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Legend Of The Condor Heroes 2008


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starring: Ariel Lin, Hu Ge



English title: Legend of the Condor Heroes 2008

Also known as: The Legend of the Eagle Shooting Heroes 2008

Genre: Wuxia


Directed by: Li Guo Li

airing: July 2008


* Hu Ge as Guo Jing

* Ariel Lin as Huang Rong

* Yuan Hong as Yang Kang

* Kathy Chow as Bao Xirou

* Liu Shi Shi as Mu Nianci

* Li Jie as Ouyang Ke

* Kong Yi Shan as Mei Chaofeng

* Xie Na as Hua Zheng

* Sun Xing as Hong Qigong

* Tsui Kam Kong as Ouyang Feng

* Zhang Guo Li as Duan Zhixing

* Ru Ping as Li Ping

* Guo Liang as Wanyan Honglie

* Weng Jia Ming as Yang Tiexin

* Ba Yin as Temüjin


When their husbands were killed by the Song army, two pregnant women found safe haven in foreign lands. Li Ping gave birth to Guo Jing, a sturdy but blockheaded young man who roamed the Mongolian prairie with the family of Temujin. Bao Xi Ruo gave birth to Yang Kang, a smart and crafty young man who became the son of Wanyan Hong Lie, a successor of the Jin empire. When a pact between their martial arts masters brought them together and the truth behind their fathers' deaths was revealed, one found martial arts enlightenment and a cause greater than his own while the other descended into darkness and destroyed everything and everyone around him.

credits to: d-addicts, asianfanatics, wikipedia, and google.com

(thread still in progress) please check back later :D

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Before U watch this, U may want to watch the Young Yang Warriors....

Coz several actors from this drama, are from there too!!!!

Young Yang Warriors is one of the BEST china production in 2006....

enough said, here's picx that I've uploaded...




^Above is the Ouyang Ke - was in the Young Yang Warriors too as the Emperor


^Above is the Yang Tiexin - was in Young Yang Warriors as the Father of the warriors. (excellent acting in dere)


^Above is Yang Kang - was in Young Yang Warriors as the Ye liu Xie (extremely charming & goodlooking)


A lil note: Hu Ge was in Young Yang Warriors too as the 6th son - Yang Yan Zhao.

credit http://blog.sina.com.cn/yuanhong


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I think this version is gonna turn out like an idol drama, along with that stream of series from the same company. As a loyal fan of the original novel, I don't like the direction this production team is going into. I personally like the style of the 2003 version better, but i think they picked better actors for this version for the roles of Ou Yang Ke and Yang Kang. But the 2003 Bao Xi Ruo will always have a special place in my heart. <3

I will probably recommend this if you liked Chinese Paladin, Tian Wai Fei Xian, and Young Yang Warriors. Honestly, I think they are essentially the same drama with different plots, even the costumes are similar. One thing in common, they all have Hu Ge as their male lead. hahaha.

But good luck to Hu Ge, as he and the entire production team probably had a really hard time, with the accident and all.


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Guest saranghae<3

this is interesting.. they can never make it better than the original one.

I love th original one. That Huang Rong was such a good actress<33

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Guest lilsh0rtnancy

this is interesting.. they can never make it better than the original one.

I love th original one. That Huang Rong was such a good actress<33

Agreed. The original '82 ver. w/ Felix Wong and Barbara Yung will always be the BEST version for me. However, I'm excited to watch Ariel in this since she played a dumb girl in ISWAK. I'd like to see how clever she can be as Wong Yung. I'm definitely disappointed w/ the main lead guy. His look doesn't fit the role for me.

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Guest summers83

I've never watched the 1982 version of Condor Heroes but I loved the 1993 version starring Julian Cheung as Guo Juing and Athena Chu as Huang Rong. She looked so pretty there and Guo Jing was really so blur and innocent in there.

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Guest discern


HuGe had an accident when he was filming this and because of that the filming was delayed, right?

I liked the 2003 version, Zhou Xun was good as Huang Rong :)

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Guest au_revior

Oh another remake ....... seems like this is the most famous remake in chinese drama history.

anyway i wanna ask a few questions here:

The early 90s of this drama were made by Hong Kong production team is it correct?

And the 2005 and 2006 was made by the Taiwanese production team is it so?

And the 2007 is made by China ?

im juz asking and also curious coz although i watched the 2005 and 2006 drama i still believe that the book was way better although i read from the Hong Kong version by Tony Wong instead of Jinyong the original book but never the less is among the best chinese book i read thus far. But anyway im looking forward for this drama and im absolutely pleased that B.O.N fun subs are subbing it. :D

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Guest mookie

^ hi there au_revior, I'm an avid fan of anything JinYung and there's no other book like Legend of the Condor Hero, I dun think there's any other version by other authors is that I known of, though I'm not sure who Tony Wong is... the real deal is the one by JinYung.

As for remakes, as far as I know the last remake of this exact book is 2003, the 05/06 one you are talking about maybe Return of the Condor Hero, in which the main characters in Legend are the godparents of the main character Yang Guo (haha I'm not sure of the character's name in chinese)

Legend focus on Guo Jing and Huang Rong, imo HR in Legend is THE best female character written by JinYung and the HR he wrote in Return is sucha big let down for me, even in the book, let alone not up to par remakes. and sorry fans of Athena Chu as HR, she must be one of the worst casting, she's a pretty face but she can't capture even a tiny spark of the mischievous intelligenance, and brilliant innocence of a genius as HR personifies. The brain should be what's most attractive of HR, and should overshadow that pretty face of hers by heaps. I can see a hint of that in Ariel Lin, I'm lookin forward to this.

And yes, BON fansub is very dedicated in subbing this drama we are the official group subbing it and we're recruiting many passionate translators for this drama! I myself am very excited about any remake of this book that I reread time to time. This should be exciting!! Any dearies interested plz pm me (mookie)/SeReNiTy!!! :lol:

Our new Guo Jing! :)


source: baidu.com

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Guest quyenann

I think Hu Ge is perfect for this role. Guo Jing is supposed to be 'dumb' and I think Hu Ge captured this 'duh-duhness' in Fairy in Wonderland. Whereas with Ariel, she is a versatile actress so I have immense faith in her.

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I think Hu Ge is perfect for this role. Guo Jing is supposed to be 'dumb' and I think Hu Ge captured this 'duh-duhness' in Fairy in Wonderland. Whereas with Ariel, she is a versatile actress so I have immense faith in her.

i agree with the Hu Ge being Guo Jing, hes the only actor of this generation that i can see even partly protraying such a character. im an avid fan of jin yong also and his work, and ive read the books (haha viet version, because my dad had them laying around) as well as seen all the series. This is going to be an interesting remake, however im a little skeptical of seeing Ariel in role of Huang Rong, its such a hard role to capture. she has to be very cunning and witty to be able to get this role done. its quite hard to fill.

and the reason why the last few jin yong works have been remade by tawianese/mainland units and not the hk production teams, is because jin yong publically said that he would never work tvb again, and well thats a huge blow to the hk audience.

im quite excited about this remake :)

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Guest mookie

^ hi there Soy~!!!

But I'm totally supportive of Jin Young's decision of not working with TVB though as a hker, grown up with TVB drama, I have very mixed feelings, it's more tetering towards distaste/bitterness now. I dun recall watching a TVB remake of JinYoung's work that is even borderline watchable in the last decade. TVB has become a machine churning out boring works with no effort into any artistic genuinity (ok exception: War and Beauty and to Catch the uncatchable), just a general laziness as a result of lack of competition. We should know by now that TVB wont even bother with any thoughts into casting, they'll just use whatever actors/actresses that r the favor of the month.

If I were Jin Young, I would be mad furious with their rapings of his works, I'd rather feed those masterpieces to rascals.

hehe no worries to the hk viewers, ATV and actually TVB too usu bought those series and dubbed them (sometimes lousily) into cantonese, in all my selfishness, I'd rather prefer this than sitting through another latest TVB remake. But the TVB adaptation of these classics in the 80s still hold up, Barbara Yung is still THE HR, maybe Ariel can give us a shocking surprise, we never know.

Though I'm not a fan of the last JinYoung remake Return of the Condor Heros, but that maybe due to that's my least fav book out of the collection. The scenery is still super out of this world for most Chinese production, yes there's some tweaking needed for like background music, the script can be less draggy, and there's just tonnes of absurd redundant CGs...but usu the casting, I can deal with.

I see promise with Hu Ge too as Guo Jing, and yes as Soy says, Ariel as HR, I'm quite skeptical, but HR is the hardest role to play in JY's books, a 16 year old cunning witty genius with a very simple heart of gold and a naivety hidden behind the brattiness. She has to come off as adorable amidst all that. It's just sucha complex role for any young actress to attempt so...good luck to Ariel and I for one would not be too overtly critical with her effort. Afterall if she nails it it's quite a miraculous feat, if she doesnt, as long as she's bearable I can live with it.

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Guest lilsh0rtnancy

Does anyone know who's playing the role of Yang Kang? I remember watching the remake w/ Athena Chu and the guy, forgot his name, who played YK looked sooo old when he was only suppose to be 19 in the story. I doubt anyone can replace Michael Mui Kui Wai as YK though. The '82 cast is still supreme.

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^ hi there Soy~!!!

But I'm totally supportive of Jin Young's decision of not working with TVB though as a hker, grown up with TVB drama, I have very mixed feelings, it's more tetering towards distaste/bitterness now. I dun recall watching a TVB remake of JinYoung's work that is even borderline watchable in the last decade. TVB has become a machine churning out boring works with no effort into any artistic genuinity (ok exception: War and Beauty and to Catch the uncatchable), just a general laziness as a result of lack of competition. We should know by now that TVB wont even bother with any thoughts into casting, they'll just use whatever actors/actresses that r the favor of the month.

If I were Jin Young, I would be mad furious with their rapings of his works, I'd rather feed those masterpieces to rascals.

hehe no worries to the hk viewers, ATV and actually TVB too usu bought those series and dubbed them (sometimes lousily) into cantonese, in all my selfishness, I'd rather prefer this than sitting through another latest TVB remake. But the TVB adaptation of these classics in the 80s still hold up, Barbara Yung is still THE HR, maybe Ariel can give us a shocking surprise, we never know.

Though I'm not a fan of the last JinYoung remake Return of the Condor Heros, but that maybe due to that's my least fav book out of the collection. The scenery is still super out of this world for most Chinese production, yes there's some tweaking needed for like background music, the script can be less draggy, and there's just tonnes of absurd redundant CGs...but usu the casting, I can deal with.

I see promise with Hu Ge too as Guo Jing, and yes as Soy says, Ariel as HR, I'm quite skeptical, but HR is the hardest role to play in JY's books, a 16 year old cunning witty genius with a very simple heart of gold and a naivety hidden behind the brattiness. She has to come off as adorable amidst all that. It's just sucha complex role for any young actress to attempt so...good luck to Ariel and I for one would not be too overtly critical with her effort. Afterall if she nails it it's quite a miraculous feat, if she doesnt, as long as she's bearable I can live with it.

omg i totally agree they basically killed the ending of i think heavenly sword, dragon sabre 2000, and did it completely different from the book, i bet thats why jin yong was furious. i would be mad too. yeah tvb is slacking off -_- .. there hasnt been any good period dramas in a while.

yeah HR has got be one of my favorite female characters from all of his book, her and Zhao Min (another one of his cunning, witty female characters). im going to give praise to ariel, for even attempting the role, its one of the hardest shoes to fill imo. lol i think im going to enjoy this series as long as HG stays true to his acting roots.

As for ROCH, haha i liked the story so-so, i think it focused a bit too much on the love story and not enough on the martial arts content, so i was a little bored at times, but YG's character was likable, annoying at times, but likable none the less.


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Guest lilgzl

I totally agree with what mookie said.

Good luck to Ariel...but to me Barbara is still THE HR and no one will ever be able to replace her..

I'm a bit biased as I love LOCH original to death. It's my most favorite drama of all time with excellent casts!

But I will still watch this as I love the story of LOCH and I'm curious to see how the idol actors can pull this out.

Soy, same as you, I think ROCH focus more on the love. But then again, I still prefer the original version.

Thanks BON for subbing this series.

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