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Guest christina.

I edit too much, lol. I missed all the pictures.

Early 20's? I guess my guess was right xD Too bad they'll be like 27 by the time I'm 20 or something since I'm only fifteen T_T

Maybe they'll be some other uhljjangs for me to stalk that are my age ;D Hohoho~ I'm kidding!

Eunha reminds me of Eugene for some reason!

Ji Seung Joon has so many pictures!

Rawr, I can't wait for the English cyworld~


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Guest christina.

<3 I found some random uhljjangs.

Yeah, I decided to make myself useful and look for pics hehe.

I don't know the English names (I'm sure someone will translate ^^), so I'll post the Korean name.

The site had a little comparision in poses with Kim Namji and Song Mira. But I'm lazy to post their pics xD I'll do it next.







*credits: naver



Eek, double post >_< Well it sorta isn't because my last post was 20 minutes ago. -0- But that's okay right? Sorry ^^;

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Guest MooNy PigLEt

awe, the ulhzzang kids are just way too adorable ^ ^

pinching all of them hehe

wow, Hli, u really got TONS of JSJ's pics haha, thanks for uploading =]

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Guest christina.

O_O I knew the last one looked familar!

Reminded me of Sol Ki though.. Just a little.

Thanks for translating ^^


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Guest n00n00

is it just me or do others think that no matter how cute those kids are they might just grow up to be like...oober conceited???

i know i'm not trying to judge or anything..just curious on others opinion!

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Guest MooNy PigLEt

I dont know. It really depends much on their surroundings, how their parents teach them...many other factors

Probably they become conceited or maybe not..who knows? lol haha

but I know some people that are rich, good-looking and intelligent and they arent conceited at all :)

>> so it's not likely that all the rich and good-looking kids grow up to become stuck up

so, just think of the bright side that when they grow up, we have more HOT uhlzzang haha lol

for me, if my favourite ulhzzangs are arrogant and all, it would just ruin a bit of their image in my mind (coz human cant be perfect after all, we have to accept that =] )

They'd still be good-looking and I'd still love them ^ ^ (but then and again, I know and I'm possitive that LSE, SWS and JIH are not stuck up heheh ^ ^)


wwahhhhhhh!!! I own page 812

>>have I told u I love the number 12 sooo much ?? heheh lol

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^I see PRW as a super conceited kid in the future.. BUT HEY! He got the looks, so i don't care..

BUT, i can't see my innocent JSJ to be evil like that at all... ANd HaEun is half and half..

^ agree, SWS seems to be better at English than the other uhlzzangs and he seems to be good at art too. I love his chubiness, he looks cute in this state hehe

Thanks Tengosuds for LSE's new pics heh

Awe, why do u just pm baoi? if u can, pm me also pls hihi (I mean his dongseng who is me is also dying to see his new pics ^ ^)

>>keke, just kidding :lol:

^ haha.. i was very surprised and excited that LSE got new pics..

and i got a PM about it.. Shows that people know i LOVE LSE too much!!

hahaha.... I guess we can start a chain of PMing the LSE lovers..

Aniways.. i think that JSJ is TOOO KUTE!! No matter how kute and adorable

Ha Eun is, she can't compete with Ji SeungJoon.. hahaha.. Sorry HaEun...

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Guest krn08

well i only know that seo minwoo has a myspace and the reason why i know it's the real him is cause my friends friend is good friend with seo minwoo and told him that myspace is like american cyworld ^^ but besides seo minwoo no other ulzzang has a myspace

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Guest MooNy PigLEt


^I see PRW as a super conceited kid in the future.. BUT HEY! He got the looks, so i don't care..

BUT, i can't see my innocent JSJ to be evil like that at all... ANd HaEun is half and half..

^ haha.. i was very surprised and excited that LSE got new pics..

and i got a PM about it.. Shows that people know i LOVE LSE too much!!

hahaha.... I guess we can start a chain of PMing the LSE lovers..

Aniways.. i think that JSJ is TOOO KUTE!! No matter how kute and adorable

Ha Eun is, she can't compete with Ji SeungJoon.. hahaha.. Sorry HaEun...

lol haha, the chain of PMing LSE's lover is good idea, baoi haha :D

to krn08, so what's Seo Min Woo's my space? He can use English???

if your friend's friend is good friend with Seo Min Woo, by any chance do u happen to meet Seo Min Woo? haha, I'm just thinking how it'd be like when meeting uhlzzangs in real life?

**dreamy eyes** >> me imagining meeting LSE, SWS, and JIH lol haha :sweatingbullets:

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Guest christina.

Here's my last post before doing my homework..


I just found it on a cafe. It was some kind of uhljjang ranking thing xD I guess it's just the girl uhljjang's cafe members'/fan's opinions on who is the best. Song Mira and Kim Namji are in first~



well i only know that seo minwoo has a myspace and the reason why i know it's the real him is cause my friends friend is good friend with seo minwoo and told him that myspace is like american cyworld ^^ but besides seo minwoo no other ulzzang has a myspace

He has a myspace? Wow, I didn't know Seo Minwoo knew English so much to have a myspace/xanga/ect... what's the address? xD I wanna see~ <3

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Guest krn08

to MooNy PigLEt: XD haha meeting an ulzzang isn't all that special ^^;; i met couple cause my other friends in korea know some of them like i met one of them in a singing competition 0.0;; when i went to go see my friend :} oh this is the real seo minwoo's myspace http://www.myspace.com/minwoosuh

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Guest christina.

(Yeah, I should be gone by now.)

Aww, he sounds so adorable~ You're lucky to have a friend that knows Seo Minwoo. He's one of my favorite uhljjangs ^^

Maybe he'll reply to me? Haha


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Guest krn08

i dunno maybe ^^;; he doesn't reply that much too often though...some of my other friends with ulzzangs and some in virginia are friends with micky yuchun ^^;; but i never bothered to talk to him when i saw him like twice at a parties before lol

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Guest ChouChou


i was looking through some myspace profiles and i noticed there was a profile with some very...familiar pictures...i was just wondering...is this person NAMJI???? or at least one of them is...im not sure about the others..but are the others like Uljjangs? or korean celebs???

Picture one


Picture two.....namji?


Picture Three


Picture Four


Picture Five


im so confused...cos i think this person is jus using namjis..and other ppls pictures..of korean ppl...and postin them as herself...unless namji has a myspace???? and calls herself chelsea?? and loves mcfly???? :wacko::wacko:

anyway hope u can post bak!


p.s OMG THOSE KIDS ARE SO CUTE! ther eyes are LUSh...do they have surgery? lmao... :wacko::wacko:

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Guest MooNy PigLEt

thanks for the link of Seo mIn Woo's myspace

hehe, coz u have met the uhlzzangs already, as for me, I'm not living in Korea , so my chance meeting them is like...0.000000000000000000000000000000001% lol, not to mention that I like LSE, SWS, KJB and JIH as much as I love my all time idol Eric (I mean I'm kinda going a BIT crazy over their cuteness hehe)>. I know I sound like some retards... :vicx: lol haha

>>that's why meeting them seems to be somehow special for me ^ ^

for me, u're really lucky to meet some uhlzzangs hehe

>>me envious hehe :ph34r:

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Guest tengosuds

LOL!! you guys are all too cool. i would PM each and every one of you if i was always on the ball and knew exactly when LSE updated...


^ that person is DEFINATELY a faker. she posts all those people and theyre all supposed to be her? harhar...

also, its generally been established that real uhljjangs dont have myspace. although it would be cool if they did...

wooooah so many fakers out there!!


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Guest krn08

lol i'm not that much of a big fan of ulzzangs ^^;; cause they look different in person well some and seo minwoo got surgery before 0.0;; i think if i remember right...lol well i was born and raised in korea ^^;; so it's not that hard to meet ulzzangs or korean celebs all over korea when i visit XD

LOL!! you guys are all too cool. i would PM each and every one of you if i was always on the ball and knew exactly when LSE updated...


^ that person is DEFINATELY a faker. she posts all those people and theyre all supposed to be her? harhar...

also, its generally been established that real uhljjangs dont have myspace. although it would be cool if they did...

wooooah so many fakers out there!!


what are you talking about i just explained that the real seo minwoo has myspace ^^;; but then again there's no point to message him he doesn't reply often considering he doesn't know how myspace work that much and plus his english is not that good

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Guest christina.

^You should meet Baoi. She's a big fan of LSE <3 Keke~ You live in Korea? I live in the United States.. T_T Thank you so much for the link though <33

hehe, coz u have met the uhlzzangs already, as for me, I'm not living in Korea , so my chance meeting them is like...0.000000000000000000000000000000001% lol, not to mention that I like LSE, SWS, KJB and JIH as much as I love my all time idol Eric (I mean I'm kinda going a BIT crazy over their cuteness hehe)>. I know I sound like some retards... lol haha

Haha, don't worry, we can both be crazy over them. xD

>///< My heart is pounding and I can't send the message. Maybe he won't reply. T_T Haha, aren't I weird?

Keke, I should go now xD

I'll be back!


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Guest MooNy PigLEt

I wish I will be born and raised in Korea or Japan in my next life ^^ lol haha (of course, at that time, Japanese and Korean stars and uhlzzangs are still that popular and so freaken' hot like now lol haha)

to tengosuds, hehe I'd Pm you and baoi, and everyone who asks for Pm if I see LSE's update hehe =]

Awe, my last post, I have to go now

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