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Guest lenakeem

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Guest nutzie

i'd have to say, that if you find a place near an mrt station, that would make your life just sooo much easier, especially if you want to stay there for awhile to shop around and stuff too.. and if you wanna greet them at the airport, mrt is the most fuss-free and straightforward way to get you there [other than taxi of course, which can take you just straight down, but it's more expensive that way..]

me love mrt.. and shinhwa of course!! *sigh* if i'm still living in singapore, i can stalk them for as long as they're in there >_<" why oh why can't i stay in singaporeeee?? but i wouldn't have known them if i did.. okay, nevermind then.. i'm going crazy by myself..

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Guest angel2nyt

HAPPY 500th PAGE !!!!

(throws off confetti)

hahaha.. i was so busy looking at the shinhwa couples... theyre so cute.. but theyre weirder when all of them 6 are together.. theyre so much hhmmm(thinking of an adjective here..) crazier??... hehehe

HI guys

Can someone tell me the dynamics of the group?

Like who's the leader of the band?

who is close to whom? I read that eric and andy are the closest to each other?

just wondering...



you mean who has the vocal parts and the rapping parts?? that kind of things..

hyesung = lead vocals

dongwan = vocals

minwoo =vocals

junjin = rap (but also sings)

andy raps and

eric raps too..

eric is considered the leader since he is the oldest

and for the last question.. theyre all close to each other.. though it still really is a mystery who is the closest to who...hhmmm

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Guest chopsticksandspoon

dongwan hyesung - wansyung [i think.. i read it somewhere before..]

hyesung andy - syungdy?

why do they change hyesung's name to "syung" in couples anyway? isn't it supposed to be "sung"? i'm confused..

i've been thinking of that too! but it's always like that! maybe because syung is easier to pronounce than sung only? i think when koreans spell RicSyung it's spelt as RicSung, remmeber how koreans base their english spelling on how they pronounce the word and not on what is the real spelling of the word. ^^

My favorite is RICMIN..My favorite two and the rest are tied hehe.

BUT MAN, I'm here to rant LMAO.

My cousin who went to Vietnam, and then to Thailand, SAW SHINHWA AT THE THAILAND AIRPORT! OMgosh..my cousin's a guy but I made him a Shinhwa fan too! I'M SO ...iono how I should be feeling. I knew I should've went to Vietnam with him! RAWR!

He said that they looked tiny cause it was far away and they looked like how small they are in posters cause all girls were pushing and shoving and the securities were there and everything...sigh. I'm so sad it wasn't me. I lost another chance to see them. =(


aww.. that is too bad for you! gah! so lucky! your cousin got to see them.. even if they were only like so small.. at least its them.. alive and breathing!

AH <3

I love these guys so much!


gah! i love this pic!!!!! sooo soo cute!!!!!! shinhwa in their cute moments!!!!!

i wish we could search through the topic cuz its so hard trying to look through 499 pages!!!

i really hope shinhwa's best sells like half a million albums n they win every daesang =)




Minwoo <3

Hyesung <3




MINWOO TOO CUTE/HOT <------------ *^^*

gah! that pic of minwoo is so hot and cute at the same time!!!! ^^

and the highlight of this post???

crystalis- thanks for the descriptions of the couple xD

i actaully went and made a list of shinhwa couples/pairs. xD



#3 RicDy


gah! brother love! these two are just soo cute together.. eric really loves andy and andy looks up to eric ^^ there's so much clips of them!!!!

example clips:

eric curses at andy: http://youtube.com/watch?v=CmgXqu6G9Z0

eric bullying andy: http://youtube.com/watch?v=BB4tZV9r9Fc

eric feeding andy: http://youtube.com/watch?v=mPAz8AD58Do (there's an explaination of this in the comments part)

eric saying i love you to andy: http://youtube.com/watch?v=lwB86z3Ml8U (there'a a translation inj the comments part)

#2 RicSyung


well well well... the secret love! keke... these two just breaks therule of chemistry! oil and water aren't supposed to mix!!!! lols... but yes, i love them, the sweet moments, the sweet dialogues, everything. ^^

example clips:

hyesung singing and eric pretending:

eric hugs hyesung:

hyesung kicks eric:

eric hugs AND bites hyesung:

and ofcourse!!! who can ever forget the banana song????(i have this clip, if anyone wants it, just pm me) http://youtube.com/watch?v=WHnoAqJRy4w

#1 WooDong


this is just too obvious! lols... in group pics, notice how they are always beside each other.. keke... i know.. i know... but i just love them! woodong! ^^

example clips:

dongwan taking minwoo's seat:

dongwan and minwoo just being cute: http://youtube.com/watch?v=vWjjCoOP0FE

minwoo lays head on dongwan's shoulder:

minwoo kiss dongwan:

minwoo treasures dongwan? http://youtube.com/watch?v=xT3EBJhlGiI (translation at the about part)

i also love JinSyung!


keke... these two are soo cute together too! like RicDy! keke.. and hyesung hugs jinnie openly.. hmm.. i wonder why he can't hug eric like he does with jinnie.. keke >.<

and a bonus cap! keke...

a love triangle???

RicMin! how about sungie?


keke... these two are soo great with each other! so boy-wild! and look at sungie's face! jealous are we?

keke >.<

credits: ssarang, where they got the pics, youtube, and those who uploaded the clips in youtube, woodong lj community and me for the last cap ^^

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Guest serenity8

this page grew by like a hundred ever since the 8th album came out! i'm so happy!!

favourtie couple? gotta be Jinsung!!! ever since the: "WHy you hit my knee!" thing.. XD

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Guest tiffyisashinhwafreak!

OMG! its been so long since i have posted :lol: but yeah..about the Couple thing, i just love MINJIN, but then after awhile i just really really really love JunSyung!!!! LOL go JinSyung!!!!

kekekeke...but yeah......now i think about the reason why i don't post very much because its so hectica, its like.... :crazy::blink::wacko: but yeah.......................or else i nothing to say :lol: but yeah.....

ohhh...i was wondering if anybody had any Love Letter eps. with all Shinhwa members, and there is engligh subtitles ^^ please help me :D but yeah, if you do please PM me then ^^ thanks!!!!

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Guest angel2nyt

Random Pics..

from GoodEMG cyworld

forgive me if posted before







edit: i wonder who will get the 10000th post for this thread

its eight posts away

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Guest chopsticksandspoon


i totally forgot to add this clip!!!

it's a clip of good morning show visiting minwoo... ^^

and well...

you'll see lots of couples here.. keke...


like RicMin, all the pictures minwoo showed are of him and eric ^^

and RicDy, in the couch part where they were asked who practices the most and andy answered eric, because he thinks that eric needs to practice more and eric bit him... keke ^^ and eric was holding andy's hand and eric's head was resting on andy's knee.. awww...

and MinJin!, where minwoo gave junjin some of his clothes because junnin asked for some... keke >.<

and the 500th page!!


i could have mad ethe 500th page but i was too busy doing the couple post!! waa!!!!!


thanks angel2nyt for the pics!

and that pics when they were little...


i recongnized them all at once! i didn't even notice there were names on the left side of the box! keke ^^

junjin is so cute then and hyesung so handsome!!!! and dongwan's dimple!! keke ^^ and eric so cute! andy!!! cute cute cute! and aww... minwoo.. so little yet so hot already ^^

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Guest tiffyisashinhwafreak!

edit: i wonder who will get the 10000th post for this thread

its eight posts away

LOL :lol: i want to be the 100,000 posters...kekeke..i'll wait for 6 more posts :P kekeke..but yeah...and thanks for sharing the pics!!!!

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i'm so happy it's the 500th page! :) i was only gone from the computer for a few hours, and look how much the thread has grown!

looking at all the couple pictures just makes me love shinhwa more, but like someone said, i still love them best when they're all together

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500th page!!! woot! go shinhwa thread posters!!

so many wonderful posts above me...thank you for all who posted pics and videos!

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Guest nutzie

aahh.. me hearts baby pictures!! junjin hyesung and andy just looked like the baby versions of themselves.. minwoo and dongwan.. not really.. i guessed eric's pic though!! so that means either i'm really obsessed or he looks like the younger version of himself.. dongwan was really adorable when he's young.. i wanna just pinch his cheeks or something =P

somebody was asking about shinhwa love letter episodes.. well, i don't have them, but if you want to satisfy your craving before owning the real thing, i suggest getting on youtube.. here are some...

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Guest xmkaex

this page grew by like a hundred ever since the 8th album came out! i'm so happy!!

favourtie couple? gotta be Jinsung!!! ever since the: "WHy you hit my knee!" thing.. XD

puhahah i saw that clip. i always crack up when i see tht clip.

Hyesung: Why you hit my knee....

Jin: Im SORRY!


xD hyesung's english is so funny:

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Guest tiffyisashinhwafreak!

am i'm the 10,000 poster?!!


:lol::lol::lol: i am!!!! kekeke..i came and posted as soon as saw that there was 9,999 posts...hahaha....

kekekeke..this feels great..... :w00t: but yeah.....weird, this is also my 60th post!!!! LOL

what? weird did my sig go? *goes looking for it***

but yeah...about the video with Hyesung and Jin....its so funny....LOL

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oh talking about couples?? i love LOVE minwan (i can't bring myself to say woodong cause that just reminds me of udon >_<) i totally love how they play around with each other. and they are my top 2 faves!! ^^

next would be wandy. they have totally gotten closer since their 7th jib. i love their moments like at the fan meeting where andy kissed dongwan on the cheek and then dongwan attacked andy and pulled him down and pretended to kiss him... hahahahha

and minjin couple is so cute. its like brotherly love. minwoo is a good big bro to him. he's even giving jinnie some of his songs for jinnie's solo album. so sweet!!

and wansyung. love them together. enough said

and then hmmm... i like jinsyung now too... i never realized how close they were but i was watching older clips the other day and they're so cute together... especially love the "why you hit my knee" clip like someone said above... hahahha... hilarious!!

and who can resist ricdy!! the way eric always bullies andy. but they love each other so much. ^^

PS- congrats on the 500th page. woohoo!! go us!!


oh, i own a page!! haven't had that in awhile!! ^____^

happy 501 page? hahaha :P

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Guest KUHRAZY</3


^ darn i wanted to be the 100,000 poster LOLOLOL~ newais, i hope shinhwa wins the popularity or daesang award.. lols. random.

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Guest angel2nyt

am i'm the 100,000 poster?!!


:lol::lol::lol: i am!!!! kekeke..i came and posted as soon as saw that there was 99,999 posts...hahaha....

kekekeke..this feels great..... :w00t: but yeah.....weird, this is also my 60th post!!!! LOL

what? weird did my sig go? *goes looking for it***

but yeah...about the video with Hyesung and Jin....its so funny....LOL

aaahhh!!! youre so lucky i was eating lunch.. i still am but you owned the 10,000th post

im watching the clip right now.. this is hilarious.

edit: but its okay.. im the 10, 003rd hahaha..

oh i see junjin carrying dongwan and wannie looks like a kid who is being carried by his father.. hahaha

hyesung's english is so funny and cute

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Guest coolieever

haha, i remember that!!! i used to watch it over and over and over... haha, his english reminds me of my little cousin... its so cute... haha

im brother.

im sorry

^ lmao... haha

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Guest chopsticksandspoon

puhahah i saw that clip. i always crack up when i see tht clip.

Hyesung: Why you hit my knee....

Jin: Im SORRY!


xD hyesung's english is so funny:

waa!!!! now i love JinSyung!!! keke... i love this clip! I was laughing so hard the whole time!!! >.< thanks for sharing!

waa... junjin piggy abck wannie?? wa!!!!! soo cute!!!

hyesung's english is sooo.. keke cute? lols...

come on guys! post more shinhwa couple pics!!!!!



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Guest vietgirl604

hahaha.. i misread "woodong" as hodong [as in kang ho dong].. and i was like, "hmm.. she likes hodong?? why is she saying it here??"

i thought minwoo and dongwan is minwan though O_o"

yayyy!! we're at the 500th page!! we should have a celebration~!!!

vietgirl604 what kind of footwear is eric wearing on the video?? it looks like clogs to me.. O_o

LOL iono what he's wearing..but I know he's not wearing socks..ahhas. Haha, Hodong lmao..that's so funny.


on the 500th page!

Can't wait to reach 600! Fighting <3

At this rate, we'll reach the 600th page in no time.

puhahah i saw that clip. i always crack up when i see tht clip.

Hyesung: Why you hit my knee....

Jin: Im SORRY!


xD hyesung's english is so funny:

I love this clip. The first time I watched it, I couldn't stop lols..

am i'm the 10,000 poster?!!


:lol::lol::lol: i am!!!! kekeke..i came and posted as soon as saw that there was 9,999 posts...hahaha....

kekekeke..this feels great..... :w00t: but yeah.....weird, this is also my 60th post!!!! LOL

what? weird did my sig go? *goes looking for it***

but yeah...about the video with Hyesung and Jin....its so funny....LOL

YOU'RE SO LUCKY! damn..lols.

I LOVE ALL THE COUPLE VIDEOS...SO COOL! I remember having a million comments to each but now I forgot them all hahas. But I love EVERY couple..but the best, is when all SIX is together. They're the closest friendship can get!

Also noticed how much they improved on their English in songs..Just something I was wondering, what's your favorite 8th jib song? Mine's PARADISE. =)


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