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Guest lenakeem

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^ hahaha.. hyesung was seriously high man. i really like this song. makes me so happy whenever i hear it. in fact, it's on my playlist playin continuously. haha.

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Guest theLEGEND

OMG! I haven't been here like forever! Anyway.. I've heard their Winter Story Album 2007 and "I'll Never Let You Go" is my favorite<3.

I keep re-watching Snowy Night MV for the GAZZILION times! It's so addicting~ :D

Thank you so much for sharing the news and pictures. I'm so glad to see Shinhwa back as a group. I really miss them freakin much! <33.

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Guest shy_angel

o... thanks for that... i was thinking that it finally makes sense when they said it would probably take 3-6 something years before all of them got together again in the same stage.

i have a question... when they're in army are they not allowed to produce albums? even if they dont do any sort of performances?

right about now... i wish they were already coming back ^^


3-6 years???

too long

ihik I'll miss them :(

shinhwa shinwa

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hey! hey! why is my wannie not even smiling in the picture??

and oh, i really love sungie's hair right now.. wahohoho!

so they were teary eyed after the concert.. i feel like crying too after reading that! i bet they would really shed tears next year on their concert in korea..

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Guest picklypickly

ahhh... all the talk about army service is making me saaad. And they're probably feeling it worse than I am...

On a better note, there are a couple more fancams uploaded by the same user. You've prollie seen it, but it doesn't hurt to post it here anyways right? I love that they're performing their older songs. Esp. for T.O.P., all I've seen are older clips when they were still under SM and lipsyncing.

Cheon Il Yoo Hon

T.O.P (short, Hyesung focus again)

Once In a Lifetime

And other fancams

Talk & Indiv Dance (haha, you get to see Hyesung's crab dance, Andy's heart dance and a lot of the tell me, tell me dance)



And randomly, a banner:


And a set




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Guest dbsk_cyn

Hey there!

Im not really a fan of Shinhwa but have been undating myself with their news once in a week in this thread.A while ago i was really into Dongwan and Minwoo. Thats how i know Shinhwa.=)

I saw news in lots of Kpop websites that the guys are joining the service soon but Dongwan and Eric are joining first next year. Eventhough im not really into them right now but i feeeel damn down after reading the news. How sad they're leaving their fans for a quite long period,2 years . Nono..not quite,its a long longgg period. There'll be no news songs or dramas or photos or any news bout them for 2 hell years! It's so freaking sad. I just dont understand why the Korea government has to set this rule for all the Korean guys to must join the army. I mean the most should only be a year but not 2 years. Damn it! We cant see Shinhwa working together for the next 2-5 years? Because by the time Wannie & Eric are released from it,it's time for the others to join.

But of course im sure fans are not going to forget them,right? Will wait till the time they're release from the service. Time flies~~

Al the best to all of them ,especially Wannie&Eric! We'll always remember you guys! =)

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I love this so much blush.gif . I just realized how deep JunJin's voice is, and I thought he's a great singer, but I don't hear him sing alone too often. Anyone knows some Shinhwa's songs with him as a focus?? My newbie knowledge is way too limited.

Try Junjin's single. It's so great

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Guest robotic

hmmm.. did I read that it will be possibly 3-6 years till we next see Shinhwa as a whole after they start enlisting next year?

So Dongwan and Eric and confirmed for next year, Hyesung is exempt.. but what of the others?

Any concrete confirmation and announcements as of yet?

*cries* I won't be able to bear the long wait.

I love this so much :blush: . I just realized how deep JunJin's voice is, and I thought he's a great singer, but I don't hear him sing alone too often. Anyone knows some Shinhwa's songs with him as a focus?? My newbie knowledge is way too limited.

Try Junjin's single. It's so great

I also love Junjin's deep voice as much as I love Hyesung's angelic voice.

I agree - Jin's album is worth a listen.

Also, he has his own song in one of Shinhwa's winter albums; 'Painfully Loving You'.

& Watch him do a cover of Big Mama's 'Resignation':

http://youtube.com/watch?v=p_keOilu21E <3

Feel free to PM me if you want any songs =)

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Guest jerrybabie26

No they are not allowed to produce albums or appear on any shows.

aww.. that's sad. but wasn't kim jong kook in the army when he released that MV with eun hye?

[07.12.10][news] Shinhwa: Teary at their last Japan concert before enlistment

something about the article makes me want to cry too... it makes you realize how much we really mean to them and it saddens them that they're one by one enlisting and it'd be a long while before we get to interact with them again... TT__TT but it does sort of make you smile too...

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Guest e ; c h o .

Hi, I haven't posted in the thread before. So here are some pictures from the 2007 Japan Shinhwa Forever Concert.

2007121009065210014wm8.th.jpg 2007121009065210011lj2.th.jpg 2007121009065210013xu2.th.jpg 2007121009065210012ob3.th.jpg


reuped by me.


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for the junjin article, i hope its true. :]

i want him to get a girlfriend and start settling down.

that goes for the rest of the members too.

it's about time. :D

ohhh junjin's love life...ummm maybe some should settle down, but i would get soo hurt ):

like if minwoo, eric, or hyesung did!!!!

they have already reached to the extent that they no longer need to promote their album, ever since 8th jib? if i remember correctly they only went on like 3 music shows for the whole 8th jib album. plus i dun really think they would promote winter stories...


wow i was soo excited cause i thought they were gonna promote!!!! why that kind of ruined my day....

but i'm still glad that that they are coming out with a winter album.


HYESUNG LOOKS TIRED/BORED! but i loveeee his hair colour! actually, i like his and wannie's hairstyle most! wannie's short hair makes him looks more refreshed to me.. heh.

till you guys mentioned it, i just realised, YOU'RE RIGHT! shinhwa dont need to promote their albums anymore, yet they will top music charts! but i must admit, i hope they'd promote 9th jib! we need them on more shows to make up for the hiatus after that!!!

anyway, my favourite song is i'll never let you go. think it's because it's dedicated to us, so i'm being a little more bias? LOL.

well they don't but......it feels like if they don't people will lose interest more. like yah people still like them, but it wouldn't be as much if they didn't come out. right?

ahah or maybe i'm just thinking of myself (:

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[07.12.13] [News] Shinhwa, December 15th "Goodbye" in HongKou.

May Take Out with Full Proper Credits Only.

No Hotlinking. Thank You.








Before the Shinhwa members enlisting on next year, their last Asia Tour Concert stop falls in Shanghai, December 15th, HongKou soccer field.

Beijing time December 13th, Group Shinhwa members came to shanghai and meet up with their fans and the press face to face. Members who appeard for the press conference were Eric, Junjin, Kim Dongwan, Lee Minwoo. The other 2 member Shin Hyesung, Andy due to they had performance schedule in Korea they were force to delay their arrival flight a day later. Thus, when the 4 handsome man appeared in the press they started off with their apology for the absence of 2 member. "We had no choice, but we are not parting. We will be appearing in a full complete image on stage to the fans." As 'The Revive of Shinhwa' is the most important activity for the group before their temperary parting for the enlistment, So they wish to use a full image to make the best/perfect performance on stage.

Revive of Shinhwa, Goodbye Shinhwa

Shinhwa stated that this concert is more meaningful than the previous concert they had in shanghai before, firstly is about their 10years anniversary celebrating with their Asia fans and 2ndly is that this will be their last performance together in oversea before their enlistment. The name it Revive of Shinhwa, is to continue their last concert name in Shanghai in year 2006 July 8th and also as a permanent goodbye to the fans. After this concert, a few of the members will be enlisting one by one and the total years of their parting will round up more than 3 years.

"We are not leaving everybody", although this is their last Asia performance stop before enlistment, Shinhwa refuses to say goodbye, "Believe in us, we will be back, because we love everybody, all our cute fans."

Lasting stable members

A nearly of 10years time, Shinhwa from a energetic teenager turned to their current perfect man image, from the changes of their fashion outfit and styling, but their popularity never died down nor changes, their humor and relationship too never changes, their last year success concert in Shanghai ---Forever Shinhwa --- 2006 Shinhwa concert was a good example/proof.

Although some of the Shinhwa member's solo activities are still on the run, but, through these 10 years, they would still take out some of their time to gather up, running activities together with the name SHINHWA, they are the only group in Korea which has no changes on the members and also the longest surviving male group, stability, is the biggest secret of Shinhwa who had grab hold the whole Asia music industry.

Visiting Shanghai , the local delicacies

Previously due to their tight schedules, Shinhwa did not manage to travel around in Shanghai, but this time, 6 of these man had chosen the closest hotel to the Chenghuang Temple. And we heard that after they had ended their rehearsal on the 14th Dec they will be separating going out looking for Shanghai's delicacies and their best view. 6 man, they even requested the organizer to prepare 6 car for them! Although the venue is unknown, but the basic places they will be going are surely beaches, New world, old west area and so on for the beautiful shanghai view.

Source: Shanghai Hotline & Shinhwachina

Eng Trans: amane86@myshinhwa, shinhwa.biz

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Revive of Shinhwa, Goodbye Shinhwa

Shinhwa stated that this concert is more meaningful than the previous concert they had in shanghai before, firstly is about their 10years anniversary celebrating with their Asia fans and 2ndly is that this will be their last performance together in oversea before their enlistment. The name it Revive of Shinhwa, is to continue their last concert name in Shanghai in year 2006 July 8th and also as a permanent goodbye to the fans. After this concert, a few of the members will be enlisting one by one and the total years of their parting will round up more than 3 years.

"We are not leaving everybody", although this is their last Asia performance stop before enlistment, Shinhwa refuses to say goodbye, "Believe in us, we will be back, because we love everybody, all our cute fans."

This part makes me cry. :tears: Their presence will be missed in the kpop industry but i'm looking forward to their return. From then on they will be with us forever.

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Guest kriza_09

wait.. if they're in shanghai right now, so that means they're not going to show up at the golden disk award??? i was hoping minwansyung could win something... =( oh well, if they chose to have a concert and meet their fans instead of attending the award show, then i shouldn't say anything..

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Guest angel2nyt

[07.12.13] [News] Shinhwa, December 15th "Goodbye" in HongKou.

"We are not leaving everybody", although this is their last Asia performance stop before enlistment, Shinhwa refuses to say goodbye, "Believe in us, we will be back, because we love everybody, all our cute fans."

i got teary-eyed reading this part..

we know you'll be back??

but dont make us wait that long.. goodness..

kriza_09 yah..fans are more important than awards in shinhwa's books

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Guest kriza_09

oh apparently hyesung showed up at the golden disk award... i woke up sleepily to study for my final which is in 5 hours.. i set up the alarm at 1 but ended up waking up at 1.45.. >"< wasn't expecting anything when i played the tvants.. but as soon as it was connected, i saw hyesung singing first person!! lol.. must be a very lucky day for me *hopefully, coz luck is my last hope for the final today*.. and he sang brand new too!!!!! i completely woke up when i heard the first tunes of brand new.... and i secretly prayed that the other members would show up and sing with him.. though i realized it was impossible since 4 of them were in china.. lol..

edit: hyesung performance at golden disk award -> http://qtv.freechal.com/Viewer/QTVViewer.a...%F0%BD%BA%C5%A9

he rocks!!! lol. ^^

note: i'm posting this here because it's a shinhwa song.. hope it's ok.. otherwise i'll edit my post..

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