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Heartbroken Quotes

Guest YoochunsGirl

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Guest 2partsvodka

"I watched you kiss, hug, laugh, smile, and love her and wonder what happened to us."

"I wait for a shooting star to wish again."

"I looked up and see you,

only knowing it was an illusion.

I wake up dreaming of you,

only knowing it was a dream.

I smile hoping you smile back a me,

only to see you smiling back at her.

I cry trying to forget,

only to know that you and me is never gonna be."

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mine are from songs ^^

"i sent a secret prayer up above, and put my heart away so that you could be free" - endlessly by b44

"right now you're broken into two, but did you know my heart's been broken since the day i met you" -endlessly by b44 (one of my favs of all time)

"she's got everthing that i had to live without"- tears on my guitart by taylor swift

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Guest byul19

my favorite quotes..

" we tend to be despair when the person we love leaves..

but the truth is its their loss for they leave the person

who will never give up for them.."

"people continue to love inspite of the tears and heartbreaks,

it is because the pain made them stronger, the tears made them

braver, and the heartbreakers made them wiser..."

"im sad when wer apart, and it drives me crazy to be far from you

but whenever your near, i end up not knowin' what to do...

and it drives me crazy dat yur der but i cant have you..."

if you want more,,just tell me....

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest lootiefOODIE

Throughout my life,

I have never had that feeling whereby

I really want something...

But recently I have a desire I want to stay by her side when she's mad.

Actually i only want to be by her side..

Be together with her..

It's my fault to have such a desire

But why can't I like her?

It's only me liking her, a one-sided feeling.

Why can't I do that?

Why can't it be like that?

Waiting for someone...is truly a difficult and lonely thing to do. But...it's also something that causes flutters in your heart. After meeting you, my heart fluttered for the first time in a while. Thank you for making my heart flutter. Thank you for everything. Now.... Goodbye now, for real this time.

- all from Snow Queen. haha im a boy and i cry soo much on some episode xP.

i made this one. xP its kinda noob-ish lol. im a newbie to these things so here ya go.

Loving someone is like living a new life.

Ending the love is like the end of the world.

You always told me that I'm always warm when you hug me.


What you don't know is my heart is always cold when im around you.

gosh i know its noobish haha.

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Guest sweet_maple

I used to think the term "i can't live without you" just exaggerating till I've met and in love with you, but the fate wants you to leave me, finally I've realized that term is true, I can't actually live with out you--------------BY : Me

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Here are more haha I used to be a desperate quotes addict XD

Don't tell me why I lost you

Don't tell me why you lied

But tell me that you loved me

Or at least that you had tried

I'd take another chance, take a fall

Take a shot for you --

&& I need you like a heart needs a beat

But it's nothin new.

- Apologize by One Republic

Mirror, mirror, on the wall

Who’s the biggest fool of all?

It’s in the way I feel when you look at me that I know we’re more than 'just friends'. And I want you to feel the same way but I don’t know if you do. And it kills me everyday.

Even if you think the flame has died, there's at least one lyric that'll hit that last hot spot, and then you'll find yourself as f*cked as you were the day you lied and said you never wanted to see him again.

He must have sucked in her soul, filling her with empty promises. He inflated her with hope that rode on top of wind, water, and air. Hoop dreams that never found a home; they bounced off the rim and fell to the floor where they lay on the dirty ground, so low there were no takers. - Choke

Don’t fall in love. Stuff happens when you fall. When you fall the only thing you hit is the soft side of your heart on the hard part of the ground. And that’s because you fall while they still stand upright. - Choke

so, maybe i was wrong in thinkin

we were meant to be

& that we were made for each other.

maybe we were never supposed

to fall in love t h e w a y w e d i d.

hell, we probably weren't even

supposed to meet when we did

or maybe we shouldnt have met at all.

but i know this much, if we arent meant to be,

i cant seem to come to terms of saying

goodbye to you,

and if we werent supposed to fall in love

then it was the most beautiful mistake

ive ever made,

and if i hadnt have met you,

i probably wouldnt be the

person i am today.

i loved you with everything

i had in me.

"You always said I looked grumpy."

"But those were the happiest days of my life."


Just so you know, the only thing I

really want is to see him again.

You know, hear him sing off key,

watch him roll his eyes at me when

I steal french fries off his plate.

I guess what I'm trying to say

is I'm crazy for him.

Can't get your memory off my mind.

Just want your heartbeat on top of mine.

There's something dancing, here in the shadows

And I wish it were us.

The hurt began to fade and it was easier to just let go. At least I thought it was. But in every boy I met in the next few years, I found myself looking for you, and when the feelings got too strong I'd write you another letter. But I never sent them, in fear of what I might find. By then, you'd gone on with your life and I didn't want to think about you loving someone else. I wanted to remember us like we were that summer. I didn’t want to ever forget that. ~ The Notebook

The worst part about being lied to

is realizing you’re not worth the truth

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Guest notoriousbea

This is my all-time favorite heartache quote, it gets me every time... :(

"Love is friendship set on fire." -Jeremy Taylor

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Guest mzweirdo

"How was I supposed to know we were related?!"

hahahhaha wowww..

imagine someone saying that to you..LOL!

oh man..that's horrible.

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Guest babylau

He told me to wait.

Wait for our fairytale to develop.

Wait for it to grow.

& to wait for our happy e n d i n g . .

& I said to him .

"Baby . . I'm waiting .. but all I see are b l a n k pages . "

- I made this quote. Actually happened to me & my ex . ><;

Another one I made:

"Some fairy tales are better off i n c o m p l e t e "

"Not all fairy tales have a happy ending .." - Big girls don't cry by Fergie.

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To say goodbye, your eyes have to forget her face

your ears have to forget her voice

your head have to forget her name

and your heart ...

your heart has to forget your love for her

-Suh KangWook, Loveholic

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Guest babylau

Lyrics from Love Love Love from Epik High.


It's Midnight, your tired drunk voice

2:00 a.m., the abruptly ended phone call

Nobody knows how I feel

I can't stop

Love love love

Though it hurts, I keep on repeating

I can't stop

Love love love

Have you ever been in love before?

Falling at first sight, like in the movies?

Spent the entire night talking on the phone?

Bragged to the entire world?

Waited in the pouring rain?

Run like crazy to the one you love?

Secretly guarded?

Gone crazy?

Pretended not to see when you really did?

I’m sure you have been in love

Spent all your money on your anniversary

Apologized even when you didn’t do anything wrong

Spent entire days writing love letters

Pushed back promises with your family

Prayed to God for that persons health

Ignored your friends

Missed them

Guarded their leaving figure

Can't stop love

Why? I loved you like crazy

Why? I treated you so well

I gave you everything

You got me going crazy

Why? I loved you with all my life.

I gave you my body and soul

I lost everything for you

How could you?

Nobody knows how I feel

I can't stop

Love love love

Though it hurts, I keep on repeating

I can't stop

Love love love

Have you ever had your heart broken?

Had your makeup wash off in the pouring rain?

Cut your long hair?

Started smoking again?

Avoided areas where they might be?

Wrote letters you know you would never send?

Called them while you were drunk?

I’m sure you've had a broken heart

Hated them as much as you loved them

Ripped up letters you didn’t read

Deleted the phone number you will never forget

Celebrated anniversaries by yourself

Burned all the photographs

Thought every song about heartbreak in the world was yours

Can't stop love

Why? I loved you like crazy

Why? I treated you so well

I gave you everything

You got me going crazy

Why? I loved you with all my life.

I gave you my body and soul

I lost everything for you

How could you?

Nobody knows my heart

I can't stop

Love love love

Though it hurts, I keep on repeating

I can't stop

Love love love

Cry like an idiot

Get drunk again

Hold on to your friend

And curse that person

Time passes

Get drunk again

Grab the phone

Say love!

Nobody knows my heart

I can't stop

Love love love

Though it hurts, I keep on repeating

I can't stop

Love love love

Nobody knows my heart

In reality, only you don't know

Though it hurts, I keep on repeating


Love this song .. <3

Music Video ;

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Guest notoriousbea

^ Thanks for the translated lyrics! I've always loved that song, but had no idea what the lyrics meant! I always thought it was a sweet love song... who would've thought it's actually depressing. Loved the lyrics though, <3

This is my all-time favorite depressing song. Seriously, nothing is more heartbreaking than losing a love that you never even had to begin with. Breaks my heart every time I hear it.


Almost Lover - A Fine Frenzy

Your fingertips across my skin

The palm trees swaying in the wind


You sang me Spanish lullabies

The sweetest sadness in your eyes

Clever trick

Well, I never want to see you unhappy

I thought you'd want the same for me


Goodbye, my almost lover

Goodbye, my hopeless dream

I'm trying not to think about you

Can't you just let me be?

So long, my luckless romance

My back is turned on you

Should've known you'd bring me heartache

Almost lovers always do

We walked along a crowded street

You took my hand and danced with me


And when you left, you kissed my lips

You told me you would never, never forget

These images


Well, I'd never want to see you unhappy

I thought you'd want the same for me


Goodbye, my almost lover

Goodbye, my hopeless dream

I'm trying not to think about you

Can't you just let me be?

So long, my luckless romance

My back is turned on you

Should've known you'd bring me heartache

Almost lovers always do

I cannot go to the ocean

I cannot drive the streets at night

I cannot wake up in the morning

Without you on my mind

So you're gone and I'm haunted

And I bet you are just fine

Did I make it that

Easy to walk right in and out

Of my life?


Goodbye, my almost lover

Goodbye, my hopeless dream

I'm trying not to think about you

Can't you just let me be?

So long, my luckless romance

My back is turned on you

Should have known you'd bring me heartache

Almost lovers always do


Music Video:

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Guest Ass3nav

YES! I was looking for a 'heartbroken qoutes thread', and i finally found it.

I prefer these qoutes because I can relate to them more.. hehe.

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Guest FallingWaters

I've got one too!!

"It takes one minute to fall in love,

one hour to like someone,

one day to love someone,

but a lifetime to forget someone."

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