the 815 crash.

- Sayid most evidently appears to be taking on the role of Kate - just like she was in the first flight, he too finds himself being handcuffed and escorted by a federal marshal-type.

- Then there is Ben - who might he be? Seeing that he was the last to board the flight just before they were about to close the doors, some have figured that he was like Hurley - who was also late in coming aboard Flight 815. Others have also speculated that given his sorry physical state, he could somewhat be similar to Locke, who was a parapalegic at the time of the flight.

- And lastly, there's Kate. This is a tough one because she doesn't seem to be exhibiting any behavior that seems similar to that of another Lostie in the 815 flight. Her zonked-out demeanor and sunglasses, I suppose, could kind of identify with the stung-out and heroin-addicted Charlie. But here's one fascinating possibility that I gleaned from another site: Remember the night before the flight, when Jack found her in his home and then they ultimately started kissing and getting it on? Well, suppose Kate actually conceived that night? Despite obviously being in the earliest of stages, for all intents and purposes, Kate would have been pregnant when she boarded that plane. If that's the case, then Kate could conceivably have been the re-enactment of Claire and her circumstances on Flight 815.

Pretty interesting when you think and ponder the coincidences.

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question! i know that they all wanted to go back to the island...but is it their intentions to stay there forever? or just to go and save the other people who got left behind? i was pretty surprised that Sun was willing to go back to find Jin....i guess she just left her daughter with her grandma i guess?

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Guest damachee

Pretty interesting when you think and ponder the coincidences.

Im wondering if all these coincidences are created just so they can recreate the plane crash and getting back to the island. Does it stop there? or somehow infer their actions and fate on the island?

question! i know that they all wanted to go back to the island...but is it their intentions to stay there forever? or just to go and save the other people who got left behind? i was pretty surprised that Sun was willing to go back to find Jin....i guess she just left her daughter with her grandma i guess?

i think there are different intentions in the group. Sun obviously wants to go back just to get Jin and possibly leave after that. But like Jack and Hurley who seem to hate their lives back in the real world, you don't really know if they intend to leave the island.

i read the time loop theory a few weeks back, which seems very persuasive with all its reasons behind lost. but now i cant seem to watch another lost episode without thinking about it. <_<

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i read the time loop theory a few weeks back, which seems very persuasive with all its reasons behind lost. but now i cant seem to watch another lost episode without thinking about it. <_<

Would you happen to have the link to the 'Time Loop Theory'?

I remember reading several time-related things with LOST -

Can't say I'm certain it's the one you are commenting about though lol

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Guest Myss Blewm

I was reading a Lost article in Entertainment Weekly last week and I believe it was one of the producers of the show who said something like "The intention of the show has never really been getting off the island but returning to it." It was also stated in the article that season five is the buildup to answering our questions and season six will finally give us answers to all the questions, and the format will return to simple character flashbacks/flashforwards.

Yay next episode is Lock centered! He's one of my favorite characters.

The way Hurley reacted to seeing Ben on the plane, I do wonder who/what convinced him to get onto the plane. And the Middle Eastern guy, I do believe he's going to play a big part of the show.

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Guest CK92842

Season 5 is becoming my favorite season.

Its 10000x better than season 4.


I wonder how Ben is gonna talk his way outta this one. "Oh......JOHN the island required me to strangle the life out of you. I did it for the island JOHN!" (Stare down for 10s) :lol:

You know come to think of it I'm more inclined to believe in Widmore considering he's the only one with an actual family whereas Ben is a loner.

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Guest NanaMun

Wow, it really hurt seeing Locke so defeated. I'm actually glad Ben took his life, because seeing him go down by his own hands would have had a different affect. Makes me wonder, why Ben didn't just let him kill himself AND why he actually felt he needed to say he would miss him.

All for the greater good? hmmmmm

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Guest res0nate

Ben wanted to figure out why he came back and what he had to do.

As soon as Locke mentioned it, Ben had no reason to keep him alive.


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Guest dudeman

Why else would he say that he would miss him? Because he DOES. It hardly matters at this point, however, now that Locke is the one standing over Ben...heehee.

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Guest beautifulfriend

watching this season of lost kept reminding me of the book, "The Time Traveler's Wife".

If anybody else watching LOST has read the book, then they should know what I'm talking about.

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Guest graceyoon

lol i got my shows mixed up, when widmore's assistant came out of the car, i blurted, hey it's the haitian! then i was like, oh just wait.. :wacko:

what i had thought the reason behind ben killing locke after he saved him from commiting suicide, was to prevent him from meeting eloise, since she seems to be the one who holds the answers...

plus, locke knew he had to die anyway, maybe he realized that's what he had to do.. go down the suicide path

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Guest kiss*kiss

lol i got my shows mixed up, when widmore's assistant came out of the car, i blurted, hey it's the haitian! then i was like, oh just wait.. :wacko:

what i had thought the reason behind ben killing locke after he saved him from commiting suicide, was to prevent him from meeting eloise, since she seems to be the one who holds the answers...

plus, locke knew he had to die anyway, maybe he realized that's what he had to do.. go down the suicide path

LOL... you're not the only one! :lol:

The last episode was really good.

I'm wondering though, assuming the woman and the pilot that left on the raft is Sun and Lepidus (sp?), why they weren't "time sucked" like Hurley & Crew?

That really saddens me. No epic reuniting... (just yet).

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Guest catchthesky.

Yeah, the two week-break is going to kill me. -0-

I loved the last scene--the reunion with hurley kate and jack...

The look on sawyer's face <33333 :blush:

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