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Guest lenakeem

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Guest drazen08

hi everyone!!! i am a new shinhwa fan, just saw them in 1 game show. after that i got hooked on them

i think hye sung and eric is really hot.....(the oil and water of the group)

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Guest lenakeem

oh man, its been 4 years since i started this thread.

i was watching old shinhwa videos last night and i miss

them soooooooooo freaking bad.

all these new boybands are too girly for my taste :(

i need my manly shinhwa boyss. *sigh*..

edit: OH SNAPS I TOPPED A PAGE! ill share some old pictures :)




and my favorite of all..


mann, i have SOOO many old pictures of shinhwa. i miss them!!!

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Wow, so many new fans!!! Welcome ALL!!!!!!

grumpynomore, thanks for that clip I have not seen it before!! :D

crazy_korean, I agree with you. All these new boybands are like acting all cute, and in a very feministic way. Their clothing, their hair, their cutsey little faces....seems like we don't need girlbands anymore...jkjkjk :P I love the old days when Shinhwa were dressed very neat and clean...can't explain...casual?? Like in 2001, that's when I liked their style the most. As the time goes by they just start to change....haha sorry getting off topic... :P But I still love them no matter what. :D

hmmm lets see what's my video pick of the day.....

I know I've been posting alot of the All About Shinhwa stuff, and if you're the type who don't like to buy videos you've already seen please don't watch and just buy, support them!! Please. But I think that we all here probably have plans on getting one even if we've seen it numerous times. Will I am. :D

---> http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XOTY5OTEzNjQ=.html

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Guest lenakeem

im just sad though :(

i just recently saw a youtube video of 2pm and junjin..

and everyone was just hyped over 2pm, and didnt even aknowledge

that junjin was apart of SHINHWA, who is 2pms MAJOR sunbae :(

although i love 2pm, it just made me really sad.

shinhwa forever :)

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Guest nglkt

im just sad though :(

i just recently saw a youtube video of 2pm and junjin..

and everyone was just hyped over 2pm, and didnt even aknowledge

that junjin was apart of SHINHWA, who is 2pms MAJOR sunbae :(

although i love 2pm, it just made me really sad.

shinhwa forever :)

I think that's unavoidable. Since Shinhwa has been inactive as a group in recent years. I'm really not worried about the hype over young/new idol groups. As I've said, they are YOUNG + NEW. And using Seo Inyoung's words, "SHINSANG + SANGGUEM"

But when Shinhwa makes their HUGE COMEBACK, everyone's going to watch. Coz Shinhwa has always been related to them in someway or another. SHINHWA IS THE LEGEND. And I would like to quote Dongwan on this "Coz Shinhwa... is the BEST" [was just watching Dongwan's concert DVD today...]

I truly believe that Shinhwa will last till the end, so there's really plenty of time to win the hearts of everyone... =)

I would like to quote Dongwan AGAIN [from Dongwan's concert DVD]. He made us promise him to not make 2-3 members perform Shinhwa songs on stage with the exception of I pray 4 U. He said he even quarreled with the PD about this. The PD wanted 3 members to perform a medley of Shinhwa songs but he refused. Cause Shinhwa is 6 and performing Shinhwa songs is a special stage meant for the 6 members. =)

2NE1 Fire Shinhwa Changjo Version [HILARIOUS] it's going to brighten up your day!


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Guest yanee

nglkt; i love the 2NE1 Fire Shinhwa Changjo version! It's totally hilarious please. I was ROFL all the way. :D

And OMG Dongwan's Promise Concert DVD? I'm so jealous, I can't buy it now since I'm like super broke and just paid for Eric DVD. Grrr. Wanna have a Dongwan DVD screening like shinhwa's 10th Anniversary one like last time? Hahaha. I'm just desperate to watch it. Tsk. *sigh*

crazy_korean; Hmph. I agree with Trish. We shouldn't feel so affected by that, it's really unavoidable. It makes us look forward more for this three more years to pass quickly yes. To quote from that hilarious 2NE1 Fire SHCJ version.... "Minwoo yah go to the army, janjin yah you go as well! Shinhwa Chanjo wants the come-come-come-come comeback!" Hahahaha. :D

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Guest mitokore

Crazy Korean,

Aren't you the creator of this Shinhwa thread?

For a long time, I've looked in this thread but never leaved replies.

I've just recently started to do so.

Never saw you leave much comments so I thought you just disappeared.

Welcome back?

I'm a male fan of M's music.

I'm Korean by the way. Also a huge fan of WG.

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Guest Nekka

Thjj :thank you for the video the more i'm watch cut of "All About Shinhwa" and the more i'm want to buy it, even if there is no subtitles, just to see the boys

ngklt your words are so reassuring, sometimes when I see all these new emerging group, i'm afraid, that the new generation forgets our Shinhwa,since they don't active(even though I know they always have many fans!)

and the 2NE1 Fire Shinhwa Changjo Version was hilarious!!!

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Guest bugrepellent

I was debating whether or not to share this video now or later, or to even share, but I have to say this is one hilarious one; therefore I might just want to post up.

Eric was just acting...weird in here...I mean not what he's acting but how he's acting...you guys know what I mean...I know this was the video that caused trouble, but it's all in the past...lets just watch and laugh to ourselves how dorky these guys can be. Plus we get to see their sexy upper bodies!! (note that only Eric, Jun Jin, and Hyesung were present.)

http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/NpfJH8FTHbc :D


HAHAHA Gosh I love that Shinhwa Changjo song!! SO creative of the lyrics. I was laughing the whole time. And the chipmunk voice makes it even better.

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Guest rose_liana

LOL i miss this thread so much!!! so many new fans!!! YAHOOOO!!!! welcome to the orange world!!! *WAVES*

Trish LOL that Fire song Shinhwa Changjo version was so hilarious and cute!! i cant stop laughing while reading the lyrics..Omo, shinhwa changjo is the best!!!they're mature, they're loyal, and they're creative too!!

crazy_korean lol..you're so sweet..btw, i understand what you feel..i also feel the same way everytime i watch a vid of shinhwa members with other artist/new band..

i always think, are these people still recognize our oppa or are they've forgot or lost interest with our oppa? but then, i understand..its common coz other band still new and young...as long as i know there're people like us still standing behind and supporting Shinhwa, i'll feel relief...

just wait and see for SHINHWA'comeback...everybody will pay attention again to them...

btw, cheer up!!...we all know, they're so many orange princess out there still cheering for our oppas...so, let me share this vid..

although its messy and the quality is horrible but its about us, Shinhwa changjo..haha..

Just like we miss Shinhwa oppa so much, i know shinhwa oppa also miss us so much!!their loyal ORANGE PRINCESS

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Guest nglkt

nglkt; i love the 2NE1 Fire Shinhwa Changjo version! It's totally hilarious please. I was ROFL all the way. :D

And OMG Dongwan's Promise Concert DVD? I'm so jealous, I can't buy it now since I'm like super broke and just paid for Eric DVD. Grrr. Wanna have a Dongwan DVD screening like shinhwa's 10th Anniversary one like last time? Hahaha. I'm just desperate to watch it. Tsk. *sigh*

crazy_korean; Hmph. I agree with Trish. We shouldn't feel so affected by that, it's really unavoidable. It makes us look forward more for this three more years to pass quickly yes. To quote from that hilarious 2NE1 Fire SHCJ version.... "Minwoo yah go to the army, janjin yah you go as well! Shinhwa Chanjo wants the come-come-come-come comeback!" Hahahaha. :D

yanee: Hmmm... i'm planning of a screening at either jas unnie's place or my place.. we can probably celebrate minjin's birthday as well? HAHA..

bugsrepellent: I've never seen that video before but.. it really wasn't as serious as I thought it would be. ERIC was just being weird like USUAL. And I can't understand the big fuss since we know Eric is THAT weird. HAHA It's somewhat offensive but how old were they then? 22?

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Hello. I just recently discovered this thread on Soompi :D

I love shinhwa but with their inactivity I feel its kinda dying :(

But they will always be my first and favourite band that got me into kpop since 2 years ago but i really do miss the old days of Shinhwa ><

They were so cute and LOL and close

But now that they are flying solo I feel sad..

For me, each member had a different attraction:

Minwoo - HOTNESS ~ dancing, singing, cute dorkyness :P

Dongwan - lovable weird and dorkyness :D

ERIC - he's my FAVOURITE one right now...it keeps changing >< but he is so sweet, cute and LOL :)

Hyesung - I never could really relate to him but he's singing is =0

Junjin - funny and cute

Andy - CUTE! and he is so hard-working


But they will be gone for so long. I don't want to wait. Already, it feels ages since I've watched a shinhwa video, looked at all the pictures I had or spazzed over merchandise. (I once spent $900 all in one go and went broke xD)

But maybe the fire is starting again. I really want to watch the videos that the really long-stay fans have posted but I'm capped T-T

I'mma find my shinhwa madness again :L

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Guest rose_liana


^LOL..i remember watch that vid..Eric's really the weirdest person ever...i think that video is during their nude photoshoot.. so, during 2000 or 2001?so that time they might 21 or 22 years old..

judii hi *wave* welcome to this thread..whoa~~you've spent $900? but, thats fangirl all about..if i have money, i might do the same thing, spending money on Shinhwa's goodies...LOL you're same with me..my fav member keeps changing..haha..first i like Minwoo-->Junjin-->Dongwan--> and now its back too Minwoo again..hehe..but, i love them the most when all 6 together..they're more shining as SHINHWA..

btw, please post more in this thread if you've time...

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Guest nglkt


It's really good to hear that you're back to find the FIRE back! I'm sure you'll find it somehow xP

It's true that Shinhwa will be inactive as a group for quite sometime... BUT this is a time for us to really go through Shinhwa's past. I used to think I know everything about them but I'm wrong, I don't even know Hyesung's hometown! So what I'm doing now to kill time is to go through their old stuff and see what I've missed, hopefully it'll answer all my queries. A few days back I watched Junjin's Good Morning 2005, and I really learned alot about Junjin and Shinhwa from the programme alone. =) I sub old videos to kill time too..

Actually Shinhwa's inactivity wasn't as bad as I thought. I expected it to be so bad, but I'm actually surviving this with the solo members' activities! Probably it's because the initial reason why I like Shinhwa was because of was VERY impressed with one particular member's solo album which made me go on searching for the other members as well. I bought all the solo albums that were released by the members in 2007. That was how impressed I was. =)

I think that keeping touch with the members' solo activities really will tell you alot more about Shinhwa as a group =) MINNOVATION!!!!! <333 HEY YA!!!

It's BACK TO BASICS everyone! Watch old shinhwa videos and it will give you new light for new perspectives.

BTW, have you guys heard that Minwoo will be producing a boy band, crafted after Shinhwa, as written in the article. When he was asked the Motivation behind creating the boy band, "Because the Shinhwa members trust me"

I have fullest confidence in what Minwoo's doing. I'm really looking foward to it.

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Guest bugrepellent

^^I've read somewhere that he was grooming some people, seems like Minwoo will be the next Shinhwa member to produce a boyband. AWESOME!!!

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Guest rose_liana

although i cant believe another or second "LEGEND" will be produce, but i still trust bongie..he knows what he's doing...hopefully he'll be success..

btw, i know its not suitable to discuss about their solo activities in this thread, but i cant hold it anymore...currently,Minnovation hits #1!!! Yahoo...He beat the young idol! ASSA!! hehe

btw, this is the news regarding the second shinhwa

[09.06.29] Lee Minwoo is now “grooming the second Shinhwa”

Shinhwa’s Lee Minwoo has attracted attention with his announcement that he is currently grooming the second Shinhwa.

During a recent interview with Star News, Lee Minwoo said, “I’m now grooming a batch of new singers, and my goal is to groom a second Shinhwa.” Lee Minwoo has been involved in production since setting up his entertainment management agency MRizing Entertainment.

“The title song has already been chosen. I hope to create a boyband-group like Shinhwa.”

He further explained his point of view, “The concept of the new groups these days tend to overlap, and it’s difficult to do well. The attractiveness of the pop music of this generation has declined, thus it will be very important to find a distinct color to the group’s music.”

When asked about the driving force behind his challenge to create the second Shinhwa, Lee Minwoo said, “Because the Shinhwa members all believe me.”

Lee Minwoo also expressed his hopes, “The relationship between the Shinhwa members is such that, for every one thing any of us receives, we will give two things in return. Because of this implied agreement between us, we have faith in each other’s music and performances. Being an original member of the original Shinhwa, I hope that I can groom them in such a way that they grow with some of our distinct characteristics, and it will be best if they can be a source of strength to us in future.”

Lee Minwoo has just released his new mini-album ‘Minnovation’ on 23rd June.

Credits: Star News + Absolut Shinhwa


i really love when he said "Because the Shinhwa members all believe me.”... so, what can we do? even the shinhwa members believe him, so we also need to trust him!!

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Guest 1wawa3

Oh gosh. The last time I replied to this thread was agesss ago. *shame*

I see there's so many new fans here. Welcome new Changjo-ers. I hope you guys enjoy it here.

And, crazy_korean it is nice to see you posting here again. I always wondered where you went. (:

I totally agree with what Trish said. Their inactivity is not as bad as I first imagined. But maybe when ALL the members is in the army I will feel different. But, then again, we still have HyeSung here. He will be there to protect the Shinhwa name.

I was talking to a friend, explaining to her about Shinhwa and stuff, since she's a newbie when it comes to the Korean Entertainment scene. And especially of the older groups like Shinhwa, H.O.T and the rest. I was telling her about how they are on a break and two of the members are in the army. She asked one question and I was stumped. I didn't know what to say to her. She asked, "Why didn't they enter the army together? At the same time. That way they will be released around the same time and the fans won't have to wait that long."

Honestly I didn't know what to say because I myself don't know the reason. hahaha. Anyone care to enlighten me? Maybe on the members said something regarding this. I tend to have a pretty bad memory.

And another thing has been bugging me. I don't exactly know WHY this is bugging me but it does.

It bugs me I find it amusing when a fan of a relatively new group says something along the line of "...this reminds the old fans, who have stuck with them all these while, of the older days.." when that group have only been around for a year or two years. And here we have fans who have stuck around since 11 years ago.

Now that I wrote this, I realize, it doesn't bug me as much as it amuses me.

Maybe I'm the only one that finds this to be amusing... :huh:

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^ It is amusing. Like people calling Love letter and xman the good old days is kinda funny too...makes me feel old.

I think it says something about kpop and kpop fans that our Shinhwa is the longest running band in Korea with 11 years under their belt...and supposedly, they're old =.= In other countries, bands that have been together for 10+ years isn't uncommon at all. I guess the pressure is just different.

As to why members didn't go to the army together...

I think, no matter how selfless you are, there is a little greediness in everyone. It's like you love your family, but there is also a time for you to go out alone and spread your wings. I think it's a good thing because it doesn't allow members to be left behind or create a gap between members due to individual successes. Like Andy, being the baby of the group, if he went into the army the same time as Ricwan did, he would not have released another album, been on WGM, produced Jumper and be filming a drama. He wouldn't have the opportunity to catch up when he comes back out either. He would always be left behind and I think he would inevitably feel inferior.

Plus whenever someone has the guts to bash on how 'important' each member is to the group, I just pull out their solo portfolios XD


True, true. The wait isn't as bad as I thought too. There are just too many videos to sub and catch up on.

And too many solo activities to update myself on...and a Dongwan Concert DVD to watch ^^


although i cant believe another or second "LEGEND" will be produce, but i still trust bongie..he knows what he's doing...hopefully he'll be success..

btw, i know its not suitable to discuss about their solo activities in this thread, but i cant hold it anymore...currently,Minnovation hits #1!!! Yahoo...He beat the young idol! ASSA!! hehe

btw, this is the news regarding the second shinhwa

[09.06.29] Lee Minwoo is now “grooming the second Shinhwa”


Bong is finally realizing this part of his dream ^_^ He's been saying it for years. I went specifically to dig up this Battle Shinhwa ep. to refresh our memory about what Minwoo thinks makes a team:

(The actual talk to the contestants is around 38:15, but the beginning of the episode is pretty interesting because the contestants have to try and perform Bump)

Ah! I'm being called again. Gotta go >.<

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