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Guest lenakeem

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Guest lady_b

many newest kpop fans are young teenagers,some of them doesn't have a clue about shinhwa and some of them knows about ShinHWa but hardly refuse to think based on logic if they must compare shinhwa to their fav gassoo or group ^^

Even ShinHwa is my fav group of all time and MinWoo is my fav member, if someone ask me who's the best dancer in kpop i would definitely vote for Jang WooHyuk first,although his not shinhwa member, coz he deserve that ^^ than i after this i vote for MinWoo ^^

it's not like i hate dbsg,suju or other new group. In fact i love Dbsg and suju too but seriously some of their fans are 'too arrogant' to acknowledge other group most of the time, when their fav idol it self are no doubt a fans of shinhwa or HOT *Jang WooHyuk former group*

so let just ignore such polls, they may vote for their fav group member as the best dancer but i'm sure deep inside they know who the real dancer is, but just don't wanna admit it ^^

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Guest andy<33

yes, i agree with those statements above me.

there is a time that kpop idol is re-generating. they that already pass about 5-6 years in music entertainment absolutely become a legend. in my opinion, shinhwa is a legend :D *err--beside it is what 'shinhwa' means :)*

eventhough minwoo and jin got very low point, i bet they will not even forgotten as the best dancer that kpop has.

thinking about their comeback, it is about in their 15th anniversary when they will make a comeback.

wew, 15 is not a small thing.

gah, i just LOVE and HEART SHINHWA!! :wub:

ps : excuse my bad-english =_=

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Guest yumoon

i am BACCKKK~~

i think one actually realised that i was gone~


okayyy~ anyway i was feeling super un motivated to talk about shinhwa these few days~

Like i was just super disappointed about how people are forgetting Shinhwa and all

you can ask Tiff unni, i was like about to give up totally and ... die or something~ hahaha

BUT~ one day at work, i just had this sudden urge to do a tribute and talk about Shinhwa's history, the various members, their closeness with each other, their achievements, their setbacks and all~

So, i was REALLY busy and my computer crashed on me like twice~ so i had to re do the video twice! and FINALLY~

i am done with 1998-1999


Shinhwa Tribute- Staying As Legends Forever [Part ONE]

ohoh~ and i need you all to help me ~ like find clips that show their sucess/hardship/them fooling around

for the different years~


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Guest karendm

Yeah! My shipment from YesAsia has finally arrived. I now have the Kim DongWan's solo concert DVD and his movie Spin Kick and Shinhwa's 9th album. I am super excited and can't wait to watch the concert and movie. :lol:

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Guest nglkt

LOL nicole unnie!! I'm sure lots of us know you were gone.. xP

But we kept chatting right? didn't we?

karendm: I'm so happy for you now! THAT's ALOT of stuff to watch!! Dongwan Concert DVD + Spin Kick Haha..

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Guest bugrepellent

yumoon, that is a very nice tribute you made. I really like it, and will look foward to the next following parts. *sigh* I'm missing Shinhwa now.... :tears:

Ooo!! Have you guys heard about Eric's new girl group that's planned to make a debut by the end of this year??

Read here


credits to absolutshinhwa.

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Guest grumpynomore

cheer up yumoon! unless they got 10 years under their names they got nothing on our boys!

but i do understand what you're saying. i haven't been a fan for that long but i actually already

experienced a phase like that.

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Guest hazrinaer

I'm so HAPPY cuz finally i got my 10th annivesary concert dvd last sunday..

I've been serching this dvd for long time and now I can watch dvd concert as many as I want..

hahahaha..it maybe a little bit late but I just so happy to have that dvd at last. :w00t::lol:

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Guest vDrak

With this thread open, i dont think people will forget about Shinhwa at all x].

When im bored i always watched LL or Xman with Shinhwa in it .

or youtube anything contains Shinhwa lol. they're fun to watch in anything ;D.

I rarely posts, just wanna shows my supports for them ^_^

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Guest rose_liana

Hi orange princes *if any* and princesses...

i always told myself please dont have even a glance to allkpop or popseoul..i know they always bias. they never appreciate and always find a way to write bad thing only about Shinhwa. i think they never study about Shinhwa and not know Shinhwa very well before write something about our oppa..but, this stubborn me never listen, and in the end, i'll be frustrating and moody for the whole day...about the dancer of k-pop, its all crap..although I'd be agree if JWH is choosen as the best male dancer of KPOP..but, Minwoo and Junjin is the last..?well, i know whos the voter...

and yesterday this stubborn me once again go to their site..reading their article about Minwoo oppa comeback perf...and they said our Minbong perf is offensive? pergh!! i dont know where they get the courage to use that word!! but, as always...never mind..what did i expected from them? <_<

LOL yumoon/Nicole..oh dear..dont ever give up!..Shinhwa oppas need a person like you to keep introducing Shinhwa to people all over the world who never know them and reminding people who has forgotten our oppas...btw, thanks for the tribute vid...these days, i always teared up when i watch tribute vid like that.. :tears:

bugrepellent LOL!! that LL ep with HEJ..it was one of my fav after Han Ji Hye ep..i wonder if Trish will subbed the Jang Shin Young ep too..ehem!! *cough & wink to Trish* :P

Trish Spin Kick!!! i forgot about the movie...LOL i have that movie but havent watch it yet..thanks for mentioning it... :lol: i think i have something to watch tonight.kekeke...

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Guest nglkt

unnie!! HAHA I'm NOT GOING TO SUB THE JANG SHINYOUNG episode.. at least for now.. COZ I felt that Dongwan was so ill-treated in that episode.. he was ill-treated *sobs* So I'll always avoiding watching the Jang shinyoung episode.. But then again, i might change my mind some time later..

P.S: I've stopped going to all those gossipy sites.. I rather read newsen or absolut shinhwa.. xP

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Guest Nekka

After Min Woo who wants to create new Shinhwa is Eric's turn with a band of girls ahahah ... I really hope it will be more original than other groups of girls that are currently in the k-pop

about Allkpop I do not give them more attention than that!

and it makes long time since I'm going in this kind of site

I'm so HAPPY cuz finally i got my 10th annivesary concert dvd last sunday..

I've been serching this dvd for long time and now I can watch dvd concert as many as I want..

hahahaha..it maybe a little bit late but I just so happy to have that dvd at last. :w00t::lol:

Yeah me too i've got it Today it's been long, but know i'cant stop to watch it :P

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It's been long since I've been here, :P sorry guys I've been a bit busy these past few days...(as if you guys even care..haha...jk) I need to post something in here so our Shinhwa thread will not die....I mean...you guys know what I mean. Anyway...hm what video should I put.....<thinks hard>....meanwhile I'm thinking....wow you guys got your DVD's even now??? I was so scared when they said something about limited edition that I bought it immediately upon their release. haha oh well glad I got it early, I love it so much and I cried so much at the end....

Okay back to the video.....I got this one I haven't seen it before so I must watch it too ---> http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTQxNjcwODA=.html <runs off to watch it> ....it's in 2002, enjoy!!

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oh my...it's been a while since i popped in here. I see familiar names...*waves at everyone*

I've been feeding my Shinhwa dosage everyday and today, it was their live performances at the year-end concerts. Even though the K-Gayo was the sexiest, fake-rain-drench and all, I actually prefer the S-Gayo better just because IMHO, I think they had more energy. I read somewhere that for the K-Gayo, Andy was sick right? Hmm..But S-Gayo definitely packed more punch for me apart from bad camera views and that opening-enclosure that Hyesung was stuck in during the opening of Throw My Fist. XD

Watching them performing LIVE, even on my laptop screen really ensures me that these legends are not going anywhere. In a recent interview [i think it was MBC Pretty Boys] where Hyesung said that he and Dongwan are the lesser dancers out of the 6, watching their LIVEs, it kinda gives me that feeling that Eric doesn't really power-dance as well as Junjin and Minwoo [even tho in Xman episodes, MC Hodong always makes Eric perform and praises OTT-style of his dances], and Andy sorta..lacks stamina? *gets bricked by RicDy fans* Your thoughts CJ-ers? Considering I'm only about 4 months into the fandom, someone share some light prz?

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Guest hcle

phewwww im just happy minwoo and junjin were ON the poll lmao, these days my standards are dropping so i dont expect much from allkpop and sites like that lmao i think the newsfeed on asianfanatics.net is pretty fair with who and how it reports stars.

yessum we have to get comfortable with shinhwa boys not being no.1 in EVERYONES hearts like they were half a decade ago (sounds much longer then ''5 years'' eh?)

I think minwoo's boyband will be interesting (or they will at least look AMAZING cos they're getting styled/dressed by minwoo XD)

hmm what the... is K-Gayo? lmao

YUMOON good luck with your tribute!! im sort of new so i've only got serveral shinhwa albums and not much net material as of yet! i think its a great way to spread the love!

ps. FIRE vid was great haha musta taken long to make up the lyrics!

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oh my...it's been a while since i popped in here. I see familiar names...*waves at everyone*

I've been feeding my Shinhwa dosage everyday and today, it was their live performances at the year-end concerts. Even though the K-Gayo was the sexiest, fake-rain-drench and all, I actually prefer the S-Gayo better just because IMHO, I think they had more energy. I read somewhere that for the K-Gayo, Andy was sick right? Hmm..But S-Gayo definitely packed more punch for me apart from bad camera views and that opening-enclosure that Hyesung was stuck in during the opening of Throw My Fist. XD

Watching them performing LIVE, even on my laptop screen really ensures me that these legends are not going anywhere. In a recent interview [i think it was MBC Pretty Boys] where Hyesung said that he and Dongwan are the lesser dancers out of the 6, watching their LIVEs, it kinda gives me that feeling that Eric doesn't really power-dance as well as Junjin and Minwoo [even tho in Xman episodes, MC Hodong always makes Eric perform and praises OTT-style of his dances], and Andy sorta..lacks stamina? *gets bricked by RicDy fans* Your thoughts CJ-ers? Considering I'm only about 4 months into the fandom, someone share some light prz?

Yeah I've noticed that through a lot of their dance videos. When they perform together, the ones in the middle are usually Minwoo and Junjin, so they're the ones I always concentrate on while watching, and they make the performance very good. I actually would say Dongwan is the better one between Hyesung, Eric, and Andy. Dongwan when he has to dance, he executes his moves fairly well. Hyesung sometimes go to fast, but it's barely noticeable since people usually concentrate on the ones in the center. Andy, yeah like you said, he's good too but he lacks something. As for Eric, he was actually the first that I noticed who doesn't dance as well as the others. I think in part is because of his very long arms and legs, if you haven't already noticed. He dances awkwardly, but when it comes to what he's an expert at (breakdancing) he's very good actually.

Nevertheless they've come a long way and they were chosen for a reason, their talents, so I think they all had what it took to become a star. :D That's my take... :)

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Guest rose_liana

Trish HAHA..yeah, poor DW oppa in that JSY ep..so i guess you must dislike Han Ga In ep too..coz i personally think HGI ep is the worst ep for DW in LL LOL *but, from 7 ep of Shinhwa in LL, i wonder why only JSY ep was not subbed? <_< or maybe because the subbing team was monopoly by DW fans and only few of them were andy fans..kekeke.. btw, still hoping for the "some time" :P

lina26435 i agree..i think their perf in S-gayo looks more powerful but their perf in K-gayo was cooler, so i love K-gayo more :lol: ..but, the most important thing is S*S really need to improve their camera's positioning techniques.. only with that, i think the perf will looks much better..

about the dancing, i think what Hyesung means when he said that he and Dongwan are the lesser dancers out of the 6 is in term of their "real talent" in dance...because as we know before they debut as Shinhwa, JJ & Minwoo were really interested in dance while Eric & Andy were SES's backup dancer and only Hyesung and DW never into dance before..Hyesung was focusing on singing while DW was an actor...

actually, when i first watch their live perf, i personally think, aside Minwoo and Junjin, DW is the one who can dance really well and looks so powerful on stage..but, at that time i never knew until i watched Summer story supplement 2005 that he's actually always overdo their dance..LOL besides, DW also has mentioned that he and hyesung usually take more time to learn the dance/choreography compared to the other 4.so i think thats why hyesung said that..

but for my personal opinion, on stage i still think DW is very good after minwoo & Junjin..eric, its not he's not powerful as JJ&Minwoo, but his "no feeling" facial expression always give me an awkward feeling when seeing he's dancing.but, as Ihjj said, when he did breakdance, seriously, to me, he's a killer!! :P for hyesung and andy, on stage, they actually did fairly well..it just i always see andy as a "shy guy", so i guess thats why he looks the less powerful compared the others because he's still has that image even on the stage..but, when he come to his heart dance, of course he's the jjangest since he's own that dance..hehe i dont know much about dance since i always focusing on Minwoo & JJ but well, thats my opinion.. :)

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Guest nglkt

lina unnie!!!!!!!!!!!!! haha

Anyways it's a known fact that Eric tends to be of a slacker.. [gonna get bashed by eric fans] But I think his back injury really did become a problem when he danced. Remember how he flew in to save the han jimin when a car was heading towards her? it's really like a drama but it's true! Eric saved her and kinda broke his back... I think because of that injury, he would have occasional back aches.. that's probably why he slacked alot in physical activities after 2005.

We all know that Eric has the talent to dance. If he didn't have it, how could he had won first at a street dance competition in the states?

Ricdy are rather similar aren't they? Andy doesn't put in much effort when he danced.. i think it started ages ago.. but more so after brand new? I think Andy naturally lacks stamina? He has weak kidneys doesn't he [he said so himself]?

Comparing wansyung in terms of dance skills.. I gotta say wannie's the better dancer!! [i'M NOT BEING BIASED K LOL ]

When Shinhwa danced, I could really feel the energy that Dongwan has when he dances. His moves are rather sharp and strong. Just look at him dancing in brand new.. pretty amazing huh? [he danced in a 2004 xman episode and i was so impressed.. haha]

The similarity between Hyesung and Dongwan is that both of them do put in alot of strength, energy power when they danced. Though they are supposedly the worse dancers in Shinhwa, I really couldn't tell from their performances.. In fact they put in more effort than the "dancers" in the group.

But when i looked carefully and wansyung when shinhwa dances.. i would just burst into laughter.. Hyesung exaggerates the dance moves so much he would miss the beats sometimes.. while Dongwan would just be too fast..

But one thing Hyesung can do while Dongwan cant is BREAKDANCING.. Hyesung can do simple breakdancing! I watched the xman japan special before becoming a fan and i remembered myself being very impressed at Hyesung's breakdancing.. I actually thought he could dance!!

The reason why I chose Dongwan was I like the energy and sharpness he has when executing the moves.. :)

P.S: I learnt about dongwan and junjin's detailed family background.. anyone interested to know?

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Guest yanee

Trish, yes I want to know their background! I just realised despite being a Dongwan fan, I really dont know much about his background. Like, the farthest I've went is seeing his mom, and their home. What about the dad, or any siblings, or ex-gfs? I'm freaking clueless. Dongwan's one private person, no?


And oh, somehing to share, tho I think most would have read this one yes. (forget about allkPOOP, absolutshinhwa is our virtual shinhwa shrine! haha) I'm not here to discuss about Miss attention-seeking A, I just want to share the shinhwa woodong love. I love that Dongwan's being all protective, and dissing that woman.

woodong love!

"We have spent 12 years together with him and we’d know better than you." - DW

So sweeeet. :D

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