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and Xing will have 3 new members Kim hyun Gun, Kim Ji Sang and Lee Su Hoon <<I don't sure about there name


I confirm the name list

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I got a bad new from PD cyworld............

Cyworld P.D.

5n모르시는 분들도 계실테고 이미 알고계시는 분들도

있으실텐데 저는 더이상 XING이 아닙니다.

더이상의 저에대한 다른 오해가 없기를 바라는 마음에

글을 올립니다. 나쁜어른들의 거짓말에 속지마세요 .

he say that he not Xing member anymore..........TT_TT

and Xing ent. confirm to KTCC thailand about PD is leave but they not give information for now.They waiting for Kevin back to Korea.

and news from MARUMIRCLUB 4U

Yume and PD leave Xing

and Xing will have 3 new members Kim hyun Gun, Kim Ji Sang and Lee Su Hoon <<I don't sure about there name


What the hell is going on??????

I cant believe it!!!!!

What happen, and why he left from Xing T________T

PD is my fav in xing.

And Yeme is the one who stayed with Xing since they started to debut this group.

I dont know what's the real perpose of Xing Ent , why they always let the members out. T^T

PD ad Yume..... Please back to Xing T___T


Not true. But hey, I could be wrong. I believe it is just a rumour.

I hope somebody can translate it for us, but from what I gather, the Thai Marumir Club started this? I do not know what her sources are, but I doubt it's legit. I've searched through all of the big XING Cafes and Fan Sites and there is nothing about Yume leaving. How they can get the information faster than the Korean fans is beyond me, especially when they boys are on vacation right now.

He still in Xing right??

I mean in Xing group it's not Xing Ent.

Now I can smile in a liitle, but what about PD. :sweatingbullets:

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Guest kamae_chan


photo credit:xingaxong,MARUMIRCLUB 4U

This is 7 members of XING

but now PD is leave from Xing..............

and Xing ent. will find a new member.

---I don't understand why Yume have to leave Xing?, I know that he is Xing's Leader. (Yume are still in Xing Ent.)


What we have to do now just waiting for official news and encourage them

Whatever.......... XING FIGHTING!!!!

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Guest EunMinLove

^ Ew. Call me an unsupportive fan, but i am NOT okay with all this.

Yume's still with XINGEnt? wtf?

I think what pisses me off the most is how we are TOTALLY left in the dark when this crap happens.

Just seeing the letter X makes me mad as hell.

V Same here, though it would be way better if they just friggin' stayed together.

I have an assumption...Maybe XING Ent. had planned on joining SITR and XING (for some reason) and Yume and PD didn't approve of it so they left? I mean, it kind of makes sense, and that's a better reason to leave than nothing, i don't know...

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Guest micnmin4eva

Whatever...I'm a fan of Kevin, Sungsoo(Hyesung), Yume, PD and Zen...

Nomatter which group they will be...I'm always their fan <_<

Fighting everyone...

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Guest asyancutie

what the hell is happening now. yume and PD is leaving!! why??? hyesung left not that long ago and now 2 MEMBERS are LEAViNG. what the hekk is xing ent. trying to do to xing. soon enough xing isnt gonna be that popular cause of so many damn changes going on. hyesung is my fave then he leaves. PD is my fave and now hes leaving. WTF!! this is so damn fustrating. this is getting me mad as hekk. the 3 member that has been with xing ever since debut in not in the group no more. kevin is the only one left, and zen of course. PLEASE KEVIN DONT LEAVE OKEYY? gawdd damn!! why is those members in singing in the rain has to be in xing? why cant xing just stay and not have any member leave. im not sure if i will be a xing fan. but i have to stay a xing fan cause zen and kevin. there the only one thats the same in the group. MAN!!!!

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Guest Jesus_Lover

YOU GUYS MIGHT NOT ALL KNOW but entertainment companies are big companies and a lot goes into forming a new one and getting the ball rolling. ALL BOY GROUPS OR SINGING GROUPS have many ups and downs and drama that happens, especially behind the scenes, and fans or the general public should know this.

So to the fans who are mad or angry at Xing entertainment, I understand it is sad and shocking but you do NOT know what is going on specifically so you shouldn't judge the company or people in the group or workers because of these results. I am sorry to hear some members are leaving but like I have said before in other posts, XING is a transforming and growing group.

I AM GOING TO SUPPORT XING ENTERTAINMENT and keep faith in them. Do not forget they are a BRAND NEW COMPANY..unlike SM or JYP or YG...so please be wise and look at the broader picture.

I believe in Kevin and he will keep strong and keep this entertainment going.

Stay strong and keep moving on no matter what happens..you never know what life will bring you.

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This is total bs! mannn, temm me why I'm sitting here trying to convince myself this is all a effing prank? even if it one, it's a cruel one. I'm trying to leave all the profanity out of this, but OMGGGGGG. I can't believe they're doing this to us AGAIN! I mean isn't it enough that Marumir left? Then HyeSung, and now PD and Yume? WTF? What is going on here? I can't even concentrate, this is total Bs. It can't be true...... IDK I feel so disappoint in Xing and I'm saying things that I don't even mean about them. It's funny, I"m so freaking upset that I can't even cry. WHy? I dont' know, maybe cause this happen to many times. I"m tearing up but not crying as much as I did for HyeSung and Marumir. ha, I can't believe it. 7 members? I want my oringinal 5 members back. This is so messed upp! I can't belive it they just finished a showcase saying they were going to debut and come out with a full album and then BAMMMMM PD and Yume are leaving. This is so stupidddddddddddd. I mean I know Kevin is still gonna be there and everything, but it's stilll urghhhhhhhh. My friend said if they all leave, something must be wrong with the company. IDK. It's mean for me to say that, but I'm just highly upset that the orginal xing members are leaving, and it's not ok. I'm not ok with it and I don't want to be. Maybe I'll get over it within a few weeks but right now, NO! It's different, they can't harmonize like the Orignal Xing members! psh, no one can. It's different. Why do this always happen to us Xing fans? Whatever. Hwaiting to Kevin and JinHyun. Other than that I don't know. I don't even know if I can even study for my finals now. urghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

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Guest jessicanovia



I really can't stand this.

I saw them happily last month in Thailand && suddenly~

Do you all know what exactly behind all of this?

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Is it true??

All these about PD and Yume leaving Xing.

OMG loh, i havent even got the time to really get to know them!!

What is wrong with Xing Ent.?

Actually I do not like the ideal of transforming group...

What is the purpose and benefits of it?

. I Don Understand .

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Guest shaaaron

I don't care if I don't know the real meaning behind Xing Ent's actions. (It would help yes) Sure they're new. But I'm a fan. I'm selfish. I admit it.

I was just getting use to the fact that HyeSung's gone, now all those feelings are coming back.

Was this why XING never had an official debut of some sort, or am I just bringing that up out of nowhere, and it actually has nothing to do with the fact that they're joining two groups together and having original members leave?

This is just.... omg I don't even know what to say anymore.

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Guest illusions

HA. :rolleyes:

I am so mad right now but I don't know why I am laughing. Maybe because I already predicted this to happen? I remember thinking that XING would become like one of the next waves for korea but nevermind about that. I really dont know what Xing Ent. wants to do. I was so upset when marumir left then hyesung, a few months ago I said that if Yume and PD leaves I would just give up on Xing. It seems like Yume is actually happy that he left Xing and I have a feeling that he wants to leave Xing Ent as well. Maybe because Xing Ent focuses too much on Kevin. Oh wells >.< I wish kevin luck in Xing Ent. Now I am just praying that the members who have left Xing would find a become soloists or find a different company or something. But this is it, I don't think I want to be a Xing fan anymore. Maybe just a Kevin fan ;]

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Guest asyancutie

YOU GUYS MIGHT NOT ALL KNOW but entertainment companies are big companies and a lot goes into forming a new one and getting the ball rolling. ALL BOY GROUPS OR SINGING GROUPS have many ups and downs and drama that happens, especially behind the scenes, and fans or the general public should know this.

So to the fans who are mad or angry at Xing entertainment, I understand it is sad and shocking but you do NOT know what is going on specifically so you shouldn't judge the company or people in the group or workers because of these results. I am sorry to hear some members are leaving but like I have said before in other posts, XING is a transforming and growing group.

I AM GOING TO SUPPORT XING ENTERTAINMENT and keep faith in them. Do not forget they are a BRAND NEW COMPANY..unlike SM or JYP or YG...so please be wise and look at the broader picture.

I believe in Kevin and he will keep strong and keep this entertainment going.

Stay strong and keep moving on no matter what happens..you never know what life will bring you.

im still mad about this situation but i somewhat agree. they are a growing group but still, this is there 3rd changes so far. after kibum left the fans reduce somewhat. but i do have faith in kevin, not only kevin but BOTH kevin and zen. xing ent is a new company yes, so im wishing good luck for what xing ent is doing. i just hope there decision will turn out good.

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oh my god. I can't believe this. I can't! I love XING, but if this

is going to continue...then I won't deal with it. Hyesung didn't leave

too long ago, and now this is brought up? omg...i'm so pissed.

I don't get it...why are they leaving? T____T I have nothing more

to say...Xing...hwaiting?

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It seems I only come back to this thread when I hear something bad. TT^TT That's terrible of me to do but I guess it can't be helped. >.<

Anyways, I admit that I'm upset. I want to scream, shout, and have a totally big tantrum about this decision. However...it's not like it'll do anything to bring back PD and Yume...if they truly are leaving. I want to make it known to the world how disappointed I am right now by screaming at the top of my lungs but...I just don't have the heart to. *sigh* I guess...that's all I have to say about this issue. This is a really big blow to me...for the third frickin' time! I don't think...I'll be able to handle it anymore.

I know it isn't official yet...but the evidence is just too solid.

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Guest layla312

OMG...Yume just left n now PD....watz going???PD is like my fav. fav.. ah....why??

why r they leaving.....is xing enter. planning 2 change all da members of xing except kevin?? seems like now he da only 1 left from da very beginning....

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Guest apple-snapple-YUM

ha...soon kevin will be the lone member of XING. :P

i hope that everything will solve out OK in the end and XING will continue to amaze us with their music! ^.^

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