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Guest lenakeem

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Guest kriza_09

I don't know if it's 100% confirmed or not but according to Korean newspaper advertisement, Minwoo and Hyesung is to come to US for the Peace Concert on 4/5/08 which will be at USC (Los Angeles, California).

I wonder if I have better chance of meeting them if I hit the bars? LOL! Since they are drinkers, I'm sure they'll be at some club. Problem is it's been so long since I went to clubs in Korean town I don't know which club is the "in" club. LOL!

are you going?????? i'm SO gonna be there!!!! just need to find out how to buy the tickets... since it's on saturday, i can just take a bus from berkeley instead of the expensive airplane... ^^

anyway, happy new year everyone... it's already 설날 in korea, right??? i'm waiting for dongwan to post about his stressexcitement turning 30... our dongwan ajusshi is 30 now... imagine how "excited" he must be!!! lol..

http://youtube.com/watch?v=u2E81mV828E -> hyesung's new year msg.. watch the end..

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Guest jerrybabie26

wow really slow movement for the thread...

i remember when i first came here i couldn't keep up... X|


...i just watched the spot for their concert...actually last night... honestly i dont know how i feel.

sad... happy... excited... disappointed... maybe all and more.

sad because it is true... a lot of the younger groups are overpowering shinhwa... as a group and this thread ^^'

happy and excited because it builds excitement of seeing them again... performing... on stage and hopefully, game shows... disappointed because even with all those things to look forward too it just doesn't seem like there is enough time to spend with them (whether in real or just in reel time).

but mostly i am happy because like we've always pointed out a lot of the fans have grown up with them and those who stayed with them are their real fans and i'm sure they appreciate it a lot.

and that spot also shows that they know where they stand but even though younger groups are catching up to them their experience, talent and "greatness" (which is something i like to describe them with)and a lot more is something that the younger groups will have a long time to get to...

plus...they've already carved themselves in the history books ^^

okay enough, i think i'm just repeating my self... sorry... i'm still sleepy:p

and its already feb... a few more weeks... days and its happy anniversary.... can't wait :D

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Guest incarnadine

More thoughts (triggered by the Spot 2 teaser)... :blush:

We're all very much aware of all the young, new popular "boy bands" or music groups out there... I'm not really a fan of any of them but I have heard one of two songs of DBSK or Big Bang for example, and I cannot deny that the talent is there.

But to all those groups, there is a reason why they all look up to Shinhwa. There is a reason why they want to emulate what Shinhwa has accomplished. That is because Shinhwa is different, Shinhwa has established themselves as icons in the industry, Shinhwa are in a class of their own.

"Once a fan, forever a fan"... such simple words, but nothing could be truer than this. These boys, now men, have truly lived up to their group name.

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are you going?????? i'm SO gonna be there!!!! just need to find out how to buy the tickets... since it's on saturday, i can just take a bus from berkeley instead of the expensive airplane... ^^

anyway, happy new year everyone... it's already 설날 in korea, right??? i'm waiting for dongwan to post about his stressexcitement turning 30... our dongwan ajusshi is 30 now... imagine how "excited" he must be!!! lol..

http://youtube.com/watch?v=u2E81mV828E -> hyesung's new year msg.. watch the end..

Ooh, you're going. Awesome. I'm so thinking of going too since I won't be going to the Seoul Concerts. At least I could get to see Hyesung and Minwoo (if they're confirmed of course) performing. I'm trying to find the cheapest airfare and accommodation. Sucks tho that it's on the week of finals. Are you gonna go solo?

And, Hyesung's just so adorable. Can't believe he's 30 this year. Actually, can't believe most members are 30. Seriously, Shinhwa members don't look like they're/approaching 30 at all. Even Eric, with his UGIZ hairdo, would pass for a 25 or something.

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Guest angel2nyt

Here is the concert promotion film:


I really like the concept.. it really shows how we feel as shinhwa fans.. i'm sure we are all aware that those younger groups (dbsk/suju/bigbang) are getting really popular among the younger generation.. don't you feel concerned sometimes that they're taking shinhwa's place??? don't we always say how this forum used to be full of shinhwa fans?? don't we always say how this thread moves really slow compared to other threads??? and how in korean celeb photos section everything used to be about shinhwa??? but we say shinhwa fans are growing along with shinhwa.. and it's true. i'm sure there are a lot of people who have been fans from the very beginning.. and now they've become adults, got a job, got married and had children.. they might not go to concerts or watch shinhwa videos anymore.. but inside, they're still fans.. and they will always keep the sweet memory of supporting shinhwa as a fan girl.. once a fan, always a fan... props to whoever made this video..

ps: even until now i'm still amazed at the orange sea at shinhwa 5th fanmeeting...

its been a long, long time since i posted here

hahaha.. seeing pics from the 5th fanmeeting is really something

anyways.. thank you for sharing the link.. whoever had the idea for this video is a smart person really..

damn, that made me cry somehow... hahaha

once a fan, forever a fan..

it was so funny, when she just wrote shinhwachangjo on the board and when she was remembering her days being an active shinhwachangjo member.. its was like still on the back of her mind.. and she just need like a push to remember the good old days

the 10th concert would be awesome.. it would be like a school reunion..from batch 1998-2008.. hahaha

ps.. kriza,i LOVE your signature

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Guest jangneri

I see that everyone watched the concert spot 2 as well... Isn't it amazing? Tears fell down my eyes the moment the mother fan's tears fell down as well. It was such a heartwarming concept. *sniff*

I bet the March concert wiould be filled with 'did you remember?" moments....

I wish I could be there.

And btw, I'm not sure if you guys know but Shinhwa Forever Nagoya Concert will be shown in Japan on Feb 15th. :D

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Guest kawaii30ph

Here is the concert promotion film:


I really like the concept.. it really shows how we feel as shinhwa fans.. i'm sure we are all aware that those younger groups (dbsk/suju/bigbang) are getting really popular among the younger generation.. don't you feel concerned sometimes that they're taking shinhwa's place??? don't we always say how this forum used to be full of shinhwa fans?? don't we always say how this thread moves really slow compared to other threads??? and how in korean celeb photos section everything used to be about shinhwa??? but we say shinhwa fans are growing along with shinhwa.. and it's true. i'm sure there are a lot of people who have been fans from the very beginning.. and now they've become adults, got a job, got married and had children.. they might not go to concerts or watch shinhwa videos anymore.. but inside, they're still fans.. and they will always keep the sweet memory of supporting shinhwa as a fan girl.. once a fan, always a fan... props to whoever made this video..

ps: even until now i'm still amazed at the orange sea at shinhwa 5th fanmeeting...


how time really flies...

Their first song that i've heard was "Perfect Man"..

that was year 2002-03... and i've been hooked..

though i've sidetracked a little bit while they were inactive as group..

but its true... once a "fan" will always be a "fan"...

hahaha... most fans are in late 20's and early 30's...

well im on the "early 30's part...." :wacko:

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Guest incarnadine

And, Hyesung's just so adorable. Can't believe he's 30 this year. Actually, can't believe most members are 30. Seriously, Shinhwa members don't look like they're/approaching 30 at all. Even Eric, with his UGIZ hairdo, would pass for a 25 or something.

^Yeah, me too. Plus, they seem to grow more and more handsome and hot as they "age." :blush: :wub:

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hi guys!

I really in need of your help. I'm helping my little sister with her project at school and her project involve Shinhwa doing advertisement for other companies.

If I'm not mistaken, did Shinhwa advertise for any sports company? if so can somebody please please help me look for pictures of them advertising

under sportswear.

thank you!!

ahh I jus watch some of their recent clips and I'm really miss them. Occasionally I still listen to their music since its on my ipod. They're the first boy band I ever loved and still have a special place in my heart. man 10 years has pass already and their still awesome and the second CM really did represent how young teenage girls are today and to be honest I was one of them but I finally move on and to help that I'm selling all the stuff I own of DBSK and now the only thing that is still standing proud on my shelf is Shinhwa stuff haha I will never sell their stuff because THEY ARE THE LEGEND

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Guest robotic

The concert ad ver 2 is so nostalgic yet so true.

once a fan, forever a fan - it makes one remember, relive and go 'aww..'

I bet the March concert wiould be filled with 'did you remember?" moments....

I wish I could be there.

And btw, I'm not sure if you guys know but Shinhwa Forever Nagoya Concert will be shown in Japan on Feb 15th. :D

Ah, don't we all wish to be there in March..

Thanks for the news - can't wait to get a glimpse of Shinhwa's Japan concert.

hi guys!

I really in need of your help. I'm helping my little sister with her project at school and her project involve Shinhwa doing advertisement for other companies.

If I'm not mistaken, did Shinhwa advertise for any sports company? if so can somebody please please help me look for pictures of them advertising

under sportswear.

hmm.. roughly going through my Shinhwa pic collection this is all I found so far:

This isn't really an ad for sportswear.. ivy club school uniforms with a sporty theme O.~





Shinhwa advertised for temple code sneakers =)


I know Junjin did a series of sports shots









bonus randoms

Eric <3 (looks like he went golfing)


Wannie .. is so funny


phew~ thats a lot of pics

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Guest ntlove16

robotic - Thanks for sharing those picture, it must take a lot of your time .... I havent seen a lot of it before.... Eric is so cute ^^ OMG who would love this adorable man.... :blush: It seems like there is a girl next to him.... :o I wonder how she look like. Just curious... ;)

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i also watched the second promotional clip for shinhwa's concert and i was truly touched by it because the concept is so true. once a person becomes a shinhwa fan, theres no turning back. there could be some periods while fans arent as active because shinhwa isnt as active but once they come back, our love for them just explodes into something crazy. compared to other fans in this forum, i am a fairly new fan because ive only been loving them for a year at this time but i know that i will continue to love them forever. their bond and strong friendship is something that you cant forget. it is truly impossible to stop loving shinhwa once you start. after they serve their army time, i cant wait for them to come back together and share their love for each other with their shinhwachangjo fans. but, im looking too far ahead. for now, im anticipating their 10th anniversary! & for the many anniversaries that will come after that.

once a fan, always a fan. shinhwa forever<3

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Guest incarnadine

Thanks for reposting those wonderful photos, robotic. Brings back a lot of good memories. Sighhh. I love and miss Shinhwa so much.

Jinnie looks soooo cute in the IvyClub pics, and smoldering hot in the sports photoshoot :wub:

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thanks for sharing those pictures! i remember when i first 'met shinhwa' i was so excited to see those types of pictures! so fun and so enjoyable! how they all can make a photoshoot look all fun! how i wish there are more of such pictures! or if only they'd take more of such pictures soon! heh.

once a fan, always a fan. shinhwa changjo! 10th anni soon! YAY.

44 days to march 24th!

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omg i saw the video u were all talking about and i totally agree! i love the concept its cute//very true and funny. i can imagine im like her one day xP except i think i would have a diff job? haha wish i could go!! its in Cali? man thats close from here!! but i still dont think i can go. since im still "young" as my parents say *sigh* hope u all shinhwa changjoers who get to go have extreme fun =]

nutzie omg u remember my name o__o but since u still stalk here then nvm xD. i see. yes my posts have shortened a bit and i dont come often cuz of school :P haha i love the word "stalk" xD

80slitenite that just made my day~ i love that clip or should i say song? haha its such a nice song. listening to their songs are very soothing and make me feel better from a hard day or if i cant sleep they are like a lulaby,except the ones that are really upbeat ^^

[08.02.08] [News] Andy, a good son who take cares of his ill parent

[08.02.08][News] Joo "Felt surprise on first meeting with idol ANDY."


- ok i think this has came up before already... but do u guys think its really true this time? or rumor still?

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