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Guest lenakeem

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WEEEEE!~ i received this CD full of shinhwa mp3s from ate AI, or aindy here as a present (hugs ate ai), and i'm totally in love with one of the songs there, it's from their winter story 04-05, track #12... sung by.. ANDY!!!!!!!

<---- i uploaded it on youtube by adding the romanized and english trans from aheeyah.. :P

I KNOW!~ i just love them being hyper.. haha, they're like a bunch of kids. wish i could stop time and make them stay liek this forever.. but of course they mus grow up, marry me, err, i mean, marry and move on. righty?

AHH!~ wan's indo dance... lol.. i never get tired of seeing him singing it. lol... he just sounds and looks so dorky and yet so handsome and lovable!~ AND RICSYUNG!!!!!! AHHHHHHH!~ haha, i must tell you one thing, i'm a BIG follower of WOODONG and RICSYUNG!~ haha, so anything with wan and minu, okies. eric and sungie? okie sokies hell yeah boy!~

ah, thanks about the b-sets. i haven't made one in weeks. of course you can steal! haha, just don't direct link, only rule for me. you direct link, you die a painful death. crediting isn't mandatory, it's okay sinc ei see a lot of people using my stuff without credits but i'd appreciate it if you will do credit me. ^_

ahah, labingtatlo you're hilarious!! Is it alright if I call you Krizza btw? You can call me Livvie ^^ Thank you for the youtube link with the eng translations of Andy's song!! I want a long stemmed rose from him!! They are like a bunch of kids..but thats why we love them so much right? but no one can stay a kid forever....so up they must grow so they can marry us....i mean so they can marry.. :lol: RicSyung is awesome!!! those caps you posted of them holding hands was so cute ^^ Oh, and I promise I won't hotlink...'d like to stay alive...but I will credit you...I have a thing about crediting people...you made it, you deserve it ^^

[Real Pics] Dongwan & Hwang Bo (During Filming Of 'Come To Play')

Thanks so much for the caps of Wannie and Hwang Bo Mal!! They look like they're having so much fun together! I can't wait to watch the show next week!

Credit on the pics

omo, Eric looks drop dead gorgeous!! Thanks so much for the caps!!

I'm sure we have a large amount of fans in US but I don't think we have something like you guys have.

I know we have a lot fans living here in the US....we should totally try to have a ShinhwaChangJo USA!

Rozzy Thanks so much for the mini 'tranlastion'/synopsis of what happened during the beginning of the quiz game in Jihwaza! I was wondering what Hwang Bo was saying for Andy to have a reaction like that :lol: so cute!! and AHAHA SUPERMAN ANDY makes an appearance!! omo..and his english *faints*

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Guest nutzie

krizza - yeah, rozzy and i were watching and chatting on msn =P you should've joined us.. we had lots of spazzing and cheering =P oh if you want to download it, you can go to the jihwaza thread [they usually have it up a day or two after broadcast] or you can watch it at veoh [i think the user who uploads it is meiyeechan] i hope it gets subbed very soon cos it looks like a riot =P well i wanted to do a jihwaza spoiler but i had to go straight after the broadcast and i just came back and saw that rozzy's already done it.. so i won't bother doing it then =D

one more thing.. umm.. i think if it was a bloody nosed eric.. i would still be scared >_<" but you know what? for my brat, i'll endure anything =D i was out fishing today and kept fantasizing about eric reeling me in ^o^ aww ricsyung~~ they look like a bashful new couple about to announce to the world that they're together or something.. hahaha.. who can resist ricsyung love??

kassuma - thanks for the clip.. hahaha junjin looks pretty hot~~ as hot as my face -_-" but his chinese makes me laugh.. it's so monotonous =P i thought he's been studying chinese?? weird translator, he's like whispering to junjin -_-" what's he trying to do with the poster thing?

ginnie - hooray for erictures [oh that's supposed to be eric + pictures.. okay nevermind i'm lame..] i feel like slurping my screen right now.. he looks hot in everything except where his hair is like super greasy and slicked back O_o" that one's just weird..

kriza - maybe you can try going back to minwoo and hyesung's cafe and ask for the address? i don't know.. hahaha..

huh? i own a page with nothing to share yayy~!!

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Today's Jiwhaza was hilarious. Andy had alot of air time and he was funny! He was more active than usual!

Anyway, I did brief translation of Andy's part only.

6/16/07 - Jiwhaza - Andy's part only

(A-Andy; SJH - Shin Jung-Hwan; LJH - Lee Jae-Hoon; LJ - Lee Jung; HY - Hyun-young; HB - Hwang-Bo)

Tiger' Cave: Snakes


A: (In English) Can I touch it? Wow...

MC: Andy sshi, touch it often

A: Yes, I touched it alot.

HY: Feel it

A: Yes, I felt it alot.

PHYTHON snake:

MC: Andy sshi? (asking him to hold the snake)

A: No, it's okay

HY: (tries to get Andy to hold snake)

A: You have to speak in English

HY: (in English) Try...

A: (in English) She wants to try again.

A: I forgot everything. (holding his head)

Question: What type of snake is the one Mr. Hendricks had around his neck?

A: (telling H) You don't know what kind of snake it is.

A: See I told you you don't know what kind of snake it is

A: Yellow snake! (he saids it in cute little boy voice)

Earthquake Floor:

SJH: What do you think is your level?

LJH: hehe.... (acting like a dumb person)

Andy: Since I'm a idol star...he.. (acting like a dumb person too)

LJ: Don't you know? (acting dum too!)


A: I was really fast!

A: Look very carefully. These 2 fingers..if you look carefully...it's because he's itching...he's scratching...


MC: All have 2-letter names.

(all are shaking hands but Andy pretends he's not understanding it until MC saids it also means you all have 2-digit IQ and then Andy acts like he finally understood!)

HB: Hallyu Star Shinhwa! Shin Hyesung is vocal, Eric is leader, Junjin is Choresographer, you are...

(Andy shuts HB's mouth by covering her mouth with his hand)

A: I lost!

A: Do I really have to say this?

LJ: I'll say it. Andy was...you know H.O.T.

A: Originally I was suppose to be member of H.O.T. Originally Shinhwa is suppose to be 5-members. They were deciding if they should put me in H.O.T. or Shinhwa....all of sudden I got popular...so decided to be 6th member of Shinhwa.

HY: If you look at it, it can be heartbreaking story...

A: Yes, there's even song for it...."eventhough the heartache..."

PICTURE of 3 people faces mixed together: Who are the 3 people?

A: Jun Hyebin, Lee Jung, Lee Jae-hoon

PICTURE OF ADONIS (mother, father, and child): explain the picture

(so funny because Lee Jung's kept on saying his pants are torn, Hyun-jung is she can't do this anymore because she scared (because Hwang Bo kept on getting mad!))

A: Look at the picture. He's going out for the fight.

MC: Going to a fight? Who? the husband? With who?

A: Yes, going out to battle!

MC: Wrong.


A: YA!

MC: You can't use that.

A: Sorry, I just to make it funny.

LJ: It's because Andy's mom told him that he's not trying too hard during broadcasting.

A: Now I can say it? Ae! (Andy is out)

MC: If Hwangbo wins, Andy will wear rock. (Dol-mu-ri = rock head = dumb)

A: Just a minute.

HY: It's because this game is worth 30 points.

A: Who said it's worth 30 points?

HY: It's always been 30 points.

A: Why didn't anyone tell me?

A: It I knew, I would of tried harder!

A: If you had told me earlier....

HY: We put explanation of the games in waiting room. Didn't you read it? You should of read it before coming in.

A: My GOD! Writer noon-ha didn't tell me that.

HY: Jiwhaza game explanation was there. You should of read it.

A: Oh, sorry then.

(Hwangbo is mad at Andy and chasing after him because she said she can't pay attention because of Andy) (Hwangbo lost)

NEW GAME: Copy exactly the body models when described by someone behind the screen:

(no translation is needed except in the 2nd try, when the older guy (Lee Ghe-In) is the describer. When asked him if he knew everyone's name and when he came to Andy, he called him Eric!"

Credits: shinhwachangjo, shinhwa.biz (shinhwasarang), soompi, mommie Alice

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Guest aindy

[Pics] 2007 S/S Andy Dress Shirts, A.N.D.Y (Andy star brand shop)






Credits: Interpark + Hyesungstory @ Shinhwachangjo.net

mommie alice, thanks for the translation..

can't wait to watch it..~!!!

kassuma, thanks for the links..

JJ keeps on hiding his right hand..

poor Jinnie..

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wow! there's a lot of pics!! haha..

thanks for posting those pics..

and Andy looks so HOT on those pics!!

and he is not a baby anymore!!

he looks manly a lot on those pics..^^.

for the past few weeks this thread was quiet..

and im glad that everyone's starting to post again..

and oh, i forgot to welcome krizza for coming back!

and for the others as well.. haha.. pardon me if i didn't know your names..^^.

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Guest kassuma
Guest loving_D

i wonder if andy will join wansyung for promotions (even though he has nothing to promote...but hes still always coming out on shows!). that would be awesome! wansyungdy united again!

ANDY made it to Round 3 of SOOMPI PRINCE 2007 thanks to all of you. The theme for Round 3 is Cuteness (aka, you want to pinch his cheeks). Go Vote for our Andy! last chance to save him. He's not called Cute Boy for nothing. :D



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Guest kassuma

what am i doing.. >.< i should be studying for wed. test and doing my essayy... this wont take long though :phew: xD)

hey have u guys seen this clip? its an awesome video of mindy on radio with subs! thanks to crystalis and angeldreams for subbing this. if u havent check this out. watched this as soon as i woke up this morning haha click me to watch!!

krizza really schools starting for u? opposite huh? well yes schools not gonna stop us frm loving shinhwa and having our daily activites with them. shinhwa changjo <3 krizza u needa get better cuz it makes us sad that u in bed and not online with us. even though ur still supporting shinhwa. lolz i knoww if wannie shows his body during the MV im gonna faint right when i see it *looks for dongwan pictures and faints already*

ricsyung ahaha u make me smile krizza! love those ricsyung pictures. hyesungie so shy about that hehe. they are such a cute couple hehe i feel that thing pulling me into ricsyung again xD

itz Nhari LOL wow i cant believe how many people there are just to see them once. they walked really fast so it'd be like impossible for me to see them. im pretty sure the one in the black hat is junjin right? i see that there are both genders of people and all ages. proud of shinhwa ^^

loving_D yay! andy made it! thanks for updating us on this for the 2007 soompi prince! i know that andy will win cuz he's just too cute to resist.

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Guest kfosho

i cannot wait until dongwans solo.

ive been waiting for this moment

for.. like 9 years lol.

ahah 9 years!! wow you must be really happy right now huh? hhehehe

so much new information about shinhwa!! i am dying at the moment...eric featured in dongwan and m's album? im just going to die when i hear it!! there's been so much news about them recently i am so excited, if i lived in korea i would be spending so much money going to see all their activities and what not, but since i don't i have to be happy to get their albums! thanks for posting the news!!

awww i love it when shinhwa members help the other shinhwa memebers with stuff like this (: ahah why isn't eric gonna be in hyesng's mv?? ahah is there still promblemss eheheh

i dont know how dongwan can get hotter as he gets older?

that goes with al the shinhwa members don't cha think? but maybe not really hyesung...sorry hyesung.

ah omgee junjin's accident!!! i hope he is going okay.

oh yes i heard his song Love won't come at a korean supermarket and i was singing along really loud (: good thing no one was there.

hi all.. havent been here for so long...

just want to let you guys know that right now i'm sitting right in front of the computer in hyesung's n minwoo's mall cafe.. ^^

there's nothing to eat except ramyun.. ㅠㅠ

but there's a lot of shinhwa pics with their autographs.. haha..

i also visited shinhwa's kyochon chicken store.. it's really goooddd!!!! there's a menu that only shinhwa's kyochon store has... called shinhwa series.. and that's the best menu on the list!!!! other kyochon stores only have original and hot series.. i've tried all of them and shinhwa series is the best!! ^^ and of course i love the interior design.. ^^ full with shinhwa stuff..

that's all for now.. hope this isn't considered spamming~~ ^^


edit: i just read junjin's news.... arrghhh why are they so stubborn!!???? he should've gone to hospital first just to check if everything is okay... coz sometimes even a slight concussion can have a fatal effect in the long term.. ㅠㅠ all shinhwa members are always like that... putting their fans first before their own health.. ㅠㅠ

so i'm guessing you are at korea!!! you are soo lucky!!! i ddin't know hyesng and minwoo had a cafe!! ohh i wanna goo soo badly even if they only sell ramen!!

and the chicken!!!!

yah you are right junjin should have gone to the hospital right away jsut in case!!!

this is my first time posting in this thread and I'm really surprised cuz there's more than 1000 pages...just goes to show how many dedicated Shinhwa fans there are hehe :sweatingbullets:

I'm excited since I've heard Minwoo's 3rd solo album will be released in Amercia (i.e. easier to buy it yay!)

Shinwha fighting!

^oh yes welcome to shinhwa thread!! hope you come heree more often (:

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Guest lenakeem

[Pics] 2007 S/S Andy Dress Shirts, A.N.D.Y (Andy star brand shop)



Credits: Interpark + Hyesungstory @ Shinhwachangjo.net

mommie alice, thanks for the translation..

can't wait to watch it..~!!!

kassuma, thanks for the links..

JJ keeps on hiding his right hand..

poor Jinnie..

ooh. at first when i saw those shirts i was like.. :mellow:

but the more i look at them the more i like them :)

im sure it'll become a big hit. maybe ill buy some for my brothers lol.

whens dongwans solo comming out like the exact date?

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Guest sunnydays.


hahha, i can say hot!~ ahha, so i'd say it, "HOTTT!~"

i know i know!~ jinnie;s old hair is back!~ man, he loks so cute and yet so manly..

ah, school's over for you there so you'll be able to pay attention to shinhwa more, eh? haha.. see you around rizziesh!~


I missed youu. D: <3 I missed you & your awesome Shinhwa spirit. But i'm so glad you're back. >w<; You'll be around too, right? RIGHT? you better be, or else I'll kidnap Dongwan. & then i'll go with him to track you down. (; Haha... rawwwr, definately, JunJin is so cute. :P Love that Eric icon! & omgg... ofcourse, you wouldn't be Krizza without the RicSyung-ness. (: soo adorable. haha, Hyesung's laugh in the end. So cute! Thanks for the pictures, love. (: <3

[Real Pics] Dongwan & Hwang Bo (During Filming Of 'Come To Play')

Thanks so much for the pictures! O___O Dongwan = handsome. No joke... goshh, I love his smile. (: Dongwan looks great. & Hwang Bo looks so pretty! Thank youu! (:

Credit on the pics


Hii. <3 Thanks so much for the pictures. Eric looks AMAZING. (: My heart is flutteringg~~ I seriously love his hair. & his smile... is gorgeous. <3 Wow, I can't stop smiling. >w<;; My cheeks hurt! :P But yeahh, thanks so much for the pictures. Although in that one picture, where his hair is all slicked to one side... LOL. "sophisticated" Eric. :P He still looks great. (: Thankss.

what am i doing.. >.< i should be studying for wed. test and doing my essayy... this wont take long though :phew: xD)

hey have u guys seen this clip? its an awesome video of mindy on radio with subs! thanks to crystalis and angeldreams for subbing this. if u havent check this out. watched this as soon as i woke up this morning hahaclick me to watch!!

Thanks for the link. (: i'll watch it later, but mann... I think i've seen the translations of this before. But I really liked it. (: I can't wait to watch Minbong & Andy, puahaha. >;] thank you!

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Guest lenakeem

dongwan has a great side profile :)

and his new pictures for his cd is fricken

AWESOME! ahaha made me have another

heart attack <3

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Guest itz Nhari

anyone have a link to where i can dl their music?

We are not allowed to send you direct links to their music.

If you want some of their music, pm me.

I will be able to upload a lot and send it to you! ^^

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anyone know a clubbox to download the subbed files for shinhwa??

thanks in advance

well, it depends on whic kind of sub you are looking for ^^

for english sub, you can try either at shinhwa.biz or shinhwachangjo.net clubbox

for chinese is either at shinhwachina or bestshinhwaclubbox ^^


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Guest diddl06


i want english sub

can u give me the clubbox link for them please (shinhwa.biz or shinhwachangjo.net clubbox)

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