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All About Languages

Guest HobbyManiac

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Guest supertammie

I see absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to learn another language, because personally, if it were possibly to learn every language in the world... I'd love to =).

I just believe that people who aren't open to language aren't very open to many things.

For instance, when an asian racist says, "ching, ching, chong, chong."

It really pisses me off because all it does is show the other person's limits in that language.

I would cuss that person out in every language that I know, but it would just be bringing myself down to his/her level.

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Guest luluchan

I speak ...

Fluent :

English, French, Cantonese, Mandarin

Learning (formally): Korean ... I'm taking 2nd yr Kor @ U now but I'm not fluent and watching TV is still hard... I really want to be fluent in this!!!

understand some : Japanese ...never learned it...but just caught stuff from drama, TV shows, songs and it came naturally that I can hold basic conversation and i get 95% of what DBSK say in Japanese (because their vocab is limited like me too haha)~~~

I want to learn Japanese too tho... but until i've mastered Korean....

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they are all filthy slimeball traitors scum of the earths.....

....every person learning a langauge is diff. they have their reasons.

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Sort of off topic, but according to the news, knowing two languages fluently may help keep the brain more active, and it may even protect it against senile dementia for longer.

Anyway, maybe people are just too proud, but I honestly can't see why it should be shunned upon if a non native wanted to learn a different language.

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Well it's a good thing, as long as they take it seriously. I mean, some people just want to learn some swears in a different language so they can point at people and swear and laugh and people wouldn't know what they're saying.

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Guest dr jung

Whenever customers at my work try speaking Korean to me, especially war veterans, I feel honored that they know some Korean.. I met this one gentleman who was pretty fluent after all the years. I don't laugh at them or anything. My co-worker also knows some Korean because she's been working there for about 3 years. She says "yuh bo se yo" like a real Korean person and people on the phone sometimes get confused. LOL

I can understand Japanese almost perfectly, but I'm not so hot with writing. I e-mail my cousin in Japan everyday, and she corrects me every time I make a mistake. I think if you take what you're doing seriously, there is no need to feel embarrassed or discouraged just because you make a mistake or two. It's all about the process. (:

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Guest tengteng


Seriously, I think people who want to learn another language and have the money too is wow!!

I wish I can be like them too.

Even if their accent sounds weird, the most is you laugh abit, like a joke but not in a mean way.

I think the most disagraceful thing is that you can speak a foreign language fluently but you can't speak your own mother tongue(as in you did learn the mother tongue but still can't get it).

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Guest claudiaitaliana

My mother tongue language is Arabic

I speak English (as I'm going to be an English as a second language teacher :blush: )

I understand and can form short sentences in indian and italian

In prograss of learning Korean I can understand few words and say them :sweatingbullets:

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Guest remember

I can Swedish, English and Cantonese

Understan Norweighen, Taiwanese <-- poor

Lerning Korean right now and later on when I have some time Japanes and Spanish. Once in a life time I understode spanish, but poor had that in my class but today everything is goon. sight

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Guest mimi1931


cantanese<-forgot how to write but can read

Mandarin<-same for this one ^

french <- school, need to learn but suck at it

understand korean but cant speak

want to learn

spanish, korean, japanese

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Guest rotten_sherry

Only Indonesian beside of common English. I learned bit Chinese and Korean. Oh, I am very fluent with Javanese too, ^o^

Joeun nal!


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Guest oxnouieox

i speak english, of course, duh.

laotian; somewhat kinda fluent. don't know the WHOLE language.

thai; not that fluent, i can understand and speak a teeny bit.

french; i'll be learning that language later

korean; i'm learning but i haven't started. >.<

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I grew up speaking Korean and English fluently. After living in Europe for 10 years without my Korean momma my knowledge of Korean desserted me lol.

I still understand Korean moderately but I am RElearning it, still speak English FLUENTLY haha and I know some French and Spanish which I am also starting to pick back up. I am on a mission to speak those four languages fluently. Of course, the latter two were learned in middle and high school and I only see Koreans now so.....they're on the backburner.

I also started to pick up a lot of Japanese from waching anime with my old roomie. I taught my dog how to sit in Korean/Japanese/English hahaha

But my moderate knowledge of those languages is the result of being an army brat.

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English, Korean, Japanese, French, (Tiny bits of Mandarin). I heard from a Chinese person that Cantonese has a lot of words that are related to Korean's Chinese-based words. Trade language type of stuff and that's what is used in Japanese as well.

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