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Guest kuku

I want it to be the Nuggets and Magic NBA Finals. But David Stern will ensure what he wants.

I usually would say this is true like last year with Lakers vs Boston. However, this year it doesn't seem like Cavs are gonna make it to the finals. Unless they pull something out of their butts, or we see 3 very one sided reffed games. If that's true, I'd pull the BS flag on fair reffing lol.

I'd also laugh like heck if Lakers lost the series. They have a great team, but it's like the Cavs. During regular season, you can rely on an all star to lead the way, but in the playoffs, everyone is equally just as important. Birdman with his blocks and enthusiasm, and Kleiza with his rebounds. When Kleiza doesn't play, I've noticed so many players don't get the rebound. He's really important.

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Guest LolitaMan

That ridiculously bogus foul that was called when lebron tripped himself onto the ground just before the game was supposed to end in regulation was another cheap attempt by the refs. Good thing justice was served as they Magic kept their poise and won. One lucky shot from being a SWEEP!

Again nba refs are the WORST in all of pro sports!!!!

And don't you hate how lebron gets away with CHARGING over defenders on a nightly basis?!! They RARELY ever call him for the foul. What a JOKE!!

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Guest SurpriseSex

Lebron is so big and strong that defenders can't help but to move with the contact instead of setting their feet to take the charge. When you move with the defender, 9 times out of 10, it's going to be called a blocking foul. It's quite unfair, really, because no one wants to get in the way of a freight train, so they either make contact or just play matador defense and let him inside for an easy layup. This is why I don't truly respect Lebron's game, he's not exactly very skilled, just unfairly gifted.

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Guest bhebie9

Howard got canned by Lebron...poor guy =\

so yeah... after the first game, I realized that Orlando does have better players--not better than Le Bron, but all together, they're the stronger team. All those losses Cleveland had tho, I can't blame it on Le Bron since he scores half of the team's score... *__*

Hahaha Rafer Alston is so much fun to watch! Mang...all those 3-points "Here's Alston once again!!! Is anybody gonna guard him?" LOL xD

Noticed how Howard's Free throws decreased? Cleveland got owned the other night...cuz he was actually shooting them hoops xD

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Guest melo.breeze

more or less the problem cleveland is having this playoff series is orlando knows what they're going to do come clutch time.

orlando has no problem staying in the ball game, they win through individual match ups,

but come clutch time, cleveland's offensive scheme is too obvious, they have one option which is go to lebron,

and orlando knows that's coming, so they'll just clog defense on lebron when they know the other cav members are going to more or less choke.

whereas, when it comes to orlando, come clutch time, they have so many options, go to dwight, hedo, rashard,

cleveland don't know who they'll put pressure on. all in all, magic just have a better team.

even lebron who is technically the best player on the planet right now with the title mvp can't win if his team doesn't commit.

same goes for lakers, everyone knows the ball will be in kobe's hands in the last 4 minutes of the game, he is undoubtedly the best closer,

but again, it's been LA Kobe vs Denver Nuggets for most of the series.

it's a problem for teams which have clear dominant alpha dogs who lead the pack such as lakers and cavs, opposing teams just know who to apply pressure on,

whilst the rest of the team just watch their captains get beat down.

on another note, PJ should start playing morrison over sasha in the second unit, morrison cannot possibly play any worse than sasha right now.

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Guest Jinkst


No body showed up for the Cavs except for Lebron. The Inevitable will eventually happen.

What are the chances of Yao Ming going to Cleveland? He is a free agent in 2010 too, especially after a Chinese company purchased a part of the Cavaliers.

** pic is so truff.. But I think the Pistons will get him cause they have a aggressive exec room and so much cap space. Poor Spike :(

Don't see Yao in Cleveland.. Cause H-town said he is there franchise player and will lock him up. Plus I don't see him wanting to leave cause he is trying to get healthy and learning a new system would be the worse thing he could do.

Totally agree on Williams being a chump.. Wallace is washed up.. And The king is ridiculously good. But I believe my magic will win cause in game 4 the team won the game not just Howard. The issue about guarding the King is that they need to keep D on high and sag off of him and hope he pulls it up rather then drives. And Orlando has been the only team so far to execute that. Cause 9-to10 he is gonna try to drive it against Howard to draw the foul so they can beat Orlando with him on the bench.

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Guest epark1281


No body showed up for the Cavs except for Lebron. The Inevitable will eventually happen.

What are the chances of Yao Ming going to Cleveland? He is a free agent in 2010 too, especially after a Chinese company purchased a part of the Cavaliers.

I Just can't see Lebron coming to NY.

The knicks are the FURTHEST away from a championship even WITH lebron on their teams amoungst all the teams that will have enough cap space to sign him.

The Nets at least have a good young developing center (lopez), a good pg (harris), and a handful of young role players.

The knicks have a bunch of "me" players, which doesn't work well for a team looking to build AROUND a guy.

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Guest epark1281

Too bad Lebron specifically told the fans of New York to "look out" for that day.

Well, if he DOES go to NY, it'll be about the pub and the $$$, not about winning, for sure.

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Guest LolitaMan

hehe I hope lebron goes to NY. That way he'll just be like Barkley and Karl Malone....great but no Championships! muahaha

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YES! Odom came up so big, and after getting blocked by anderson all those times nice to see the posterization!

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Guest loving_D

nuggets, nuggets. ugh, it was so frustrating to watch them play in the 4th. missing wide open shots, the turnovers...goodness, i thought i was going to puke. and i thought karl did a terrible coaching job today. what was he thinking not calling timeouts during the lakers' runs?

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Guest kuku

You know how you keep seeing Kobe and Lebron puppet commercials like all the time? I keep on wondering, if the league wants to see a Lakers vs Cavs final, how the heck are the Cavs gonna win three games in row? I just can't see it happening.

Lakers in 7

Lakers VS Magics.

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Guest SurpriseSex

Could have sworn Crawford scummed his way into officiating the fourth.

There weren't any bad calls. Stop complaining. There were barely calls. Period. The free throw discrepancy was only five. Three if you don't count the intentional foul on Fisher at the end.

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There weren't any bad calls. Stop complaining. There were barely calls. Period. The free throw discrepancy was only five. Three if you don't count the intentional foul on Fisher at the end.

I thought the refs were inconsistent. Throughout the game they were calling every foul and suddenly in the 4th quarter the refs just decide to let them play. Especially with the Lakers leading. Nuggets were driving to the hoop looking for the calls they were getting in the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd quarter. The refs decide to stop calling them suddenly in the 4th. Not consistent imo.

It's fine if the refs calls foul on every contact, but call it the whole game. It's also fine to let them play, but let them play the whole game. Just don't switch it up in the 4th quarter.

This game is probably the best officiated game in the series minus the 4th quarter. Overall there wasn't any really bad calls except for Nene's 6th foul, should've been an offensive foul on Gasol.

Today, the Lakers probably played their best game as a team together. Nuggets deserve the lost, they missed wide open jumpers in the 4th and Billups turned the ball over in crunch time.

do not underestimate the power of howard stern.

Howard Stern? Howard Stern is the radio guy. I think you mean David $tern.

This may sound crazy, but I don't think Lebron will allow the Cavs to lose another game at home. The pressure is on the Magic to close it out in game 6 at home.

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