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Do You Think You Are Pretty?


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Guest miss ambrosia x3

oh psh, i bring sexy BACK!

just kidding. i rated myself as a 7. because im a little above average but nothing amazing. and im so average i rated the average number everyone else picked. and maybe its because 7 is my favorite number. and maybe its because if you roll a dice, youll most likely roll a 7 compared to the rest.

anyways. i personally like my teeth, my chin [i know, but i think its a nice chin], my skin [albeit dark from tennis], and my brain.

i think anyone with nice teeth, skin, and hair makes for a 7. hahaha.

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Guest &teekayy;

idk it depends

i have my pretty days when i'm like gorgeous

but then theres times when i just feel like ew why am i so ugly?!

ahaha same here. so i rate myself a 6.5 hahah.

if i lived in cali or something.. i'd probably be like a 3-4 compared to all those girls! =(

LOL girls here are pretty, but nothing special. XD

some days i'll feel good but then other days i'll just be like

"damn... why is my nose so freaken fugly..." or something

oh and when i look at some of the soompi girls here

omg i swear i feel like one of the ugliest beings on earth

they're so godda.mn gorgeous. -_-''

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Hmm. Well -- think about this.

Girls who think low of themselves are deemed not confident in themselves - has LOW self-esteem - and always taking what others say

Girls who think high of themselves as pretty, beautiful and good-looking, etc. are looked down upon by many as cocky, slutty, conceited.

So, to avoid those criticisms ^ there's an "average okay" look. =[

Society has really set its standards.

Everyone is beautiful -- Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder.


yeah i was thinking the same thing. aint nothing wrong with a lil self confidence. everybody needs some luv even if its from within.

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Guest starrysmile

i voted 7. i mean personally i'm pretty satisfied with my looks and that's all that counts. i'd change many things but i'm very comfortable with how i look. i have my insecurities here and there, but which girl doesn't? :P

i'm pretty sure i wouldn't look bad at all with a caked-up face. o.o

i feel the same way. i think i look fine but of course there's things i'd love to fix.

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Guest viviennexlove

I think I'm above average. I'd rate myself 7?

I like my nose..it's pretty straight. I also like my boobs, neck, calves, and my body waist up :P

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Guest jae!fany

Yes, and 7. I'm not OMFGSHE"SDROPDEADGORGEOUS, but i'm a bit above average? i haven't tried makeup so i have no idea if that would make me look better. I do like my eyes and face though. I dont like my body. :P but ehhh

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Guest PunchNine

7.5 on good days.. but there's no 7.5 on the polls so i rounded it up to an 8


i like my face shape, lips (full but not too big), my eye (left one at least...), and i love my height, (I'm short compared to my friends, but i love being short. ) my skin (minus the rare pre-pms days when i break out, its usually really clear)

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Guest BhUterFly05

wen people ask me to rate...it kind of bothers me a bit...

but wth...il do it for ds tym :)

i rated my self a 7..but without makeup id be a 6.

im not gonna lie...i was never content on how i looked...so i said i was unattractive (major low self esteem, i knoe) >.<

but from tym to tym...im confident because im surrounded by people dt LOVE me for who i am :D

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I put a four..

Sometimes when I look in the mirror, I have good angles and bad angles..

just like everyone but I wouldn't consider myself pretty at all.. - _ -

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Guest Jasmine<3

i voted 7.

i was deciding between 6 or 7. but decided to give myself the benefit of the doubt =).. although have been called ugly countless times. ( i HOPE it's a huge joke ).

if only ____ if only ____ if only _____ haha there are way too many to list. for me to achieve a 10. there's like no hope for that harhar.

without makeup.. i feel like shiz. i'd rate myself like a 5 or 4. T__T and also

my face is too fat for my liking. I NEED TO LOSE WEIGHTs klsjflsdjflj

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