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Guest lenakeem

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Guest valmylove

Thanks for the updates! Indeed that is good news that the concert is sold out as it should be!! So happy for those that are going, so envious!!! Have fun for those that are not !!!

I am excited and can't wait to see Minwoo & Hyesung either!

Hey, I am not sure who posted the link (but I got lazy back logging) is there more to the variety show that Shinhwa was in? It is an old one, the one with Shinhwa and SES?


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Guest Aromati97

I really wish Shinhwa would come to the Hollywood Bowl.

Minwoo and Hyesung are going to the Peace Concert!

I am going to go and support them like MADD <333333

Everyone else who loves in Cali~ please come and support MINSYUNG!!!!!!!!!!

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Guest bethieboo1688

i was so sad when i heard about the peace concert. i don't live in cali and was really happy to find hollywood bowl was after finals. i so want to go to korea for their tenth but my dad would only let me if it was during spring break and it's not. i'm quite depressed. but i hope everyone enjoys the concerts and will put much detail in their posts about it :)

i was talking to my friend the other day and we were discussing how exactly would you classify shinhwa? i said they were in a class of their own and she scolded me for it. she's right tho, it's weird to call them a boy band but wiki still calls them that. i dunno, just curious as to what you guys think...

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Guest love!melody


glad we're sharing the same idea... :w00t:

but wait, what's the meaning - while some of the may have been upset..

*sorry, im sucha lame... :sweatingbullets: *

LOL what i meant but some may have been sad is that some may not have been able to get their hands on tickets because the tickets were sold out really fast and all! LMAO if i were allowed to attend the concert and couldn't get a ticket, i would be more than just sad ... i would be devastated LMAO!

i was so sad when i heard about the peace concert. i don't live in cali and was really happy to find hollywood bowl was after finals. i so want to go to korea for their tenth but my dad would only let me if it was during spring break and it's not. i'm quite depressed. but i hope everyone enjoys the concerts and will put much detail in their posts about it :)

i was talking to my friend the other day and we were discussing how exactly would you classify shinhwa? i said they were in a class of their own and she scolded me for it. she's right tho, it's weird to call them a boy band but wiki still calls them that. i dunno, just curious as to what you guys think...

i think many of us are sad that we cannot attened the Peace Concert when it will most likely be the last, and maybe even the first, time the shinhwa members are performing in the US before some go enlist in the army >< but i'm happy for those who are going and how they will support our minwoo and hyesung and have a great time! ^^

and to how i would classify shinhwa ... hmmm ... like you have said, i wouldn't exactly call them a 'boy' group but more of ... 'a group of 6 oh-so-gorgeous, perfect men' (: LOL isn't it just a perfect title for shinhwa?! LMAO ^^

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Guest incarnadine

lol yeah you're right love!melody... they're definitely boys NO more. They're 6 handsome, hot, gorgeous and terribly charismatic men. Plus, they only look better and better as they age!!! :wub:

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LOL what i meant but some may have been sad is that some may not have been able to get their hands on tickets because the tickets were sold out really fast and all! LMAO if i were allowed to attend the concert and couldn't get a ticket, i would be more than just sad ... i would be devastated LMAO!


aah, i got what you meant!

yes, exactly!

if i were given the permission to go, but unable to get the ticket, yes, it kills me...

oh, i can't even think about it..

'a group of 6 oh-so-gorgeous, perfect men'
6 handsome, hot, gorgeous and terribly charismatic men

AGREE 110%

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It's just postponed for now...

They said that the will have it the end of april, early may... ^.^

I wish I could watch their concert too >.<

But if I miss my chance in the summer,

I'll wait for them patiently.

2yrs, 3yrs, 5 yrs...

I'll wait for them right here....

oh i see. thanks for informing me.. haha! i really need to catch up on what was happening to our boys.. ahihihi.. me too, i wish i could go. instead of waiting, why don't we just go to korea someday? haha! i'll definitely hunt them.. lol.

i wish too that they would go to hollywood bowl. it'll be great!

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Guest ntlove16

oh i see. thanks for informing me.. haha! i really need to catch up on what was happening to our boys.. ahihihi.. me too, i wish i could go. instead of waiting, why don't we just go to korea someday? haha! i'll definitely hunt them.. lol.

i wish too that they would go to hollywood bowl. it'll be great!

Um this is what I got so far....

Someone from Shinhwabiz told me....

Who? I can't remember sorry....

Dongwan planning on going in May

(I doubt it, but... you never know...)

Eric, of course later on in this year..

(His albumn coming out too... So it should be that way)

Minwoo, next year..

(I was thinking so too, Newspaper hardly ever mention Minwoo going to army. But He said it himself, so....)

Yup yup, Korea someday...

Can I join you? the hunting club?

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Guest xmkaex

Thanks for the updates! Indeed that is good news that the concert is sold out as it should be!! So happy for those that are going, so envious!!! Have fun for those that are not !!!

I am excited and can't wait to see Minwoo & Hyesung either!

Hey, I am not sure who posted the link (but I got lazy back logging) is there more to the variety show that Shinhwa was in? It is an old one, the one with Shinhwa and SES?


the only show that i know both shinhwa and ses were on was the Seo Sewon Show.


man, shinhwa comes to the US and i still can't go..lol

mommie alice, didn't you say you were gonna go right away when shinhwa come to the US, with your hair dyed all orange?..lol i don't know why i still remember that xD

22 more days until SHINHWA'S 10th anniversary! ^_^

i was so happy to see that their anniversary concert tickets were sold out like that, ten years and shinhwa still got it xD

so there's no exact date for the 9th album right?

i wonder when they are going to release promo picture teasers...i remember the 8th jib and they release that one picture where everyone was trying to guess who was who lol.

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Yes I did! LOL! At least buy a orange wig! LOL!

I really wish it was all the members coming but not just Minwoo and Hyesung. I want to go to full Shinhwa concert and I already warned my husband NOTHING and NO ONE is going to stop me if Shinhwa has concert here or in Las Vegas.

man, shinhwa comes to the US and i still can't go..lol

mommie alice, didn't you say you were gonna go right away when shinhwa come to the US, with your hair dyed all orange?..lol i don't know why i still remember that xD

22 more days until SHINHWA'S 10th anniversary! ^_^

i was so happy to see that their anniversary concert tickets were sold out like that, ten years and shinhwa still got it xD

so there's no exact date for the 9th album right?

i wonder when they are going to release promo picture teasers...i remember the 8th jib and they release that one picture where everyone was trying to guess who was who lol.

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Guest nutzie

i don't think any shinhwa member is confirmed to go to hollywood bowl.. minwoo and hyesung are confirmed for the peace concert in LA though.. i think you were misinformed..

by the way, i'm not directing this to anyone in particular, but just as a reminder and in no way i'm reprimanding anyone, but everybody in general..

new people are very welcomed in this thread, i know we're all eager to know who you are, but please do not say "hi i'm so-and-so, 100 years old, and i'm a new shinhwa member.. i love shinhwa!!" and leave it as that.. that will be considered a spam.. please leave more constructive comment such as a video that introduced you to shinhwa, or something interesting you might've encountered about shinhwa, stuff like that..

for the regular/"old" people of the thread, please do not respond to above mentioned posts with stuff such as "welcome!" or "oh you live in my area, which street do you live at?" or "ah you're my age!! which school do you go to? are you the one in my math class??" stuff like that can be done by PM.. you inbox is there for a reason, use it please..

it might sound harsh, but seriously, consider yourself a newbie, and having to go through pages and pages of nothing but random people blabbering about nothing related to shinhwa.. it's very frustrating.. so let's keep this thread full of shinhwa love, and minimal personal stuff, unless it's related to shinhwa..

by the way, putting stuff in white font, or spoiler code doesn't make you less guilty of breaking rules either.. those can be used when you are doing spoilers of stuff other people haven't seen before..

other mostly broken rules include, asking for or posting downloadable links [which is prohibited], talking or posting news about individual members' solo activities [there are threads for everyone except eric in k-pop thread, and everybody except hyesung in k-drama/movies thread.. please use them.. if you're posting news or photos, you can post a link to the news/photos in this thread] and quoting pictures [please take off %7Boption%7D tags from your post]

if any of you are not sure about the rules, you're welcomed to PM any of the regular members that you see around posting and spazzing here, i'm pretty sure at least one of us is very glad to help you clarify any rules at all..

thank you for reading and obeying the rules.. bubye~

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Guest angel2nyt

it might sound harsh, but seriously, consider yourself a newbie, and having to go through pages and pages of nothing but random people blabbering about nothing related to shinhwa.. it's very frustrating.. so let's keep this thread full of shinhwa love, and minimal personal stuff, unless it's related to shinhwa..

by the way, putting stuff in white font, or spoiler code doesn't make you less guilty of breaking rules either.. those can be used when you are doing spoilers of stuff other people haven't seen before..

my love for you has grown 10 folds..

i remember a person who loved and still loves posting comments like this..


anyways, 21 days from now and its the big 10..

so are there any big plans.. i know a lot in the shinhwa forums, but are you guys planning something grand for the soompi

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THIS IS SOOO COOOLL!!! O.O i cant bring out of their website but read it! if u have time:

[08.03.03][trans] 10th anniversary wine (THE LEGEND)

[08.03.02][News] SHINHWA, 10th anni, hotlines on Local Oversea interviews application

Welcoming the 10th year debut, SHINHWA had fallen into happiness but at the same time too troubled.

As follow with SHINHWA memorial in this month 24th for after 2 years album release 9th jib together welcoming their 10th year debut, they will be holding 'SHINHWA 10th Anniversary live in Seoul' concert on 29th and 30th in Seoul Olympic Stadium.

As a memorial for their 10th year debut, SHINHWA is currently preparing lots and kinds of activity.

Early beginning, there were press from local and overseas & fans had paid lots attention onto SHINHWA 10th year anniversary activities.

SHINHWA who are going to release their 9th album, a related staff in goodemg recent accepted starnews interview and said “In about to welcome the 10th year anniversary, not only the local media, japan, china and other countries media’s application on doing the interviews were also under in a hot digestion/arrangement too.”

This related staff also express “Maybe because, SHINHWA is being the first local idol group who has not changed or taken a single member off and they even overcome everything together as a group for 10 years, after they had release their 9th album & 10 years anniversary concert, some of the members will be entering the military service within this year, and that will make a difficulty to see 6 of them being together on the stage in a certain period.”

This related staff also said “SHINHWA 10th anniversary concert ever since the ticket release was being release last month, 22000 tickets were being sold out within a shot”. “There are also local and overseas fans are requesting to hold an extra concert.”

Source: Starnews & Oceans

Cn Trans: jojoyu7@shinhwachina

Eng Trans: amane86@myshinhwa, shinhwa.biz

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Guest love!melody

[08.03.03][trans] 10th anniversary wine (THE LEGEND)

[08.03.02][News] SHINHWA, 10th anni, hotlines on Local Oversea interviews application

gahhhh~ it's march! can you believe it?! in just a few weeks, we'll be able to see all six members together again (: just thinking about it makes me all siked and happy! yet i'm really sleepy LMAO *yawn* i should get some sleep now but oh wells! for shinhwa, i would stay up all night ^^ glad to hear that they are organizing many activities for their 9th jib (: i really hope we will all get to see them really soon! maybe some news clips or something! please! we are all dying from anticipation LOL and wow! shinhwa's own wine! that's like 0o! LOL i would totally like to buy one (: maybe i should ask my dad to buy one LMAO he loves wine so maybe if i talk him into it somehow, i will be able to get my hands on one, and maybe even a sip of it LOL ^^ but wow! their own wine! that's amazing haha! this is a really great way to comemorate their 10th anniversary! so classy and elegant and so shinhwa! haha~ bet no one would have thought of that! and thank you for the info strawberry16. really appreciate it! i'm getting so hyped up already :)

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Guest nutzie

OMG *cracks up*

i just find it really funny that you were posting the news about the wine bottle/wine glass thingy, and then i scroll down to your signature, and i see shinhwa members holding wine glasses.. *composing herself* i'm sorry, i'm blessed with a weird sense of humor..

anyways, i want to share a video that i watched during the weekend..


shinhwa members doing this fashion show for a fan.. i remember watching this video a long time ago, but i don't think there was a translation back then.. but this one is subbed for convenience [whee~] and see what eric could've been if he wasn't in shinhwa [i thought that was interesting =P] and junjin's cute answer too.. have fun watching~

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Guest incarnadine

Thanks so much nutzie for sharing that... awww, Jin's dream is to be a good father one day. I'm melting right now *dies*

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Guest lingling22

quick question... those who have watched the 2007 Japan Concert..

what album does the song afetr they sang "Angel" came from

...its title "Sharing Forever" .. but i coulnd't find what album it was...

please help.. thanks...

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