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Guest lenakeem

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OMG are-da thanks for sharing the vid. that was totally hilarious! i cringe for them everytime they make mistake, but some are just too funny you can't help but laugh at them! hahahaha! :) seems like hyesung makes the most mistakes to me. LOL.

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OMG, that price is so cheap.its so affordable for someone who doesn't have much money like me :lol:

mmm, i'm also from Malaysia but not in KL.... envy with u

well i found this clip. I think this is from chinese fans and i think u all should watch this

hahaha, I'm laughing like mad when watching this clip :lol:

Oh man, I feel bad for laughing but I can't help it, it's too funny!! haha I'm not laughing at them, but laughing with them. I guess nothing is ever perfectly done. :D

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UPDATED NEWS: ANDY MINWOO JUNJIN have recorded Intimate Note together!! ON 25/8!!! Andy joined in the filming even though it wasn't reflected in his official schedule

Intimate Note Season 2 emphasises on the display of true friendship to the audience!!! I think they will share many juicy interesting things about Shinhwa!!! AHHHHH!!! I can already imagine myself laughing and all!

OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG I can't wait for the episode to air!!


The korean fans on sixsense are saying that it's going to be a Shinhwa special! <3 Unsure of the timing yet though.. it's either this week or next week!

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Guest rose_liana

^ Whoa~~~ what a great news!!! its really made my day!!! thanks Trish for sharing this great news..omo..cant wait for MinJinDy action!!!

Intimate Note Season 2 emphasises on the display of true friendship to the audience??? yeah!!! Shinhwa oppa, lets show them what true friendship all about!!!

aww..cant wait for the ep!!!..and hopefully, there's some fancaps/news about this soon!!!!

are-da LOL thanks for the clip!! OMG!!! its so funny and keep replaying it!!! HAHAHA!! they still human being anywayz...

Edit: YAHOOO!!! MinJin will be performing together!!! and its a Shinhwa song!!! awwwwwww!!! its gonna be great! with this 2 great news in a day, i'm totally hyped!!!..thank you so much Trish!!!! *HUGS & KISSES* MUAKS!!! LOL

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Guest readsandgeeks

UPDATED NEWS: ANDY MINWOO JUNJIN have recorded Intimate Note together!! ON 25/8!!! Andy joined in the filming even though it wasn't reflected in his official schedule

Intimate Note Season 2 emphasises on the display of true friendship to the audience!!! I think they will share many juicy interesting things about Shinhwa!!! AHHHHH!!! I can already imagine myself laughing and all!

OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG I can't wait for the episode to air!!


The korean fans on sixsense are saying that it's going to be a Shinhwa special! <3 Unsure of the timing yet though.. it's either this week or next week!

thank you for the AWESOME news nglkt and rose_liana

oh bummer..if only hyesung would join them..but its ok, at least its half of them.

oh my god!the clip was funny.

hahaha..DW covering his face aft the missed high note anf hyesung's scratching his head.

too cute! :D

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OMG! Thanks for sharing the info! Andy's there too?! That's awesome, half on them in a show! Finally something new to look forward to! Any idea about the broadcast details? I'm so not going to miss it ahhh! Hahaha.

Finally they're on intimate note! Last time I thought it was a pity that the season 1 is for celebs that are awkward. Love that the season 2 is for friendship, it's only a matter of time that shinhwa should be in the guest list since it's about friendship eh. Whee. *spazzing mode on* :D

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Guest hikkie

UPDATED NEWS: ANDY MINWOO JUNJIN have recorded Intimate Note together!! ON 25/8!!! Andy joined in the filming even though it wasn't reflected in his official schedule

Intimate Note Season 2 emphasises on the display of true friendship to the audience!!! I think they will share many juicy interesting things about Shinhwa!!! AHHHHH!!! I can already imagine myself laughing and all!

OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG I can't wait for the episode to air!!


The korean fans on sixsense are saying that it's going to be a Shinhwa special! <3 Unsure of the timing yet though.. it's either this week or next week!

hai .......

* i heard about minwoo intimate note , andy joint too..OMOO this is will be great . i cant wait .........i always want shinhwa be a guest in this show ...........

thanks for this great news ^^

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Guest samshiku

UPDATED NEWS: ANDY MINWOO JUNJIN have recorded Intimate Note together!! ON 25/8!!! Andy joined in the filming even though it wasn't reflected in his official schedule

Intimate Note Season 2 emphasises on the display of true friendship to the audience!!! I think they will share many juicy interesting things about Shinhwa!!! AHHHHH!!! I can already imagine myself laughing and all!

OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG I can't wait for the episode to air!!


The korean fans on sixsense are saying that it's going to be a Shinhwa special! <3 Unsure of the timing yet though.. it's either this week or next week!

so exciting!!!!

i wanna watch so badly haha

yea! finally something new to look forward to! :)

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I am way beyond happy now!! I'm WAY EXCITED!!! So if they recorded yesterday they will be broadcasted this weekend...correct? I hope so!! I'll be looking foward to this weekend then!!!! YAYYYYYYY I'm too overwhelmed with excitement I need to calm down and work!!! :D:D:D

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Guest prncssptri

wooohooo!! something to look forward too! when i read the news, I was like "yeaah! it's about time!" with all the new idols around, i'm missing shinhwa so much! MinJinDy in intimate note is awesome and the Music Core's performance by MinJin is icing on the cake! Hope hyesungie and andy are joining the stage :lol:

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Guest karendm

Hey, but I thought Wannie made them promise that if it was only three members that they would not do any Shinhwa songs? That Shinhwa songs would only be performed if it was performed by all 6 of them?

I miss my Wannie! :(

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Guest rose_liana

^ em..maybe Wannie oppa means was if they disband and there were only three of them as Shinhwa, they wouldnt perform a Shinhwa song...

Ichigo@livejournal did an awesome MinJin vid/pic tribute. Check it out!


awww...thats was awesome tribute of MinJin..it make me smiles wide...lot of pix!!!

Shinhwa couples definitely the best!!!!thanks for the link unni!!!

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OMG!! That's the best news I've heard of Shinhwa as of late. Whoa, FINALLY!! On a show, together. <333

Thanks a lot for sharing the updates, nglkt. Totally made my week!! T-T

karendm; I'm curious to know when Wannie oppa said that.. but I'm sure he doesn't mean it that way. He once did a Special Stage with Minwoo and Hyesung to perform [i Pray 4 U] after all. =)

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i think I'm gonna die and go to Shinhwa Heaven after reading this wonderful-fantastic-awesome news!!!!!!

Finally some Shinhwa action!!! Subbers have GOTTA sub this!! :P


This is indeed super news before I curl in for the night. They definitely make their presence known even though on hiatus as a group!! 역시 신화오빠들!!!

Thank you for the info!!

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Guest valmylove

awwww thanks for the awesome news Trish!! can't wait and hopefully it will be subbed by our awesome shinhwa changjo-ers too!!!

so glad i decided to peek in here for my shinhwa fix of the day!!!!!!!!!!! i was missing their dorkie interactions and i get a kick in laughs and like IhJJ said, not at them but with them... (okay honesty sometime at them too :D )

I always reminsce by watching their Love Letter or Xman episodes....but sadly its been deleting of YT... no worries becas you awesomes changjo-ers always upload them once in the awhile...

Happy Shinhwa Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Guest grumpynomore

O M G!!! i can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! minjindy! :D it would have been nice if sungie would have

been there too! and wannie.... and ricky...maybe the army making an exception? lol doesn't hurt to dream right?

i wonder if the three present told the other three about their guesting. if they did, i'm sure ricky, wannie, and sungie

had told them how to make the show more interesting :P

a SHINHWA special on music core? yahooo! our boys are pretty special!

maybe minwoo and jin will just dance or something...it is kinda weird seeing just two members performing

shinhwa songs on stage.

i want to see orange all over!

p.s. have you guys seen this? probably have but i'll post it anyways...

http://www.shinhwa.biz/forums/showthread.php?t=11429 hahhaha hyesung!

i've actually been watching the

i'll never get tired of it! too hilarious!

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Guest karendm

OMG!! That's the best news I've heard of Shinhwa as of late. Whoa, FINALLY!! On a show, together. <333

Thanks a lot for sharing the updates, nglkt. Totally made my week!! T-T

karendm; I'm curious to know when Wannie oppa said that.. but I'm sure he doesn't mean it that way. He once did a Special Stage with Minwoo and Hyesung to perform [i Pray 4 U] after all. =)

At the end of his concert, after he performed Brand New by himself. He said that it was strange performing a Shinhwa song by himself and made everyone promise not to ask two or three members to perform any Shinhwa songs with the exception of I Pray 4 You. He said that Shinhwa songs are meant to be performed by six members and not two or three members.

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