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Guest lenakeem

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i was reading this and found it very interesting and very proud of our guys ^^ i think u guys will feel the same way hehe. btw busy with school. agaainn... ><

[08.01.11][News] Solji, "I only use Shinhwa's representative color, Orange" May bring out with full credits only. TQ.

Female duo group "2NB", Artist Sol Ji (Age 19) who is currently doing her solo activities comment about Local's most longevity group SHINHWA towards their deep friendship.

When Shinhwa debuted in year 1998, SolJi was in primary 4th grade and she recalls her memory and said "I really like Shinhwa oppas, even all the materials i use are only in orange in color. Although i wanted to join the fanclub, but due to i was too young i could not afford that sum of money, so i gave up" blurted out such phrases with regret.

Because of loving Shinhwa, Sol Ji then dream of becoming an artist, finally in year 2006 March debuted as a member of female duo group 2NB and released their first single "The first aroma".

Due to because of Shinhwa she had become an artist, Sol Ji said "I couldnt believe this year will be Shinhwa's 10 year aniversary. 10 years of activities they had gotten an unchange love from the fans, really made everybody envy about this. In my whole life i will always remember myself being as a shinhwa fan" and she smile brightly and happily after her sentence.


Cn Trans:jojoyu7@shinhwachina

Eng Trans: poohpooh@myshinhwa, shinhwa.biz

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Guest kiwistar


wow! that's so sweet! ANOTHER celebrity Shinhwa fan ^^

Shinhwa has definitely been a huge inspiration for a lot of people.

That's so cute that she was a 4th grade fangirl! And even using all orange ^^

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Guest ntlove16

nutzie - Thanks again! Ohh I enjoyed the lil youtube video! Minwoo said they got upgrade with their greeting. Andy quick transition. Eric secret shake hand, no one know what it mean... Cute....

They always put a smile on my face... Sometimes I dont know how to go on if I didnt know/have them. I never seen them in real life before, so if and only if I see them in real life, I would burst in to tears.... They are my passion, my love, my life, my inspiration. They are my everything....

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Guest love!melody

[08.01.11][News] Solji, "I only use Shinhwa's representative color, Orange"

that is so touching! hehehe ^^ such imagining a 4th grader being a dedicated fan of Shinhwa makes me smile! i find it so touching when a fan grows up to be a singer themselves. and even more touching if they see them in person and talk to them. and EVEN MORE touching if they get to sing & dance with them LOL And i agree with her, "In my whole life i will always remember myself being as a shinhwa fan" (:

ahhh~ 10 years *smiles*

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love!melody i agree with uuu sooo much. its so touching! i wonder if she got to meet shinhwa in real life? she should i bet she would get so emotional and excited that her dream come true to meet shinhwa boy its so great to actual singers like her to be inspired by a singer and became to be one.

kiwistar orange is my favorite color of course! i got the orange disease even my highlighter i use often is orange xD and yeah i have a lot of orange school supllies if i can find them at stores xP. weve all got the shinhwa changjo orange accesory disease hahaha.

haha these dorks xD especially eric hehe wannie is all like *serious serious* haha

[08.01.15][Dairy] DW, Camwhoring with leader

Do not hotlink. Bring out with full credits only. TQ.

The last moment was bored, so i hold the cellphone..

Then the air stewardess immediately came to stop me.. -_- ;

That was taken while we were on out way to China after ended our Japan performance...

That's all for today!!!



Cn Trans:yujin@bestshinhwa

Eng Trans: amane86@myshinhwa, shinhwa.biz

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I proof contract for my work and I used to use red pen to mark corrections and pink or yellow hi-liters to hi-lite sentences or paragraphs but NOW I changed everything to orange pen and orange hi-liters! LOL! So all my users sees bright orange markings! LOL!

Oh, I asked my husband about army thing but he didn't know anymore than we did.

It's really mystery to me why there's no talk of Minwoo going to the army when he's same age as Eric and Dongwan.

kiwistar orange is my favorite color of course! i got the orange disease even my highlighter i use often is orange xD and yeah i have a lot of orange school supllies if i can find them at stores xP. weve all got the shinhwa changjo orange accesory disease hahaha.
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Guest ntlove16

mommie Alice - Thank you for the army info, hopefully we can get some more info soon

I hope they would have a concert in US.... I really really want to go to their concert, but it's in Japan, China, Korea, and Singapore....

Too far away... :tears:

I should paint my room orange, and put shinhwa all over my room.... j/k my dad would kill me, I cover one of my wall with celebs picture, and he already not happy about that.... imagine a whole room..... o.O I might get shot the next day....

I wish there was no 2008, so they dont have to go to the army.... >.< Hic

Eric was injured badly when he was filming Wolf, he's still have to go to the army???? Poor Eric... And Dongwan broke his arm too.... >.<

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Guest maricris

always been silent reader here :)

i was late fan ( if thats the right word ) i've heard about them around 2003-2004 ( tru internert) but never really got into them, bcoz KPOP is not really known from where i came from...that time Chinese music ( mainly bcoz of F4 )started to get a lot of airplays here..METEOR GARDEN fever! then eventually KOREAN series here started to get attention too. since i love music, started to look for the music scene in KOREA enter KPOP.. i always read about shinhwa/..if i talk to some1(korean) on net, and i ask them about music, they will always suggest SHINHWA...so i got curious....then GUMIHO aired here... then i saw this guy who looked/acted really good,, he looked familiar....really familiar!...JUN JIN..from then on he became my fave member...i got hooked...always surfing around net tyring to find anything about them...i get excited from the things i've learned, seen ,just to find out that it happened 2 years before..lol. for me i'm still a newbie fan...just roughly 4 years, BUT YOU GUYZ ...you've been with them from the start...loyal fans that i admire.... i maybe from the other side but i LOVE THEM just the same....for them to come here is a bit far fetched but we'll never know... what i can say is that i love ORANGE since birth Lol. ...i'm soo happy that they're doing things together again, they're back, and it seems like yesterday that i pushed myself to memorize the dance steps for HEY COME ON till i was bleeding already..lol!..when the time comes that they have to leave us for awhile to serve their country... i'm just gonna be here waiting.. like a true fan...loyal...SHINHWA 4ever! :)

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Watching Shinhwa over the past 10 years made me realise i know too well to the sequence of their performances! (More or else, that is). It's cool how they never change it. So check this out.

Lets start from the beginning of the performance. Minwoo always start off the song. If he's not singing, he'll do a solo dance for a good 10 seconds. Somehow in his dance, he will do his "humping" (LOL) move and a "heart" motion with his hands. You'll know he's finished when he winks. Dongwan will always sing the first bridge, which is the same bridge sung by Hyesung on the second half of the song. Except he will add more pitch to it. When Hyesung does his singing solo towards the end of the song, all of the members, including the backdancers will fall on their knees or squat, leaving Hyesung the only one standing up, the music will slow down and for a moment there, the song will turn out to be a 5 second ballad, and then the beat will come back blasting. Junjin will sing the remaining of the song or just slung his arm on any member whos singing. Andy will always rap in the middle of the song and Eric will do his rap for the finale. Those two will always take center stage on the rapping part even when either one of them is not rapping. Its like an emotional support thing. Which i found so cute. And suddenly, out of no where, the backdancers will bombard the stage in the middle of the song or towards the end making you go "where the hell did they come from?? Were they there all along??"


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Guest raina_flor

guys question, i know this is an old clip i'm asking, :rolleyes: but would anyone know the name of the show where junjin, andy and i cant remember who else :unsure: did a JYP song and dance number. i know its uploaded in youtube but cnt find it :tears: can anyone please help me. thanks will appreciate it much. :wub:

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Guest greenblobfish
Lets start from the beginning of the performance. Minwoo always start off the song. If he's not singing, he'll do a solo dance for a good 10 seconds. Somehow in his dance, he will do his "humping" (LOL) move and a "heart" motion with his hands.


this is so true! i kinda like andy the most so i get really excited when andy gets to rap at the beginning of songs, but it's almost always minwoo! but i'm not complaining too much 'cause i like minwoo too

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Guest love!melody

ntlove16 i agree! they should totally have a concert in the US! i would totally go LOL like totally~ hehehehe, okay i used the word 'totally' three times, no, now it's four times >< anyways, yea~ if shinhwa had a concert in the US, i know alot of people would go. i mean come on! who could resist them? LOL and yup, all they're concerts are far away. even if i did have the money, my mom wouldn't let me go all the way across the world just to see a concert! but i would! i would spend my own money for the flight, concert, hotel, whatever it takes to see them in person. it's kind of sad knowing that i probably won't see them in person >< maybe i'll get to see them this summer if i go to korea but *sigh* wouldn't some of them be in the army by then?? anybody know around what month eric & dongwan will be going to enlist?

devilish_chunsa hahaha! i've always noticed that too! let's just say it's part of shinhwa's 'trademark' ^^

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[08.01.11] [info] 'ANDY the first NEW DREAM' 1st Album Cover + Tracklist

[08.01.14] [News] Andy adds on an additional show for his concert on Jan 21

[Pics] 2008 - M Calendar [evenif.net]

[Pics] Eric - 2008 Calendar [evenif.net]


[08.01.16] [News] The gathering of the 1st generation to 3rd generation idols




Shinhwa, DBSK, SS501, Big Bang - A gathering of the 1st to 3rd generation idols

In 2008, 1st to 3rd generation idol groups of the Gayo world will all be part of the gathering of the idols, and they look set to light up the music industry once again.

Among the idol groups that are active right now, there's 1st generation group Shinhwa and there's also 3rd generation group Big Bang. With the passing of time, idol groups are becoming younger, and their scope of activities are also wider. This is especially so in 2008, and the intense competition between the groups can be seen very clearly.

Shinhwa will be celebrating their 10th anniversary very soon, and are preparing to release their 9th album at the end of March. Members of the longest-running group Shinhwa will also be preparing for army enlistment, and as such, members who are currently involved in their solo activities will take a break from their solo projects and reunite to release their new album.

(non-related info omitted)

Shinhwa will be making a grand comeback at the end of March, and start off their large-scale activities.

Source: OCEAN'S

Chi trans: floradu2005117(悟空空)@热病81℃神话中文网

Eng trans: midnightgirl13@shinhwabiz

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Guest ntlove16

Arg.... Now I'm gonna look forward to March....

"Large-scale activities"

*cough* a concert in US...... please

love!melody - I told my mom I want to go to Korea in the summer, and then she just start laughing.... You are so funny mom.... :crazy: If I get to set my foot in Vietnam, I have much higher chance to go to Korea and see the concert (if there is one). But sadly the family argee that no Vietnam trip this year.... Grrr.....They havent actually anounce the day that Eric and Dongwan have to go to military yet, so I would say not until the end of 2008.... I think the reason I want to make a lot of money is to be able to afford airplane ticket, concert ticket, Cds and DVDs. If I have a lot of money, man I will fly everywhere just to see a concert, hire translators for myself... Maybe open a company like Goods or SMTown....j/k Too much day dreaming.....

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Guest kawaii30ph
Watching Shinhwa over the past 10 years made me realise i know too well to the sequence of their performances! (More or else, that is). It's cool how they never change it. So check this out.

Lets start from the beginning of the performance. Minwoo always start off the song. If he's not singing, he'll do a solo dance for a good 10 seconds. Somehow in his dance, he will do his "humping" (LOL) move and a "heart" motion with his hands. You'll know he's finished when he winks. Dongwan will always sing the first bridge, which is the same bridge sung by Hyesung on the second half of the song. Except he will add more pitch to it. When Hyesung does his singing solo towards the end of the song, all of the members, including the backdancers will fall on their knees or squat, leaving Hyesung the only one standing up, the music will slow down and for a moment there, the song will turn out to be a 5 second ballad, and then the beat will come back blasting. Junjin will sing the remaining of the song or just slung his arm on any member whos singing. Andy will always rap in the middle of the song and Eric will do his rap for the finale. Those two will always take center stage on the rapping part even when either one of them is not rapping. Its like an emotional support thing. Which i found so cute. And suddenly, out of no where, the backdancers will bombard the stage in the middle of the song or towards the end making you go "where the hell did they come from?? Were they there all along??"


Hahaha.... That is so true..... it will be fun if they change it a bit....

how about Hye Sung starting off the song...

and Andy will do the last part of rapping....

it will be March in a couple of weeks...

Lots of activities for SHINHWA.... yehey....

For sure, i'll be busy downloading again their vid clips and performances.....

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Guest lingling22

yeah!! concert here in the states!! i will definitely go... even if it cost much....

a jight with the boys will be extremely.... fun!!

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Guest infinityyy

hiii! thank you for the news and updates everyone<33

i was wondering when shinhwa's 10th anniversary would be on.

i wanna make a shinhwa cake :P

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Guest ..kaleena..
The last moment was bored, so i hold the cellphone..

Then the air stewardess immediately came to stop me.. -_- ;

That was taken while we were on out way to China after ended our Japan performance...

That's all for today!!!


awww, i like it when Shinhwa camwhores :D

[08.01.16] [News] The gathering of the 1st generation to 3rd generation idols



Source: OCEAN'S

Chi trans: floradu2005117(悟空空)@热病81℃神话中文网

Eng trans: midnightgirl13@shinhwabiz

wow, sounds exciting!!!

does anyone know what shinhwa's activites are around May??? do you think there's a slight chance that they might come to the HOLLYWOOD BOWL?!!? omg. that would be amazing. it would be their last chance until a while, right?? so you think they might come? hahahah xD *prays really hard*

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Guest incarnadine

Whoa, "large scale" activities this March!!! Gomapta for sharing the wonderful piece of info, aindy ^^ I'm squirming in my seat just thinking of seeing Shinhwa together again... can't wait :w00t:

PS. Btw hi everyone! I'm new here, just thought I'd say hello officially :)

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