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Guest lenakeem

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krizza, your idea thingy, i don't mind.. i don't like dbsk, but still, being nice to other fans are not such a bad idea.. let's create peace between the fanbase~

okie that's it, i have to run.. otherwise my dad's gonna scream at me again..

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Shinhwa...army..scary. I heard that Korea is having some weird thingy going against the USA and they might fight?! If they do, would anything happen to our BOYS?! I'm sad.



^ Trust me...it'll be no shinhwa and no kpop for a while if anything happens :(

Most likely, they'll be a rush of refugees from the north that'll lower living standards in the south for another half century. So as you can see, S. Korea really doesn't know what to do with itself...not much actions taken by them. If the US fights and throws up some sanctions, China better be willing to back up...or we've got a world war on our heads. The best way is probably to starve n.korea back into six party talks :sweatingbullets: North Korea...those crazy....people...well maybe it'll crash when Kim dies....heard he isn't well...

'Mommie' Alice- I'm not really sure how many episodes there are. Guess I never really caught up on wannie activities since he didn't quite stand out for me back then. Back in the days it's all minsyung for most people :sweatingbullets: This explosion of wannie fans is quite recent lolz

But if you go to bestshinhwa's clubbox and paste this in for search 愛情萬歲 (love manse) you'll find a few clips. Or you can look under === 綜藝節目 === >> Others >>and then look at the file names which should be in english.

Hope that helps

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AHHH!~ my ALL TIME FAVORITE GROUP SHINHWA!!! i know you guys wouldn't really care if i said this haha cuz it doesn't really relate to shinhwa or maybe it does? buh SHINHWA IS SUCHA HOT BESTEST GROUP THAT things like ANTIz never really was a problem for them..;] that is y i juss love shinhwa muahahahaha more and more i mean seriously shinhwa was REALLY Popular tooz buh did we have a sucha big issue like hot or dbsk? nop ;] us SHINHWA CHANGJO fans are AWESOME hehe and y are we only on page 608 we should be like page 1 million xD I LOVE SHINHWA....hmm does anyone know if there is any show programs that shinhwa is gonna come out i really miss them so much i kno most of them are doing their solo stuff like eric andy and maybe jun jin? buh seriously i need updates hahaxP

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^hahaha, love ur siggie mommie alice!

everyone, whats shinhwa's personal histories dvd???

im supposed to be studying for exams but i am so unmotivated! right now i have a headache from sleeping too much and u know that feeling when ur bored and tired and theres nothing to do and u just feel like mini cooper? well i have no idea why but thats what im feeling right now! hm, maybe i should watch shinhwa vids to cheer me up!

Someone actually uploaded the whole thing on youtube. Just search under Shinhwa and date added and you can find it.

When I saw Hyesung down on the ground in pain I was like :tears: but it was funny later when he was trying to talk to Junjin in his cute english (I love Hyesung's english. It is just so cute)

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there you go.. i suggest you put it in favorites, so you won't lose it again, that's what i did ^^

hehe thank u

yes i saved it to my favourites =)

by the way, 'miss':bella', are you good friends with gaxlod? you two are so alike. well in terms of what you say in your posts. very hard core shinhwa fans, i can tell. :D

hah yeah at one point i thoguth they were the same person =P


^whoa i totally forgot that xman was scripted. and i mean really forgot!! which makes xman not very fun to watch then....

i think its SOMEWHAT scripted. cuz some stuff that happens.. they realli react to it. and i dont thikn they're all extremely good actors. HAHAA.

HAHA!! i love that vid too!

WHY YOU ME?! lol.

LOLS me too. my friends and i always randomly say it


"i am sorry"

"you not sorry!"

LOLS LOLSROFL. im laughing just thinking about it. :lol:

wouldnt it be so cute. if park shiyeon and eric were both on love letter. ^_^

I just watched the Shinhwa "Once in a Lifetime" comeback performance on MNET 10x in a row.

Some stupid anti-fan throw like a water bottle or a towel across to Hyesung's face.

His voice even cracked. -___________________-;; WHAT THE!!!


Click above to watch.. =[[

holy shizzz. are u freakin serious!? i thoguth a fan just like accidentally dropped something and it blew towards them. =|

oh wait nvm. that was a shinhwa banner that i saw. omg im gon go watch it and see now !

i cant believe somebody would do that =\

what time during the video did it happen? example like 2min30secds into the video.

i dotn think i'll be able to find it =\

i hate crazy antifans in korea


are you talking about the thing that flew towards hyesung around 2min40ish seconds? i think one of the fans in the audience accidentally let go of their banner? hmm.. im gon go rewatch it to see

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I just watched the Shinhwa "Once in a Lifetime" comeback performance on MNET 10x in a row.

Some stupid anti-fan throw like a water bottle or a towel across to Hyesung's face.

His voice even cracked. -___________________-;; WHAT THE!!!


Click above to watch.. =[[

^i didn't see it....what time is it around?

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i see it now..i have really bad eyes...or maybe it was because i was too busy focusing on their faces. xD

maybe it was where someone accidently let go of their towel while waving it...? it could be possible..

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okay i watched that part like over and over. my conclusion is

a banner would be impossible to fly all the way other there. cuz the fans in the front arent even that close.. meaning it has to be somethin heavy like a towel =\



i hope the shinhwa fans saw this and attacked this anti.


i have reached another conclusion. LOLS.

it CVOULD be a banner cuz it looked so thin.. and the confetti thing was just abotu to go. meaning the wind thingy was blowing it.. lets HOPE it wusnt an anti throwing stuff at them.

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Dongwan Oppa's Diary Entry



I came back from the Pusan Film Festival.

It's been a long time since I met KiWoo and MinSun, Mr. Ahnsungki, Mr.ParkJoongHoon.

I also saw lots of pretty actresses. HoHo (<--laughing) The film festival was fun.

I find that for the the film festival to last for 10 days to be awesome.

It unfortunate that there is nothing like this for singers/groups.

Of course, whenever singers are on stage, its like festival atmosphere too. Hul-

Oh and, I should not have worn the sporting shoes..haha.. it was cute so...haha ^___^: ㅜㅜ

This and that..

I really hope Yunho gets better! We all do!

p.s. the chosen picture to put on my id was kinda weird..it was also cute...haha ^____^:


AHHHHHHHHHH Dongwan you have such a great heart!

We all wish that Yunho would get better! FIGHTING


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^ awwe i love how he mentioned yunho.. <3

makes me love himn even more. id ont know why but im tearing up rite now. our dongwan DOES have such a good heart.


i love u oh so much.

and its so cute how he called his shoes and how he called his picture cute. i relali like that picture . teeeheheh

yay finally. im owning pages in this thread again! i've been ownin pages EVERYWHERE except here.

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NHANNNNIE!! OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG. its been ages since you've last been here!


i miss all the we loves shinhwa posters from b4..

anyways. i have some cute pics to share!



i 4get where i foudn them.. asianfanatics perhaps? or maybe it wus posted here =X

i 4ge.t short term memory loss. haha

hehe i love how the dog is SO much bigger than minwoo. :lol:

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Guest NotGuilty

yeah. haha. i've been quite caught up with school. it IS my last year yaknow? haha. :D

but Shinhwa is still in here, always. : ) they keep me happy.

we should get yunho a get well present. just an idea. iono. personally from the shinhwa fans? or join the dbsk fans in helping him pull through this.

this yunho incident made me feel so bad. i've always said such mean things about yunho and hoping for him to get hurt and whatnot.... and suddenly something cruel really does happen, and i regret every bad thoughts/words i've said. so if we really do get this "get well yunho" present thing started, it'd be more of a "sorry, Yunho." thing for me.

god, i'm a bad person.

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