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Guest lenakeem

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alright, so i finally got a chance to listen to Dongwan's new album and i think it's one of the more engaging korean albums i've listened to...my opinion might not be credible as i'm a huge fan/admirer of Dongwan and his voice...but i'm usually very picky when it comes to music. so let's just say....Dongwan certainly DID NOT disappoint with his first solo album.

so i listened to each song in a scrutinizing manner and here are my comments on some songs:

Track 2 - 삼총사 (Feat. MC몽, 허인창): this song is one of the more catchier songs in the album. DW's voice sounds exactly as i expected it to be...fun, strong, and addicting. the chorus is very easy to sing to (even if I'm not korean) and MC Mong's rapping voice matches great with DW's...hey, they aren't close friends for nothing. haha.

Track 5 - Scream (Feat. D.Bace, DJ Tukutz Of Epik High): alright, i've seen some of DW's rock solos during concerts and i thought they showed the strength in his voice very well...they really helped him show to others that he CAN sing on his own...however, i was never engaged by any of these performances...maybe b/c the songs weren't his. nonetheless, i'm sooo glad that he included a rock song in his album because it is sooo freakin' awesome. Scream is soooo good and i find myself listening to it over and over again. DW's voice shows here that he can go beyond ballads and pop songs and that rock is definitely not an obstacle for him. i love this song because DJ Tukutz helps with it (and i've always been a big fan of his), b/c the chorus has a mix of a japanese flavor to it (i mean, i almost thought he was singing in japanese), and b/c the song is sooo different from what we all expected. also, this song is sooo DISTINCTIVELY Dongwan...it doesn't sound like anyone except DW. So "Anyone, anyway, any chance SCREAM"...for this song cause so far, it's my favorite out of the 12.

Track 6 - 사랑이 가여워: out of the songs that only include DW, this one is my favorite. it's a ballad but it has something different to it...i don't know...it's just that as i was listening, i was predicting the rhythm of the song, but it kept changing on me...and i loved that. also, DW's voice is excellent here so....i'm happy. :D

Track 7 - My Love (Feat. Eric): you guys were right...this song is definitely a Minwoo song, but the cool part is that you expect MInwoo to sing a song like this so it's even more refreshing because DW's in it. haha. i have to give major props to Minwoo for his songwriting abilities...he's got talent and a lot of it too. this song is R&B sounding and once again shows that DW is exceedingly versatile. now i've always thought that Eric was a talented rapper but i never thought it was anything special...this song however was made better with his rapping. it was sooo nice to hear Eric's voice...i don't know, after watching Que Sera Sera, i planted in my mind the idea that Eric was an actor, and not a rapper, so it was soooo nice to hear his rapping here. it's very soothing and i have new respect for him cause NOW, i see him as one heck of an actor-singer. also, is it me or do you guys hear some Weak Man (8th album) rhythm being incorporated in this song?

Track 09 - 남은 사람 (Duet with Hyesung): i've been anticipating a solo with both HS and DW ever since i found out about Shinhwa and now my wait is done and they did not disappoint me one bit. i mean, it would've been nice if the song was more upbeat, but this duet shows the range of these two talented vocalists. their voices complemented each other so well that i almost lost track of who was singing which part as i was listening to the song. i loved it how the song didn't separate their voices by verses of the song; instead they both took part in every part of the song. i love the end when they took turns to sing. and you guys are right, this song does sound like a Hyesung song...these two are my favorites in the group and listening to this song only enforces my addiction to their voices. haha.

Track 10 - 사랑해선 안될 사람 (Duet with Byul/Sung): love this duet, very soft and relaxing to listen to. loved the last part when they both sang together simultaneously...Byul has tremendous talent in singing, DW obviously has talent...these two blended perfectly together. all i GOTS to say is that DW should sing with female singers more often with that extraordinary voice of his.

Track 11 - 진담: i heard this song before, but here, DW's voice sounds more mature and experienced so i like it.

so that's it, sorry for the long post but i had so much to say about his album and didn't know where to exert my thrill for DW's first solo. :D

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Guest kiwistar

Are there any Bestiz links for DW's MCountdown perf?

I'm really DYING to see it x]

btw, for those who watched live, did DW perform LIVE? I didn't want to read the spoilers xD

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Guest infinityyy

Ahh, today's Wannie's first album release date. (I haven't been keeping up.. =P and some of his songs were already released a lot earlier? How do people get the songs before the album is released anyway?! >:[ )

ginnie: Those caps are so0 cute! Thank you for them and the translations too. Eric is so0 awesome<3 Although he was mad when sending Wannie that text, I can't help but find it cute and a lil funny. Shows how much Eric loves the Shinhwa members and just makes me wish I can one day have a friendship like theirs<3



Ahh, I own a Shinhwa page! ^_^ Sorry I have nothing to share :( Maybe I can make a graphic later :D

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Guest nutzie

Are there any Bestiz links for DW's MCountdown perf?

I'm really DYING to see it x]

btw, for those who watched live, did DW perform LIVE? I didn't want to read the spoilers xD

for hankerchief, i'm 100% positive that he sang live, because his voice was shaking and we could hear it.. for scream, i'm not sure, cos i haven't heard the song before.. krizza's 50-50 on whether the song is live or not, but she originally said it's live.. i hope that answers it =P

yay dongwan's debut - youtube links =D

http://youtube.com/watch?v=eIA2CVIHlAw - hankerchief

http://youtube.com/watch?v=kRASVPT0mg0 - scream

now you don't need to read our spoilers [ack, i don't know why i put spoilers in the first place O_o"] just see it for yourself =D

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Guest nurkeyandie

hello, everyone! :)

disclaimer: this is gonna be a "krizza" post (a bit long, hehe)...

first, lemme reply to previous posts:

p. 1038

nutzie (nat, right?), i really wonder what happened to shoo and hyesung. :( i don't know anything about their relationship at all, but it's always sad to hear when people, celebrities or not, break up. even if i don't know anything about shoo (except that she was part of s.e.s.), she and hyesung deserve to be happy (don't we all?).

also, i saw that eusha eusha perf and i really watched out for who was the most hyper and, yes, it was dongwan. hahaha, it's true, everyone was dancing "coolly" except for him. :lol:

p. 1039

krizza, nope, i haven't heard wandy's red sunset yet. :( if it's like their i love summer/i love the beach, then i'm sure i'd like it. thanks for the ricsyung sites that you recommended, i checked them out. you're so right, ricsyung complement each other - hyesung grounds eric when he's being too crazy or weird and eric loosens up hyesung when he's being too uptight. :) and i've read the shinhwa chronicles before; it actually made me tear up.

p. 1040

amy, i agree with you about andy's dancing, and andy's strength for that matter. when i see shinhwa variety show clips, i feel like andy gets overshadowed by his hyungs, but then i'd see him playing the games and i'd be surprised by his strength and competitiveness. :lol:

krizza, the bsets are amazing and thanks for the wannie pic spam. i swear, at first i was concerned that he lost weight, but he really looks much more sophisticated now, like a matinee idol. when i look at those pics, i have to remind myself that i'm devoted to hyesung. hehe. about minwoo and when he performs, the thing that amazes me most is his confidence. he's sexy because he's so confident.

riz, thanks for the warm welcome. i'd like to post lots but i doubt if i have anything to share. :( like i said before, i'm a very recent shinhwa fan and i'm completely at your mercy for shinhwa news and info. so i'm really grateful to everyone on this thread for everything that you share! :D

p. 1041

shoutout to jessica, yuska, lissa, kelly, and jkchen88! hi, y'all! :)

p. 1042

jerrybabie26, i felt like crying when i heard wansyung's duet too...

and a special shoutout to my first ever soompi friends kim (Krain5) and K4Ice (how are you guys?)!

ok, so now that's done, i just wanna say this about dongwan (coz it seems like everyone's in wannie mode these days): i think he's the most down-to-earth member. from what i've seen and from the little i know about him, i feel like he's the most approachable. like if i saw shinhwa in a hotel lobby or something, i'd probably approach dongwan first (and ask him to tell the other members that i wanna take pics with them and hug them and give them gifts and get their sigs and be all stalkerish, haha!)...i keep imagining it and i realize that i won't be able to approach ricjindy coz they'd probably be messing around, minwoo coz he'd probably be talking with their managers about their perf, hyesung coz he'd be keeping his eyes down and probably won't look at me (and frankly, i'd probably faint before i get anywhere near hyesung :blush:)...so that leaves wannie, who'd probably be looking around the lobby, all smiles, and waiting for fans like me to come up to him and say hi. :) i saw his perf (thanks for the links!) and HE ROCKS!

also, i have a confession to make. i thought i'd never like shinhwa's music. i've never been into pop music, much less boy bands (i'm more into rock/alternative music). i got hooked on shinhwa coz i was really impressed with their amazing bond. i thought i'd never post anything on this thread, that i'd just always look and lurk around to see if there are new clips of them on talk shows and such. what happened exactly was i saw eric on que sera sera, looked up shinhwa, laughed at all their crazy antics, found this thread on soompi, and i thought that was that. of course at that point i've seen some of their mvs, like wild eyes, brand new, etc. they're great songs, really, i just never imagined i'd put them in my ipod and listen to them when i drive or whatever. well, my opinion of their music (and their singing talent) changed when i heard angel (and i read the translation). like i said before, i'm going through a really difficult time right now, and when i heard angel, i cried (even if i don't know korean at all). when minwoo sings, "i'll make you smile again, i promise you!" (then dongwan has this run right before junjin's rap - that's still my fave part), i really believe him, you know? i haven't heard all of shinhwa's songs, but i'm pretty sure angel will always be my favorite. i know this sounds like the rantings of a crazy fangirl (which i thought i'd never be), but i'm just thankful that i discovered shinhwa. they inspire me to work harder, to forge ahead. aaaccckkk, i'm being emo again! :lol:

i remember reading a comment about shinhwa on this blog i always check out. one guy said that shinhwa was a manufactured boy band with no talent whatsoever. i thought that was mean, but he was entitled to his opinion, and in fact, i even laughed at his description of the members. but then i kept thinking about his comment and i realized that i was actually kinda hurt! that was the moment i knew i was hooked and became a shinhwa fan. i started watching their mvs and their live perfs and and even if i'm totally unqualified to critique pop music, now i truly believe it's impossible to say that shinhwa doesn't have talent simply because they do. sure they were manufactured, sure they were trained and taught how to sing and dance and perform, but all that training actually developed whatever they had in the beginning and now, just look at where they are. :)

ok, so after that extremely long (and emo) post, i now have another question for you guys (especially for those who live in southern california, or in the us)...which cable channel/s should i tune into to see shows like mnet, inkigayo, ysmm? :unsure: we're on charter cable (and i have that sinking feeling that i have to pay extra to subscribe to those channels) so please, if anyone can tell me, pm me or something. thanks!

and again, thanks everyone for the pics, links, icons, bsets, etc!

(btw, there are pics of hyesung performing in vietnam in the celeb pic forum; i think the thread's called, "korean singers in vietnam" or something.)

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Guest nutzie

hi andie [yeah you can call me nat/nutzie.. doesn't really matter..]

i first knew shinhwa through eric too =P but it was through super rookie [i thought it was hilarious] and i was amazed by his dancing skills [well he danced in the drama] and i laughed so hard when he puts on some make up.. so i researched about him.. and you know, the rest is just history =D i guess that's why eric will always be in the no.1 place in my heart, because he introed me to this wonderful world of k-pop that i got hooked on =D

angel is like, my cousin's favorite song too!! when i was over at her place last year, i influenced her so bad.. i was basically shoving shinhwa down her throat ㅋㅋㅋㅋ and it helped that we were watching my girl and i kept saying that park shi yeon is was eric's girlfriend.. so it got her interested =D we kept singing angel again and again [of course with gibberish lyrics] even when we were walking down streets..

as for my fave song.. i really can't decide.. hahaha.. it changes according to my mood really.. but the one i'll never be tired of is eusha eusha [as you can see from my crazy knack of posting eusha eusha performances..]

fyi, to watch those shows, you need to download this program called tvants [er.. does anybody know the exact website? i can't remember anymore] mnet is a channel by itself, while inkigayo and ya shim man man are programs on the sbs channel [right?]

umm hyesung and shoo.. i'm not sure about the details.. i've only heard rumors, and even then i'm not clear on what happened between them ^^"

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Guest satisfaction!



I'm gonna download his songs cuz like Krizza said, I just can't help but listen!

I will for sure buy his album though<3 (along with minwoo and hyesung!)


And hello to all those ppl who've greeted me ahaha :D



zomg i just saw his sexy perf. on youtube, and i'm already in love with the song 'hankerchief'<3

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Do you watch Global Talk (aka Chattering Beauties) Show too? Love this show.Did you read my conversation with Dominique (Chae)? Appearantly she is Dominique (one of the beauties on the show) and I casually asked her if she can request member of Shinhwa, since DW, M, & Hyesung, to be on the show since they will be promoting their solo albums and she mentioned that DW will be filming this Sunday! WOW! I love this show and hopefully DW will get some air time in. When one of the member from H.O.T. came on the show, Dominique got to sing one of the H.O.T. song. Hopefully she gets to sing Shinhwa song too. Oh, just in case some of you are wondering why I asked Dominique to request to have Shinhwa member in the show is because in her profile, she wrote Shinhwa is one of her favorite boy celebrity. Another beauty, Junko, wrote in her bio that Hyesung is her favorite.

Chae over at Global Talk Show thread in K-drama section posted that Dongwan will be going to their set this Sunday!!! So he might be a guest on the talk show too!!!!!
So we don't know if DW sang "scream" live or not? I thought when they carry mike in their hand usually that indicates they are singing live?Doesn't some of the music shows require live singing only? Does anyone know if mnet is one of them? Which music shows are for live singing only?
for hankerchief, i'm 100% positive that he sang live, because his voice was shaking and we could hear it.. for scream, i'm not sure, cos i haven't heard the song before.. krizza's 50-50 on whether the song is live or not, but she originally said it's live.. i hope that answers it =P
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Guest Rozzy

wow..dongwan on chattering of beauties. =]]]. one of my friends was on that show in the beginning. she was studying abroad there nd yea. she stopped tho bc she came bk to america. lolz.

i think itz pretty interesting that wannie isn't preforming on music core nd music bank yet. maybe he's waitng for minwoo??? hahaha. that'd be really cool. rofl. x].

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Guest nutzie

mnet doesn't require artists to sing live.. and i don't think they always use handheld mics for lives.. but i'm not quite sure either..

do you know when exactly dongwan's coming out on the show? what channel is it?

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Guest sunnydays.

Sleeping only three hours just to wake up early & watch Dongwan's debut on Mnet Countdown was TOTALLY worth it. :D (Krizza, I TOLD you i'd wake up! XD; )

Anyway, it was awesome watching it & "spazzing" with Krizza, Nat, & Rozzy. (: We were all so nervous for Dongwan's performance, especially "Handkerchief." By the end, we were all so proud and shouting and screaming for Kim Dongwan! :sweatingbullets:

I agree with Amy, that Dongwan wasn't very familiar with the song, therefore he was more tense and nervous than he usually is... yeah, I think he's still getting a feel for it. However, under the circumstances that Amy brought up, I still think Dongwan held up very well and had a good performance. His vocals were still strong and supported, and the chorus was always so powerful and breath-taking. (: Although he was shaky here, he will only get better as he gets used to it, and the whole deal that he is NOW a solo singer. Siighh... Dongwan as a solo singer. I'm so proud of him! :D

"Scream" was great. =D Definately a fully 180-degree turn from "Handerkchief"; I think it helped because it showed his versatility with singing. First a ballad, now a powerful, energetic rock-ish type of song. I was SO happy to see him dancing! (: Amy, really, JunJin choreographed that one? Awww that's so cool! Gahh, I love this Shinhwa love. >;] Anyway, haha... I agree that this song is definately a "Dongwan song." It suits his voice perfectly. (; I'm glad he performed this. I'm looking forward to later performances, when he actually gets more comfortable with the dancing & has more stage presence.

I'm so proud of Dongwan. <3 He did great. I CAN'T WAIT TILL INKIGAYO, GUYS! (:

Ginnie, thanks for your post with the pictures & the thing about Eric & Dongwan & the text messages. Haha, that is so cute.... & I love how Dongwan just laughed while Eric was actually angry. (: Siigh. I wish they would get together too. But it's great to know that they keep in touch. Shinhwa hwaiting!<3

Andie - It's alright if you're a fairly new Shinhwa fan. (: Just your post now, it was a great contribution. We love hearing from other Shinhwa fans & discussing things with them~ & we're thankful for your participation & genuine love for Shinhwa! ^^; I agree, Dongwan IS very down-to-earth. I love that about him - he just seems so approachable, and there have been numerous accounts where Shinhwa fans have commented on how Dongwan was the most friendliest & the one who waved & smiled and acknowledged them the most. I'm also with you, if I EVER get a chance to see them in a lobby, I would probably approach Dongwan, too. (: I think Andy would also be very approachable; Andy is definately a down-to-earth guy, & he's extremely humble & is always thinking of others. Fans always say that he's very friendly towards them too, like Dongwan. Minwoo, Hyesung, JunJin, & Eric seem a bit intimidating to approach, but I have no doubt that they're friendly towards fans too. :P

It's definately hard to ignore Shinhwa's personality. They're just so unique and CRAZY, especially with their "antics" (as you put it =D), but I think it's also hard to ignore their music too. After all, they are a SINGING group. I got into Shinhwa because of Eric too -- I was interested in him, who rapped in Hyori's Anymotion, & before I knew it, I was listening & watching videos of Shinhwa. (: After that, I was immediately hooked onto their music. THEN I was hooked onto their personalities. So their music interested me before I knew their personalities. "Angel" IS an amazing song, isn't it? It brings goosbumps to my skin every single time I hear it. I LOVE that part too! "I'll make you smile again, I promise you!" & DONGWAN'S RUN IS SO ANGELIC!<3 I believe him too. (: Shinhwa always puts a smile on my face, & I constantly look to them whenever I feel down. Shinhwa just has that sort of power on me. But I <3 it. Haha, it's not emo, it's completely understandable. They inspire me toooo~~ Cheesy, but it's true! XD;

I also LOVED "Crazy". I fell in love with Eric's little narration in the beginning (his deep voice is to die for<3), & when Dongwan comes in... I immediately melt. (: The MV was amazing for me, that's when Shinhwa caught my eye physical-wise. I saw Dongwan & JunJin, & I was SO intrigued by these two boys who sang so well with the rest of this group! :P So yeah. Shinhwa DOES have talent. I think their talent is overlooked because they're a famous boyband -- boybands are often stereotyped as being famous only because of their looks. Well, ofcourse Shinhwa has some of the most GORGEOUS faces on this earth, but looks can only go so far. It's their talent & hardwork & determination & passion that led them to where they are now. They're SO successful, as Shinhwa & individually. And even their individual stuff, that all came from Shinhwa. WHY? Because they're TALENTED. End of story. =D

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Guest sine81

I just took a look at Minwoo's new album, but no eric or other shinhwa members are featured in it. Too bad. I thought eric was suppose to be in it, didn't he say something about it in an article? Or is that another album they are planning on working just the two of them? Interesting.

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Guest jerrybabie26

i'm a fairly new shinhwa fan too... i dont really remember how i got into them but coming across their xman guestings was definitely a great influence my addiction.

i actually out grew my popish roots when i reached 16 and i never thought i'd get back to it again... i got so into alternative i practically shrank away from anything pop... but seeing them and hearing them just got my interest peaked and i must say i definitely love their songs. and its quite a variety too... their songs are mix of everything... and it also helps that they have great singing voices and great public appeal...

and its true... as a boyband, they keep being stereotyped as being mere pretty faces or figure heads... and their talent/s are all but neglected... which is why i also think its good that they branch out from being a group to being solo artists as well so that they showed their own capabilities. and they have gotten farther than a lot of people might have expected... because look at them... amidst all of the criticisms... they've established themselves more than just gasoos...

they're CEOs, actors, composers, lyricists and probably more...


i watch global beauties.. of course, i dont understand anything but its fun watching the show lol i'll definitely watch out for wannies guesting...

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Guest theLEGEND

It's been a while since I've posted in this thread. I have ALOT to catch up! Anyways.. I've heard Dongwan's first jib and I'm loving it <333. :wub:

My favorite is "Track No 6 - 사랑이 가여워" and I freaking love "Scream" as well. I love all the duets with Eric, Andy and Hyesung also. I'm definitely buying the album.

Can't wait to get a hold of Minwoo and Hyesung's albums. How about Eric's solo album? I hope he's going to release it soon too. :)

I miss JunJin very much. I saw his picture and he's still in China. He loves China that much huh? There aren't any more news about him. I hope he's having fun in China.

Right now, I'm on SHINHWATUS and I'll be back to check up on things once in a while since I don't know when I'll be back wholely. :D

PS: How come Minwoo's 3rd album is already out? I thought it's gonna be released on July 10th? o__O :huh::blink:

I just took a look at Minwoo's new album, but no eric or other shinhwa members are featured in it. Too bad. I thought eric was suppose to be in it, didn't he say something about it in an article? Or is that another album they are planning on working just the two of them? Interesting.

I'm not very sure about this but if I'm not mistaken, I think it's for Eric's solo album which I'm not sure when will it be released.

Never mindd.. I think both nutzie and Rozzy are right about the first song on Minwoo's album. It does sound like Eric's voice. :P

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Guest nutzie

I just took a look at Minwoo's new album, but no eric or other shinhwa members are featured in it. Too bad. I thought eric was suppose to be in it, didn't he say something about it in an article? Or is that another album they are planning on working just the two of them? Interesting.

actually, if you listen to the first song on the album, showdown, the rapper sounds like eric [90% sure of it] and rozzy also thinks so.. i was O_O when i heard it..

another eusha eusha performance [actually rozzy found it, i'm just posting it here] i told you i'm obsessed over eusha eusha performances, be it live or lipsynced..


- see eric sliding back to his place shortly before 00.30

- very cute dance at 00.54

- somebody [either eric or minwoo] got lost at 01.05

- do you see hyesung falling at 01.37 or are my eyes playing tricks on me?

- maybe we should hire woodong to pump the tires of our cars and bikes [02.00]

- aww they didn't do their dance on the floor.. i guess nobody wanted to look like they peed on their pants [i guess it was raining on that day, and thus the raincoat, which i had mistaken as hamtaro pj's at the beginning -_-"]

- somebody did a very cool spin at 02.25 who's that??

- aww cute moment at 02.58~

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Guest sunnydays.

jerrybabie26 - yes yes, I agree! (: Keke, even though Shinhwa is generally considered "pop", it's really hard to keep them in that music genre. Like you said, their music reaches out to a variety of different genres. That's because Shinhwa is just so cool & talented like that. :P

MJ - OMGAHH. SHINHWATUS?! WHYYY T__T; Come back here, youu! Haha, I know right... total bankruptcy after Dongwan's, Minwoo's, & Hyesung's. I can't wait till Eric's album comes out too. >w<; I thought it was coming out soon, but I guess not? Anyway, I'm still in the hype for Dongwan. (: I miss JunJin though. It's great to see him reach out to fans in China. But I want him back. With the Shinhwa members. =___=; LOL.

Nat - Yeah, Krizza said something about Eric being on Minwoo's album. Anyway, if it IS him, that would be incredibly amazing. :D Keke.<3 HAHA YOUR EUSHA EUSHA POSTS! I love you. :P I actually watched this before & got so weirded out with their raincoats. LOLOL. So it WAS raining? o__O Anyway, I like this performance! (Well, what Eusha Eusha performance do I NOT like? XD; ) The way they transitioned & moved around the stage was SUPER cuute. :P Haha, I saw Eric slide into his place. & it DOES look like Hyesung slipped! I think it was Andy who did the spin... however, it may have been Minwoo, because I know he can do that type of "Michael Jackson" spin. I only thought it was Andy because I kept an eye on who did the spin until the camera zoomed up, & it turned out to be Andy. But I might be wrong cuz of camera editing & stuff. Haha Nat, this was such a cute performance. =D They reminded me of waddling ducks... because of their oversized raincoats, their arm movements were covered & they seemed like they were flapping their arms a lot. LOL. Nat, thanks so much for all the Eusha Eusha postings<3 I loove them all! (:

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"Scream" was great. =D Definately a fully 180-degree turn from "Handerkchief"; I think it helped because it showed his versatility with singing. First a ballad, now a powerful, energetic rock-ish type of song. I was SO happy to see him dancing! (: Amy, really, JunJin choreographed that one? Awww that's so cool! Gahh, I love this Shinhwa love. >;] Anyway, haha... I agree that this song is definately a "Dongwan song." It suits his voice perfectly. (; I'm glad he performed this. I'm looking forward to later performances, when he actually gets more comfortable with the dancing & has more stage presence.

I'm so proud of Dongwan. <3 He did great. I CAN'T WAIT TILL INKIGAYO, GUYS! (:

^ Haha...I was just speculating because some of the steps looked so jinnie-ish :sweatingbullets:

I know where I saw some of the choreography before...not really the same, but similar.

Remember how I said the song was so familiar? So I went and checked through my j-pop/rock files and it's a remake of Glay x Exile's Scream single last last year, or was it last, last, last year ?? Anyhow, I always thought it was one of the awesomest, but odd collabs lolz Now I want to see wannie perform it with a live band ^^ Dongwan's vocals are more brooding than teru and atsushi's, so his remake is a bit more 'mezmerizing' and 'hypnotizing'? Are those the right words? lolz Anyhow, it just squeezes at you. While the Japanese original kinda makes you a bit high and ready to jump around. No doubt Wannie's perf has better dancing :blush: He's most definitely doing the song major justice!

If you guys watch the fancams of his Scream perf, you'll see that, other than the chorus, a lot of it is live :) The intro and the bridge for sure.

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Guest aindy

Krizza.. thank you.. :)

all Wannie's songs are G-R-E-A-T~!!!

love all of it..

i wouldn't be suprised if there would be 2nd and 3rd jib for him..

and that comeback performance was a blast..

i even 'Scream'-ed inside watching it..

was that the song M made some dance steps for it??

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Guest samshiku

i LOVE LOVE LOVE dongwan's album...i love scream i love handkerchief i love ALL the tracks...

ok anywayz..i uploaded a short clip i watched in the 6th fanmeeting of SHINHWA changjo..until when i watched the clip did it seriously impress upon me that shcj is indeed the most self-controlled, passionate and organized fanclub...its' amazing...


..esp when i see how well behaved they were when they were literally in VERY close proximity with shinhwa with NO BARRIERS and in LARGE OPEN SPACE...and they were SITTING down in neat rows wearing uniformed orange jackets doing a nicely coordinated bdae song with actions for Eric's bdae...they are amazing...

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Guest nutzie

woahh!! the waves were soo cooll!!! even the members were standing up and stuff.. i love the orange heart balloons~~ and all i heard was 25th and congratulations.. so i guess it was for eric's 25th birthday.. the peekaboo's and saranghae's.. they aren't only well behaved, they're really coordinated too.. i respect them for being so considerate.. if it was me, i would've lunged forward and stolen eric out of sight..

riz - hahahah we are not only the original clan of eric lovers, we're also the eusha eusha buddy~ hahahah come to think about it, they really look like ducks =X

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