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Guest lenakeem

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When Dongwan said he was going to bring another Shinhwa member, I had a feeling it as going to be the Bong :D

Somehow Woodong going to a party together just seems right :D

They're so nice to show up, although it's a soju-less party lol

Love when M looked like he was protecting himself from the girls lolz and when Wannie was like, "Minwoo ah~"




I'm thinking...we need to do something about the first page ~

It looks kinda lonely :(

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^ just a suggestion, but what about integrating parts of the chronicles into the first page? it makes it less lonely that way =P not sure if the topic starter still stalks this thread regularly though..

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Guest valmylove

i know i have been MIA for awhile.. but those clips are just love.. jindy have improved a lot, especially andy with his singing.. and i've always adored eric's singing.. he's the worst singer compared to all the members.. but i just love how he's so shy when he sings.. what a contrast when compared to his confidence when rapping..

*goes back into hiding*

gosh..one of my favorite song sang by the two of the six most handsome charming men that will be going or alrdy is in the service

*cries my heart out :tears::tears: *

thanks for sharing.... is there an actual link download so we can get a copy of it???

ahh that last clip...*tears* while laughing at their randomness....how can 10 gazillion topics be fit into that 5:21 minutes?????

gotta love them forever... wonder how Eric's doing? don't really wanna count the days that Dongwan's going... hopefully they will rock the service!! :ph34r: :blush:

Sweet Shinhwa Dreams!!

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Awww I got myself a fan!!!! YAYYY!!! ^^ I'm flattered... thank you... ^^

*but you really meant kriza with single z, right? coz there's someone else called krizza here... LOL*

Yes, Its you ^^ thank you for doing the Chronicle..... When i read it i cried :tears: so touch~

Hope you keep doing!! ;)

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Guest kriza_09

^ Yes, I plan on keeping doing it every year on their anniversary date... so please keep checking for updates... ^^


Anyway, this is something I posted in another forum... and since this thread is so quite, I might as well post this here...

it's just a collection of Shinhwa stuff, which I call my Shinhwa shrine.. LOL..

Anyway, enjoy... ^^

I specially designed the shelves on my own... This is how I left my shrine..

If you look carefully, you'll notice there's a photo in front of the Turkey photobook... that's a photo I got from Wild Eyes photobook.. it's Minwoo with bare chest.. ^^


With all the Shinhwa albums... I only need the 3rd jib and it's complete.. ^^ Ah I realized I have 2 copies of Perfect Man (one is Chinese edition and thus has Chinese version of Perfect Man.. LOL) I also have the everlasting mythology CD, which I've never opened the case until now.. lol..


With Shinhwa DVDs... I also have 3 DVDs of Minwoo's solo concert and 1 of Hyesung's.. but there was no more space... =(


Finally, with Shinhwa members' solo albums... I'm sure I bought Hyesung's single (the one with Lyn) when I went to Korea this march, but I couldn't find it anywhere.. ='( and I lost Minwoo 2nd jib.. have the case but no CD.. ='(


It's what every Shinhwa fan dreams of having, isn't it? ^^

Too bad I study in the US and I only go home twice a year.. so I can't really enjoy looking at it as much (that's why I took some pics of it ^^)... oh and every time I go home, I always have something to add to my collection (don't know if that's a good thing or bad thing.. LOL) This winter break, I'm going home and I already have Shinhwa 9th jib white edition, 10th year anniv concert DVD, plut their solo stuffs... >"<

Oh and yes, after searching everywhere for more than a year, I finally found the brand new story DVD as well as their 1st and 2nd photobook (the Wild Eyes and the Turkey one) ^^

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Guest hazrinaer

WOW!!! I'm speechless..I don't have that many of Shinhwa collection..only the 9jib..bcoz I know them recently..

trully a fan..

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shinhwa is the best !!! i love hyesung so much

Thanks for making ur first post here in the shinhwa thread! ^^. dont hesitate to comment and be part of our family!

nutziee!!!, ahhh!! *goes to find your hiding spot* ty for the surprisee!! we cant live without u! u always know the right clips to share ^-^ saranghaeee!

greenblobfish the watch o___o behold the watch xD. i saw someone post pictures of their watch on shinbiz too! was that u?... maybe not. my goodness o__o wear or not wear. idk! haha. i dont really wear watches though hehe.

kriza i love ur shrine o.o i think i'd be like *nosebleed* before i touch ur CD's ><. u keep them in a safe place? <3. gosh i wish i have all of those. when i get older and job first thing is buy those. i need the collection.!

love minwan at the party. happy that SNSD invited them. kekeke. minnie dressed so casual xD. and he looks hot anyway <3

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Guest miss lakwon

The SHINHWA SHRINE collection looks absolutely great! :)

It's so nice! I'm sure the Shinhwa boys will be glad to see this! They will be so happy!


I'm slowly building my shrine for SHINHWA as well! HEE HEE xD

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OMG Kriza! Love your shrine. You should let all the shinhwa members see it. I'm sure they'll be so proud!

I wish I had one like that too. But I'll be like strawberry16...i'll have nosebleed before touching them! haha. I'll probably wear gloves too! haha.

Anyway, thanks for sharing them and livening this thread!

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KYAAA!!~~~~ before i go to eat dinner. i have GOT to post this XDDD!!! SO CUYUUTTEEE!! dont worry sungie. i sure of it that eric has listened to ur message by now ^-^ <3

[08.11.03][trans] 081101 SBS radio program - Hyesung's message for Eric 


[08.11.03][trans] 081101 Hyesung's radio station Message for Eric

DJ: Eric had went to army.

HS: Ah, yes.

DJ: Never wrote a letter to him before?

HS: Nope, how to write?

DJ: Do you want to send a message to Eric whom is in the army from here?

HS: Radio message? Ah~ me and him really is...

DJ: Both aren't in good terms?

HS: Not no good, em... ha ha ha ha (laughs out loud as he claps his hand)

DJ: Didn't you say weird, and starting you also said that you are unware even though he lives below you.

HS: Even have background music, background music makes me embarrassed lah.

(Starts the message)

Jung Hyuk ah, I supposed you are now working hard on the training. em... ah... that's... after you've gone (there)... must listen to the instructions of the senior army men, if you follow their instructions and do well, because you are already old (laughs), they will also treat you well. Em...no matter what... em... work hard on training... em... when demobilize.. haww~ so embarrassing ah~ awww~ what to do~ ah leh~

DJ: mention about 'demobilize' already.

HS: Return back healthy and safety~ em.. after you come out, let's meet up... haww~ (claps his own hand)

DJ: Although it's a little short, however inside this simple message, we could feel your missing thoughts on Jung Hyuk.

HS: "Jung Hyuk ah", I never call this before, this seems like the first time I address him like this. Even sms is like brickering each time. Everyday, brickering. And, once I call, it will be hanged up, only talk on what he wants to say and after he completed, he will hang the phone. Only will joke around. Haww, so embarrassing, what to do. HAHAHAHAHAHA~~ haww, I am going crazy now.

DJ: Don't bother abou it, it's over. It's broadcasted already..

HS: That's why~~

DJ: Look after your own health carefully.

HS: That fellow won't listen to this, how will he listen to this at this moment..


Credits: hyesungstory@Shinhwa.biz (English translation) + RicSyung爱 (Chinese translation) + o811o1 SBS 파워 FM 송은이,신봉선의 동고동락 http://radio.sbs.co.kr/dongdong/ (source)

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Guest kriza_09

^does anyone know where i can download the file????

I think we all know the real story behind Hyesung moving to the same apartment as Eric's... There will be a period where all members are in the army except Hyesung... At first I was worried that Hyesung would feel lonely... but after thinking about it, Eric would be just a floor away!!! Even though he's technically in the army, he will still go home after 6 and since he can't make any public appearance, he will stay home most of the time!!!! I think Hyesung knows this very well and that's why he moved to his apartment... Especially since those nosy mosquitoes will be away in the army, no one will tease them and they can take their time doing things together... ^^ Hyesung-ah, your 'my-manager-took-care-of-it-i-didn't-know-until-i-moved' doesn't work for us... LOL..

well, dongwan will also be around, i guess... but he's always an outcast anyway.. LOL

after you come out, let's meet up...

see!!?? where else can they meet!!?? eric can't be seen in public too often or else he'll get criticized... so the only place they can meet is their apartment!!!! where no one can see!!!! ^^

Even sms is like brickering each time. Everyday, brickering. And, once I call, it will be hanged up, only talk on what he wants to say and after he completed, he will hang the phone.

see!!??? sms doesn't work, phone doesn't work.. so hyesung had to turn to the last resort: moving to his apartment!!!! there's no way out for eric anymore, right!!??? ^^


Oh, Wannie and Jinnie are on Sang Sang Plus together!!!!!!! I've been waiting for thisss!!!

I mean, 3 members (Minjinsyung) have been doing promotions for quite some time, why the hell have they not made appearance together even once!!!????? They keep appearing on the same shows at different episodes!!! It drives me crazy... I've been crossing my finger to see Minsyung on YSMM!!!

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^ Arg~ It is frustrating >.< Jinnie MC so many shows and somehow none of the other members manage to go on them!

Korea's 300 XD: Wanjin and Kim Jong Kook on the same show (one going in and one who just came out =.=|||). The teasing with Younha...So funny~

Wanjin's Once In a Lifetime on sang sang plus so killed me XD

And jinnie's expression when Wannie started singing Promise to a whole bunch of guys :D Wannie is so outcast haha~

5 years ago, Jin's rival was Micheal jackson...and now it's......

........SHIN JUNG HWAN lol

Umm...I think the Sungie radio show audio will show up when the show releases the audio. Should be a few days.

Hmm...didn't realize that he was going on a SBS show....I thought it was the MBC show with Alex...

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Guest 80slitenite

^the Korea's 300 thing was hilarious XDDD

I was so happy to see WanJin together on a show again. Last time they were on SSP2 it was too funny. I hope next week there is an Engrish part again. XD

I wanted to share some gifs I made. Can't wait for next week.

Korea's 300 and SJH's rival XD


Like Amy mentioned Junjin's expression while Wannie's trying to sing Promise to the guys. xD


WanJin doing OIAL with back up dancer Shin Jung Hwan. haha



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Guest shinhwa_xoxo1003

HOLY CRAP, Kriza_09!!!!! :o OMG, thanks for those pics of the collection. :lol: Oh man, im a huge fan of Shinhwa, but i never get enought Shinhwa' s stuff for my collection. I still have a lottttt to buy. Well, it's kindda difficult for me though, since i live in U.S. :( Well, at least i just got Shinhwa's 9 jib white edition and 10th anniversity Concert today. Hooray, more for Shinhwa's collection^^ :rolleyes::rolleyes:

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HOLY CRAP, Kriza_09!!!!! :o OMG, thanks for those pics of the collection. :lol: Oh man, im a huge fan of Shinhwa, but i never get enought Shinhwa' s stuff for my collection. I still have a lottttt to buy. Well, it's kindda difficult for me though, since i live in U.S. :( Well, at least i just got Shinhwa's 9 jib white edition and 10th anniversity Concert today. Hooray, more for Shinhwa's collection^^ :rolleyes::rolleyes:


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Guest hazrinaer

I hope someone will sub ssps2 later..I want to know what they tease dongwan about..and junjin expression was funny..

eventhough I dont understand korean but I still enjoy the show..

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