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I never really knew about ulzzangs until 2007 and it was KKR who got me into them.

I remembered in 2005 my friend was showing me Joo Inho and she was totally into him but I didn't know what ulzzang meant. >_<

^ LCH looks good as always. It makes me curious why they used to blur his face out for the men-on clothing hahaha.

I think there was a spam for Park Hyung Joon a few hundred pages back. (18_ _-ish)

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Guest xiaochingu.

Make it a decent font woman!! I mean, a nice day.

Aiish, I really wonder if LYG actually really likes his hairstyle.

Why is this keep happening to me???

First was LSJ now LYG... TToTT

You are referring your self as the "Ajumma" now??

Haha. I still think ajusshi suits you more.

Now that my Shinhwa phase is over,,

I will go PS a... a something~

so kon?

I knew you'd never make it to the 6th...

Let's bet on your Soompi hiatus next time.

How much $5? or $10? ^o^

ajumma~ first of all/ it IS A DECENT FONT

second of all *points and laughs at you xDDD* and your hairless zzangs

im never going on soompi hiatus again t_t

it was the worst week of my life mannnnn


just wondering, WHAT IS EVERYONE'S ORIGINAL UHLJJZANG? the first they ever saw/knew as uhlzzang?

namji and kkr/ they were really popular in fanfics o_o


i think since that was posted at the end of the page

its easily missed


thanks for all the updates everyone!

sua is so pretty ;]

and OMG are those really new pics of kkr? he looks so cuteee ^o^

lee chi hoon is looking good as usual

arg. i really want to post pictures t_t

but my computer is down...and my laptop has none..

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hello my dear =] ill prolly be frequenting this place more often now

since i got a new laptop after breaking my old one keke

hehe.. glad to hear that!!

Man.. i hate today! the Pats lost the superbowl... AISH! I'm so pissed..

and LJH isn't updating.. GOODNESS!!

i am slacking in school....

i need some HOTTIES to make my day b etter!

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Guest manlytoe

i hope this wasn't posted before or yet.





credits: from his gf's (lee hye min's) cyworld

Where has manlytoe been?

Haven't seen manlytoe for a long long time now,

... manlytoe? echo*echo*echo*

i'm here.. just sadden from LJH'S GF thingy. still trying to cope with it... LOL

but i exist! thank you for your concern!!! ^^ that makes me happy!

even when he's gone, i'm still not over him.. *sigh*

what am i going to do with myself...


i fixed it.. it's not ji hoon anymore.. it's ji hoo!

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Guest SeLcaQueen

just wondering, WHAT IS EVERYONE'S ORIGINAL UHLJJZANG? the first they ever saw/knew as uhlzzang?

the first one i've known was namji. i saw her pics at the circLe Lens thread at the beauty section.

but my first ever favorite and my fave untiL now is Ban Yoon Hee!! thanks to the ganji fashion thread.. :rolleyes:

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