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Guest poopiness

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lmaooo~~ stalking my 411? they died ages ago!! hahaha cbb posting pics now

i was reading ur poem and thinking "awwww has he been hurt" then when i read ur last line its like.. "to lazy to finish it".. -_-"

lol~ js wen i thought u were getting all emotional aiiiii~~~

well keep the comics coming~ how come theres only 2 this time?? NOT ENOUGH!!

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Nope. They're old and stale cookies.

Those ships burns a lot of coal. It's depleting the ozone layer!!

All that ninjas do is have questionable sex with multiple partners and kill people.

Sometimes they die.

ahaha omg she would've kicked your richard simmons if you spat on her face. She's mean.

SAYWHAT? O______O Are you saying oreo cookies are stale, or the ones you drew? Huh? -cough- It BETTER be your cookies. I love oreo cookies :D Hehehe. Well I dont really like the cream inside, just the outside of it O______o yeah weird I know.. LOLLL!

Eeeeeeewwww, ninja's are yucky *barfs* HAHAHAHAHAA! They set bad examples for little kids! Seee! Another example why pirate are way better! Do you agree with me now? Huh, huhhh? Besides, I'm sure pirate are much hotter then ninjas. I bet you can't disagree with me on that, huh? CANN YOUUU? >:P LOL! Especially on that last pirates of the caribbeans. OHMYGOSH, Orlando bloom, when he came back as a pirate. Now, that was drool worthy @______@ Hahahhaaa!

Wtheck? You create some mean people.. *wipes spit off her face and apoligizes* :D

*runs away*

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Guest musical.memory


okay, since i doubt you would check back to my saved reply. :rolleyes: i'm gonna comment another one. =D lmao, aww, you've never been to a circus?! but they're so fun! ^^ but it was kinda scary. O.O there were protesters outside the doors with signs and stuff that said things like, "no animal cruelty!" "circuses treat animals wrong!" "they abuse animals!" :blink: yeah...

okay, anywho. ^__^

x_JaeHee: pssh!! Friends tell each other when they change their username!

there's no such thing as a wrong princess outfit!! Why would you lie to me? huh? why??>

you can't call me names because then you would be mean, and that's just not cool. :]

Well that depends. Do best friends have benefits? ;D like you know? you know? ;]

ahaha omg you are even more violent than the faq. I'm surprised soompi didn't censor you!

sounds all TOO FAMILIAR!! why would you bring it up again!!?!? UGH!


it happened like 3 days ago :]

A CIRCUS?! I've never been to a circus....

LMAO. i noticed you usually reply to me somewhere on the top. :blink: it's convenient (however you spell it). ;D

LOL! well, uh... i was starting school so i had no time to tell you? :sweatingbullets: hahahha. and i bet if poopy changed his username, you wouldn't tell me either. :P

pwuahahahha! yes there IS such a thing as a wrong princess outfit! xD there's a vampire princess, a mermaid princess, a normal princess, a evil princess, a fairy princess, etc. maybe you jsut got the wrong one when you were suppose to get a normal one. rigghtttt rightt? B) i wouold never lie to poopy! :P i'm an innocent little angel~ and angels don't LIE. LMAO!

hey! you call me names so why can't i call you names?! UHG. YOU are so uncool. <__< i banish you from the princess world! :fury: LOL~ okay, maybe not. ;_;

LOLS! POOPY! xD hahahha! :lol: uhh.... benefits? what KIND of benefits? :rolleyes: LMAO. be a little more specific and we'll discuss it later on. ;] i know? i know?.... what do i know? o.O

well, i DO have a thing for being violent. ;D that's just how things are going these days, ya know? girls rule the world while guys get their cookies stolen. ;] *points to the comic* muahahaha! pshh, the faq is wayyyy more violent than me. :rolleyes: and you didn't even add my faq on there! pshhhh. soompi would NEVER censor me! =P they love me too much too. B) hahaha.

:lol: hahahha! oh, so you do remember. ;) lmao! i brought it up to torture you and make you remember my evil deeds. :P so then, maybe later on in the future, i can bring it up again and see if you poopy in you pants. :] muahahha! pshh, i have every right to bring it up again, mr. poopy pants. =P but really, you should make a comic like that. it would be like... a concealment of our friendship. ;) since that's how we became BEST FRIENDS. :D LMAO.

okie... now for the lovely comic strips.

COMIC #1: WHY DO YOU ALWAYS HAVE TO MAKE US GIRLS SO EVIL?!?! ARGH, YOU ARE SO UNFAIR! <_< omg, the boy's expressions are PRICELESS. xD hahahha! i want to throw a rock at him go, "HA HA!" but then of course, i'm not that mean. ;D as we all know. teehee. i can't believe the girl took his cookie though... it sounds like something i would do. *winkwink* actually... i think i might have. :mellow:

COMIC #2: OMFG, that is nasty. -__-;; guys need to uhh... control their hormones better. really, they should. :lol: but it's hilarious! hahaha! hmm... i wonder of this is based a true story of mr. poopy? :phew: ROFL.

POEM: ooooooo. poem. O___O it's really nice. ^_^ sad, reminds me of the guys in the comic strips... but really well written. THUMBS UP poopiness! ;) finish it, you lazy butt!

WTF? i turned into chocolate milk 3 days ago? :huh: i don't remember that happening, actually... hahaha! i wanna be cookies! ;_; i no likey chocolate milk. it tastes weird... =( and wouldn't you rather have cookies then chocolate milk, poopy? ;]

OKIE. thanks for updating. and the faqs are sooo totally awesome. i wish i could've thought of them first. xD ya know, USE them against you. haha, hehe. rofl. thanks for the pm~ :)

<3 Vivian

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Guest changmin_i_luv_u

oooooooooooooooooo... im a cookie? kewl! chocolate chippety goodnesssssss... wait. watd i do 2 b a cookie? do i hav 2 sign some supersecret cookie membership thingy? im 2 young 4 mi signature 2 b valid! ya, im 13 in american years. [i no, so very ancient and wrinkly]

lol. the girlz so mean. evil poo. first she rejects him, then she STEALS HIS COOKIE!!! that should b made illegal! she stole his precious! ok im wierd. so i shall shut up about the yummy looking little cookie. o. hahaha. i get ta banana thingy. reminded me of some girls i no. the only difference is that some of us buy our bananas. u no. the fake jelly boobs or the oranges stuffed in the bra to look unflatchested. ok im grossing myself out already. [dont worry. i dont do that. or do i...]

i really liked the poem. pertiful language. me likey. thnx 4 da pm poopy!


r these comics based on life experiences? if they r, then i want to talk 2 the evil girls that mite hav acted like that. and bomb them. ^ ^

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lol...I think he did play nice and sharing cuz we've gone our separate ways ever since last week....what a coincidence....did your song jinxed me? LOL jk

man I wonder how it feels to be a guy who gets a lot of attention from the females...

and wow sweet, you have nice blue icons that has different type of labels now: "Index", "Replies", etc. lol. What an upgrade!! XD

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Guest _crazinessism

hahahaha i dont know why but i laughed so hard with the banana LOL

and im in the chocolate milk group? LOL interesting....im drinking chocolate milk right now too...LOL

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Guest autumnyaar

ahh, your comics pretty much own me. ^^

you should make an i love asians one with switched genders though!! for the asian guy.. it like symbolizes my sister and me perfectly rofl.

can i be added to the pm list??

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Guest `rin_x


im hot? xD

why thank you

yeah, all vo's are hot

you're pretty hot yourself too, mister ;D

the cookie one actually happened to a friend of mine (she was the girl though)

the guy asked if she wanted to go out with him for food

she said yes,

took the food,

then dumped him x)

girls are so cruel.

you write really good poems

i'd kill for writing like yours.



i shall post that poem on my blog 8)

looking forward to your next update!

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Guest skadoosh!



suju_fanatic: ahaha they are actually pretty skimpy... because I get burnt out after 1 page of replies ahahha.

your goal has not yet been reached. KEEP TRYING! :]

I'm looking at my finger tip right now.... and I see nothing. Where are they?!!

well, the girls ...are small or something so you cant seee them very well OR your really old and cant see them very well OR your just trying to be smart and twist my words OR ...eh i got nothin.

ok. my goal. to annoy the crap out of you.


THIS IS MY REPLY: hey good job! cute comics!

yeah. ok, thats my minor attempt, sheesh. im tired, school is retarted and HEY let me go actually READ your comics!

dude i LOVE cookies. i would totally take a cookie from a guy who wanted to go out with me. ^^

-grabs cookie from you. even though you dont want to go out with me. @.@ weird&awkward...-

and the other comic was...


and...boyish. i mean, you cant FIND a girl who draws horny guys. -.-

there goes all those girls that were right off your fingertips. xp

HAHAHAH, AND YOUR BONUS! a slightly depressing, NOT FINISHED poem.

thats wonderful.

school is already depressing, then you make me even more depressed with this lovesick poem.

so much for making people SMILEEE~



- OMG JESUS!! You need anger management classes!!


- OMG what is wrong with you? You are so disgusting. My ideas came from ebay. Just kidding. They usually come to me when I'm in class not paying


your obbessed with butts apparently...


theres this dude in my tennis class and he WHACKS the ball and then makes the wall hes whacking at fall down...

lol, nope im kidding, but i swear i saw a crack in it once...

HE needs anger manegement, not ME.

anyways, good enough for you?

watch me get a two line reply back~

its ok, i forgive you. draw a cute one next time in payment, yes?

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Guest Lazy_Monkey

Yay a post. =] I actually am feeling better, but only recently. -__- When I get sick, I stay sick for a longgg time even for something as simple as a cough or cold; it's very troublesome. =[

But anyway Hahahaha I loved your comic. (The first one anyway.xP) I would react similarly to the girl in this one. =D Steal the cookie and reject him. Haha, although I wouldn't want the cookie if it's been in his pocket. ^^; But that was one big cookie. =o Their facial expressions are too funny. =) Poor guy, got his cookie stolen. xD

For the second comic...I did understand the joke before your explanation, but it is too gross for my tastes. But it was still funny. >.< My face was similar to the girl's face in the first frame. xD It was a mixture of that face and this face --> :crazy: So you get my drift. xD

Btw your "faq"s were too hilarious. =P And your poem does sound unfinished. FINISH IT before I stab you again. :P Some parts didn't flow too well, but I liked the rhyming haha. I can never write rhyming poems. -.- They never flow very well. >.<

You must be pretty busy huh? Or just plain lazy...=o But anyway, post soon!

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Gym socks? Gross...cant I be in a separate group, all on my own? Called 'Llamas' or 'Penguins'? =]

Anywho, really funny comics. I didnt understand the second one at first and then...i kind of understood it...er...yea...

That poem is deep...how can a poem like that come from the same guy who draws depressingly funny comic strips? Not possible...you stole it right? Yeah...I knew it ^^

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Guest xbananas

haha yay cookie group :D

i LOVE the second one LOL! it's too funny.

and i'm partly included. banana? get it get it? lmaooo i'm lame :(

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