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Your Vietnamese Full Name?

Guest love_pixie

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Guest christinesjuicy
















































































































































































































Christine Phuong-Uyen Nguyen.
















































































































































































family calls me uyen.
















































































































































































i love how its my last name without the NG.

































































































































































































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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Restasis
























Sunny Thanh Bùi








No real first Vietnamese name. Although when I was younger my parents called me Moi. I think it means savage.








I'm indigenous! yeah!









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Nancy Thuy Nhi Vo.





it sounds so weird i don't like it >.<.





the funny thing is that i was named after





my mom and my aunts.


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Guest lovexisu

Do Nguyen Minh Hang

My name is so not pretty...<_<

Everyone pronounces it the way you'd pronounce "hang"

as in like 'hanging out' here. <.< It gets quite annoying actually. >_<

No English name, although I do have some made up nicknames

I prefer to be called by. XDD

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Phuong Linh Tang





























english name: Lindy Tang































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Guest Nichookapo



I don't know mine xD

Actually i don't think i have one.. T_T

Oh dam.

Oh well my parents call me, denny, Danny with an asian accent =="


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^LOL, like Đanǹy yeah?
































































































Mines, Huynh Bao Thuy. I have a bro with the exact same name, different accents though.... my parents weren't very creative :S
































































































No one uses my viet name though, it's either Julie or some weird nick name they make up.

















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ân hiên thùy trang
































i know is weird , it sound better in mandarin i think

















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Guest xxDemi91xx
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Mine is Nguyễn Ngọc Diễm My
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































In English, people just call me Demi. I've never met anyone named Diễm My by the way...

































































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Guest vietkazuki

Vinh Quang Nguyen

Waaaaaaaaaaayyyyyy to common name....

No english name.

I think I am going to change it... everyone spells vinh as vin or vihn.....

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Guest ARiA ♪

Mine is Nguyễn Ngọc Diễm My

In English, people just call me Demi. I've never met anyone named Diễm My by the way...

HEY! You stole my name!

Give it back! Jk

my whole name is Diem Thien Nguyen

No English name -__-

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Guest clarity.
































































My name is sooo asian --;
















































Helen Ngoc Anh Nguyen
















































ahhaa how much more asian can it get ?









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diana lien chi nguyen
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































middle name sounds chinese :\ but apparently it chi means lotus stem in viet and 'lien' is my mom's name.

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest kawaiichik




























vietnamese name; Đinh Bảo Nam Trân















































english day to day name; Tina Dinh


























































































































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heres another Nguyen to add to the list.







Nguyen Thi Tu Trinh.







my mum named me after a radio announcer because she liked her voice.


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Guest anhy214

Nguyen Thien Ly

I don't have an American name.

People have a hard time pronouncing "Ly". Most people would say "Lie" or "Lynn". I really don't know how they add on the "N" *LOL*

Or if the say my name correctly, they will write it as "Lee"

When I introduce myself as "I'm Ly", then people would say, "Nice to meet you, Emily"

At my work place, one my coworkers' names is Haley -- so when people say "Hey, Ly" Both of us would respond *LOL*

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  • 1 month later...
Guest _crazinessism

kinda late..LOL

but mines is a little complicated (to me at least..)

long story short, my uncle remarried so they named their daughter with the same "middle" (you know how chinese all have the same middle name? yeah...that. LOL) and my dad figured sincer we're growin up together (in the same city) we should go by the same too so we wont have problems with the "family names" so that meant my name is Tran Lai Man (its so ugly...) but with the rest of my family in Vietnam we're all Thuy's not Lai did i confuse anyone yet? LOL

but I personally say..

Viet: Tran Thuy Man

Chinese: Tran Lai Man 陳麗敏 (only b/c i was never taught to write thuy)

Eng: Carena Tran

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