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Anyone Know French?

Guest yonsu

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Guest Deziel

Après avoir lu cette topique, ça m'est finalement rendu compte que je suis incompétent en français... T_T J'ai habité à Montréal tout ma vie... et je savais même pas que «Tu me manque» veut dire «I miss you». Je pensais toujours que ça voulait dire «You miss me». Waaaah Je suis complètement incompétent!! T_T

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Guest biscuit.


muhahahahha, it's funny how you say "incompétent"

that word can't be used there, not in this context. you can stick with "nul" or "mauvais".

i thought there were lots of French in Montréal. few of my friends attend HEC Montréal.

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^ Ça dépend... Il y a pleins d'anglophones à Montréal malgré le fait qu'on est SUPPOSÉMENT bilingue... Lui il est quand même bilingue... Mais il est plus anglophone alors que moi c'est le contraire. Je suis plus francophone qu'anglophone...

Par contre, s'il vivait dans la ville Québec et qu'il aurait encore de la misère en français, ça serait toute une autre histoire... That would be some weird sht... Haha!

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Guest Deziel


muhahahahha, it's funny how you say "incompétent"

that word can't be used there, not in this context. you can stick with "nul" or "mauvais".

i thought there were lots of French in Montréal. few of my friends attend HEC Montréal.

Wahaha, je t'avais dis que je ne sais plus comment parler XD Je suis allé à l'école en anglais tout ma vie. XD

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Lavire

Hi I just have a question about French--

How would you say "sports car" in French?

Would you say, "une voiture de sport"?

And how would you say, "introducing"?

(context wise, I want to say, "introducing...the brand new blah blah sports car". (Like an advertisement).)

Thank you so much! :)

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Hi I just have a question about French--

How would you say "sports car" in French?

Would you say, "une voiture de sport"?

And how would you say, "introducing"?

(context wise, I want to say, "introducing...the brand new blah blah sports car". (Like an advertisement).)

Thank you so much! :)

Yeah I'd say "voiture de sport" for sports car. It's a sports car = C'est une voiture de sport.

As for "introducing", we don't really have a word for it so we'd go with alternatives like "Voici" which is more equivalent to "Here is". That's just a suggestion on top of my head.

"Voici la toute nouvelle voiture exotique, la HTT Pléthore!"...

But sometimes I hear some announcers going like...

"Elle est la toute nouvelle voiture exotique Canadienne, nous vous présentons la HTT Pléthore!"

Which is like...

"It's a brand new Canadian exotic car, we present you the HTT Pléthore!"

Or they could say "on vous présente" instead of "nous vous présentons".

But that's all weird...

I prefer the "voici" blah blah.

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Guest Lavire

^ Oh really?

Hahaha merci beaucoup mon ami! Yeah I was a bit iffy on the whole French-advertisement terms...which happens to be what my project is on...and yeah, I'll use the voici version, it's much simpler.

I really appreciate it. :)

Hmm I like this thread, LOL I usually stay around the fanfiction area, but this place is educational. ;)

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  • 6 months later...
Guest infinite*

Hi guys! My final french exam is coming up, so I just wanted to ask for some tips on how to study french. I know it's rather weird that I'm asking this now because it's pretty late to be asking but I didn't really know how to study french through out the whole year... thank goodness I still passed with that attitude but since it's my last exam I really want to do well.

So any tips on studying french?

Specially for listening and writing?

Thank you!

- A

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Guest christelle-g

I'd suggest watching French movies and listening to French songs.

You may want to try with French subtitles. This can really help improving your listening, reading and somehow your writing.

If it's too hard, then you'll have to use English subtitles. Use a French dictionary to write down the words you don't know.

French songs definitely improve your listening, check out the translation as well. As for a challenge, you may try translating English songs to French to help your writing.

It takes a lot of patience and motivation actually. If you know anyone that speaks French, then converse in French with them.

How long have you been studying French? A year?

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Hi guys! My final french exam is coming up, so I just wanted to ask for some tips on how to study french. I know it's rather weird that I'm asking this now because it's pretty late to be asking but I didn't really know how to study french through out the whole year... thank goodness I still passed with that attitude but since it's my last exam I really want to do well.

So any tips on studying french?

Specially for listening and writing?

Thank you!

- A

Have you only just started taking French? If so, then I'd suggest you just write into your notes any conjugations you aren't too sure about. Go through the section of the textbook you're on, and write down all unfamiliar words and the translations.

Taking notes may seem unnecessary sometimes, but it definitely helps. Also cover the culture sections of the book if there are any; make sure you understand them almost word for word. What I tend to mess up on in my exams are culture questions.

An online dictionary: wordreference.com

Watching movies and listening to French songs would probably help if you're an advanced student.

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Guest infinite*


Hi, thank you so much for your reply!

I'm sorry for the hassle, but do you happen to have any recommendations of songs I should listen to and movies also? Besides Amelie because we watched it in class, although I am considering of watching it again. And, I've studied french for two years now :)


Thank you! You just totally reminded me that I have to cover the culture section! I remember I lost marks from it as well, wasn't very happy with it!

Also, do you happen to have any recommendations of songs I should listen to?

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@infinite*, I wouldn't worry about listening comprehension yet if you're just in Fr2. There's still much, much grammar you'll have to learn and you won't better understand regular spoken French by listening to songs and movies just yet. There are kiddie movies that'd probably have simpler French but you wouldn't want to waste your time watching those right?

Oh, but you could watch your fav disney movies in French I guess haha.

As far as music goes, I'd recommend Yelle. She's an electropop artist and her songs are kinda easy to interpret and useful for learning dirty words 8D

Good luck on your exam!

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Guest christelle-g

LOL @Zantac_2..Claude François is sooo cheesy especially his choreos and dancers.

@infinite, for French songs I'd recommend Superbus, a pop band and Zazie (->her songs are meaningful).

As for French movies, maybe try La Vie en Rose with Marion Cotillard since it's about a famous French singer. Otherwise like pervert said, watching Disney movies in French or just movies you've seen in English but you watch it again in French. Since you already know the storyline, it might be easier to understand. :)

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Guest Leopoldine

Or listen to Disney's song in French too maybe. ;) though it might sounds weird to you since you'd be used to the english version.

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