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Guest lenakeem

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Guest incarnadine

*still holding back sobs*

Words cannot describe how I am feeling right now. I feel like... like I'm sending my baby boy away on a 2-year camping trip.


On the brighter end of things, I agree that Jinnie looks amazing in the pics. He looks positively healthier, and I am confident that he will do well.

Choong Jae ah, stay healthy and work hard! I'll be waiting no matter how long it takes.

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Guest slypatt

"... jinnie's mom wiped fans' tears.." whoa, this is so touching!

btw, does anyone remember if wannie's mom came to send wannie off to the army?

i'm waiting for our fellow changjos who went to send jinnie off to the army today to upload something on youtube.. please!! i've been checking youtube since 3 hours before 1pm korea time!!

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Woaw, I can't believe it's happening. It's like watching the older years graduate and thinking it'll be years away and then suddenly you're in the graduation suit going to the final dinner.

I can't waitl until the 15th anniversary concert too JunJin!! <3

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Guest rose_liana

he's really n finnaly gone~~ TT__TT i feel like cying..but, in the other hand i'm so glad to see his smile and his happy face...

and the promise!!! i'm so touched with the promise he made! " Shinhwa will hold the 15th anniversary concert in 3 years time" aww~!!

we believe in him!!! and we definitely will wait for him n Shinhwa..

gonna miss him so much!!!!!!

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Despite Jinnie's sudden enlistment, on the bright side, it means we're a step closer to THE reunion :)

I didn't cry when I saw the enlistment pics but I cried while watching Jinnie on Love Letter S1.

It really reminds me of the reason why I like Jinnie in the first place. His strong desire to win and his outstanding athletic ability!

I'm just hoping that he won't get to competitive and overwork himself during the basic training. have fun and relax jinnie!!!

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Okay, since no one posted it yet, here's a vid of jinnie's MS send off. Apparently there's 100 fans that went there, which is quite alot for this sudden news. "we'll meet at Shinhwa 15th anniversary" "Shinhwa forever!"

JUNJIN MS 091022

Here's a random pic spam of our Shinhwa Soldiers! Haha. I don't have a picture of Eric saluting, so that's a pity. SO WHO SPOT THE MILITARY LOOK THE BEST? My vote: Dongwan! (I'm just Dongwan bias!) LOL.




three down, two to go, and next thing we know, we'd be celebrating the 15th anniversary yes? Shinhwa and SHCJ fighting!

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Guest grumpynomore

definitely wannie :P lol. mun looks adorkably cute, but wannie simply looks hot with that hair cut and attire.

that pic is probably one of my favorite pic of donwan :D

jinnie looks hot too but he comes in second. :D

LOL mun is actually third on my list?! shocker :lol:

Eric doesn't have a pic saluting because he didn't want to...he was too shy to salute :D

something to cheer us up (or make us even more sentimental)...i love this video...

2006 FM (Kisses Galore)

does anyone have the downloadable link for ^ that one? tnx!

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Guest 80slitenite

^gah that's so cute!!! I don't have that vid grumpynomore, but i ripped off of it if your interested. Let me know and I'll send it to you.^^

hehehe thanks for our Shinhwa soldiers Yanee. The most handsome in the military.^^

I agree. Dongwan looks the best with the buzz cut.

I don't recall his mom being there when Wannie went in slypatt.

We won't get sad because Jinnie is going to come back healthy! Remember how RicWan looked when they finished training?! *___________________________*

I made gifs and caps from the sstv clip. :)








credit: 80slitenite

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Guest thesassygirl2

omg it's so weird... i've seen them slowly leave one by one.. and now jun jin! When will they be reunited?? I miss them so much

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Guest karendm

Wannie definitely looks the best with the buzz cut. But then again Wannie looks good in any kind of haircut. Or is it just me being blinded by him :lol:

Hey, don't be sad. Look at it this way, the faster they go in the fast they will come out and then we'll have Shinhwa back again.

So who's next? Minwoo or Andy?

신화 영원히 = Shinhwa Forever!

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Guest grumpynomore

80slitenite..i did that two. :D i was just wondering if there was a clearer version :D

thank you anyway. been playing that clip so many times.

Sigh~ Jinnie's enlistment date is so sudden T___T

imo, the kpop scene seems particularly ugly at the moment, so it's probably a good time for our boys to be taking a break from it. Still...I already miss him.

On the bright side, Ricwan were having dinner together when Minwoo called Eric at his concert yesterday :) I think it's a bit of a chain reaction cuz the day before that (at M's concert), Minu called Wannie (who was waiting to get into the theatre), who told Eric about Bong's phone call and the next day Ricwan had dinner together ^________^ Eric even sang "Annyeong Minu, I'm cute Eric. Cuteoh oh oh Oh~" in soprano and running up the scale haha~ The fans kept making him sing it again and again, and after he hung up, they made Minwoo sing lolz You could hear Wannie cracking up on the other side of the phone too.

Oh yeah, when Wannie called the day before, Minwoo made the fans chant with him, "Saranghae yo, Kim Dongwan! Saranghae yo, Kim Dongwan!" And Wannie was like, "Oh, why?~~~ all of a sudden" lolz

By the way, both Eric's and Andy's ringtone is Freestyle#1 from Shinhwa's 9th album

Ooooh~ where's the party at?

Need somebody, just grab somebody~

Say Ooh OoooH~


Minwoo called Jindy too (Jinnie's ringtone is his new song with Uee and Suk Hee), but they didn't pick up. Minwoo was like , "Bad Jinnie~' and was sad Y_Y Minwoo refused to call Hyesung though...he was like Hyesung always argue/fight with him, so he's scared of calling Hyesung, since Sungie's a black belt in Taekwondo and all XD

Going home yesterday, I was reminded of Wannie b/c there was a man walking his dog and taking pictures of the fall leaves outside my house with a professional looking camera ^^:: Truthfully, it was a bit strange >_____<

Hope the boys will have a chance to get together before Jinnie goes in for training.

thank you for the update crystalis. i always comeback here just to read this. feeling the SHINHWA love all over.

someone uploaded the clip on youtube....


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Guest incarnadine

Jinnie is my fave but I will have to agree that Wannie rocks the buzz cut the best :D

The gifs are super!!!!! <333

sigh sigh sigh. 2 more to go...

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Okay I'm watching Hateful But Once Again ep 2 right now and Shinhwa's name came up. It was like a company or something. Are there or is there really a business group called Shinhwa in Korea?? haha Because in Boys Before Flowers the had the Shinhwa corp. too. Thought I'd share it, because everytime anything that mentions the name Shinhwa gives me the bumps... :P .

And thus far I'm liking the drama it's very interesting. I really like Park Yejin's character, very self confindent.

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Guest wanderer335

Whos next in the line to go to army??

Mostly likely Minwoo and then Andy. If I am right Minwoo should be going to the army early next year...or even end of this year (since Junjin's enlistment date was quite sudden


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wow does minwoo have some good connections or something? he's way over 30 (for korean age) and he can postpone till next year? hahha, im sort of curious to see what he'd look like with a buzz cut..

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Has anyone recieved their ALL ABOUT SHINHWA DVD yet?? I haven't received mine yet. Wasn't it released on the 15th or 19th? I haven't dealt with orders online for quite some time, how long does it usually take for it to get to America again?? :D Yes I have very short memory sometimes.. keke

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