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Guest lenakeem

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no.. no..

shinwhas not going to the army. iw ont let them! I WONT LET THEM. IL'L GO TO KOREA NAD JUMP INFRONT OF THEM T__T

they cant.................................


im jus gon have to watch all of my shinhwa clips. over and over and over and over again. =(

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Guest x_sadendings

oh man. so many pages to catch up to ><;;

thank god it's the weekends now.



with the army news?

.... :(

there's a part of me that doesn't want them to go and a part that says djkfdsj go and come back already!

o.o;; wow wan wasn't kidding when he said we wanted to play a bad guy/evil role

now i really wanna see how this drama plays out [hope d-addicts subs this 8D]


Summaries meaning:

In this programme will be devided into 6 section, introducing each of the SHINHWA member, each episod is 30 minutes long. The content including SHINHWA activites in Japan & Korea during year 2006 and 2007 january 'Kpop Super Live' backstage special in Japan.

Broadcasting Date

February 4th : DongWan

February 11th: Jun Jin

February 18th: Hye Sung

February 25th: Andy

March 4th : Eric

March 11th : MinWoo

Credits to:

Source: Mnet Japan

CN Trans: 丰丰丰@shinhwachina

Eng Trans: amane@mySHINHWA

Upload to: s-sarang, shcj.net



:o oh man i wanna see this! 3 hours of shinhwa = <3

*writes down the boradcasting dates*

*is now off to read the ither pages but forget where she left off u_U;;*

random note:

i re-watched the sbs awards and im still bugged by what eric wore xD

like rozzy said he looked like a fish :D[noneless a hot fish] and the tie o.o

but wheeeee he won hehe oh oh though i did like what he wore at the MBC drama awards!

*stops ranting & knows people are getting annoyed >.>*

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Goldfish Next Week's Preview


This is during the NG segment. At least we know that he's going to act as a guy :P






good thing he's a 'guy' again :lol:

thanks for the caps, jc..

is that weird dance part of the NG or just he just want the crew to laugh?? :lol:

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Guest angelix

6/1 [news] Golden digital disc worth 125 0000



golden DIGITAL DISC (DD) is born!

SedonaMedia5 expressed that, to welcome the golden pig year, the golden DD is made.

golden DD was made under the request of a maniac japanese fan, named Miss A. Miss A went thru and fro japan and korea to see SG WANNABE, SHINHWA and other kpop artistes performances in a year.

SedonaMedia " Miss A has the plan of creating golden DD in nov 2006, she requests that the artistes who have made their works into a DD have their DD changed to golden DD.

artistes who have released DDs are sg wannabe, shinhwa, mc mong, spy, rain, ivy mega mix and others, total 8 DD.

credits// myth + 打糕@shinhwachina + prizzyy@ http://s-shinhwasarang.net/forum

Taken from this thread --> http://www.s-shinhwasarang.net/forum/index.php?topic=345.0


...and i'm born in the year of the pig <3 :lol:

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Guest hammie2010

5/1 [news] Shinhwa -- 5 brothers enter army?

thanks for sharing =) sigh.. 5 of them... =(

Goldfish Next Week's Preview

This is during the NG segment. At least we know that he's going to act as a guy :P

finally acting as a guy XD looks like he is doing the heart dance... thanks for sharing =)

6/1 [news] Golden digital disc worth 125 0000

thanks for sharing =) the first thing i did when i read this post was looking for SHINHWA's XD 1250000... its in WON right?? tt makes it abt SGD2053.80.. WAT?????????

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Guest chopsticksandspoon


*hugs all*

i missed 13 pages!~

wow. that's a lot.

but it's my fault.

i was gone thrusday cause i got sick again so we went to the hospital. and darn, three more new medicines to take. <_<

and i was here yesterday but was busy with PROJECT ORANGE STUFF SO YEAH...



so click on the link in my siggy to go and read WAN'S STORY!~

if you don't... you'll die in six days. :ph34r:



yesh, the one that i won from SS by entering their minjin birthday sparks contest!!!!!

i got third place.....

and one of the prizes is a POSTER, their SEOUL CONCErt one and waaa!!!!!!

i was just so hyped up!!!!!!!!!!!

lols, i taped it up on my ceiling, right above my bed, so i can look at them while lying down. and wan's right above me. ^^



i hope i get the other one...

THANKS MAL!!!~~~~```

also, thanks to those who shared pictures... mal, amane86, rowane, ginnie, cooliever, ate ai, gaxlod, sarah, DV, xh, bresis, MJ.

to those who shared news... mal, amane86, joyce, ginnie.

to those who shared links... xtine, dreamweaver, nat, angeldreams, sarah, rozzy, pandan, harumi_chikamatsu, joyce, mal, pandan.

i love you all.


square-boxes, sorry, i forgot your name. ^^

anyways, thanks for translating the mnet stuff.

i really love you for doing it.

and i learn more and more about their behavior from it.

minu's such a perfectionist.

*strives for perfection*


DV!~lols. don't worry. well, andy's sad childhood?

oh, you haven't watched YSMM with andya nd se7en yet, have you?

i suggest you go and watch cause... you'll understand better.

i'm not that good explaining.



RIZ!!~~ heya riz!~ yay you missed me!~

lols. *hugs ya*

and ofcourse, posting ricsyung pics made me feel better.

i mean, just LOOKING at ricsyung pics makes em feel better, what more posting them?

haha, it gives me shivers up and downmy whole being!~ reading stuff that proves just how much shinhwa love each others...

always makes me want to cry and feel loved too.

their friendship truly is exceptional.

joyce!!!!!!!~ lols. why is me being back scary?


but yes, i gotta admit, hyosung is pretty. and cute. and talented.

still can't get over the fact that wannie blushed because fo her!!!!!!!!!

i mean, BLUSHED!!!!!!!


BUT YES!~ a songhyekyo and eric drama WOULD BE FANTASTIC!~

because..... shk already has a strong hold in the filipino hearts... hehe. and that means... more chances for a shinhwa invasion in the philippines.

*prays hard*

aw grawr.

i wann steal eric from PSY so badly now.

highest paid actor, cf model, and endorser.... man. and not to mention his income as a shinhwa member (which is pretty high). man, can eric get any richer than this?

*steals eric*


ginnie!~ thanks for the really cute ricmin gifs. lols. these two...

and for the eric channel.. hehe. i totally love that ep of M's... haha. eric wiggling his toes was too cute!~

and also, for the wanjin gif.

those dorks.

and also, for the eric news.... thanks!~

i'm so proud of eric.

i'm printing this to show my friends and force them to support shinhwa. haha.

joyce!~ i'm glad OiaL got 6th place. that's pretty high.. well. one is good but 6.. perfect number..... :blush:

MJ!~ fine. no stealing. *keeps hands to self*

but your avvie just looks so cool!~

and hot.



i said no more long replies but what am i doing right now?

*nods head*

that's right. a long reply.

but i can't help it!~


haha, i can make you smile!~ *is happy*

i'm glad i could. ^^

fine, i'll stop licking andy.

*licks minu instead*


ate ai!~ haha, fine. i'll give the "taking care of andy" position to you.

i'll keep my "licking andy" position.

oh yeah!~ i said i won't lick him anymore!!!!!

*hides self*

and how cna you post pics of JINSYUNG????

*takes off all jinsyung pics*

hehe. jk.

imma go fine MORE RICSYUNG pics!~


thanks for them....


xtine!~ lols. i just read your "useless" post.

how can it be useless when you're only telling the truth????


and making people like me smile at your dorkiness.

*hugs you*


naomi!~ lols. yes. me and my ricsyung pictures. ^^

DV!~ haha. maybe you ARE turning to me...

maybe cause you miss me....

haha. jk.

ooo!~ take a pic of yourself wearing the top!!!!! i wanna see!~

and DV, you dork.

1. i don't know about the shinhwa forest either. lols. live there. dork.

2. dotty answered you.

3. i think minu modeled for this? am i right?

4. rozzy already answered ya!~

5. i have some. but i can't look for them now. i will though. and i'll post them here for you ^^

6. dotty answered already.

sorry if i only comfused you more.

MAL!~ thanks for all the shinhwa news.

lols. and yesh, shinhwa accomplished SO MANY LAST YEAR!~

also... thanks for teh poster!!!!!!!!!!

*hugs you*

lols. i was right. they can't find me in my home cause we're always out. lols.

but they finally came at a time when we WERE actually home!!!!!!

and i got it yesterday!!!!!!


*hugs you till you can't breathe no more*

dotty!~ ah. i guess all we can do is wait.

and see what will hapend with this SAT girl.


kyle!~ helloa dn welcome to the thread.

michele got you to shinhwa?

*calls michelle to give her a hug*

lols. i hope DV doesn't scare you away. haha.

GINNIE!~ you just made me cry.

thanks for the translation.....

seriosuly, i feel so weird crying.....

man. i love shinhwa.


xtine, lols. i just gotta laught at you funny antics.

*hugs ya*

shinhwa are so not gay.

but i still believe in ricsyung.


XH!~ lols. fine, i give up typing your name. haha.

anywyas, thanks for the new eric diary post.

i love love love eric.

he's so cute!~


and sorry if i haven't completed my quest for the ingredients.

let's say... i became busy. BUT i will find them all!~

gotta find them all!~



oh man.

eric. i actually thought that what eric wore in the event was REALLY GOOD.

so i was surprised to see some of you guys here say it looks weird. lols.

and now, i see that it is expensive as well. haha.


JOYCE!!!! is that what i think it is????



sarah, lols. uncle dongwan was a nickname that the netizens gave wannie. and he said that maybe it is because he looks old? haha.

yeah, old and gorgeous.

mal!~ can't resist but say that minu looks EXTRA HOT in lyn's party.

MOMMIE!~ thanks for the trans!~


XH!~ those minu pics. *drools* i can't keep my eyes off minu. sometimes i wonder how he can be so good looking? so sexy? so... wonderful?



mommie!~ i agree. i love his hair like this. wish he would keep it like this forever...

but whatever.

minu can go and shave his head and he'll still look HOT.

XTINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! really, you can??????

pwease pwease pwease???????

i am planning on buying a new phone,a samsung one.

and i was deciding if i should buy this one or the other one because the other one can play wma files. and the other can't. haha. i was seriosuly considering buying the one which can play wma just because of minu even though i don't really like it. <_<

but now!!!!!!!!!

oh, when you have the time, just upload it. ^^ is MU okay. haha.

i still don't want wannie to be with the girl. but it seems that he's going to get her.


you know???????

that he's a great kisser????

he told you about it????


but i told him it's a secret....

oh well, someone's bound to discover....

just don't tell or wan and i will both be in trouble...



joyce..... a pic of minu?

at a friend's wedding?

wish he didn't stole the show from the groom coming looking like HOT SMEX.

if i were the bride i'd like....

"who's not in favor of this wedding, please speak up now or forever hold your peace."

*bride raises hand*

"i changed my mind. i want minu as my husband instead."

*pushes groom off the altar."


but then minu will say....

"sorry, i'm marrying krizza already."


ginnie, there is such a thread?

wow. i don't know.

i hope i don't stumble upon it.


MAL!~ minu and his manager looks SO CUTE TOGETHER!~


minu looks so cute.


am i in a minu mode????

XH!~ oh gosh!!!!!!!

eric is so cute.

so random.

what a dork.

i mean, talking avbout his drama.then minu's album.

then eating grapes.


and he calls them demons??????


*DV!!!!!! demons, devil.... puahahaha!~*


midnightgirl, hello!~

welcome to the thread!!!!!


p00hpal!!!~ really? i'll pom you then!~

haha, i might not have some of what you have.

gaxlod, oh! don't feel that way.

i hate that feeling.

and i feel it sometimes and it makes me want to cry.

i don't know....

did you ask a question before?

posted a clip?

a picture?

i try to answer the important posts here.


so that no one will feel left behind.cause i ,myself, hates feeling left behind.


puahaahhaa. you're so right.

his manager is SO cute. and his personality looks to be bubbly... haha.

shinhinm, lols!~ wan's manager is TALL and HOT? is there a pic somewhere? can somebody take a cap? haha.


sarah, i think taht andy was just joking when he said that. you know, andy being playful... ^^

MAL!~ they're going to the army this year?

all five of them?????


i know i know.

it's just that, the earlier they go, the earlier they can come out and go back to shinhwa stuff.



lols, why are you saying sorry to us????

lols, i ought to be hugging you so tight now!!!~~~~~

MOMMIE!~ lols, i think you posted in the BATTLE SHINHWA thread in the kmovies and dramas section.... BUT if you posted in the BATTLE thread here in the music section, you should see that it's pretty acyive too. ^^ the link is in my siggy, mommie. ^^

lols, i'm in every BATTLE forum there is. but i'm particularly active in BIF ^^

but i don't think that there is a 30th episode. it's only up to 28th episode. though, there are some episodes that have two parts. ^^

i think that downloading it is worth it mommie, cause shinhwa appears a lot. and you get to see their advices.... and stuff. and you get to see minu playing with a jump rope!!!~~~~ man. he looks HOT.

and also!!!~

thanks mommie. please do continue reading the fic. you'll love it.

we've started wan's fic. i just posted the prologue yesterday.

nat(nutzie) here is the next writer for chap 1.

NAT!~ lols. you fangirling over minu's manager....

*smacks nat*

lols. well, better be the manager than minu.....


*hugs nat*

MAL!~ minu and sungie gave a message to XING??????????


*runs to look*

this is weird.


don't ask why. i'm weird.

andy topless!!!!

*shuts eyes before she can lick andy again*


midnightgirl, lols. i made a bset for lynda (vietgirl604) with that "i brought sexy back" line the other day. ^^

it was one of my present for her in our secret santa in OC, which was real fun!~

*hugs rozzy, nat, riz, xtine and lynda*

then i also made a bset saying..... "M's got a real sexy back"


i've been listening to his version for weeks now.


XH!!!!!!! really???

they're broadcasting it??????

when? i mean. what time?????

i can watch from tvants now, thanks to ROZZY!~

*hugs rozzy**hugs you*

lols, and thanks for the wannie entry....

i miss wan and his entries.....

i need wan entries to fuel the fire of my wannie mood.

michelle, you just pm lynda.

and you're all set!~

LINH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you're back!


well, we're not getting annoyed. lols.

i am not.

BUT, i think eric looks good in the suit. i don't know, it blends really well. the colors are great, the cut is great, the design is great. and the tailoring is great. ^^ plus, he can pull it off.

hot fish.

haha, i just had a picture of eric rolled up in a spam and cooking on a grill with a fish tail. lols. credits to rozzy for the idea. haha.


MAL!!!!! haha, what is a DD?

lols. sorry, i don't really know.

i mean, what's the difference from the other normal ones?

the other ones aren't gold? ^^

and this is?


but WOW. all the artists that have one are SO HUGE.

SG wanna be..... kjk, ivy, rain, mc mong... PSY.... wow!~

and of course, shinhwa.

i want two.... shinhwa's and sg wanna be's!~



wannie and his charatcer in his new drama... MEAN!~


the bad guy... man. i'm always in love with the bad guys....

i hope this gets subbed fast like ksa.


and i hope it's HQ!~


*prays hard*

YAY!~i'm done!!!!!!!!!

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^ omgoodness krizza. I hope you're feeling better OoO

Here, look at this.

It will cure ALL illnesses :)

Laughter is the BEST MEDICINE



And this:


WAIT! Sorry...hope this one didn't give you a nosebleed and a fever XD


Hi everyone,

I opened a GROUP on youtube. I'm hoping it will become a collection of English subbed shinhwa vids on youtube. So please join and click the 'ADD TO GROUP' everytime you come across a ENG-subbed shinhwa vid while you're surfing through videos ^^ Sometimes some of us miss a yummy subbed clip here and there in the sea of videos. So please join if you watch shinhwa vids on youtube, it will help lots :) Thanks


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I hope you are okay. Did you have flu?

In the CB (I forgot which one) had 2 split episode of 28 which was the final decision and then there was another one it said Ep. 30 with week after Ep 28 date. My CB is still not working...it's going at 1% to 4% on all the clips and then it stops. It's been like this for a week now. Is anyone else having problem with CB?

Chris is so cute. He is just a baby..the way he talks and acts is so cute! He tries so hard to impress his hyungs! I wonder if Andy was like this when Shinhwa first started! LOL!

I did finally finished the fanfix and my favorite part was when DV named Krizza and Lynda as fans standing outside the studio waiting for Shinhwa. When I first read the names, I said to myself, I know these names! LOL! Too cute DV! Is this man's idea of apologizing to his girlfriend by buying flowers, chocolate, and diamonds?? LOL!

Question: Why Eric? LOL! I would of thought it'll be more Dongwan or Minwoo who is the playboy!

If you guys didn't read the fanfix on Andy yet, you should give it a try. It's good!

i was gone thrusday cause i got sick again so we went to the hospital. and darn, three more new medicines to take. <_<

and i was here yesterday but was busy with PROJECT ORANGE STUFF SO YEAH...

MOMMIE!~ lols, i think you posted in the BATTLE SHINHWA thread in the kmovies and dramas section.... BUT if you posted in the BATTLE thread here in the music section, you should see that it's pretty acyive too. ^^ the link is in my siggy, mommie. ^^

lols, i'm in every BATTLE forum there is. but i'm particularly active in BIF ^^

but i don't think that there is a 30th episode. it's only up to 28th episode. though, there are some episodes that have two parts. ^^

i think that downloading it is worth it mommie, cause shinhwa appears a lot. and you get to see their advices.... and stuff. and you get to see minu playing with a jump rope!!!~~~~ man. he looks HOT.

and also!!!~

thanks mommie. please do continue reading the fic. you'll love it.

we've started wan's fic. i just posted the prologue yesterday.

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Guest chopsticksandspoon

^ omgoodness krizza. I hope you're feeling better OoO

Here, look at this.

It will cure ALL illnesses :)

Laughter is the BEST MEDICINE



And this:


WAIT! Sorry...hope this one didn't give you a nosebleed and a fever XD


Hi everyone,

I opened a GROUP on youtube. I'm hoping it will become a collection of English subbed shinhwa vids on youtube. So please join and click the 'ADD TO GROUP' everytime you come across a ENG-subbed shinhwa vid while you're surfing through videos ^^ Sometimes some of us miss a yummy subbed clip here and there in the sea of videos. So please join if you watch shinhwa vids on youtube, it will help lots :) Thanks


thanks AMY!~

i'm feeling better. but i don't know... my body thinks otherwise.

stupid body. <_<


cure my illnesses????


wait, no, sungie killed me with his water gun!!

*falls to the ground*

wa. he looks so cute.

so adorable.


imagine him singing same thoughts with this outfit and the props...



thanks amy, this really made me feel better.


*is dead*

he looks too hot.

i can't breathe.

this made me feel......


hungry for a minu snack, that is.



a youtube group for subbed stuff.

yes, imma go join and add some stuff on monday ^^


is your name in SS crystalis too?

and did you post a new fic entitled... Secret garden with sungie as the lead?


i saw it and read it.

it's GREAT!`

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Hyesung picture is just too CUTE! I never saw this one before. What show was this? I need to see the whole clip! Do you have it? or know any CB that has it?

By the way, Korean writing on the right in blue said: "you're all dead! ee-sheee" ee-shee is just an expression.

As for Minwoo's picture, I think I asked someone who posted Junjin's HALF-NAKED picture to put WARNING sign so that I won't get caught looking at it when my husband passes by...as it is he thinks I'm looking at x-rated pictures of Shinhwa!!! Lukcy for me, I'm at work and my computer is covered in the side so I'm able to stare at it without worrying about getting caught! I just hope non of my co-work/friends come behind my desk to see what I'm looking at! LOL!

^ omgoodness krizza. I hope you're feeling better OoO

Here, look at this.

It will cure ALL illnesses :)

Laughter is the BEST MEDICINE



And this:


WAIT! Sorry...hope this one didn't give you a nosebleed and a fever XD

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Guest chopsticksandspoon

I hope you are okay. Did you have flu?

In the CB (I forgot which one) had 2 split episode of 28 which was the final decision and then there was another one it said Ep. 30 with week after Ep 28 date. My CB is still not working...it's going at 1% to 4% on all the clips and then it stops. It's been like this for a week now. Is anyone else having problem with CB?

Chris is so cute. He is just a baby..the way he talks and acts is so cute! He tries so hard to impress his hyungs! I wonder if Andy was like this when Shinhwa first started! LOL!

I did finally finished the fanfix and my favorite part was when DV named Krizza and Lynda as fans standing outside the studio waiting for Shinhwa. When I first read the names, I said to myself, I know these names! LOL! Too cute DV! Is this man's idea of apologizing to his girlfriend by buying flowers, chocolate, and diamonds?? LOL!

Question: Why Eric? LOL! I would of thought it'll be more Dongwan or Minwoo who is the playboy!

If you guys didn't read the fanfix on Andy yet, you should give it a try. It's good!

oh. i don't have the flu. i wish i have it though instead of this. ^^

asthma attack. i've never had it this bad before.

hm, i don't really know of this ep30. i even heard of an ep29. but yes, all i've watched was up to ep28. maybe ep29 was when they were being introduced to Goodemg staff, but that was so short. about 4 minutes. but i suggest you download the whole serioes. worth it. ^^ so much shinhwa moments!!!

yes!~ chris is cute!~ lols, he is exactly like andy. more baby-ish though. haha. i wonder too... lols. it would have been great of there were many media stuff like today back when shinhwa debuted... then we'd have more shinhwa stuff now...


you've finished it mommie????

i'm glad you liked it!~

lols. we all did our best.

yeah, dv did put us there. <_< and made me sound like a crazy fangirl.

which is SO not true!~

*nose grows 5 inches long*


i know. i was like... is this how guys think?????

cause dv is a guy and yeah...

plus, he was checking out mihye's legs...

and the way dv described mi hye's legs was detailed.


oh, why eric?

well, i wrote the prologue and was the one who made the andy-mihye-eric love triangle.

the reason behind this is because first, their age. eric is the oldest. andy is the youngest. i want to give the readers the feel that andy is -


oh gosh, it's buffering so bad.


haha, i've watched this lots of times before but never before in live tv.

oh gosh, it stopped at SAt's face. why can't it stop at minu's face?

*pushes SAt off the screen*

- that andy is going up against his oldest hyung. the one who is oldest in their group. someone who he is extremely close to, also.

plus, eric being the playboy... i don't know. eric seems like the type of person that can charm ANY girl. so instead of minu, who i think will not charm girls but will only make them lust after him, and wannie, who i think will not charm girls in the way eric will but will only make them laugh and feel loved and comfortable, i chose eric. the dangerously charming guy. *thinsk of loveletter episode 2, han ga in, erics date*

so yesh, i hope i answered you mommie. ^^

Hyesung picture is just too CUTE! I never saw this one before. What show was this? I need to see the whole clip! Do you have it? or know any CB that has it?

By the way, Korean writing on the right in blue said: "you're all dead! ee-sheee" ee-shee is just an expression.

As for Minwoo's picture, I think I asked someone who posted Junjin's HALF-NAKED picture to put WARNING sign so that I won't get caught looking at it when my husband passes by...as it is he thinks I'm looking at x-rated pictures of Shinhwa!!! Lukcy for me, I'm at work and my computer is covered in the side so I'm able to stare at it without worrying about getting caught! I just hope non of my co-work/friends come behind my desk to see what I'm looking at! LOL!

mommie, i think it's a just a photoshoot.

am i right amy?

or am i wrong?


anyways, haha. it would be funny if your co-workers see what you're looking at.

WAIT!~ what if they saw you looking at minu's concert pics????

expecially the recent ones at melon ax????


and if your husband sees you looking at those.... half naked minu in every pic....



i just watched the minwoo-manager clip......


minu looks so cute!~

and his manger looks so cute too!!!!!

haha, they're so cute together.

and oh,

"in the eyes of many girls, minwoo is the definition of hotness."

- the guy interviewr. haha

very well said. very well said. *nods head*

credits to the YT uploader ^^

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Guest samshiku

KRIZZA!! ~waves~ lol im waving at u cos i see u

ok thats spammin

anyways krizza take care and we missed u here! its ok u dun have to rush the pics..

but girls..have y'all have read AND seen the GOOD picture blog back in 2004? i was wondering if it was translated b4 or i'll translate THAT..^^ its REAL CUTE.

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Guest chopsticksandspoon

KRIZZA!! ~waves~ lol im waving at u cos i see u

ok thats spammin

anyways krizza take care and we missed u here! its ok u dun have to rush the pics..

but girls..have y'all have read AND seen the GOOD picture blog back in 2004? i was wondering if it was translated b4 or i'll translate THAT..^^ its REAL CUTE.


*waves back*


*melts into a pile of goo*

i was missed. :blush: haha. i know, i'm too sentimental.

thanks, but i really want to get it all finished cause i have a plan... ^^


i don't know if i've seen that...

hm, why don't you translate them all the same?

cause i'm sure, as much as many have seen them already, there are some who haven't yet. right?


so yes.



this is not spamming.

i tell you.

this is not.


i just saw the mv you all said. with junki and hyolee. in KMTV!~ *thanks rozzy*

ya. eric is better for the role than junki. i love him and all but... the role doesn't suit him.

see? not spamming.


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Luckily none of my family members have asthma problem but my friend has 2 kids with asthma and when they were growing up she used to be always off work to take care of them.

Anyway, is there non-CB links to all the Shinhwa Battle clips? As I mentioned CB is not working for me right now.

The reason I asked why Eric is I remember reading/hearing that when Eric has girlfriend, he is very devoted to that girl (who ever is his girlfriend at that time) and never wanders.

As for Minwoo, as everyone can see, he loves to flirt but perticular scene that came to me was when he was in Sang Sang Plus and Ayumi and another celebrity was in the post-it box and they said, he calls girls all the time just to flirt. It was funny when Ayumi said, he just called her yesterday or something like that and the other girl said, "me too" and how he loves to put his head on the girls shoulder from behind. LOL!

As for Dongwan, he is also flirting with girls...making jokes...but one particular clip he was talking about new celebrity girl that came to his radio show with her manager. He liked her and wrote note to her and (I forgot all the details) but eventually they went out.

oh. i don't have the flu. i wish i have it though instead of this. ^^

asthma attack. i've never had it this bad before.

hm, i don't really know of this ep30. i even heard of an ep29. but yes, all i've watched was up to ep28. maybe ep29 was when they were being introduced to Goodemg staff, but that was so short. about 4 minutes. but i suggest you download the whole serioes. worth it. ^^ so much shinhwa moments!!!plus, eric being the playboy... i don't know. eric seems like the type of person that can charm ANY girl. so instead of minu, who i think will not charm girls but will only make them lust after him, and wannie, who i think will not charm girls in the way eric will but will only make them laugh and feel loved and comfortable, i chose eric. the dangerously charming guy. *thinsk of loveletter episode 2, han ga in, erics date*

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Guest celestialxangel

As for Minwoo, as everyone can see, he loves to flirt but perticular scene that came to me was when he was in Sang Sang Plus and Ayumi and another celebrity was in the post-it box and they said, he calls girls all the time just to flirt. It was funny when Ayumi said, he just called her yesterday or something like that and the other girl said, "me too" and how he loves to put his head on the girls shoulder from behind. LOL!

May I ask what episode is this? Is this the one with him and Andy on SSP??

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Guest chopsticksandspoon

Luckily none of my family members have asthma problem but my friend has 2 kids with asthma and when they were growing up she used to be always off work to take care of them.

Anyway, is there non-CB links to all the Shinhwa Battle clips? As I mentioned CB is not working for me right now.

The reason I asked why Eric is I remember reading/hearing that when Eric has girlfriend, he is very devoted to that girl (who ever is his girlfriend at that time) and never wanders.

As for Minwoo, as everyone can see, he loves to flirt but perticular scene that came to me was when he was in Sang Sang Plus and Ayumi and another celebrity was in the post-it box and they said, he calls girls all the time just to flirt. It was funny when Ayumi said, he just called her yesterday or something like that and the other girl said, "me too" and how he loves to put his head on the girls shoulder from behind. LOL!

As for Dongwan, he is also flirting with girls...making jokes...but one particular clip he was talking about new celebrity girl that came to his radio show with her manager. He liked her and wrote note to her and (I forgot all the details) but eventually they went out.

yes. having asthma is hard. maintenance costs a lot. well, everybody from my father's side all have asthma .so us three siblings have asthma too. my dad has it bad. my youngest sister too, the andy-lover one, and now, me. i thought mine was gone already but then it resurfaced just now...



BIF has it.

subbed even.

the link is in the BATTLE thread her, but i'd still give it to you here since it's still; related to shinhwa right?


it's in the media section ^^

oh yes. i think i've read that too.

^^ i don't know, i just put eric there for my given reasons. i never really thought the other writers would take it that far though. lols. he was just there for andy to be jealous of. haha. but i really like the way it turned out.

i can't believe that we did it.


reading that about minu...

wa. minu is just too... i don't know.

lols. am i weird if i say i like guys his type?

haha. but he also said that he likes to flirt. he likes the attention but loves only one.

i think he mentioned once that his ideal girl now (after that shin ae girl grrrrrrrr) is soemone who will love him more than he loves her. and will not easily get jealous of the women around him. ^^



wannie is too.

why am i smiling like an idiot?????

he does something if he likes a girl...wa.

also, i've noticed that when he was still MCing for inkigayo (i've watched this in battle shinhwa eps) and he was watching the clips of auditions during his break, the female MC came and sat next to him and asked him what he was doing and...

the way he talked to her was.... O.0

*wait, it's same thoughts in KMTV playing right now........

oh yeah, hyesung doesn't appear in that MV, it's the mermaid one..... lols*

so yeah, anyways, the way wannie talked to her was so.... flirty. haha.

i even played it back to look at the way he was talking and he WAS flirting.

tsk tsk tsk

*falls even deeper into wannie*

To krizza, i am glad you liked the gift from SS i gave you :) Keep it and treasure it well, friend ^^

[Pic] Shinhwa - Kpop Super Live Concert In Saitama


Credits : Oceans six + http://s-shinhwasarang.net/forum

Taken from this thread --> http://www.s-shinhwasarang.net/forum/index.php?topic=348.0

one word for the concert, SUPER AWESOME~!!

thanks mal!`

*hugs you*

yes, i'll keep it well and treasure it... i don't know... should i have it framed?

haha. i was considering... ^^


you are so lucky mal!~

to always see them!!!!!

thanks for the news!!!!!!!!!!

THEY ALL LOOK SO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

especially wana nd minu.

and wa. andy's shirt.....!~

and sungue too.eric.

and jinnie.


*WAIT!!!!!!!!! same thoughts just ended and guess what is playing in KMTV now?????

puahahahhahaha, it;s ERIC's WINTER STORY DRAMA or something........

man, i love tvants.

well, rozzy cause she taught me how.*

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