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[drama 2007] Witch Amusement Aka Witch Yoo Hee 마녀유희

Guest deNain

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Guest lovegoodfood

Found some article on Han Ga Jin .....anyone can translate wad is this article about???

한가인 측 "우리도 책임 느껴…'공동 책임'이라는 취지"




드라마 '마녀유희'의 실패 원인이 PD와 작가 측에 있다는 취지의 자료가 논란을 빚자 한가인 측이 해명에 나섰다.

한가인의 소속사인 원오원엔터테인먼트 고위 관계자는 14일 전화통화를 통해 "책임을 전적으로 PD나 작가에게 돌리기 보다는 드라마가 실패한 원인에 대해 공동의 책임이라는 생각을 해 보자는 취지에서 쓴 것"이라고 밝혔다.

이 관계자는 이어 "'마녀유희'라는 드라마가 '한가인'이라는 한 명의 유명 연예인에 기대는 의존도가 다른 드라마보다 정도가 심했던 것은 사실"이라며 "급기야 '마녀유희'는 '무뇌유희'라는 말까지 나왔고, 출연 배우, 특히 한가인에 대한 연기력에 대한 비판까지 거론됐다. 한가인이 책임을 지고 감당해야 할 몫이 예상외로 커졌다"고 전했다.

이 관계자는 동시간대 방송된 드라마를 언급하며 작가의 구성력과 연출자의 리더십 부족에 대해 아쉬움을 전하기도 했다.

이 관계자는 또 "한가인이 책임이 전혀 없다는 뜻은 아니다. 드라마 실패 원인이 한가인 쪽으로만 너무 집중되다보니깐 공동의 책임이라는 취지의 말을 하고 싶었을 뿐 누구를 원망하려는 의도는 없었다"라며 그동안 드라마 실패 원인을 놓고 나름대로 속앓이를 해 왔다는 뜻을 전했다.

원오원엔터테인먼트 측은 이날 4시경 발표한 자료에서 "시리즈물에서 가장 중요한 것은 스토리를 이어가는데 필요한 긴 호흡인데 마녀유희에서는 이런 호흡이 상당히 부족해 보인다. 중구난방으로 스토리가 전개되는가 하면, 회가 거듭될수록 캐릭터들이 본래의 모습과는 전혀 다른 모습을 보여 주었다"며 드라마 실패의 원인에는 작가와 연출자의 책임도 적지 않다는 뜻을 피력했다.

한가인 측은 또 "스토리와 캐릭터가 제대로 서지 않으면 연출뿐만 아니라 연기자들의 연기에도 적잖은 장애가 있음을 작가는 숙지해야 할 것이다"며 한가인의 연기력 부족에 대한 비판이 작가에 있음을 공개적으로 주장하기도 했다.

결국 한가인 측이 이날 '마녀유희가 남긴 것'이란 제목의 보도자료를 낸 배경은 드라마 실패로 한가인의 이미지는 물론 연기력에 대한 논란까지 빚어지자 이에 적잖은 부담을 느꼈고 어떤 식으로든 대응을 해야한다는 필요성을 느꼈기 때문으로 풀이된다.

하지만, 드라마가 설사 실패했다고 해도 출연했던 연기자의 소속사 측이 공개적으로 작가와 연출자를 싸잡아 비난하는 것에 대해 방송계에서는 '드라마 제작에서 가장 중요한 팀웍을 해치는 일'이라며 우려의 목소리를 내고 있다.

지난 10일 종영한 '마녀유희'는 초반 15.5%(TNS미디어코리아)의 시청률을 기록, '고맙습니다'와 '마왕'을 제치고 수목극 1위 자리를 차지하며 인기를 모았지만 후반 들어 11%∼12%대로 주저앉으면서 한때 한가인의 연기력 논란이 일기도 했다.

/정진호기자 jhjung@joynews24.com

IT는 아이뉴스24, 연예스포츠는 조이뉴스24

(Copyright ⓒ 조이뉴스24. 무단전재 및 재배포 금지)

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Guest laisydaisycat
If I were Johnny, I would smack Yoo Hee and Moo Ryong till death. Heartless persons. Pity Seung Mi.

:lol: I agree!!! My boyfriend loves this series, but I can't get over how little moral value it has, like someone has said in this thread.

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Guest ovette

yeah.. i still cant figure out why MR acted that way in the whole drama, i mean SungMi was over nice to him, she's willing to understand him.. and she became considerate with him A LOT. but he never felt any guilt when he spent more time with YH than with SM..

i dont know if he's just never though that what he's doing might hurt others. or he also doesnt understand himself.

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Guest shadow_moon86

Well, what can i say...

It's love in the air!!!

When love is around, you don't care 'bout anything else...I suppose!!!


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Guest love.
Well, what can i say...

It's love in the air!!!

When love is around, you don't care 'bout anything else...I suppose!!!


word! and besides, mooryung never really loved sungmi. they were really close friends to start with. and i remember she mentioned one time that she practically had to force him to date her or something. anywhoos! i haven't watched the last two episodes yet, but i'm really hoping for the best!<3

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Guest laisydaisycat
yeah.. i still cant figure out why MR acted that way in the whole drama, i mean SungMi was over nice to him, she's willing to understand him.. and she became considerate with him A LOT. but he never felt any guilt when he spent more time with YH than with SM..

i dont know if he's just never though that what he's doing might hurt others. or he also doesnt understand himself.

It's okay that MR's feelings changed towards Seung-Mi. You could tell that Seung-Mi invested more in their relationship than he ever did, even in the very beginning. But what was NOT okay was that he kept stringing her along. He could have broken up with her the very first time they had an argument over his 'helping' Yoo-Hee. Same with Yoo-Hee and her sonbae and MR. It was like both YH and MR were double-dealing the entire series. Make up your minds!! :sweatingbullets:

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Guest lemonginger

Alright. After reading all the swearing and trashing here about the ending, I finally finished 15 and 16.

Well, I hasn't gone mad... I don't know is it because i was kinda prepared, but I find it acceptable. Not meaning that I like the script, rather, it's quite expected stuff from the same director.

Even I love My Girl, i found that i was being dragged through the last 2 episodes. There are all these "unnecessary" stuff going on. Funny thing is, they used the same actor (the grandpa in MG and papa in WYH) acting as the most unreasonable character to drag the story.

Maybe that's one problem when they change the script while the series is airing. It's not well planned. they etiher drag or rush through the ending. but I guess there may be more "intelligent" way to do it then adding unbelievable stuff such as YH changing her mind so easily. I thought maybe she is faking it just to find out what the father and JH are up to. Isn't some childish tricks are expected from those 2 after the few 'incidents'? How can she believe the father would still accept JH if JH really can't practice doctor anymore??

And like many of you, i'd also imagined they close the end with something similar to the opening fairy tale. Perhaps sth about the witch turning into princess/queen?

So is MR going to NY or even Paris? that's up to our imagination. I'd say he better not. Even when he's not out of sight yet, YH can sway so easily. I also thought MR should give his ticket to SM to go with Johnny, and

JH would really break his hand but nobody cares this time B)

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Guest she-smiles

ok, i've only seen the first episode...

& so far... SO GOOD! :P

it's funny! & lucky han ga in! she gets 3 hot men. ERGH!

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Guest Jess_Ma


this is such a CUTE CUTE drama!~ i lub Ma Yoo-Hee!~ I have the same last name as her!~ Ma~ never have i seen a drama with that korean last name!~ haha ^^

man...those spoilers are MAJOR!~ i'm trying not to read them though...just enjoying looking at the pictures!


can't wait to watch mooooorrrre!!!~ i'm on the....4th episode i think!~

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Guest dream_on

^ lol TRUST ME...you will not want a million episodes of this drama once you hit the middle/end. i'm glad it ended. although i think 1 more episode might've helped the ending a little.

i loved the beginning of this drama...it was funny and cute, just how i like my dramas. then it started getting draggy and not making sense. and it just started getting worse. i absolutely hate how the writers change the direction of the drama in order to please their viewers. -_-

i want to know why Jae Hee is getting bad reviews from this drama. i think he's the only one who actually pulled off the acting.

gah...there was soo much hype about this drama when it started but it ended up to be such a disappointment. the ending was horrible. of course at the very last minute, everything starts coming together...Daddy gives his approval, golddigger Sunbae is willing to help the couple get back together, ex-girlfriend is out of the picture...? what the heck...talk about a completely abrupt ending. WHO WROTE THIS DRAMA?

the one thing i really liked about this drama were all the adorable side characters and of course the writers didn't bother to include them in the ending at all. grrrrr. i wanted to see the secretary, Mari, Sara, Paran, Moo Ryong's brother all have some kind of conclusion...

oh and one last note...why couldn't they have at least let Moo Ryong go to Paris/New York/whatever and let him come back a successful chef. at least they can say then that he followed his dreams.........so frustrating!

anyway, here you go twangster...

(MQ) Witch Yoo Hee E11



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Guest Galchi

Im starting to watch this drama and I find out that some characters are from

the series My Girl, for obvious reason its from the same network SBS.

Still interesting to watch im on episode 3

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Guest tsweetazn

ok, i've only seen the first episode...

& so far... SO GOOD! :P

it's funny! & lucky han ga in! she gets 3 hot men. ERGH!

:lol: and she gets to kiss each of them too! lucky her....i would do anything to be in her spot... :lol:

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Guest shortyshoutm

i'm totally in love with this drama <3 i'm only up to episode 11. my friend told me about this drama .. and i got addicted to it after watching the first episode. thank you B.O.N. Fansubs for subbing this drama. you don't know how much i appreciate the hard work.

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Guest yayasz

i'm sorry if it's no much moral in this drama. but i love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

so...what must i gonna do? i love it.......until that end. hehehe....

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Guest ohmylamb.

I've seem Han Ga-In in i-weekly from Singapore mag..

Does it talk about her in witch yoo-hee?

if so, can anybody tell us here? :sweatingbullets:

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Guest sunshine4ever

Thanks so much to BON fansubs for subbing this drama. ^^ I can't wait to watch this. Haven't seen Jae Hee for a long time!

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Guest discern

Just finished this show and I can't resisting commenting about it. {Note: May contain spoilers, but I'm not gonna spoiler my whole post, so if you haven't watched and don't wanna know the ending, DO NOT READ MY POST}

Well, let's do a character analysis and I wanna start with Yoo Hee. Ohmygod. At the last part I was kinda irritated by her, I must say, though I loved her character in the first few episodes. The last part when Joon Ha supposedly 'hurt his hand' and she decided to stay with him and break up with Moo Ryong, she already made the decision. Why must she turn back when she knew that JH was cheating on her? I must admit, it's natural to turn back to MR, but she already made the decision, that proves that she kinda loves JH, and she can't just leave him alone. {After this relates to the ending, so I'll talk about that later}

On to Moo Ryong. He should have gone to New York, totally. I mean, ending at the part where they kissed is cute, but only for NOT finale ending. They way they ended it is like, So did MR go to New York or what? Did JH turn over a new leaf? What happened to Johnny? And so Seung Mi just disappeared from the story like that? It's totally leaving things in the air and not cutting off any loose strings to be found.

I really thought the ending should've been a two years later kinda thing. And the last episode was really too rushed. Everything kinda happened like POOOOOOOF! Let's see. How bout my ending? First, at the airport, MR's flight should've been delayed and YH should've found MR, and gotten things sorted out, but MR still left. See if their relationship can still stand the I'm-so-faraway-but-I-still-miss-you kinda thing. Then let's say after 2 years he comes back, YH's changed, JH's changed, SM's changed, and he and YH can still be together. Perfect.

Ahhh let's talk about other things. I thought Seung Mi's character was good. when JH when to find SM to ask her if she's just gonna sit by idlely and watch MR and YH together, her response was very good. She's a good person, and as much as I'd like her to end up with MR, I like MR to end up with YH twice as much. But I want the way he changes to be different. Maybe SM could've ended up with Johnny. Two people who are broken-hearted together kinda thing.

And JH, omg such an richard simmons!! {Sorry to any KJH fans out there, no offense to his real life character okay} His character is totally screwed. He tricked YH twice, and he still expects her to love him? I know some people in real life would, because maybe they love the other one too much. But seriously, if I were her, I'd be in MAJOR PISSED OFF MODE. HE DOES NOT HAVE ANY RIGHT TO SEE HER AGAIN. I kinda pitied him for the hand thing, but after that I was really pissed off when I knew he was faking. Seriously, no end. Bad guy. >:(

Her dad. He's kinda strict strict no nonsense type. And throughout the whole show she's calling him chairman chairman chairman. Never a dad or daddy. At the last part where she put her hand on his hand and he slowly edged his hand toward her to touch her hand was so meaningful. {I cried.} He's the type that never understands and maybe, never will understand how people can do something out of goodwill and not forever a hidden motive. {Like when YH went to stay at MR's house} He thinks that money can solve everything. Uhuh. Oh well. Let's just assume now YH calls him daddy at the end he's changed for the better.

Okay, I don't feel like doing anymore. I shall be back later with a new post to talk about more. :]

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