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who will admit that they have never been kissed?

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Guest itrayya


20 years old.

never dated, ever!

im a virgin at everything!!


oh well.

my friends say im a hardcore feminist, that's why.

anti-men!!!! :P


i have bad luck with men. eek.

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Guest my_love_shy

all, i have to say those one-sided love makes you cherish the love of your life when you get him. I remember i always had those one-sided loves. then i got a bf, i cherished him, but that wasn't it.

just don't give your kisses to someone you will regret one day. i didn't get to kiss a guy till i was 21. it's totally normal for girls and even guys.

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Guest aeroshaastranger :)

me. haha i just turned 19.

haha i've got v little guy friends cos well i was in a girls sch for 10 yrs.

plus my class had 4 guys.

haha and even if guys do ask for my number which is like on the streets, i don't give.


at least i'm not the only one.

i don't initiate either.

it's just weird to do that.

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Guest mizer_unmei

Whoo, I'm not alone!

I'm 20, haven't had a boyfriend or a first kiss!

I'm horrible wth people though. I never know what to say or how to start up a conversation. I'm always the awkward one who doesn't have anything to say, with lots of pauses. Ahh, I'm a loser.

But I agree, why rush? I like doing my school work and following my hobbies.

I'll just watch dramas and learn by example of what to say to people. Hahaha.

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Guest yanshimkim

I'm turning 20 in June... No first kiss yet. As for a first bf... I don't really consider him as one? o_o I mean, it's not like we ever went out on a date or anything. -.-;;

I'm still waiting... ^^;; It's either I like a guy but he doesn't like me back, or a guy likes me but I don't like him back (the latter happens quite often T_T). Right now, I'm not so sure if the guy I like likes me back because he has been sending mixed signals. Oh well. :x

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Guest fio209js2

Everyone goes at their own pace. Don't try to live up to this worlds expectations(?) of when someone should or should not have done by a certain age.

Everything takes time. :)

My friend is 22 right now and she has never had a BF or her first kiss. She's just really picky I think. Haha.. it doesn't bother her tho.. :)

Things take time. :)

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Guest abviolinplayer

Yeah i'm in the same position as you haha, except i'm 18 [19 this year though]. I think it's cause of my shyness though, and I never take any risks by telling the people i like that I like them.

It seems like the only guys that like me are ones that I don't like haha .__.

ahh me too! I'm sooo shy, especially around guys I like, so I'm too chicken to tell them anything :tears: gah I need to stop it!! I'm almost 18 too...I act like a little 13 year old or something >_<

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Well, I'm nearly 16 and I've not had a boyfriend either. But as I live in the U.K. Everyone in school is I guess pressured to do stuff.

It's weird when my friends talk about it, I kind of feel left out.

Perhaps it's an asian thing? But I doubt it. Even my sister has a bf. =__=

Oh well, I have time and will accept my single status.

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I'm 18 like tomorrow and I never had a boyfriend. I'm not into the whole relationship thing. I've been on dates, had flings, and kissed guys... but boyfriends... eh.

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Guest ling_ling

i think its fine not to have a boyfriend

i mean ur still young

and u obv made tht choice somehow along in ur life

[eek did tht make sense??¬_¬]

but yeh

i didnt get my first boyfriend and kiss til i was 16 and it was crap neway

i mean i dont regret it but like it wud of been ice to have it with someone u rly like

its like virginity

but not so like woah

tho i think a kiss is more passionate than sex =)

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Guest itsannies

i'm 18 and never had a bf. but i had my first kiss with this guy that i thought would be my bf. but yeah.... lol. its okay if you havent had a relationship. no biggie!!!! aint the end of the world.

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ahh just turned 18 last month...only been on one date and it was set up...as well as AWKWARD AS ANYTHING...most of my experience has been in unrequited crushes ><

ah oh well...someday!

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Alright gurlies and guys... dun get too upset... that if you dun have a bf when youre like 18 or 19... Heck... I'm 23 this year and I havent tried having a bf or kiss before.

Just chilax... I'm sure there is someone out there that belongs to you. I believe in faith. =) ... I will start worrying when I'm 25... turning 26. LOL.

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ME! Hahaha! turning 19 this year, and maintaining my virgin lips.

I've had a boyfriend -- I just wasn't too inclined to let him kiss me.

I always wanted to wait for that perfect guy to give me the perfect kiss,

and since I've waited so long,

I'm going to stick to it.

(I think ... >>;;!~)

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Guest xingjing

I haven't. 16, btw.

But... I don't think I should be worrying. Until I'm like 20 maybe. Because then I'd sort of might become the bitter woman who's like, "WHERE IS MY PRINCE CHARMING?! WHY HASN'T HE APPEARED YET?! THIS WORLD IS NOT FAIR." Or something.

Also, I'm super stubborn. So I never take the initiative. And plus I end up just liking one person for ever and ever and ever and they never like me back. :[

And so far, you know what, there's only been like maybe 2 people that I've ever actually liked liked. Maybe not even. More like one. And only one.

My standards are too high. Meh.

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